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Annex D2: Interview and Observation notes Author: Patrik Nilsson

Test 1


Användaren ritar vilt i luften - kul? Första mönstret var lätt avklarat.

Andra mönstret var svårare​, ​användaren verkar försöka följa storleken på bokens mönster. Tredje mönstret var särskilt svårt ​-​ användaren försökte inte följa mönstret uniformt.​ Med hjälp av kontrollpunkterna gick det lätt att fullfölja mönstret.

Fjärde mönstret var svårt. ​Användaren försökte ännu en gång inte följa mönstret uniformt.


Vissa gick bra, andra var ​för noggranna.

Att rita fjärde mönstret var frustrerande. ​Den verkade på måfå inte förstå att man ritade ett S. Det var oklart hur stort mönstret behövde vara.

Canvas var vilseledande, då den var så liten. Det var krångligt att återkalla en gammal spell. Inget lagg upplevdes.

Samtliga mönster kändes naturligt att rita.

Det var liten felmarginal på fjärde mönstret, vilket gjorde att det kändes mer clunky.

Det borde vara möjligt att lära sig dessa mönster för användning i stressiga.​ ​De mer graciösa mönstren hade varit svårare att rita i stressiga situationer​, ​medan raka sträck hade inte varit några problem.

Test 2


First pattern was a success.

Second pattern was more difficult,​ seemingly caused by the illusion of constraints of the canvas. Third pattern was somewhat easy to grasp​,​ but difficult to succeed with, ​even with the control points.

Fourth pattern was difficult to succeed with,​ seemingly as ​the user was trying to draw an S as they would write one, not trying to follow the pattern as shown​.


The ​depth perception ​was an issue when trying to follow the control points. Nothing was experienced as particularly difficult.

It was ​challenging to draw the third and fourth pattern​. ​It shouldn’t be a problem once you get used to the patterns.

It felt natural​, save for the depth perception issue. ​The control points helped​, and ​the accuracy of the system’s interpretation was good. It does not feel like the patterns were bad​, it was just ​challenging to succeed without practice​. The canvas was also misleading, as it was so small.

Test 3


First pattern and second was difficult to complete​, probably because of the illusion of being constrained by the canvas size. ​Once the user knew they didn’t have to stay within the small canvas, they were easier to complete. The third pattern was easy to ​spawn the control points​, but​ the user had some trouble following them​. The user then failed repeatedly, as​ they didn’t draw the pattern uniformly, according to the shown pattern​.

Fourth pattern wa​s difficult​, as it seemed that ​the user was trying to draw an S as they would write one​. It was easier to complete after learning the third pattern.


Without prior experience, it felt like learning the controls was a big issue. It was very satisfying to succeed with the spells.

It was hard​, ​because the pattern needed to be very exact to succeed.​ A need for less accurate spells would be preferable, especially during real gameplay.

The first pattern would’ve been easier if they knew beforehand how to do it. The fourth pattern was experienced as the most difficult.

The patterns seemed to be possible to learn. It would be cool if you could combine patterns.

It felt quite natural to draw the patterns. ​The drawing the user expected to draw to complete a pattern was not what the system expected the user to draw.

No lag or particular discomfort was experienced.

It was frustrating when the user had drawn the correct pattern​,​ but the system still did not draw the correct pattern​. This might have been caused by a misplacement of the canvas.

Test 4


First pattern was successful.

Second pattern was more​ difficult​, because the pattern required the user to b​e uniformal in their drawing​. Once the control points were shown, it was​ easy f​or the user to recreate the pattern.

Third pattern was​ not very difficult to follow. Causing the control points to appear wasn’t a problem​. ​Despite following the control points, it was difficult to succeed with the pattern.

Fourth pattern was ​difficult to succeed wit​h, probably because the user was trying to ​draw an S as they would write one, not as uniform as the pattern requires.


It was​ difficult to d​raw in VR, but it f​elt good and fun​. First pattern was easy,​ the ​third pattern was difficult.

All patterns caused frustration ​as the ​user expected the drawn pattern to work. The patterns were too strict with how exact they needed to be drawn.

No discomfort or lag was experienced.

It felt natural to draw the patterns,​ but ​the required accuracy was a nuisance.

If the system would be used for stressful situations, ​the accuracy would need to be less strict. ​With more practice it would probably be easier to draw the patterns successfully.

Test 5


First pattern was easily succeeded. ​The user quickly learned how the game worked.

Second pattern succeeded immediately. ​The user understood that they were being sloppy when they failed. Third pattern​ showed the control points ​after one attempt. It was soon after successful. Recreating the pattern was relatively easy.

Fourth pattern was more difficult. The user seemed to not be drawing this particular shape as uniform as the pattern showed.


It felt more fluid than expected. The instructions were clear, and after the initial tutorial it was clear how the controls worked.

The fourth pattern was particularly difficult​. It was difficult because it felt to the user like ​the S was drawn naturally, but it still failed​. The control points made the spell a lot easier.

It felt natural to draw the patterns.​ Nothing felt particularly ​frustrating, except for the S​. ​This is probably because the S shape is associated with writing the letter S.

The straight lines of the two first patterns felt better​ than the two latter. When the control points for the third pattern was given the required pattern was forgotten, ​and ​drawing straight lines to finish the spell felt more natural.

Test 6


First pattern was successful.

Second pattern was successful ​after getting the control points.

Third pattern was more difficult to complete. ​With the control points the spell was easily done​. Recreating the pattern without the control points was not done.

Fourth pattern was also difficult.​ ​It seems that the user is trying to draw an S as they would write it, and not following the pattern’s uniform shape. After many attempts the user was instructed to follow the pattern’s proportional shape, and the user was able to access the control points,​ ​and eventually learned the pattern rather well.


Drawing felt interesting.​ It felt natural to draw the patterns.

The fourth pattern was difficult,​ but overall the user ​doesn’t think any pattern was clunky, but rather fluid​. The user thinks that it’s hard to make the fourth pattern, as they have ​bad handwriting. The user is also

left-handed,​ and​ usually does not use their right hand to write letters. The user admits that the issue could also be that they are trying to write an S, rather than drawing the symbol.

The system would probably be usable in stressful situations, ​with more training. Even the fourth pattern would be more feasible with more training.

Test 7


Det första mönstret var inga problem.

Det andra mönstret ​fick användaren fram kontrollpunkterna​ för.

Det tredje mönstret hade användaren svårt att följa den uniforma mönstret.

Det fjärde mönstret försökte användaren först rita ett vanligt S, så som de skulle skrivit ett S i text. ​Efter flera försök fick användaren in rätt teknik för att lätt skapa mönstret.

Användaren försökte till en början göra väldigt små mönster, till stor del. ​Efter en del träning kunde användaren rita mönstren relativt snabbt, och få goda resultat.


Det kändes wonky att rita.​ ​Mönstren kändes för exakta​.​ Det första mönstret var särskilt lätt​, ​medan den tredje var svår o​ch ​frustrerande.

Det kändes naturligt att rita mönstren​, ​men det var svårt att få till andra till fjärde. Upplevde inget lagg eller obehag.

Endast det första mönstret hade fungerat i en stressig situation. Även med mer träning skulle precisionen behöva tonas ner.

Test 8


Första mönstret gick lätt att rita.

Andra mönstret gick sämre, förmodligen pga. att användaren ritade ett för litet mönster. ​När användaren försökte göra mönstret större gick det bättre att rita mönstret.

Tredje mönstret gjorde användaren en större snurr än nödvändigt.​ Användaren lyckades till slut att rita mönstret utan kontrollpunkter.

Fjärde mönstret gick relativt lätt att rita​. ​Användaren fick fram kontrollpunkterna,​ och ritade då lätt av mönstret.


Det kändes klumpigt att rita​. Användaren tror att det kan vara pga. att de gjorde för stora rörelser. ​Det tredje mönstret var svår att göra, ​och det andra mönstret var svårt till en början, men blev ​lättare när användaren listade ut hur mönstret skulle ritas. ​Det var frustrerande​ när användaren ritat ett mönster som de trodde var korrekt. Bättre feedback hade uppskattats, t.ex. att kontrollpunkterna dök upp oftare/lättare.

Det kändes mer clunky att rita mönstrena, särskilt det tredje mönstret. ​Användaren tror att det kan vara på grund av dålig referens till hur mönstret skulle se ut. En tydligare guide för hur mönstret skulle ritas tros ha gett bättre resultat.

I stressiga situationer hade systemet fungerat t.ex. om fiender rörde sig långsammare medan man ritade mönstren. ​Med mer träning hade definitivt alla mönster ​förutom det tredje varit lätt att rita rätt​. ​Det tredje mönstret kan varit lätt med träning, tillsammans med tydligare direktiv för hur det ska ritas.

Test 9


First pattern was done without fail.

Second pattern failed repeatedly,​ probably because the user was drawing a small pattern. Third pattern gave the control points quickly​, ​and following them made it easy to complete it. Fourth pattern was done perfectly.


It felt more fun to draw in VR than in the real world.

It felt natural to draw the patterns. The fourth pattern was particularly fluid to draw​, ​while the third pattern felt more clunky​. The user believes it might be an issue of how the pattern is portrayed, and better instruction on how to draw it would yield better feeling to the user.

The user did not experience any lag, or any discomfort.

Holding down the grip while drawing was the only ​frustrating​ issue.

Test 10


First pattern was drawn without failure.

Second pattern was drawn with ease​. 3 times tried.

Third pattern gave the control points after one try​.​ After a few tries the user succeeded.

Fourth pattern started off being drawn as a regular S, with a large bottom. ​The second try was successful​.


It felt good​ ​except for the third pattern. To get it exactly as how the system required was a challenge. Nothing else was particularly difficult.​ ​To be able to place the canvas manually made it easy to know how to draw​. A system where the canvas was automatically detecting the direction would be even better.

It felt natural to draw the symbols​. It felt like with more training it would be very fluid to draw the symbols and use in stressful situations.​ Some patterns were too strict on the precision​, but with more training it would probably not be a problem.​ Making the system more generous with the precision would probably make it better. No lag or discomfort was experienced.

Test 11


First pattern was done successfully.

Second pattern gave the control points after a few tries.​ ​It was then successfully drawn repeatedly​. After a first attempt, the control points of the third pattern were given​,​ which let the user complete it​.

Fourth pattern was more difficult, as the user was trying to draw an S symbol, rather than to follow the symbol as shown.


It felt weird to write in VR because the patterns required too precise drawings​. ​It would be easier to follow the instructions of a pattern on real paper, rather than in the air​. With better visual guidelines it would be easier to follow the patterns, which would make training easier.

It felt natural to draw,​ ​but the patterns felt unresponsive​. ​It felt like the correct drawings were still incorrect. The two first patterns worked well​,​ but the patterns with curves needed very precise movements​, ​which made them much more difficult to recreate. As the system is now, the more advanced patterns would not be viable in a stressful environment.

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