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Vid efterforskning av material till detta examensarbete upptäcktes att det finns gott om forskning kring anhörigas upplevelser av att leva med en bipolärt sjuk person. Dock var det

ont om vårdvetenskaplig forskning som handlade om patientens upplevelser av relationer med anhöriga. Av den anledningen bör det ske en fortsatt forskning inom området.

Vidare vore det önskvärt med mer publicerad vårdvetenskaplig forskning om bipolärt sjukas upplevelser av sjukdomen. Det behövs även en bredare forskning som visar eventuella skillnader i upplevelser mellan könen.


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Asp, C. (2012). Med mitt liv i mina händer: att leva med bipolär sjukdom. Stockholm: Papertalk.

Billsborough, J., Mailey, P., Hicks, A., Sayers, R., Smith, R., Clewett, N., Griffiths, C.A. & Larsen, J. (2014). ’Listen, empower us and take action now!’: Reflexive-collaborative exploration of support needs in bipolar disorder when ’going up’ and ’going down’. Journal of Mental Health, 23 (1), 9-14. doi: 10.3109-09638237.2013.815331 Crowe, M., Inder, M., Carlyle, D., Wilson, L., Whitehead, L., Panckhurst, A., O’brien, A., &

Joyce, P. (2012). Feeling out of control: a qualitative analysis of the impact of bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19, 294-302. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2011.01786.x

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Dahlqvist Jönsson, P., Wijk, H., Skärsäter, I. & Danielson, E. (2008). Persons living with bipolar disorder – their view of the illness and the future. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 29, 1217-1236. doi: 10.1080/01612840802370764

Dahlqvist Jönsson, P., Skärsäter, I., Wijk, H. & Danielson, E. (2011). Experience of living with a family member with bipolar disorder. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 20, 29-37

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Heberlein, A. (2009). Jag vill inte dö, jag vill bara inte leva. Stockholm: Månpocket Hill, R.G., Shepherd, G. & Hardy, P. (1998). In sickness and in health: The experiences of

friends and relatives caring for people with manic depression. Journal of Mental Health, 7 (6), 611-620

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Inder, M.L., Crowe, M.T., Moor, S., Luty, S.E., Carter, J.D. & Joyce, P.R. (2008). ”I actually don’t know who I am”: The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on the Development of Self. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 71 (2), 123-133. Hämtad 2015-09- 17, från

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Karanti, A., Bobeck, C., Österman, M., Kardell, M., Tidemalm, D., Runeson, B., Lichtenstein, P. & Landén, M. (2015). Gender differences in the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder: A study of 7354 patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 174, 303-309. Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.11.058

Lundman, B. & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2012). Kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I M. Granskär & B. Höglung-Nielsen (Red.), Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård, 187-202. Studentlitteratur AB: Lund.

Maskill, V., Crowe, M., Luty, S. & Joyce, P. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: caring for a person with bipolar disorder. Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 17, 535-542. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2850.2010.01555.x

Miklowitz, D.J. & Johnson, S.L. (2006). The Psychopathology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2, 199-235. doi:


Miller, K. (2006). Bipolar disorder: Etiology, diagnosis, and management. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18 (8), 368-373.

Møller, T., Gudde, C.B., Folden, G.E. & Linaker, O.M. (2009). The experience of caring in relatives to patients with serious mental illness: gender differences, health and functioning. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 23, 153-160. Doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2008.00605.x

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Proudfoot, J.G., Parker, G.B., Benoit, M., Manicavasagar, V., Smith, M. & Gayed, A. (2009). What happens after diagnosis? Understanding the experiences of patients with newly- diagnosed bipolar disorder. Health Expectations, 12, 120-129. doi: 10.1111/j.1369- 7625.2009.00541.x

Rusner, M., Carlsson, G., Brunt, D. & Nyström, M. (2013). Towards a more livable life for close relatives of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22, 162-169. Doi:


Rusner, M., Carlsson, G., Brunt, D. & Nyström, M. (2009). Extra dimensions in al aspects of life – the meaning of life with bipolar disorder. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 4, 159-169. Doi: 10.1080/17482620902864194 Schelander, V. (2009). Gå i kras: leva med bipolär sjukdom. Örebro: Libris förlag

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Swartz, H.A., Levenson, J.C. & Frank, E. (2012). Psychotherapy for Bipolar II Disorder: The Roll of Interpersonal and Social Rythm Therapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43 (2), 143-153. doi: 10.1037/a0027671

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Vargas-Huicochea, I., Huichochea, L., Berlanga, C. & Fresán, A. (2014). Taking or not taking medications: psychiatric treatment perceptions in patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39, 673-679.

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Ågren, H., Landén, M., & Hetta, J. (2013). Bipolärt syndrom – en psykiatrisk kärnsjukdom. Läkartidningen, 110 (9), 487-490. Hämtad 2015-09-17, från


Databas Sökord Antal träffar Avgränsningar Urval

CINAHL Bipolar AND life AND experience

26 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, 2005-2015

Billsborough, J., Mailey, P., Hicks, A., Sayers, R., Smith, R., Clewett, N., Griffiths, C.A. & Larsen, J. (2014). ’Listen, empower us and take action now!’: Reflexive-collaborative exploration of support needs in bipolar disorder when ’going up’ and ’going down’. Journal of

Mental Health, 23 (1), 9-

14 CINHAL Bipolar AND


13 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, 2005-2015

Crowe, M., Inder, M., Carlyle, D., Wilson, L., Whitehead, L.,

Panckhurst, A., O’brien, A., & Joyce, P. (2012). Feeling out of control: a qualitative analysis of the impact of bipolar disorder. Journal of

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19, 294-

302 CINAHL Bipolar and


22 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, publikationstyper innehållande nurse/nursing och care/caring Dahlqvist Jönsson, P., Skärsäter, I., Wijk, H. & Danielson, E. (2011). Experience of living with a family member with bipolar disorder.

International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,

20, 29-37 CINAHL Bipolar AND

living AND with

45 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, 2005-2015

Dahlqvist Jönsson, P., Wijk, H., Skärsäter, I., & Danielson, E. (2008). Persons living with bipolar disorder – their view of the illness and the future. Issues in Mental

Health Nursing, 29, 1217-

CINAHL Bipolar and loss and recovery

7 Fernandez, M.E., Breen, L.J. & Simpson, T.J. (2014). Renegotiating identities: experiences of loss and recovery for women with bipolar disorder. Qualitative

Health Research, 24 (7),

890-900 CINAHL Bipolar AND


17 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, 2005-2015

Inder, M.L., Crowe, M.T., Moor, S., Luty, S.E., Carter, J.D. & Joyce, P.R. (2008). ”I actually don’t know who I am”: The Impact of Bipolar Disorder on the Development of Self. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 71 (2), 123-133

CINAHL bipolar AND therapy treatment AND differences

38 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”

Karanti, A., Bobeck, C., Österman, M., Kardell, M., Tidemalm, D., Runeson, B., Lichtenstein, P. & Landén, M. (2015). Gender differences in the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder: A study of 7354 patients. Journal

of Affective Disorders, 174, 303-309.

CINAHL Nurs* and bipolar*

104 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, år 2000-2015

Maskill, V., Crowe, M., Luty, S. & Joyce, P. (2010). Two sides of the same coin: caring for a person with bipolar disorder. Journal of

Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 17, 535-


Tranvåg, O. &

Kristoffersen, K. (2008). Experience of being the spouse/cohabitant of a person with bipolar disorder: a cumulative process over time.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 22, 5-18

PubMed Treatment and bipolar disorder

21 ”Free full text”, ”peer reviewed”

Miklowitz, D.J. &

Johnson, S.L. (2006). The Psychopathology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. Annual Review

of Clinical Psychology, 2,

199-235. CINAHL bipolar disorder

and causes and diagnosis

20 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”

Miller, K. (2006). Bipolar disorder: Eitology, diagnosis, and

management. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18 (8), 368-373.

CINAHL Bipolar* and relative* and experienc*

22 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, publikationstyper innehållande nurse/nursing och care/caring Møller, T., Gudde, C.B., Folden, G.E. & Linaker, O.M. (2009). The experience of caring in relatives to patients with serious mental illness: gender differences, health and functioning.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 23, 153-


Hill, R.G., Shepherd, G. & Hardy, P. (1998). In sickness and in health: The experiences of friends and relatives caring for people with manic

depression. Journal of Mental Health, 7 (6), 611-

620 CINAHL Bipolar disorder

and experienc* and diagnosis

37 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, 2008-2015

Proudfoot, J.G., Parker, G.B., Benoit, M.,

Manicavasagar, V., Smith, M. & Gayed, A. (2009). What happens after diagnosis? Understanding the experiences of patients with newly- diagnosed bipolar disorder. Health

PubMed Bipolar disorder and caring science

7 ”Free full text” Rusner, M., Carlsson, G., Brunt, D. & Nyström, M. (2009). Extra dimensions in al aspects of life – the meaning of life with bipolar disorder.

International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 4,

159-169 CINAHL Bipolar and

relativ* and car*

6 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, publikationstyper innehållande nurse/nursing och care/caring Rusner, M., Carlsson, M., Brunt, D. & Nyström, M. (2013). Towards a more livable life for close relatives of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22, 162-169. CINAHL Psychoterapy

AND bipolar

92 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”

Swartz, H.A., Levenson, J.C. & Frank, E. (2012). Psychotherapy for Bipolar II Disorder: The Roll of Interpersonal and Social Rythm Therapy.

Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43 (2), 143-153

CINAHL Bipolar and treatment and perception

15 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”

Vargas-Huicochea, I., Huichochea, L., Berlanga, C. & Fresán, A. (2014). Taking or not taking medications: psychiatric treatment perceptions in patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Journal

of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39, 673-

679. CINAHL Mental illness

and experienc* and perspective and relatives

22 ”Full text”, ”peer reviewed”, ”apply related words”, publikationstyper innehållande nurse/nursing och care/caring Weimand, B.M., Hall- Lord, M.L., Sällström, C. & Hedelin, B. (2013). Life-sharing experiences of relatives of persons with severe mental illness – a phenomenographic study. Scandinavian

Journal of Caring


SweMed+ Bipolär sjukdom 113 ”peer reviewed tidsskrifter”

Ågren, H., Landén, M., & Hetta, J. (2013). Bipolärt syndrom – en psykiatrisk kärnsjukdom.

Läkartidningen, 110 (9),


Databas Sökord Antal träffar Urval

LIBRIS Bipolär biografi 35 Efter att inklusions- och exklusionskriterier applicerats valdes följande:

Anserud, R. (2012). Ett bipolärt hjärta.

Heberlein, A. (2009). Jag vill inte dö, jag vill bara inte leva.

Schelander, V. (2009). Gå i kras: leva med bipolär sjukdom.

Gustafsson, C. (2011). Mitt liv i berg- och dalbana. Asp, C. (2012). Med mitt liv i mina händer: att leva med bipolär sjukdom.

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