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5.2. Final remarks

1. Digital maps

2. Communication with the vehicles 3. In-vehicle HMI

For ISA to work properly all vehicles must have access to a map containing all the speed limits. There are ongoing projects today where accurate maps are being developed; the Swedish National Road Data Base (Vägverket, 2003c) is one example. Progress is rather slow though and there is still a long way to go before an accurate, continuously updated data base exists. The next area is communication with the vehicles; for an ISA system to work on a large scale the map data base in the vehicles must be updated continuously, and for this to work there must be stable communication with the vehicles. In the large scale trial in Sweden, GSM was tested for updating the maps in the vehicles, but the technology did not match the demands. There is new technology in the pipeline, such as 3G telecommunications, allowing faster and more stable data communication, and within a couple of years the technology should be implemented on a broad basis. The last piece of the implementation puzzle is the in-vehicle HMI. Systems tested so far have been custom-made for each research project and retro fitted to the vehicles. The technology has improved over the years, according to the demands of the researchers and feed-back from the end users and there is technology today that works satisfactorily. There has also been some development from vehicle manufacturers and several makes of cars such as Mercedes, Renault and Saab can be bought with a “driver select”

speed limiter or speed advisor where the driver manually sets the maximum speed. Development is also ongoing for ISA systems; see for instance Bachmann (2000) for information about BMW’s work in the area. There is no doubt that if there is a demand for ISA vehicle manufacturers will provide customers with an in-vehicle HMI that will meet customer workability demands.

systems are to be used more than that they will be either advisory or advisory intervention systems. The general idea of the program is to let the market decide as much as possible what the system will look like. The findings of this thesis have shown that such an approach will not be very effective unless it is combined with other measures to increase drivers’ intentions of keeping the speed limit. Such measures, for instance more enforcement and demands that the speed limits are followed when purchasing transportation services, are mentioned in SNRA’s program. This thesis has shown that, if a demand for keeping the speed limit is created, an ISA system like the AAP is an efficient tool to increase safety on our roads.



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