• No results found

Conclusion and outlook


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Almost five years had passed since I have started my PhD education. These years have been a wonderful and unique experience for me. In all these years, I have experienced great support from so many people I would like to acknowledge.

First of all I would like to thank my main supervisor Beatrix Alsanius for giving me the opportunity to do my PhD at SLU Alnarp. I always enjoyed our meetings and the very inspiring discussions with you about my work and other topics. Thank you for your great support during my PhD studies, despite the long distance between us, and for teaching me that PhD education is much more than just ‘my project’.

I am also very grateful to my co-supervisor Walter Wohanka who always believed in me, from the very first day, and who has been an excellent supervisor in all these years. Thank you for your great support, patience, understanding, scientific input and for being my mentor.

I wish to express my thanks to my co-supervisor Erika Krüger who has been a great supervisor for me. Thank you for your valuable help, your patience and for your advices during my PhD education, especially for your input regarding the experiments.

I would also like to thank my colleagues Dorit Becker, Sonja Stutzke and Monika Bischoff-Schaefer who supported me a lot in the field and in the laboratory during my studies.

Thanks to the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) for funding the project. Also many thanks to all project partners for good collaboration during the last years.

A big thank to Annette Reineke for helping me with 454 pyrosequencing and for the support “from the department” during all these years.

I am also grateful to the „Phyto-Ladies“ Jacqueline Hirsch, Elizabeth Kecskeméti and Yvonne Rondot for all the wonderful times in Geisenheim and for the endless support on so many occasions. Many thanks to Sabrina Sprenger for being there for me ‘after work’. Thank you all for being good friends in good and in bad times. Thank you Katharina Piel and Holger Linck

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