• No results found


In document Skin Cancer Prevention (Page 61-69)


ƒ People in Stockholm and adolescents in Sweden expose themselves to a large amount of UV radiation and a majority does not intend to decrease their sun exposure

ƒ Questions used in surveys and evaluations to measure sun-related behaviours, i.e. habitual sunbathing, sunbed use and frequency of sunburn, have sufficient stability.

ƒ Sunscreen was found to be a frequently used way to protect oneself from the sun, and thus, information about sun protection should emphasise the importance of using other ways to protect oneself from the sun.

ƒ Positive attitudes towards sunbathing and having a tan, together with social norms seem to be the most important variables associated with UV exposure.

ƒ Risk perception and perceived behavioural control were strongly associated with sun protection behaviour, in addition to attitudes.

ƒ An individual UV radiation intensity indicator and information about the UV index do not seem to influence sun-related behaviour more than general written information.

ƒ Health care providers seem to have an important role in early detection of malignant skin lesions, as one third of the melanoma patients interviewed reported that their melanoma was found during a visit to a health care provider for a reason other than the skin lesion.

ƒ The ABCD criteria seem to increase laymen’ s ability to make adequate judgements of skin lesions and could therefore be recommended for use in secondary preventive interventions.

ƒ Information about the features of benign or common skin lesions might be beneficial to laymen’ s ability to successfully distinguish malignant from benign nevi.


ƒ A positive attitude towards sunbathing and having a tan is the most important target for primary prevention of skin cancer, even though it might be the most difficult to change.

ƒ Interventions to increase the awareness of the risks with sun exposure are also needed to enhance sun protective behaviour.

ƒ Primary skin cancer preventive interventions should target unintentional sun exposure as well as intentional tanning.

ƒ Avoiding the sun (especially during peak hours) and using clothes as protection should be recommended rather than the use of sunscreen.

ƒ Information about the features of malignant and benign skin lesions should be used in public education interventions for early detection of malignant lesions.

ƒ Behavioral models should be used in planning and implementing prevention strategies aimed at behavior change.



I wish to thank all those who have helped and supported me in completing this thesis, and especially I want to acknowledge:

Yvonne Brandberg, my supervisor, for her knowledge, excellent research skills and valuable support both in my research and in my work with cancer patients

Henrik Ullén, my co-supervisor, for his knowledge of oncology and prevention, and valuable help in the writing of this thesis

Regina Wredling and Ingvar Krakau for introducing me to research at the Karolinska Institutet

Sveinbjörn Kristjansson for good collaboration, friendship, and many interesting discussions

My other co-authors Mari-Anne Hedblad, Lars-Erik Holm and Lennart Sjöberg

Members of my research group Mia Bergenmar and Helena Mickelsson

All former co-workers at the Department of Cancer Prevention (CPE) and our neighbours in the M8 pavilion, in particular Bjöörn Fossum and Karin Gullbrandsson

Jessica Lindholm, Katja Brandberg and Johan Lager for practical help in carrying out the studies included in this thesis

I would like to thank my family and friends for their support, and especially Hilding Lundkvist for sharing his life with me during this period with patience and encouragement

I also wish to thank the Swedish Cancer Society, the Cancer Society in Stockholm and the King Gustaf V Jubilee Fund for financially supporting this research


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In document Skin Cancer Prevention (Page 61-69)

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