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I would like to give my warmest gratitude to colleagues, friends and family for all help and support during the years I have been working on this thesis;

My main supervisor Jan Wahlström, thank you for an amazing journey through all fields of immunology! Thank you for always being so enthusiastic about each and every result and for being a biobank of scientific knowledge. This has been the time of my life and you are truly a source of inspiration.

My co-supervisors;

Johan Grunewald, thank you for your big scientific and clinical input during all these years, and for always taking everything to a higher level.

Anders Eklund, I am very greatful for your never-ending personal encouragement, for strengthening me as a person, and for always taking time to share your great knowledge in medicine.

My co-authors; Farah Idali, Mahyar Ostadkarampour, Håkan Mellstedt, Hodjattallah Rabbani, Matthew Willett, Edward Chen and David Moller, thank you for sharing your knowledge in science and experimental setups, and for all good discussions.

My colleagues at the lung clinic; in particular, the wonderful research nurses, Heléne Blomqvist, Margitha Dahl and Gunnel de Forest, thank you for your great support, for always being so positive and kind, and for spreading a cheerful atmosphere wherever we are in the world! Emma Karlsson, thank you for help with tricky papers and other stuff, and for all nice chats!

Berit Olsson, thank you for fun times in the FACS room!

My family at Lung lab, present and former members; Thank you for unforgettable years!

Charlotta, thank you for all the fun we have had around the world, for always being so helpful, and for all supportive words – it really means a lot! Micke, thank you for all great times at conferences and holidays! Please, come back to Stockholm – I miss you!

Abraham, thank you for being my great bicycle-buddy back home from work, and thanks for all crazy times – you really make me laugh (a lot)! Betti, thank you for all fun times at work and outside, and for two amazing trips to my Paradise on Earth – Itacaré♥Brazil! Marija, thank you for being so sensible about things that spin around in my head, and for always having time for a supportive hug! Helena, thank you for being so nice to hang out with, and for always being helpful and kind! Kie, thank you for very good company during late evenings in the lab, and for always being so kind and supportive! Benita E, thank you for all inspiring chats about exercise and other

lab! Mahyar, thank you for really good team work! Muntasir, thank you for being such a generous person, and for always having a happy smile! Farah, thank you for everything you have thought me in the lab, and for being such a kind person! Ulrika, thank you for all fun lunches and chats! Caroline, thank you for all help with tricky immunohistochemistry slides, and for always being so nice to talk to! Åsa, Daniel, Pernilla, Ernesto, Magnus S, AnnSofi, Adrian, Lukas, Cecilia, Malin, Tove, Karin, Marianne, Magnus N, Longping, Luca and Magnus L, thank you for making Lung lab the great place to be!

My friends outside Lung lab;

My Lovely Jenny, thank you for lightening up my days by sending parcels, all the way from the U.K., with my favourite liquorice (mumsfilibaba)! You are really great! Mark, you are such a nice person, and little Sam – I am really looking forward to finally meet you!

Ying, Susanne, Hanna, Johanna, Maria L, Andreas, Monika and Jill, thank you for making my holidays and weekends so great!

My singing birds; Sandra, Malin, Cecilia, Kajsa and Camilla, thank you for all lovely tunes and fun times!

Victor C, thank you for your great pep-talk – that was exactly what I needed!

My Kickboxing friends; Fredrik, thank you for all great fighting and big support – you are a true energy source! Diana, thank you for all good times - yummy coffees, music and cheery chats!

Maggie, thank you for being an amazing person, for teaching me about life, and for all big laughs!

Jossan, thank you for being my friend for almost all my life! Now it´s time for lots of catch-up fika! And Leon, you are such a charmer!

Helga, thank you for being a really good friend for all these years! Your big support, all fika and chats, trips around the world, and much, much more, have been the very best!

Maria B, thank you for being such a great friend in each and every way - what would I do without you?! Also thanks to Per, Anna and my favourite little Lydia for very nice gatherings!

Eva, the best piano teacher ever ♫ Thank you for your great support, for all good coffee and fika, and for all nice discussions about everything! I promise you, I will become a better student from now on ☺!

AnnMari and Kristina, thank you for invaluable support.

My family;

Ylva, my cousin and friend, thank you for all good times!

Bettan, thank you for being like an extra-mummy – you are a wonderful aunt! Nikolai and Aeneas, thank you for all nice gatherings and dinners during my 28 years in life!

Kristoffer, även om det har varit många mil emellan oss har du hela tiden haft en särskild plats i mitt hjärta. Tack för att du finns.

Simba, världens finaste katt, tack för att du hållit mig sällskap när jag suttit och skrivit om nätterna!

Victor, min ögonsten och lillebror – du förgyller verkligen mitt liv med bus och galna upptåg! En jättestor kram till dig för att du hjälpte mig med framsidan till denna bok, och TACK för att du är en toppenbror på alla sätt och vis!

Mamma och pappa, tack för att ni alltid finns vid min sida.

Ni betyder verkligen allt för mig!


The work in the present thesis was supported by grants from the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation, King Oscar II Jubilee Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Mats Kleberg Foundation, Söderberg Foundation, the Stockholm County Council, and Karolinska Institutet.

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