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7.6 Författarnas insatser

Författarna i studien har under hela studieperioden bearbetat, analyserat och diskuterat fram allt innehåll tillsammans. Kontinuerliga och dagliga möten har tagits vid för att stämma av, dela upp och diskutera det arbetsmaterial som studien skildrar. Verktyg som; litteratursökning både i databaser och litteratur har använts för framtagande av bland annat evidensbaserat material till studien. Grupphandledningsmöten har ägt rum och har utnyttjats av författarna för kontinuerlig uppföljning och återkoppling på producerad text. Båda författarna har visat ett stort engagemang i forskningen och lagt ned lika mycket tid och ansträngning i strävan efter ett slutresultat med hög kvalité.


Bryne, P. (2000). Stigma of mental illness and ways of diminishing it. Advance in Psychiatric Treatment, 6(1), 65-72. doi: 10.1192/apt.6.1.65

Choi, M.K., Han, Y.A.H., &Roh, Y.K.R. (2014). Utility of obesity indicators for

metabolically healthy obesity: an observational study using the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2009-2010). BMC Public Health, 14(1). doi:10.1186/1471- 2458-14-1166

Dahlberg, U., &Aune, I. (2013). The woman’s birth experience – The effect of interpersonal relationships and continuity of care. Midwifery, 29(4), 407-415.


Eriksson Barajas, K., Forsberg, C., &Wengström, Y. (2013).Systematiska litteraturstudier i utbildningsvetenskap: Vägledning vid examensarbeten och vetenskapliga artiklar. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Friberg, F. (red.) (2012). Dags för uppsats: vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Forsberg, C., &Wengström, Y. (2013). Att göra systematiska litteraturstudier: värdering, analys och presentation av omvårdnadsforskning.Stockholm: Natur&Kultur.

*Furber, C.M., & McGowan, L. (2011). A qualitative study of the experiences of women who are obese and pregnant in the UK. Midwifery, 27, 437-444. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2010.04.001

Giel, K.E., Zipfel, S., Alizadeh, M., Schäffeler, N., Zahn, C., Wessel, D., Hesse, F.W., Thiel, S., & Thiel, A. (2012). Stigmatization of obese individuals by human resource professionals: an experimental study. BMC Public Health, 12(1), 525-533. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-525

*Haby, K., Glantz, A., Hanas, R., &Premberg, Å. (2015). Mighty Mums - An antenatal health care intervention can reduce gestational weight gain in women with obesity. Midwifery, (7), 685. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2015.03.014

Halloran, D.R., Cheng, Y.W., Macones, G.A., &Caughey, A.B. (2012). Effect of maternal weight on postterm delivery. Journal of Perinatology, 32(2), 85-90. doi:10.1038/jp.2011.63

Henricson, M. & Billhult, A. (2012). Kvalitativ studiedesign. I Henricson, M. (RED.) Vetenskaplig teori och metod: Från idé till examination inom omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur

*Heslehurst, N., Moore, H., Rankin, J., Ells, L.J., Wilkinson, J.R., &Summerbell, C.D. (2011). How can maternity services be developed to effectively address maternal obesity? A qualitative study. Midwifery, 27, 170-177. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2010.01.007

Heslehurst, N., Russell, S., McCormack, S., Sedgewick, G., Bell, R., & Rankin, J. (2013). Midwives perspectives of their training and education requirements in maternal obesity: A qualitative study. Midwifery, 29(7), 736-744 9p. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2012.07.007

*Hildingsson, I., & Thomas, J. (2012). Perinatal Outcomes and Satisfaction with Care in Women with High Body Mass Index. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health,57(4), 336- 344. doi:10.1111/j.1542-2011.2011.00141.x

Irwin, J.O. (2010). Obesity, risk and the challenges ahead for midwives. Brittish Journal of Midwifery, 18(1), 18-23.

Jenkins, M.G., Ford, J.B., Todd, A.L., Morris, J.M., & Roberts, C.L. (2015). Women’s views about maternity care: How do women conceptualise the process of continuity?.Midwifery, 31(1), 25-30. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2014.05.007

Johnson, T.S., Rottier, K.J., Luellwitz, A., & Kirby, R.S. (2009). Maternal prepregnancy Body Mass Index and Delivery of a Preterm Infant in Missouri 1998-2000. Public Health Nursing, 26(1), 3-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2008.00750.x

*Keely, A., Gunning, M., & Denison, F. (2011). Maternal obesity in pregnancy: Women's understanding of risks. British Journal Of Midwifery, 19(6), 364-369.

Kirk, S.F.L., Cramm, C.L., Price, S.L., Penney, T.L., Jarvie, L., & Power, H. (2010). The State of Obesity Management for Women Giving Birth in Atlantic Canada. Maternal Child Health Journal, 14(3), 453-458. doi: 10.1007/s10995-009-0455-4

*Lindhart, C.L., Rubak, S., Mogensen, O., Lamont, R.F., StenerJoergensen, J. (2013). The experience of pregnant women with a body mass index>30 kg/m2 of their encounters with health care professionals. ActaObstetricaetGynecologica Scandinavia, 92, 1101-1107. doi:10.1111/aogs.12186

Madan, J., Chen, M., Goodman, E., Davids, J., Allan, W., &Dammann, O. (2010). Maternal obesity, gestational hypertension, and preterm delivery. Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 23(1), 82-88. doi:10.3109/14767050903258738

*Merrill, E., & Grassley, J. (2008). Women’s stories of their experiences as overweight patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64(2), 139-146. doi:10.1111/j.1365-


Morin, K.H., & Reilly, L. (2007). Caring for Obese Pregnant Women. JOGNN: Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 36(5), 482-489. doi:10.1111/J.1552-


Mold, F., & Forbes, A. (2013). Patient’s and professional’s experiences and perspectives of obesity in health-care settings: a synthesis of current research. Health Expectations, 16(2), 119-142. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00699.x

Nygårdh, A., Malm, A., Wikby, K., &Ahlström, G. (2012). The experience of empowerment in the patient-staff encounter: the patient’s perspective. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(5/6), 897-904. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03901.x

*Nyman, V.M.K., Prebensen, Å.K., &Flensner, G.E.M. (2010). Obese women’s experiences of encouters with midwives and physicians during pregnancy and childbirth. Midwifery 26, 424-429. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2008.10.008

O'Connor, A., Doris, F., &Skirton, H. (2014). Midwifery care in the UK for older mothers. British Journal of Midwifery 22(8), 568-577.

O’Hagan, S., Manias, E., Elder, C., Pill, J., Woodward-Kron, R., McNamara, T., Webb, G., &McColl, G. (2014). What counts as effective communicatin in nursing? Evidence from nurse educators’ and clinicians’ feedback on nurse interactions with simulated patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(6), 1344-1355. doi: 10.1111/jan.12296

Piuva, K. (2010). The Meaning of Normality: the controversy about the mental health campaign in Sweden 1969. Scandinavian Journal of history, 3(2), 198-216. doi: 10.1080/03468751003718217

Powell, J., & Hughes, C. (2012). Antenatal interventions that support obese pregnant women. Brittish Journal of Midwifery, 20(5), 325-331.

*Schmied, V.A., Duff, M., Dahlen, H.G., Mills, A.E., &Kolt, G.S. (2011). Not waving but drowning: a study of the experiences and concerns of midwives and other health professionals caring for obese childbearing women. Midwifery, 27, 424-43.


Sellwood, L. (2013). Public health and obesity: the role of the district nurse. British Journal Of Community Nursing,18(1), 26-33 8p.

Singleton, G., &Fuber, C. (2014). The experiences of midwives when caring for obese women in labour, a qualitative study. Midwifery, 30(1), 103-111. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2013.02.008

*Sui, Z., Turnbull, D. A., & Dodd, J. M. (2013). Overweight and Obese Women’s Perceptions About Making Healthy Change During Pregnancy: A Mixed Method Study. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 17(10), 1879-1887. doi:10.1007/s10995-012-1211-8

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