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Agronomic implications and future perspectives

“Unless the quantity of P in the soil P reserves is known together with its rate of release, it is not possible to predict how long the reserves will last”

Syers et al. (2008)

There was a shift in concept in the late 1900s regarding the behaviour and dynamics of P in agricultural soils, from considering that soil P exists in discrete fractions (most irreversibly ‘fixed’) to viewing soil P as reversibly sorbed and available for plant uptake over long-term. Nevertheless, the idea of measuring

‘plant-available P’ by a single soil extraction persists. With current knowledge about the dynamics of soil P, a more appropriate assessment would be to estimate: i) the size of the P pool in direct contact with the soil solution, and ii) the rate of replenishment of this pool (Jordan‐Meille et al., 2012; Syers et al., 2008). In this thesis, P-Olsen extraction was shown to provide a good estimate of the P pool in direct contact with the soil solution, while the ratios of P-Olsen/P-CaCl2 and P-ox/P-Olsen provided estimates of the replenishment rates from the fast- and slow-desorbing P pools, respectively. All three of these extractions are simple to perform and can be done routinely. However, the added value of the use of multiple P tests needs to be assessed in future studies.

The change in P-Olsen, P-AL and P-ox after long-term cropping with four different levels of P addition revealed that the soil P balance was most strongly related to the change in P-ox over time and more weakly, but still significantly, related to the change in the other fractions. According to multiple linear regression modelling, the most important soil property for the change in P-Olsen and P-ox in response to long-term fertilization was exchangeable Ca2+. Soils with a higher concentration of exchangeable Ca2+ also had a larger pool of free P ions, estimated by E1 min, at a given P-Olsen value, and a larger contribution of residual fertiliser P to the E1 min pool. The importance of exchangeable Ca2+

7 Agronomic implications and future

might be connected to the increase in CaP with fertilisation demonstrated by XANES speciation, but can also be due to Ca2+ promoting sorption of the negative P ions by increasing the net charge of soil particles. The size of the E1 day − E1 min, and E3 months − E1 day pools at a given P-Olsen value were larger at lower soil pH or at higher concentration of Al-ox + Fe-ox. Using XANES, an increase in P bound to Al and Fe with fertilisation was found in five of the six soils studied, confirming the importance of Al and Fe minerals for the long-term changes in soil P pools. In conclusion, the most important properties governing the studied soils ability to retain fertiliser P in forms likely to be available for plant uptake were the concentration of exchangeable Ca2+, the concentration of oxalate extractable Al and Fe, and the soil pH.

The differences in yield response to P fertilisation between the sites cannot be solely explained by differences in the size or availability of the various P pools. This highlights the fact that chemical availability is only a part of the full picture regarding plant P uptake, and raises questions about the possible integration of soil P test and biological or physical measures. In the mass P balances calculated in this thesis, the possible role of the subsoil was highlighted.

According to the P balances, considerable amounts of P are transferred to and from the subsoil over time, a process that needs to be taken into account in soil P management strategies. Finding ways to identify soils such as Högåsa where high P fertilisation is needed to obtain good yields in spite of relatively high P-Olsen values, possibly due to a compact subsoil, is essential for sustainable P management. Future research should seek to determine when the correct response to low yields is to increase P fertilisation, or when other measures such as improving soil structure may be more important.

At only one of the six studied locations, grain yields of winter wheat, barley, and oat declined over time in the treatments with no P addition. The average yield in the no P treatments were lower than in the treatments receiving P fertiliser, but the difference were not always significant. This shows that the soils ability to deliver P for plant uptake stayed relatively constant during the experimental time, even if the amount of P delivered was not always enough to obtain optimal grain yields. Additionally, we found that for most of the studied soils, all with a long history of cultivation and fertiliser addition before the start of the experiments, a management practice where P removed by harvest is replaced the following rotation decreased the P-Olsen and P-AL values without any substantial grain yield loss. This, combined with the consistent yields in the unfertilized treatments, even with low P-Olsen and P-AL values, suggests that a

“P in balance” approach to grain production could be beneficial even at lower than recommended P-Olsen and P-AL values.

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