• No results found

6. Follow-up and evaluation

6.3 Focus and approach for evaluation

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Part of programme

theory Goal Reporting and follow-up

(description/indicator) (iv) Ensuring that

research is used  To contribute to evidence-based

policies and administration (2)  Indicator: The research is cited in government agency reports, government inquiries, etc.

Source: Own compilation. The goals refer to the goals listed in Section 2.5.

Goal 1, to contribute to high-quality research and knowledge-building, can be followed up with indicators for the activities that have been carried out (e.g. number of funded projects) and what the outcome of the activity was (e.g. number of publications). A publication in a scholarly journal, monograph or similar, is a measure of productivity. A scholarly publication can also mean that the research has undergone a review by other researchers (peer reviewed), which is an indication of quality. Publication also means that the research has gained a broader dissemination.

In addition to these indicators, it is also important to describe and follow up the selection process of which research projects have been awarded funding in order to ensure that the research programme rewards high-quality research.

Goals 2 and 3, to contribute to evidence-based policies and administration, and to contribute to strengthening the link between research and higher education, can be followed up with indicators and/or descriptions of activities carried out to promote research accessibility and dissemination for these groups, e.g. education and outreach/popular science, op-eds, conferences, seminars and courses. The indicator can measure the number of activities carried out or the number of e.g. conference or course attendees, or which organisations participated in the activity.

Goal 2, to contribute to evidence-based policies and administration, could also be followed up by measuring to what extent research on migration and integration is cited in government agency reports, government inquiries, etc. The indicator could thereby measure the number of citations of research that have been generated by the research programme (for examples, see Swedish Research Council 2012). Another alternative is to measure citations of research in government agency reports and similar publications. A weakness of such an indicator, however, is that it is difficult to infer the change in citations as being an effect of the research programme. A strength, on the other hand, is that it provides a picture of whether Swedish migration and integration research is used in government agency reports, government inquiries and similar.

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The first area deals with evaluating the scholarly quality of the funded research.

Initiatives to promote new research should be evaluated with regard to whether new research has been created and whether the research is of good quality. The

evaluation of research quality should be carried out with the aid of bibliometrics combined with a qualitative assessment performed by an expert panel, e.g. similar to the Swedish Research Council’s evaluation of the ALF agreement, ALF Panel 1 (Swedish Research Council 2018a).

The evaluation of initiatives aiming to promote the accessibility, dissemination and use of research findings should be directed at determining whether the knowledge has reached relevant target groups, whether dialogue has been created, and whether the target groups have used the knowledge. For it to be possible to evaluate this area, it is important to document the specific initiatives carried out to promote accessibility and dissemination (if such initiatives have been carried out), and to require recipients of the research funding to document how they have worked to disseminate knowledge to relevant interested parties. When the evaluation is performed, it will be important to give the funding researchers the opportunity to describe how the research environment has developed, how they have worked with their cooperation and communication strategy, how they have worked to cooperate and communicate their findings outside academia, and how they have impacted e.g.

policy and administration. Such an evaluation can be carried out with a well-balanced combination of e.g. surveys, interviews and hearings. A similar approach was applied in the Swedish Research Council’s evaluation of the ALF agreement, ALF Panel 2 (Swedish Research Council 2018a). It may also be important to apply a suitable combination of data collection methods to gather statements from interested parties on how they have been affected by research and environments funded by the research programme.

The third area refers to the design of the programme, i.e. whether the programme has maintained appropriate balance and coordination between 1) and 2) above, and if the programme has been able to effectively benefit from other efforts and initiatives in the area. An important question in this context is whether the identified

knowledge needs in the research are within the areas in which policy and administration are demanding knowledge, i.e. if research is lacking or if there is relevant research that for various reasons is not being utilised within policy and administration. In the latter case, an important follow-up question is why existing research is not better utilised. It should also be evaluated if the research that has been funded is of high relevance for the area of migration and integration.

One possible procedure is to introduce an interim evaluation after five years, and an ex-post evaluation when the national research programme is completed. Both of the evaluations should focus on all three areas above. The interim evaluation should aim to create insight not only for the continued design of the national research programme within migration and integration, but also for the design and

implementation of other national programmes. The results of the interim evaluation should be used in an update of the strategic research agenda. The ex-post evaluation should aim to create insight for the design and implementation of future national research programmes. This approach, with an interim and an ex-post evaluation, as well as the purpose of these, shares many similarities with the structure for the evaluation of Horizon 2020 (European Commission 2011).

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Appendix 1: Consideration of referral