Vårdandet grundas i att distriktsköterskor har rätt kunskap och kompetens, trots det upplever distriktssköterskor en stor kunskapsbrist. Det skulle därför vara intressant att studera effekterna av en kontinuerlig uppdatering av vårdvetenskaplig kunskap.
Intressant hade också varit att studera hur den palliativa vården skulle kunna utvecklas om distriktssköterskor fick professionellt stöd i sin professionsutövning.
Annells, M., DeRoche, M., Koch, T., Lewin, G. & Lucke, J. (2005). A delphi study of district nursing research priorities in Australia. Applied Nursing Research, (18), ss. 36-43.
Appelin, G. & Berterö, C. (2004). Patients´ experiences of palliative care in the home: A phenomenological study of a Swedish sample. Cancer Nursing, 27(1), ss. 65-70.
Arnaert, A., Seller, R. & Wainwright, M. (2009). Homecare nurses´ attitudes toward palliative care in a rural community in western Quebec. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing. 11(4), ss. 202-208.
Bergdahl, E., Wikström, B-M. & Andershed, B. (2006). Esthetic abilities: a way to describe abilities of expert nurses in palliative home care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, (16), ss. 752-760. Berterö, C. (2002). District nurses´ perceptions of palliative care in the home. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative care, 19(6), ss. 387-391.
Blomberg, K. & Sahlberg- Blom, E. (2005). Closeness and distance: a way of handling difficult situations in daily care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, (16), ss. 244-254.
Broogard, T., Bonde Jensen, A., Sokolowski, I., Olesen, F. & Neergard, M. A. (2011). Who is the key worker in palliative home care? Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, (29), ss. 150- 156.
Brogaard, T., Neergaard, M. A., Sokolowski, I., Olesen, F. & Jensen, A. B. (2012). Congruence between preferred and actual place of care and death among Danish cancer patients. Palliative Medicine, 27(2), ss. 155-164.
Burt, J., Shipman, C., Addington-Hall. & White, P. (2007). Nursing the dying within a generalist caseload: A focus group study of district nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, (45), ss. 1460-1478.
Davies, N., Maio, L., van Riet Paap, J., Mariani, E., Jaspers, B., Sommerbakk, R, Grammatico, D., Manthorpe, J., Ahmedzai, S., Vernooij-Dassen, M. & Iliffe, S. (2014). Quality palliative care for cancer and dementia in five European countries: some common challenges. Aging and Mental Health. 18(4), ss. 400-410.
Distriktssköterskeföreningen i Sverige (2008). Kompetensbeskrivning Legitimerad sjuksköterska med specialistsjuksköterskeexamen distriktssköterska. (Elektronisk).
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Dunne, K., Sullivan, K., & Kernohan, G. (2005). Palliative care for patients with cancer: district nurses’ experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(4), ss. 372-380.
Escobar Pinzon, L. C., Claus, M., Zepf, K. I., Letzel, S., Fischbeck, S. & Weber, M. (2011). Preference for place of death in Germany. Journal of palliative medicine. 14(10), ss. 1097-1103. Fillion, L., Fortier, M. & Goupil, R. (2005). Educational needs of palliative care nurses in Quebec. Journal of Palliative Care, 21(1), ss. 12-18.
Fillion, L., Tremblay, I., Truchon, M., Coté, D., Struthers, C. W. & Dupuis, R. (2007). Job satisfaction and emotional distress among nurses providing palliative care: empirical evidence for an integrative occupational stress-model. International Journal of Stress Management, 14(1), ss. 1-25.
Gama, G., Barbosa, F. & Vieira, M. (2012). Factors influencing nurses´ attitudes toward death. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 18(6), ss. 267-273.
Gjerberg, E., Forde, R., Pedersen, R. & Bollig, G. (2010). Ethical challenges in the provision of end-of-life care in Norwegian nursing homes. Social science and Medicine, (71), ss. 677-684. Goldschmidt, D., Groenvold, M., Thit Johnse, A., Strömgren, A. S., Krasnik, A. & Schmidt, L. (2005). Cooperating with a palliative home-care team: expectations and evaluations of GPs and district nurses. Palliative Medicine, (19), ss. 241-250.
Griffiths, J., Ewing, G., Rogers, M., Barclay, S., Martin, A., McCabe, J. & Todd, C. (2007). Supporting cancer patients with palliative care needs – District nurses´ role perceptions. Cancer Nursing, 30(2), ss. 156-162.
Griggs, C. (2010). Community nurses´ perceptions of a good death: a qualitative exploratory study. International Journal of Community Nursing, 16(3), ss. 140-148.
Holmdahl, S., Sävenstedt, S. & Imoni, R. (2013). Parenteral nutrition in home-based palliative care: Swedish district nurses´ experiences. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, (28), ss. 89- 96.
Howell, D., Hardy, B., Boyd, C., Ward, C., Roman, E. & Johnson, M. (2014). Community palliative care clinical nurse specialists: a descriptive study of nurse-patient interactions. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 20(5), ss. 246-253.
Jack, B. & O´Brien, M. (2010). Dying at home: community nurses’ views on the impact of informal carers on cancer patients’ place of death. European Journal of Cancer Care, (19), ss. 636-642.
Janze, A. & Henriksson, A. (2014). Preparing for palliative caregiving as a transition in the awareness of death: family carer experiences. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 20(10), ss. 494-501.
Kennedy, C. (2005). District nursing support for patients with cancer requiring palliative care. British Journal of Community Nursing, 10(12), ss. 566-574.
Law, R. (2009). Bridging world´s: meeting the emotional needs of dying patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(12), ss. 2630-2641.
Luker, K., Austin, L., Caress, A. & Hallett, C. (2000). The importance of “knowing the patient”: community nurses´ constructions of quality in providing palliative care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31(4), ss. 775-782.
Munday, D., Petrova, M. & Dale, J. (2009). Exploring preferences for place of death with terminally ill patients: quality study of experiences of general practitioners and community nurses in England. British Medical Journal, 339(7714), ss. 1-9.
Munck, B., Fridlund. B. & Mårtensson, J. (2008). Next-of-kin caregivers in palliative home care - from control to loss of control. Journal of Advanced nursing, 64(6), ss. 578-586.
Neergard, M. A., Bonde Jensen, A., Sondergaard, J., Sokolowski, I., Olesen, F. & Vedsted, P. (2011). Preference for place-of-death among terminally ill cancer patients in Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 25(4), ss. 627-636.
O´Brien, M. & Jack, B. (2010). Barriers to dying at home: the impact of poor co-ordination of community service provision for patients with cancer. Health and Social Care in the Community, 18(4), ss. 337-345.
Regionalt cancercentrum. (2012). Nationellt vårdprogram för palliativ vård 2012-2014.
https://www.cancercentrum.se/globalassets/vara-uppdrag/rehabilitering-palliativ- vard/natvp_palliativvard_2012_final.pdf
Rose, J. & Glass, N. (2009). An investigation of emotional wellbeing and its relationship to contemporary nursing practice. Collegian, (16), ss. 185-192.
Peters, L., Cant, R., Payne, S., O´Connor, M., McDermott, F., Hood, K., Morphet, J. & Shimoinaba, K. (2013a). Emergency and palliative care nurses´ levels of anxiety about death and coping with death: A questionnaire survey. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, (16), ss. 152-159.
Peters, L., Cant, R., Payne, S., O´Connor, M., McDermott, F., Hood, K., Morphet, J. & Shimoinaba, K. (2013b). How death anxiety impacts nurses´ caring for patients at the end of life: A review of literature. The Open Nursing Journal, (7), ss. 14-21.
Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2011). Essentials of Nursing Research - Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice. Seventh edition, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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Stajduhar, K., Funk, L., Roberts, D., McLeod, B., Cloutier-Fisher, D., Wilkinson, C. & Purkis, M. E. (2010). Home care nurses´ decisions about the need for and amount of service at the end of life. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(2), ss. 276-286.
Strandberg, E. L., Ovhed, I., Borgquist, L. & Wilhelmsson, S. (2007). The perceived meaning of a (w)holistic view among general practitioners and district nurses in Swedish primary care: A qualitative study. BMC Family Practise, 8(8), s. 3-8.
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Terry, D., Lê, Q., Nguyen, U. & Hoang, H. (2015). Workplace health and safety issues among community nurses: a study regarding the impact on providing care to rural consumers. British Medical Journal, 5(8), ss. 1-10.
Tomison, G. & McDowell, J. (2011). Nurses´ needs in delivering palliative care for long-term conditions. British Journal of Community Nursing, 16(6), ss. 274-281.
Van Riet Paap, J., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Brouwer, F., Meiland, F., Iliffe, S., Davies, N., Leppert, W., Jaspers, B., Mariani, E., Sommerbakk, R., Vissers, K. & Engels, Y. (2014). Improving the organization of palliative care: identification of barriers and facilitators in five European countries. Implementation Science, 9(130), ss. 1-10.
Whittemore, R. & Knafl, K. (2005). The integrative review: updated methodology. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52(5), ss. 546-553.
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Wilson, D. M., Cohen, J., Deliens, L., Hewitt, J. A. & Houttekier, D. (2013). The Preferred Place of Last Days: Results of a Representative Population-Based Public Survey. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16(5), ss. 502-508.
Wilson, C., Griffiths, J., Ewing, J., Connolly, M. & Grande, G. (2014). A qualitative exploration of district nurses´ care of patients with advanced cancer – The challenges of supporting families within the home. Cancer Nursing, 37(4), ss. 310-315.
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