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This thesis examines the view on society in an early 20th century Swedish periodical journal of liberal theology, Kristendomen och vår tid (Christianity and our time).

During the late 19th century, a new school of liberal theology gained influence among several faculties of theology in Germany. This liberal theology depended on historical and critical examinations of the Bible, emphasising the ethical teachings of Jesus as the foundation for a worldly kingdom of God.

In one aspect, liberal theology was developed as a response to perceived threats to church authority from liberalism, socialism and the worker’s movement across all northern Europe. Another such threat was the criticism of religion stemming from the new discoveries of modern science, where evolutionism and the materialistic worldview challenged the authority of the Bible. Where churches had generally answered this development with their own criticism, liberal theologians emphasised an understanding of Christianity in accordance with, rather than in opposition to, modern science and culture.

Many liberal theologians advocated social and political reform to revitalize the role of the church in society, becoming highly influential in German society at the turn of the century. In previous research of this German context, this liberal-theological approach has been called Culture-Protestantism or Kulturprotestantismus.

As this theology was adapted in Sweden, a group of priests and theologians founded the journal KVT as a medium for spreading liberal theology to their contemporaries. They advocated greater freedom for laymen and clergymen alike in their practice and in their faith, emphasising the individual’s conscience before dogmas and confessions. They strived towards reforming religious education, supporting the new historical understanding of the development and nature of Christianity.

Previous research on KVT has studied the circle around this journal, emphasising their program of liberal theology and church politics but neglecting the journal’s wider content. Thus, this thesis studies the view on society in this theological journal expressed in three volumes from the years 1908, 1918 and 1928. The study is based on the methodological approach by historian Quentin Skinner, who emphasises situating written sources within

an appropriate contextual framework is fundamental when trying to understand the intentions of a journal’s authors. With this method, a historian can use written sources to understand what authors were doing when writing them.

The thesis’ aim is to study the view on society in this theological journal as expressed in three volumes from the years 1908, 1918 and 1928, and to trace a development of thought over time. The study focuses on thoughts and opinions about culture, moral, religion, politics and social issues expressed in this journal.

The result indicates several things:

Overall, writers tend to emphasise what is perceived as the various roles of the church, which suggests that they experienced the church to be under threat in this time period. For example, this is apparent in the expressed importance of powerful authorities. This is apparent in politics, where the development of democracy and a party system is seen as problematic in its supposed opposition to the power of the monarchy, and morals, where writers often criticize the immoral culture and behavior present in contemporary society. In 1908, writers stress the importance of the monarchy, whereas this support is less clearly expressed in later years.

Writers also emphasise the responsibility of the church and of priests regarding the education and behaviour of children and youth. The main concern is moral issues, where immorality must be hindered by taking better care of children. Pedagogical issues are deemed highly important, and writers suggest the need for introducing modern methods. A shift over time is apparent in what is expressed as the role and purpose of the church and priesthood in society. In 1908, the journal’s writers express the need for a socially active church, emphasising the need for the church to deal with issues raised by socialism and the worker’s movement. In 1918 and 1928, this ideal is less clearly expressed, and writers instead advocate the role of the church as a moral conscience of society. This change can be understood as a consequence of the political development in Sweden during this period. In Sweden, the social democratic party emphasised reform over revolution, and the state’s assuming of responsibility for the social question meant that this was less of an important for the church.

During the 1920s, Swedish protestants experienced a new enemy in Roman Catholicism. The dogmas of Catholicism were seen as the direct opposite of the intellectual freedom of liberal Protestantism. Writers are active in painting a horrific picture of life under Catholicism.

The study also shows that adherence to a liberal theology doesn’t necessarily imply a liberal opinion in other issues. Writers often stress the importance of what they deem is objectively right over the freedom of the individual. For example, writers criticize people in contemporary society, claiming that people are being led astray rather than following their own free will. This is the case with the support for authorities and critique of immorality expressed above.

There are, however, exceptions. Most clearly this is the case with religion, and the importance of religious faith in order to find hope and meaning in life is apparent. This liberal view is also apparent in the support for modern pedagogy, where the individuality of children is seen as important. A third liberal tendency is the support for the women’s rights movement, although this is only expressed in 1908.

In conclusion, the study shows that the editorial board behind the journal KVT seems to have supported a broader project than indicated by previous research. While the main emphasis of the journal was to advocate a program of liberal theology and church politics, this study has shown that the editorial board supported a certain view on society, in which the church was to play a fundamental role.