• No results found

Concluding remarks

The domestic dog has become an established large animal model for comparative genomic research, and in particular for IRDs. In this thesis, a whole-genome sequencing framework was established for the identification of variants implicated in Mendelian diseases in dogs.

As a proof-of-principle study, we used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to identify the genetic variant responsible for a novel form of inherited retinal disorder (IRD) in Labrador retrievers. A one bp frame-shift insertion in the ABCA4 gene was detected and subsequently validated as a loss-of-function mutation. We also carefully investigated the clinical phenotype of the affected dogs, and concluded that the canine IRD has similarities with Stargardt disease in humans. Based on the results of this study, we have established genetic testing for this mutation, assisting the breeders to make informed breeding decisions when choosing the parents for the next generation.

Next, we investigated the clinical manifestation of dogs homozygous for a one bp frame-shift deletion in the TTC8 gene, previously associated with PRA in golden retrievers. The effect of the mutation was investigated on the transcriptome level, and our results suggest that the transcripts including the defective allele are degraded by nonsense-mediated decay. A thorough clinical characterization and necropsy were performed, the results of which indicated that the phenotype of the affected dogs has similarities to Bardet-Biedl syndrome in humans.

Study III presents the first characterization of the canine retinal transcriptome using short- and long-read sequencing. This study will serve as a catalog of genes and enriched pathways active in the adult canine retina, and the results have the potential to aid the validation and prioritization of candidate variants from whole-genome sequencing studies.

The results presented in this thesis can be used to establish two canine models for comparative studies of biological mechanisms underlying normal and

degenerating retina. Ultimately, these results can be used to improve the health and wellbeing of dogs and humans.

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