• No results found

This thesis has presented

• a new treatment-strategy-based classification system which describes the classification process and differences in clinical status

• a system that includes treatment strategies

• a classification process that includes adaptation to clinical status and a progressive treatment flow

• the knowledge that this new system and three of its five examination items can be reliably and readily applied by experienced and OMT-trained physiotherapists in out-patient settings in primary health care

• two specific examination items that need to be clarified, reconsidered or replaced to improve the reliability and validity of the new system


I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have supported me and helped to make this work possible. In particular I thank:

Ulla Evers Larsson, Physiotherapist and PhD, my supervisor. For taking me on and giving me your time, guidance, engagement, and for your eagle eye correcting my thousands of spelling mistakes. Thank you for bearing with me.

Karin Harms-Ringdahl, Physiotherapist and Professor and my co-supervisor. For sharing your profound knowledge of research, your time, valuable comments and ideas.

Inga Arvidsson, Physiotherapist and PhD, and previous supervisor. Without your belief in my topic this work would never have been done. Thank you for taking me on and helping me through the first struggling steps towards these studies.

Niclas Olofsson, Statistician and co-author. For explaining the mysteries of statistics and always being on-side throughout this work. Your encouragement and support, especially in times of despair has been crucial for the completion of this work.

Eva Olsson, Physiotherapist and friend. For long friendship and interest in my work, and for carrying out the patient examinations, together with clinical physiotherapists, Ulrika Jederlund, Beatrice Bakalis and Fredrik Swedberg. I am indebted to you all:

without your help this work would not have been possible.

Annette Heijne and Cecilia Fridén, Heads of the Division of Physiotherapy at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, for the opportunity for me to accomplish this thesis at the Division.

Tim Crosfield, for valuable language revision.

Lisbet Broman, for kindly and patiently helping me to format this thesis.

The Karin Harms-Ringdahl research group at the Division of Physiotherapy, for valuable input and revision of my thesis.

Bertil Nordström, Illustrator. For transferring my pen drawings into clean computerized pictures. Thank you for your helpfulness and invaluable help.

Agneta Sandström, Psychologist and PhD, my mentor and friend. For friendship,

All former colleagues at Fysioterapi-och Idrottsskade Metropolen, for interesting conversations on clinical matters over the years. An especially warm thank you to Mia Tharander for sampling patients for Study I.

Marie-Louise Bromée, Physiotherapist and friend. For clinical discussions, good travel companion on OMT conferences and good talks about life.

Mia Ruthman, Medical translator and friend. For valuable conversations and nice dinners during my trips to Stockholm over the years.

Marie Sjödin, Nurse and close friend. For friendship and supportive conversations during long dog walks.

My parents, Ingrid and Carl-Yngve Bohlin, for loving support and encouragement.

Micael Widerström, my husband and friend. For love, support, encouragement and help. And, lastly to our astonishing daughters Rebecka, Lovisa and Matilda, for always being on-side and supportive. You are the pride and love of my life.

This work has been financially supported with grants from the Ann-Marie and Ragnar Hemborg Memorial Foundation and the Swedish Association for Registered

Physiotherapists. The support of these organisations is gratefully acknowledged.


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