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This thesis would not have been possible without the help of several people to whom I want to express my sincere gratitude, in particular:

Hareth Nahi, my main supervisor, for introducing me to the research of multiple myeloma and for all your patience, commitment and encouragement through these years, in research as well as in clinical practice.

Gösta Gahrton, my co-supervisor, for your broad scientific knowledge, wise inputs and supportive comments.

Evren Alici, my co-supervisor, for contributing with your laboratory experience, for your enthusiasm and for your attitude that everything is possible.

Johan Aschan, my co-supervisor, for your diligence, for being supportive of my work and for giving good advice.

Hareth’s and Evren’s groups: Johan Lund, Johan Liwing, Tolga Sutlu, Adil Doganay Duru, Michael Chrobok, Ann Wallblom and Birgitta Stellan for the collaboration through the years.

All the co-authors of the papers.

All superiors who over the years have given me time for research.

All colleagues and nurses at Hematologiskt Centrum. It is great working with you all!

Family and friends; especially my husband Mats, my mother Britta, my father Sven and my brother Markus.


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