• No results found

An interesting thing to study in upcoming studies would be to see how the tree species mix affects the productivity in the harvester, at least it is thought by the author of the current study, that if you have a stand with 80% pine would be faster to harvest then a stand that has a tree species mix of 50% pine and 50% birch.

What also could be interesting to study would be to make several qualitative studies in different parts of the country and the combine these to a large result. In this way one could also find out in what parts of the country integrated harvest it is better to perform this kind of harvests, meaning were have the costs been the lowest and the productivity the highest.

This is something that might interest forest companies, entrepreneurs and also forest owners.

In upcoming studies done in Finland it would be good to include the forest owner’s

perspective and the Kemera subsidies should also be included for after that they have been renewed and the regulations agreed up on.

What also could be interesting to study is what kind of harvesting method has a higher productivity when it comes to integrated harvesting; harvesting from strip roads or using harvesting in stands.



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Personal communication

Anttila, T. (2010a). Head of research and development. Northern Europe Wood and Biomass Supply, Valkeakoski. Personal conversation 23rd of February 2010.

Anttila, T. (2010b). Head of research and development. Northern Europe Wood and Biomass Supply, Valkeakoski. Personal conversation 8th of June 2010.

Bergström, D. (2010). Post-Doctor, SLU. Personal conversation, several occasions 2010.

Hallenberg, T. (2010). Director, Harvesting and Logistics. Northern Europe Wood and Biomass Supply, Valkeakoski. Personal conversation 11th of June 2010.

Kohonen, J. (2010). Harvest Manager. Northern Europe Wood and Biomass Supply, Valkeakoski. Personal conversation 11th of October 2010.

Korhonen, T. (2010). Senior researcher. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu.

Personal conversation, 13th of August 2010.

Markkila, M. (2010). Forest energy expert. Northern Europe Wood and Biomass Supply, Valkeakoski. Personal conversation 8th of June 2010.



Appendix 1. Map over Finland with the borders between the

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