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In my thesis I show that on clay soil, under Swedish climatic conditions, long-term conservation tillage may not lead to an increase in SOC concentration (paper I), not even when crop residues are returned (paper II). Conservation tillage does, however, increase the amount of fungi, particularly AMF (paper I and II), which may have positive effects on crop nutrition and soil stabilization. I also show that seasonal effects on the microbial community may be stronger than that of tillage (paper III), and that highly educated farmers are more likely to use conservation tillage (paper IV).

Benefits such as better erosion control, and reduced labor and fuel requirement from conservation tillage, need to be weighed against increased pesticide use, yield reduction, and possibly increased N2O emission. In addition, the success of using conservation tillage is influenced by factors such as soil type, climate, crop rotation, and also on the experience and knowledge of the farmer. Evaluation of each site may therefore be necessary to be able to recommend a tillage practice.

Plowing is currently the dominating

Tillage, carbon and microorganisms

tillage practice, but I believe that the use of conservation tillage with rotational plowing will increase in the future. At least on soil where yields are similar between tillage systems, as it may improve farm economy, and possibly reduce agricultural environmental impact.


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