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Starting out as a doctoral student I did not really now what to expect from the up-coming years. Fresh out of medical school I had the opportunity to work as a physi-cian. This was also what “everybody” expected me to do. Instead I chose, what somebody once called, “a bunch of sheep in a basement in Solna”. Although it has not always been the easiest of times, looking back, I know that I did the correct choice. I got what I wanted: to think freely and to work freely, with scientific prob-lems that interested and challenged me.

However, this period would not have been rewarding in so many ways, if there was not for the contribution of a number of people. To you I wish to express my sincere gratitude.

Mats Rundgren. My tutor, my teacher, my dear friend. For giving me the op-portunity to explore what I thought was interesting and important. For guiding me in the choices I made with your extensive knowledge in physiology and sci-ence. The warmth, generosity and sense of humour you possess have been more than appreciated. In fact, your very special way of being has been completely in-dispensable for the initiation, the progress and the completion of this thesis.

Thank you.

Stefan Eriksson for your considerate personality and never-ending support. For always reacting positive to the, more or less, crazy ideas or requests I come up with. Thank you also for doing a great job running the department!

Hans Hjelmqvist and Johan Ullman, co-authors and predecessors as doctoral students in “Fårgruppen”. For always being helpful and aiding me in all kinds of ways. Johan especially for stimulating my early interest in statistics and for joint efforts in the complicated art of endotracheal intubations of sheep. Frida Bayard and Tor Svensson for not deserting me that strenuous and totally sun-free summer in the basement. For lucky chocolate and bad music. Azar Bahar-poor for always doing careful analyzes and being extremely helpful, although I more often than not give confusing instructions.

Oliver Söhnlein my German friend and collaborator, for fruitful discussions about life and science. For biking in Iceland, drinking weissbier in Munich and dancing cheek-to-cheek with Marlon. Don’t be a stranger. Ellinor Kenne, for your easy-going personality, your loud and frequent laughter and superb imita-tions. Thanks also for the manuscripts you have read and corrected and the great

parties you have organized. Our corridor would not be such a nice place to work in, if it was not for you! Louise Bovin, for being so honest and straightforward, and making crawling out of bed too early every day worthwhile. Also for shared interest in the essential parts of life, such as skating, mountain walks and outdoor sports in general. I hope that there will be more time for those things now.

The old gang: Lars-Erik Åkerlund, Ann Hagström and Ulla Lindgren. The department is a less eventful place since you left!

Peter Wolf, for always fixing things and for your big heart. Micke Elm, the en-tertainer, for supplying “Fårgruppen” with video-based inspiration regarding up-coming experiments and adding fuel to Friday-morning discussions.

Helene Rundqvist and Jessica Norrbom, for making teaching exercise physi-ology so much more fun. It is too bad you spend so much time on the other side of town! Lydia Bennedich-Kahn, Einar Eriksson and Pierre Rotzius, for discussions and parties at home and abroad, Johanna Lanner, Kristoffer Nils-son, Jan Aydin, Irene Lund, Janne Näslund, Daniel AndersNils-son, Lars Karls-son, Lena Norrbrand, Peter Lindholm and Malin Rohdin, for sharing laugh-ter’s, everyday problems and ideas. Björn Alkner, for all the sports and for good friendship. “Farmfisarna”, including, among others, Åsa Key, Björn Schilström, Benita Sjögren and Maria Holtze, for always coming up with fun events and for loosing in brännboll. Umut Heilborn, it was great to have someone else in their finale stage of PhD-studies to have coffee with during weekends at work.

Karin Sköldefors, for the really, really early work.

Peter Thorén and Bertil Fredholm, former heads of the department, for sup-porting and encouraging these studies.

Bo Rydqvist and Lennart Lindbom, for your great personalities, making days at the third floor great fun. Not to speak of Christmas parties. Håkan Wester-blad, for great running sessions, Lars Gustafsson, for pep-talks, Abe Katz and Joe Bruton, for interesting and amusing lunches and corridor chats.

Sanna, Jenny, Melinda, Jennifer and Benny for taking great care of our woolly friends.

Barbara Canlon and Agneta Viberg for providing advice and access to equip-ment for the histological work.

Håkan Eriksson and Björn Hellberg for constructing instruments for the in-tracerebral injections.

Andreas Andersson and Johan Fenhammar for co-operation and friendship.

Remember: blood, sweat and… enormous amounts of beer, pay of in a good way eventually.

The department of geriatrics at Dalens Hospital, for keeping me occupied with interesting work even when I was not in the lab. Especially Drs Gunilla Adri-anzsson and Gunilla Barkman who, with their relaxed attitude and vast knowl-edge, create a great learning environment together with an admirably high stan-dard of care.

Niklas Tillman, Jonas Ollmar, Johnny Slätt, Per Lundberg, Magnus Thylander and Per Lundberg, for occasionally dragging me out the lab and for all the good and great times throughout the years. There is more to come.

Linus Börjesson, for deep thoughts, not so deep thoughts and great friendship.

You should also have credit for being the only one really trying to stimulate my interest for opera. I will come and watch you perform at La Scala!

The players in Landslaget and Djuren, including among others Robert Stenman, Lagis, Walger, Nisse, Schampo, Hulken, Junior, Ryssen, for, on a regular basis, providing me with opportunities to lose my sometimes marked feeling of frustration on a hockey or floor-ball field.

My large family with close and distant cousins, ants and uncles. Always suppor-tive, always interested always fun. You mean a lot to me.

Rickard, for being the best brother imaginable. You are always there for me when I need you and you never think twice before joining me on some more or less intrepid escapade. I am, and will always be, your greatest fan.

My parents, Ulla and Raymond., for your constant encouragement and support throughout the years. It has meant everything. This one is for you.

My wonderful Linda, for all your love, support and understanding. For always making me smile. I am so happy that you are mine.

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