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I have had the privilege to work with numerous people who all contributed to this work in many different ways. Without you this thesis would have never been possible. I am very grateful to all of you! Thank you so much!

My main supervisor Niklas Björkström. Niklas, thank you for believing in me! It was a privilege to be your first PhD student and I am grateful to have had all these opportunities and freedom to mature. Thanks for always finding time for discussions, feedback, and encouragement. Your enthusiasm for science is truly inspiring.

My co-supervisors Annika Bergquist, Jenny Mjösberg and Nicole Marquardt. Annika, your enthusiasm for PSC research is simply amazing. You made me believe that PSC is the most important research topic ever. Thanks for your support over the years, for trying to explain things from a clinical perspective and your understanding and interest! Jenny, thanks for always checking if things are in place! It was great to know that I can always rely on you and your team. Nicole, for being a good friend and co-supervisor! You´ve been there from the beginning until the end. Thank you for helping me to get started in the lab, perform my analysis, fruitful discussions, giving advice, fikas, trips, listening and very importantly sharing the passion for chocolate! I strongly believe that people who “complained” about our loud laughter are just jealous J

My mentor, Eva Sverremark-Ekström. Thank you for all your support for the past 7 years and for being such a caring person. Without you accepting me as a student, I would not have come back to Sweden and would simply not be where I am now.

Anna Norrby Teglund, Johan Sandberg, and Malin Flodström-Tullberg, for making CIM a nice place to work at.

All patients who contributed in these studies and all co-authors being part of this work!

Hans-Gustaf, thanks for your contribution and input along the way, especially to the DENV study!

Our collaborators in Singapore and Germany: Laura Rivino, Paul MacAry and Cheryl, thanks for collecting and providing all these samples and for having me in Singapore! I had a great time at DUKE NUS. Marcus Cornberg and Franziska Rinker, it was a pleasure to work with you! Thanks for sharing samples, ideas, having great discussions and especially for letting me part of your research. Franzi, who would have guessed that we will work together again. This was meant to be and simply amazing J

And of course, our collaborators here: Marcus B, Jakob M, Jeff M, Jonas K, and Carles, I am very grateful having you on board. Thanks for your contributions and all the discussions we had and will have in the future!

Ewa Ellis and her team, for providing liver perfusates. The ERCP team, for sample collection, especially Urban A and Marcus RH.

Margit Ekström, for taking care of all administrative work in the best possible way! Lena R, Elisabeth H, and Anette H, for keeping CIM together that without you would simply fall apart.

Big thanks to all my group members: Martin C, Ben, Lena B, Natalie, Jonna, Laura H, Otto, Martin I, Isabella, Iva, and Lotta. You are a fantastic team and make work very enjoyable! Thanks, everyone for your support, the humorous discussions, and a great time in and outside the lab!

Everyone being associated to our group: Julia H, thanks for spreading your happiness! It was always fun to have you around. Erik v S, Ylva, and Erik B, having you at CIM was fantastic. I hope you will spend some more time with us whenever you want to escape from your clinical duties J Thank you Erik v S for explaining the world of clinicians to me!

Tanvi and Kristina, thanks for your kindness and fun we had.

Our research nurses, Lotta, Pia, Britt-Marie, and Sirje! Without you, translational research would not be possible! Lotta, you were sent from heaven being probably the happiest, most efficient and energetic person on earth J

Julia U and Joana, I am grateful to have met you, for your friendship, all the fun and little adventures we had and hopefully will have. Julia, for being such a caring, open, calorie-sharing, Ohrschläppelie-crazy person. You often made my day in the lab, on the sofa, or during trips in the archipelago. Joana, you have always been there, for any private or MAIT-related issues.

Present and past CIMers. Having you as colleagues has been fantastic. Thank you for the friendly atmosphere, your kindness, and all the fun at conferences in Canada, USA, Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Germany and Sweden! Good words and sharing chocolate, cake, nuts, croissants and many other things kept me alive during good and bad times J

My office mates in various constellations. Kimia, Otto, Magda M, and Isabel, thanks for making our office “the cosy one”. Tiphaine, Kimi, Alvaro, Luca, Caroline, Helena and Quirin, for having fun and great discussions about life and whatever came to our minds. All former office mates, especially Kim B, Sofia B, Monika E, Magda L, and Tim H. I am very grateful for your help and advice. I learnt a lot from you! Thanks for sharing your experience.

All other present and past PhD students and postdocs at CIM: Ginny, JB, Sebastian, Anna R, Anna C, Themis, Angelica, Tyler, Veronika, Aline P, Ebba, Egle, Helena S, Elza, Emma R, Marie, Michal, Natta, Puran, Jagadeesh, Renata, Johanna E, Johanna S, Janne, Johanna T, Marina, Arlisa, Mily, Senait, Edwin, Aline v A, Marianne, Soile, Lisa, David, Srikanth, Bhavya, Shawon, Martha, Emma S, Heinrich, Lamberto, Jacob T, Sam, Hongya, Vikki, Erna, Nikolai, Margit, Su, Pär, Sush, Dom, Vivien, and everyone who recently arrived and anyone I might have forgotton.

All other PIs, for making CIM a nice place and giving good comments in SAP seminars.

Egle D, thank you for so many years of friendship! I always remember all our adventures with a smile J Matthias V, for numerous fikas, after works, and especially your friendship.

Ela, Fabrizio, Davide, Lorenzo, Roupen, and Francesca, for all the good times at concerts,

parties, fikas and other things. Martin W for dragging me out to Lida, Paradiset, and Höga kusten. Michael C, for good times at and outside work, all our discussions, fikas and sharing your K562s. Sandra, Angelina, and Magali, my “ethics girls”, you made the most boring course the best one. Thanks for that and all the fantastic times at our “non-plannable” dinners.

Anja R, thanks for your company at SATS, for all your advice on PhD-related activities and career planning. Thank you “Spoletorp gang”, Nathalie, Hidi and Marius, for the fantastic start of my Sweden adventures.

My “homies” Lara, Steffi, Anke, Eva, Jule, Freddy and Lena, I am so grateful for having you in my life. Thank you for 20 years of friendship and for coming to Sweden! You are the people who make home “my home” and always remind me of all the other important things in life.

My family, Mama, Papa und Susanne. Ich danke Euch dafür, dass ihr immer an mich geglaubt habt. Mama und Papa, vielen Dank für Eure bedingungslose Unterstützung! Egal was ich vor hatte, Ihr habt es mir ermöglicht! Ich weiß, Ihr ward in dieser Zeit immer an meiner Seite.

Moritz, having you by my side means everything to me! Danke für deine Unterstützung, unzählbare Flüge nach Stockholm und das unersättliche Interesse daran die Welt zu verstehen.

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