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List of tables

In document Välfärdsstatistik i urval (Page 92-95)

2.1 Children’s own things, 2004-05. Percentage of all girls and boys age 10–18 2.2 Children who have been to the theatre, cinema, museums, library and concerts

during spare time during the last six months, 2004-05.

2.3 Children who read books in their spare time and follow the news on TV in their spare time, 2004-05.

2.4 Children’s hours of time spent watching TV on weekdays, 2004-05.

2.5 Children’s hours of time spent doing their homework per week, 2004-05.

2.6 Children who practice sports in a club or group during a normal week, 2004-05.

2.7 Children who practice sports in a club or group at least one day per week, 2004-05.

2.8 Children’s perception of their own mental inbalance and well-being, 2004-05.

2.9 Children who experience psychosomatic disorders at least once a week, 2004-05.

3.1 Children enrolled in preschool and leisure-time centres by organisation and age, 2006. Percentage of all in each age group

3.2 Child care by form of care and age of children, 2005. Percentage of distribution

4.1 Population aged 25–74 by level of education, by region of birth and age, 2006. Percentage of distribution

4.2 Population aged 25–64 by field of education, level of education and age, 2006. Percentage of each age group

4.3 Persons who have participated in courses, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

5.1 Employed, of whom are employees and self-employed, 2006. Percentage of all in each group

5.2 Permanently and temporarily employed, full time and part time employees, 2006. Percentage of all in each group

5.3 Unemployment of those aged 16–64, 2006. Percentage of all in each group

In English A selection of welfare statistics

5.4 Reasons for part time work among part-time workers and reasons for not working for those who are not working people aged 16–64, 2004-05.

Percentage of those who reported each reason

5.5 Employees (age 16–64) whose work is physically strenuous and percentage of those who daily perform heavy lifting, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

5.6 Employees (age 16–64) with mentally taxing work and employees who have an instrumental attitude towards work, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

5.7 Persons who are troubled by too much work at the computer, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

5.8 Percentage of employees who have experienced a re-organisation during the last twelve months, 2004-05. Percentage for each group

6.1 Persons who lack a cash margin, have trouble with regular bills and are in a financial crisis, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

6.2 Disposable income, wealthy persons, economically vulnerable persons and poor persons, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

7.1 Persons living in multi-dwelling housing or single family housing and those who are living in overcrowded conditions or have a dwelling of sufficient space, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

7.2 Persons living in rented housing, owner-occupied housing or own home, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

7.3 Persons with access to cars, have a daily newspaper and computer with Internet, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

8.1 Persons who never get exercise/persons who exercise at least twice a week, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

8.2 Average weight and height of population aged 16–84, 1980-81, 1988-89, 2000-01 and 2004-05. Average weight in kilograms and average height in centimetres

8.3 Persons who are overweight and persons who are seriously overweight, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

8.4 Persons who smoke daily and persons who take snuff daily, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

8.5 Persons with high alcohol consumption and persons with intensive alcohol consumption, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

9.1 General state of health good or bad, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group 9.2 Persons having regular medical treatment for long-term illness, persons

considerably troubled by long-term illness, persons with considerably decreased ability to work due to long-term illness, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

9.3 Sleeping disorders and trouble from anxiety, worry or dread, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

9.4 Persons with various types of disabilities, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

9.5 Persons with motor disabilities and persons with severe motor disabilities, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

9.6 Persons with impaired sight and impaired hearing, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

10.1 Pensioners aged 65–84 with impaired eye sight or motor disabilities, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

10.2 Pensioners aged 65–84 in ordinary housing who need help with daily routines, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

10.3 Pensioners aged 65–84 in ordinary housing needing and receiving help every week, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

11.1 Persons living alone and persons living with their own family, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

11.2 Persons who socialize with close relatives and others than close relatives every week, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

11.3 Persons who do not have any close friend and persons with only a small circle of friends, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

12.1 Persons who often take part in political discussions and persons who do not listen to or take part in political discussions, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

12.2 Persons who are members of political parties and persons who have been at political party meetings during the last 12 months, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

12.3 Employees (aged 16–64) who are members of trade unions and employees who have been at trade union meetings during the last 12 months, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

12.4 Persons who are able to appeal against a decision made by an authority and persons who do not know how to appeal against a decision made by an authority, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group

13.1 Persons who during the last 12-month period have taken a holiday trip and have had access to a holiday home, 2004-05. Percentage of all in each group 13.2 Persons who during the last 12-month period have taken part in various types

of leisure time activities, 1999. Percentage of all women and men aged 16–84 14.1 Persons who have been subjected to violence or threats and have refrained

from going out in the evening because of worry for violence, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

14.2 Persons who during the last 12 months have been subjected to violence or threats in their own homes, on the job, and in a public place, 2004-05.

Percentage of all in each group

14.3 Persons subjected to theft or damages, worry for break-ins in the home and worry about family’’s finances, 2002-03. Percentage of all in each group 15.1 Employment rate 2006 and poverty risk 2005. Percentage in the EU-

member state

In English A selection of welfare statistics

16.1 The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) municipality grouping, 2005

16.2 Estimated population (1 000-tal) and number of interviews in the Living Conditions Survey (ULF), 2004-05

In document Välfärdsstatistik i urval (Page 92-95)

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