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From the bottom of my heart I want to thank all of you who have, in one way or the other, contributed to the marvelous journey this project has been. First of all I want to thank all those people with SCI I have met during these years. You are my teachers and I’m deeply grateful.

Richard Levi, my main supervisor, thank you for your courage in inviting me to the

“land of Science”. Thank you also for providing me with an atlas of research geography and teaching me how to navigate in a sometimes inaccessible environment even though it was, at the same time, an absolutely breathtaking landscape. Your goal-oriented leadership in combination with your skill in providing me with the facilities necessary when conducting research in clinical settings has been essential. I’m grateful for your hard and devoted work to keep up the pace and focus of this long journey of discovery.

Åke Seiger, my co-supervisor. Thank you for coaching me through this project with warmth and confidence. That you shared with me your extensive experience of cooperation across boarders has been extremely valuable. The fact that you also shared with me your never-ending interest and curiosity in the scientific community, and always with a smile, and were ready to examine the situation from anew perspective, has had a major impact on my way of thinking.

Mark Nash, my co-supervisor at Miami University, thank you for sharing your expertise and experiences from the scientific field of SCI and CVD. You always opened your door and let me visit and work at your lab in Miami, it was very important for the progress of the project. Thank you also for introducing me to the fearless American way of doing research, “just do it”. This attitude has made a great impression on me. I have also always enjoyed the company of your family at dinners, family activities and chats at your home, thank you!

Clara Gumpert, my mentor, thank you for providing me with the mindset that has been necessary to complete this journey. The toolbox with mind-tools you have trained me with patience, it has been a gift I greatly appreciate.

Mats Pernhem, my manager and Rehab Station Stockholms CEO, thank you for providing me with the necessary facilities and focusing on sustainable and long-term solutions. Thank you also for being calm in “stormy weather” and showing the power to act when it was needed. Thank you for all the support you and Rehab Station Stockholm gave me during the project and especially during the final leg before the project was finished.

John Lewis, my friend, co-author and statistical-guide, thank you for your patience with my statistics language and for always taking time for statistical explanations.

Thank you also for sharing your sense of humour, thoughts, and last but not least, your delicious smoothies; they were healthy for both body and soul.

Claes Hultling, my friend and colleague as well as President of the Spinalis

Foundation, thank you for sharing your vision of life after SCI. Thank you also for all your support during this journey. It has been enjoyable and exiting at the same time.

Your way of showing and sharing your view of what a “good life” can be is refreshing and sometimes provoking, but one thing is clear, the SCI-community needs your passion and devotion now more than ever.

Anna-Carin Lagerström, my friend and colleague, thank you for sharing your idea and vision for implementing health-promotion in a rehabilitation setting. Thank you for refreshing discussions and fruitful collaboration during our “walk and talk -meetings”.

Göran Lagerström, chairman of Spinalis foundation, thank you for supporting the idea of health-promotion as an important factor in rehabilitation as well as in the long-term follow up after SCI. Thank you also for contributing to my PhD project with grants and practical issues, and last but not the least, thanks for engagement in the process of implementing and as well as disseminating information and knowledge to those who need it most both in the national and the international arena.

Ninni Westgren, co-author and former manager of Spinalis clinic, thank your for opening the Spinalis clinic to me and this project and for believing in me and supporting me during days of question marks.

Erika Nilsson, my friend, colleague and travel mate as well as member of the Spinalis foundation, thank you for being supportive and contributing with insight and for sharing your laugh. You are an example of the good combination of thoughtfulness and passion.

Gabriele Biguet, Malin Nygren-Bonnier and Carina Bostöm, my co-authors, thank you for fruitful and refreshing discussions throughout our joint projects. Thank you also for sharing you special physiotherapy perspectives and experiences.

Jonas Eriksson Björling and Lars Werhagen, my colleagues. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience in the SCI-field especially during the data collection phase.

Staff at Rehabstation Stockholm och Spinalis kliniken, thank you for sharing your expertise from your different fields, and for many discussions full of insight and laughter. Thanks also for your forbearance with my lack of mental presence during the completion of this project.

All of you in the Research and Development Unit at Rehab Station Stockhom and Spinalis clinic, thank you for interesting, exciting, and developing as well as fruitful discussions during the years.

Rekryteringsgruppen för aktiv rehabilitering, thanks to all of you who contributed to the broad cultivation and education I received in this field.

45 Rekryteringsgruppen.

Lasse, Annika, Gunilla och Lena, my colleagues, thank you for being positive and open-minded towards the project and as true role models implemented lifestyle-oriented activities in the rehabilitation setting at early stage.

Rita, my colleague, thank you for interesting discussions and for saving me from drowning in the ocean of references.

Marika, my colleague, thank you for being calm and supportive in tricky situations.

The gang in Miami, thanks for making my visits to the Miami Project fun and

instructive. Special tanks to Patricia for practical guidance in the lab and Rachel thanks for your company and for sharing scientific and life related thoughts, it’s always cultivating to talk with you.

Anne Sinnott and Lisa Harvey, my international physio-colleagues down under, thank you for developing the physio-field and contributing to international networking. Thank you also for sharing your experience and your dedicated drive.

Jan Aronsson and Akis Theodoridis, my philosophical teachers, thank you for guiding me in the amazing labyrinth called philosophy, it has been challenging and often thought-provoking. In many perspectives it also has been a great complement to the PhD project regarding different views on ethical dilemmas, structured and critical thinking as well as interesting world views.

Elisabeth, Maria and Sofia, thank you for your professional secretary assistance.

Carola, Lydia, Anette and Gunilla, Thank you for supporting me with all the practical issues around the economics and administration.

Inka, Carin, Madde, Malin, Anestis, Doro, Emilie, Anna and Stephen, my friends and colleagues, thank you for your support and friendship. Thank you also for interesting and developing discussions and of course for sharing life issues in a broad sense from laughter to serious talks.

Cecilia Norrbrink, Marika Augutis, and Anna Bjerkefors, my friends and colleagues and travel mates, thank you for showing me that it is possible to reach a goal in many different ways. Thank you also for always very generously sharing your knowledge and experience as well as your drive for research and developing projects in this field.

Finally, thank you for sharing life thoughts.

Katarzyna Trok, my friend, thank you for being such a role model and showing us how it is possible to create something very positive for others in this world. Thank you for being my true friend always supportive and loving, no matter what.

Härmed, thanks for long friendship, countless interesting activities, life-affirming conversations and delicious dinners, Härmed!

Biggan and Verner, Solveig and Staffan as well as Anita and Kjell, thank you for very very long friendship and for being such great buddies. Thank you also for being there and that you always open your homes, hearts and minds for me, you are important people in my life.

Enid och Göran, my parents, thank you for love and support.

William, Clarence and Claudia, my kids, no words are worthy to describe the significance of your existence. Thank you for being there and sharing my life.

Rolf, my husband, thank you for sharing my everyday life and for being supportive, calm and for being patient with all my new ideas and projects. Last but not least, thank you for sharing your positive life philosophy and your sense of humour, which saves us almost every day. Thank you for your love!

This project was made possible with grants from; Norrbacka-Eugenia Foundation, The Spinalis Foundation, The Swedish Association for Persons with Neurological Disabilities, The Swedish Association for Survivors of Accident, Praktikertjänst (Research and Development Board), Cancer and Traffic Injury Fund, and Stockholm County Council.


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