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aurantiacum — Landsvägen på jordhög V om bilverkstaden vid Kättered.

H. auricula. — a.

H. stenolepis. t. a. exv. S om Dammtjärn, NV om Skår, St. Knipen, berget NO om jvst., S om Långeslätt, Ekered, V om Sagsjön m. fl. pi.

H. umbellatum. — a.


Vascular Plants in the Parish of Lindome on the Swedish south-west coast.

The parish of Lindome is situated about 20 km south of Gothen­ burg, but it never reaches the sea. The length of the area is 17.5 km. Its greatest width is 7 km. The bedrock is principally composed of quarz and feldspar minerals.

Climatically, Lindome is influenced by its vicinity to the coast. The average temperature for January keeps between 0° and -1°C, and for July at about 4 16°C. At higher altitudes as well as at greater distances from the sea the temperature drops somewhat. The humidity of the interior is also considerably greater than that of the coastal region. The annual average precipitation has been recorded as between 800 and 900 mm.

The valley of the Lindome stream, which narrows off towards the east, is surrounded by a sort of plateau, often more than 100 m high. rl his plateau is, broadly speaking, a tract of uncultivated country with plenty of small lakes, bogs and morass, which has escaped the direct influence of the postglacial sea. Characteristic of the flora in this part of the region is above all the occurrence of Andromeda polyfolia, Erica tetralix, Narthecium ossifragum, Molinia, Myrica gale etc.

On the slopes towards the river, at Ihe church and in several other places, there are powerful strata of sand and gravel. Here have, among other plants, been registered Anemone pulsatilla,

Berteroa incana, Thymus serpyllum and Convolvulus arvensis.

In the deep forest to the east, there are as ground-vegetation occasionally certain species of a boreal-montane type that have come in from the north and north-east. To this group of North- Swedish or Middle-Swedish plants may, among others, be referred Linnaea borealis, Goodyera repens, Listera cordata, Carex magellanica and—more seldom—Calamagrostis purpurea, Stellaria longifolia and Chimaphila umbellata, which avoid the plains and are, as a rule, more frequent in the mountainous and colder interior.

The south-west part of Lindome is characterized by, among other things, a number of lakes with a rich reed vegetation. In the water or near it occur Cicuta virosa, Ranunculus lingua, Typha angustifolia and others; in the neighbouring marsh-meadows are found Dactylor- chis incarnata, Sherardia arvensis, Pedicularis palustris, Cornus


suecica. In more mountainous and dryer districts oak-groves are predominant. Among other species in these gentler regions are noted Melica uniflora, Primula veris, Corydalis fabacea, Campanula latifolia, Milium effusum etc. — Gentianella baltica, a typically coastal plant, has only been found in the western part of the area. It avoids the higher and colder interior, while Galium saxatile, on the other hand, is common in the east but absent in the west.

The island-like hills on Lindome Plain as well as the steep ground cuttings north of the Lindome stream generally present a warmer micro-climate than the rest of the area. This favours the occurrence of certain more demanding species. Among these are noted Lathyrus niger, Astragalus glycyphyllus, Cotoneaster melanocarpus, Satureja vulgaris, Holcus mollis, Trifolium aureum and others. — Of particular botanical interest are the recent finds of Geranium palustre and Luzula congesta, whose occurrence on the West Coast is limited to the Gothenburg district and ils surroundings.

The varying conditions of altitude and climate naturally affect plant life in several ways. With regard to the occurrence and distribu­ tion of certain species at a short or a long distance from the coast, and to the occurrence of other plants exclusively in higher and colder regions etc., we may perhaps, in certain respects look upon Lindome as a border territory where species from different phytogeographical groups meet and intermingle. In accordance with Hulten’s division into groups (Hultén 1950) some of the species found in the area are classified below:

Group 1. Atlantic species: Gentianella baltica, Apium inundatum, Eleocharis multicaulis, Narthecium ossifragum, Lonicera periclymenum etc.

Group 2. Subatlantie species: Melica uniflora, Hypericum humi- fusum, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Hedera helix, Pilularia globulifera, Cardamine hirsuta, Geranium dissectum, Senecio viscosus, Carex hostiana, Fagus silvatica etc.

Group 3. Continental species: Anemone pulsatilla, Luzula nemo- rosa, Lathyrus niger, Vicia cassubica, Actaea spicata, Melampyrum cristatum, Carex appropinquata, Inula scdicina, Stellaria palustris and others. In addition there are in the interior of the area, as has been pointed out earlier, several species with boreal habitat.

Certain newcomers among the Lindome plants are spreading quickly, above all Juncus macer, Epilobium adenocaulon och Thlaspi alpestre. Other species such as Agrostemma githago and Bromus

secalinus are evidently on the decline and have not been found in connection with the registering of species during recent years.

A number of adventitious species from the 1930s are reported from Dvärred. I hey spring from cotton refuse that has been used as manure. Altogether the plant list numbers 641 different species. Taraxaca, Hicracici and Rubi have not been subjected to a close examination.

The list of species follows in general Hylander’s nomenclature. ANVÄND LITTERATUR.

Ahlfvengren, Fr. E., 1924: Hallands Växter. Helsingborg.

Rergsten, Karl-Erik, 1952: Hallands klimat. — Natur i Halland, redi­ gerad av C. Skottsberg o. Kai Curry-Lindahl.

Rlom, Carl, 1927: Bidrag till kännedomen om Sveriges adventivflora. —


* > 1933: Bidrag till kännedomen om Sveriges adventivflora II. MGBT VIII.

,y > 1936: Bidrag till kännedomen om Sveriges adventivflora III. — MGBT XI.

—»—, 1939: Bidrag till kännedomen om Sveriges adventivflora. IV. — MGBT XIII.

”—» 1961: Bidrag till kännedomen om Sveriges adventiv- o. ruderatflora. V. — Acta Horti Gotoburgiensis, MGBT XXIV.

Borgvall, Iorsten, 1929: Växtgeografiska bidrag från Göteborgs-området samt angränsande delar av Västergötland o. Halland. — MGBT IV. —, 1931: Växtgeografiska bidrag från Västkustlandskapen. 1. — MGBT


—»—, 1933: Växtgeografiska bidrag från Västkustlandskapen. 2. — MGBT VIII.

Carlsson, Elof, 1963: Kärlväxtfloran i Björketorps och Sätila socknar i västligaste Sjuhäradsbygden. - Sv. Bot. Tidskrift, 57.

Hultén, Eric, 1950: Atlas över växternas utbredning i Norden. — Stock­ holm.

Hylander, Nils, 1955: Förteckning över Nordens växter, utg. av Lunds Bot. förening. 1. Kärlväxter. — Lund.

Hård av Segerstad, F., 1927: Sydsvenska växtlokaler. — Sv. Bot. Tidskrift, 21.

Lundegårdh, P. H. o. Sandegren, R., 1953: Beskrivning till kartbladet Särö. — Sveriges geolog, undersökning, ser. Aa, n:o 195. Stockholm.

Ohlander, Manne, 1960: Växtgeografiska bidrag från norra Halland. __

Sv. Bot. Tidskrift, 54.

Peterson, Bo, 1947: Bidrag till Hallands flora. MGBT XVII.

'*■ > 1952: Om floran i Halland. — Natur i Halland, redigerad av C.

Skottsbergo. Kai Curry-Lindahl.

Svensson, Sten, 1928: Halländska växtlokaler. - MGBT IV. Sv. Bot. Tidskr., 57 (1963): i

Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift. Bd 57, H. 4. 1963.

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