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Offentligt tryck

Mellanstatliga avtal

Avtalet om en enhetlig patentdomstol, domstolavtalet Propositioner

Prop. 2006/07:56 Harmoniserad patenträtt

Prop. 2013/14:89 Ett enhetligt patentskydd inom EU SOU

SOU 2013:48 Patentlagen och det enhetliga europeiska patentsystemet SOU 2003:66 Harmoniserad patenträtt


Bengtsson, Henrik och Lycksell, Ralf, Åtgärder vid patentintrång, upplaga 1:1, Stockholm 2006

Bernitz, Ulf, Karnell, Gunnar, Pehrson, Lars, Sandgren, Claes, Immaterialrätt och

otillbörlig konkurrens, 12:e upplagan, Vällingby 2011

Domeij, Bengt, Patenträtt - svensk och internationell patenträtt, avtal om patent samt

skyddet för växtsorter och företagshemligheter, upplaga 1, Mölnlycke 2007

Lindgren, Anders, Skydda dina idéer, upplaga 1, Halmstad 2008

Nilsson, Bengt G, Holtz, Catarina, Patentlagen - en kommentar och en jämförelse med EPC

och PCT, upplaga 1, Stockholm 2012

Wallin, Bo-Göran, Immaterialrätt för innovatörer och entreprenörer, upplaga 1, Stockholm 2006

Övriga källor

Internetkällor EPO, All fees,

http://www.epoline.org/portal/portal/default/epoline.Scheduleoffees/PublicScheduleOfFees Window?mode=view&action=e&windowstate=normal, Hämtad: 2014-05-02

EPO, European patent office,

http://www.epo.org/news-issues/press/background/epo.html Hämtad: 2014-05-27

EPO, National law realting to the EPC,

http://documents.epo.org/projects/babylon/eponet.nsf/0/EE1929ACFAA82EC3C12572580 0374350/$File/National_law_relating_to_the_EPC_en.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05-05

EPO, Status of accession and ratification,

http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/london-agreement/status.html, Hämtad: 2014- 05-24

German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Information concerning, costs, fees and expenses, http://www.dpma.de/docs/service/formulare_eng/allgemein_eng/a9510_1.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05-02

German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Overview of patent forms and fees, http://www.dpma.de/english/patent/fees/index.html, Hämtad: 2014-05-26 Intellectual Property Office of the UK, How much does it cost?,

http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/patent/p-applying/p-cost.htm, Hämtad: 2014-04-28 Intellectual Property Office of the UK, Patents forms and fees,

Patent- och registreringsverket, Inlämning av patentansökan,

http://www.prv.se/sv/Patent/Ansoka-om-patent/Internationellt-skydd/Internationell- ansokan-PCT/Inlamning-av-PCT-ansokan/, Hämtad: 2014-04-10

Patent- och registreringsverket, Internationell patentansökan, PCT,

http://www.prv.se/sv/Patent/Avgifter-och-betalning/Internationell-patentansokan/, Hämtad: 2014-05-02

Patent- och registreringsverket, Kostnadsexempel Electronics AB,


ansokan/Kostnadsexempel/Electronics-AB/ Hämtad: 2014-04-28

Patent- och registreringsverket, Kostnadsexempel School Brain AB,

http://www.prv.se/sv/Patent/Ansoka-om-patent/Innan-ansokan/Kostnadsexempel/School- Brain-AB/, Hämtad: 2014-04-28

Patent- och registreringsverket, Kostnadsexempel Warming AB,

http://prv.se/sv/Patent/Ansoka-om-patent/Innan-ansokan/Kostnadsexempel/Warming-AB/, Hämtad: 2014-05-26

Patent- och registreringsverket, Nationell ansökan och patent,

http://www.prv.se/sv/Patent/Avgifter-och-betalning/Nationell-ansokan-och-patent/, Hämtad: 2014-04-28

Patent- och registreringsverket, Prioritet,

http://www.prv.se/sv/Patent/Ansoka-om-patent/Innan-ansokan/Prioritet/, Hämtad: 2014-04- 28

Patent- och registreringsverket, Svensk patentansökan

Riksbanken, Sök räntor och valutor,

http://www.riksbank.se/sv/Rantor-och-valutakurser/Sok-rantor-och-valutakurser/?g130- SEKEURPMI=on&from=2014-04-30&to=2014-05-

02&f=Day&cAverage=Average&s=Comma#search, Hämtad: 2014-04-30 WIPO, Applicant’s guide, International phase, Receiving Offices, Sweden,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/gdvol1/annexes/annexc/ax_c_se.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05- 05

WIPO, Applicant’s guide, National phase, Sweden,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/gdvol2/annexes/se.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05-05 WIPO, Applicant’s guide, International phase, International Preliminary Examining Authorities, Sweden,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/gdvol1/annexes/annexe/ax_e_se.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05- 05

WIPO, Applicant’s guide, National phase, Germany,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/gdvol2/annexes/de.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05-26 WIPO, Applicant’s guide, National phase, Great Britain,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/gdvol2/annexes/gb.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05-26 WIPO, Contracting parties,

http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ShowResults.jsp?lang=en&treaty_id=2, Hämtad: 2014-05- 05

WIPO, Contracting States,

WIPO, International phase, International searching authorities, Sweden,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/guide/en/gdvol1/annexes/annexd/ax_d_se.pdf, Hämtad: 2014-05- 05

WIPO, ISA and IEPA Agreements,

http://www.wipo.int/pct/en/access/isa_ipea_agreements.html, Hämtad: 2014-05-24

Muntliga källor

Intervju med Ole Bokinge, patentombud Awapatent, 2014-03-17

Skriftliga källor

E-post från Intellectual Property Office of the UK, 2014-04-28 E-post från German Patent and Trade Mark Office, 2014-04-28

Bilaga 1, E-post-korrespondens med Intellectual Property Office of the UK

E-post skickad från Anna Isaksson till Intellectual Property Office of the UK: (2014-05-02)


My name is Anna Isaksson, I’m a student at the University of Linköping in Sweden.

I have a few questions, that I would be very thankful for, if you could help me to answer:

- If a Swedish applicant would file for a patent in the United Kingdom, which fees would he or she have to pay (mandatory)?

GBP £30 (application fee) for a preliminary examination? GBP £150 for a search?

GBP £100 for a substantive examination?

- At your webpage: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/patent/p-applying/p-cost.htm

you write that: "Renewal fees start at £70 for the 5th year and rise to £600 for the 20th year." Would you, please, specify these? Which are these costs during the 6th, 7th, 8th year etc?”

Svar från Intellectual Property Office of the UK: (2014-05-06)

”Dear Anna

If a Swedish national, living in the European Economic Area were to apply for a UK Patent, then they would have to complete all the forms you have mentioned.

The renewal costs for each year are on the following webpage: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/patent/p-manage/p-renew.htm.”

Bilaga 2, E-post-korrespondens med German Patent and Trade Mark Office

E-post skickad från Anna Isaksson till German Patent and Trade Mark Office: (2014-05-02)


My name is Anna Isaksson, I’m a student at the University of Linköping in Sweden.

I have a few questions, that I would be very thankful for, If you could help me answer:

- If a Swedish applicant would file for a patent in Germany, which fees would he or she have to pay (mandatory)?

- Is it just the application fee of 40 EUR?

- Which are the annual fees for a German patent?

(At your webpage: http://www.dpma.de/english/patent/fees/index.html I can see some of the annual fees, but what happens with the annual fees after the 6th year?) ”

Svar från German Patent and Trade Mark Office: (2014-05-05)

”Dear Mrs Isaksson,

The fees for a patent in Germany you can find here: http://www.dpma.de/english/patent/fees/index.html

In order to actually obtain a patent, you must file a request for examination and pay the examination fee of EUR 350. Only then the office will carry out the substantive

examination of your application required for granting a patent.

You have seven years from the filing date to file the examination request. From the third year after

filing, http://www.dpma.de/docs/service/formulare_eng/allgemein_eng/a9510_1.pdf must be paid to maintain an application in force. You can file a separate search request

concerning your application before filing a request for substantive examination. In that case, we will inform you which documents might be of relevance for assessing the patentability of your invention.”

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