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Bilaga A Informationsbrev Hi (Individens namn)!

Our names are Rina Bacaj and Nina Buquku and we are currently on our sixth semester in the Social Work Programme at the Linneaus University in Sweden. As said before, we are doing our Master Thesis at the moment and we were hoping that you would like to be a part of this study.

The purpose of our study is to analyze how representatives of Social Work view the recreational (personal) use of marijuana, after the legalization took effect in the State of Colorado, USA.


We are therefore interested in opinions about the legalization of marijuana, by different kinds of representatives of Social Work from the state of Colorado. What are these different arguments and why are they there? What were the main advantages and disadvantages of introducing marijuana in the state of Colorado from a professional perspective? When Amendment 64 was introduced, did your profession take a stand or did they choose to do nothing? etc...

This is of big interest to us as social workers to be, since more and more countries are legalizing the drug and this makes it an important matter. It´s illegal in Sweden to consume and possess marijuana for recreational use and our country is also lacking a discussion about this topic. By gathering information from Colorado we will be able to provide valuable knowledge for our profession. Since you are involved and represent social work in your own way, we would love to interview you via email.


Before you can participate in our study we need to have your consent of wanting to be a part of our study. We also have to give you some valuable information, regarding the research ethics that we will be considering and what your involvement as a participant actually means. There is no constraint on participation in the study which means that you can choose to stop at any time. You are by no circumstances obliged to complete the study.

The information that we will gather from you is only going to be used to achieve the purpose of the study. The collected data may contain different and private information and will therefore not be used in other contexts nor shared with unauthorized individuals. We would also like to inform you that we are writing our thesis in Swedish which means that we are going to translate the collected data into our language. Since the study is going to be written in Swedish it is a possibility that we might experience difficulty with the translation of the collected data. In order for the translation to be as rightful and correct as possible, we are going to make sure that we have understood the answers that you give us, by asking further questions. If needed we will also ask follow-up questions.

Data from the study that can identify or in any way be linked to the participant is considered ethically sensitive and will be anonymized. We will also take under the consideration that the

52 United States of America might have other research ethics than Sweden.

After receiving your consent about being a participant in our study, we will submit our

questions to you via email as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or if anything is unclear, feel free to contact us on our student emails at any time and we will explain further.


Rina Bacaj: rb222gx@student.lnu.se

Nina Buquku: nb222fn@student.lnu.se

Thanks in advance,

//Rina Bacaj & Nina Buquku.

Bilaga B Intervjumanual

Hello again!

We are very delighted and thankful that you want to participate in our study. As said before, the purpose with our study is to get a wide perspective of how representatives of social work stand in the question of the legalization of recreational use of marijuana in Colorado. It is therefore very important to us that you try to answer our questions as detailed as possible.

Sweden has a very strict drug policy even though marijuana is legal for medical purposes. The issue of the legalization of marijuana are in it's early stages, but in lights of what happened in Colorado the question has also become of relevance in Sweden. By gathering information from representatives of social work in Colorado, we will be able to provide not only valuable knowledge, but also useful information that might come in handy regarding our profession. We are really looking forward to see what you have to say about the subject.

53 If you have anything else to say on this topic or if you feel that we have forgotten or missed to ask you anything that might be of relevance to this subject, feel free to add it below. Lastly, if you have any questions or if anything is unclear, contact us anytime on our student emails and we will explain further.

Our Emails:

Rina Bacaj: rb222gx@student.lnu.se

Nina Buquku: nb222fn@student.lnu.se

We would appreciate it if you have the opportunity to answer back within three weeks.

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