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2.2 Skyline puzzle

2.2.2 Solution

The skylines on the left of the post in figure 3 indicate three different places. One is recognizable from the ferris wheel and tall building on the left, Gothia towers, to be at the tram and bus station Korsv¨agen. The other two have hints found in pictures posted by Edwin. In one post you can recognize the shape of the roof of the library Kuggen at the part of Chalmers campus at Lindholmen (the location is also used by the University of Gothenburg) as the second skyline.

Edwin has one post about Kattegattleden and in the corner you can find the peace symbol of the third skyline.

The meaning of the symbols to the right is more apparent if you go to the places where the pictures are taken. The pictures before they where made into


silhouettes are visible in figures 4a, 4b and 4c. The numbers are found in the following way:

Korsv¨agen: The different coloured lines correspond to the different numbers of bus and tram lines, as seen in figure 5a. If you follow the mathematical symbols, you get the equation (−4) ∗ 5 + 50 ∗ 4 with the answer 180.

Kuggen: As seen in picture 4a, the library has differently coloured panels on the side. If you count the green shapes as shown in the post, you get the answer 24.

Kattegattleden: By the statue with the peace sign is a plate with a descrip-tion, see figure 5b. If you insert the numbers in this plate in the blanks of the puzzle you get 200− 1950 + 6 + 2018 which results in the answer 274.

When all these numbers are found, the player needs to follow Wilfred’s words from the post and ”add it all up” to finally arrive at 180 + 24 + 274 which gives the answer 478.

This number is the added to the website address (add /478 ) and the play-ers is facing the page seen in figure 6a. After paring the cards with information about the University of Gothenburg, the text on the reset button changes to a string of numbers. They are 071085 (GU, the acronym for the University of Gothenburg, in ASCII -code). By exchanging the previous numbers in the website address the final part of the puzzle is visible, see figure 6b.

In this text puzzle, the player has to find what is wrong with each box in order and write the correct information in the text box. Most pieces of correct infor-mation can be found on the memory cards. See table 1 for the answers. After entering the final answer, the prompt will change to ’The answer is Triceratops’.

By replacing the number 071085 of the website address with Triceratops, the player faces a reward screen asking them to contact Wilfred for the reward of changing colours on the website.


numbers for the solution originate from.


2 the year are referred to as nolling or inspark



The number of participants at the Labour Market Tendency Survey


4 The University of Gothenburg

has 13 libraries 8


It is common to take courses in parallel at Gothenburg Univer-sity

Taken sequentially


Student rooms are offered within the Nordplus and INK pro-grammes

Erasmus and Lin-naeus Palme pro-grammes

7 Animal testing is often

per-formed Avoided at GU

8 The Ethics Committees

secre-tary is Bj¨orn Rydevik Moa Ekbom

Table 1: The answer for the text puzzle and the misleading information.


(b) The text puzzle that is discovered when the memory has been solved.

Figure 6: The continuation of the skyline after realizing the significance of the silhouettes.


• (As Edwin) I recognize these places, but can’t recall where they are.

Maybe it is time to look through old photos.

• I used Google Maps to look at the library and found it has odd shapes.

Could someone go there and check it out?

• Are there any numbers close to these places? It seems there are a lot of math signs as hints.

2.2.4 Possible modifications

It is fully possible to change this post entirely and thus the puzzle. The skylines could be replaced with other places and the clues to the right could be replaced to a different puzzle. The less well-known a place is, the harder it will be to find. At the moment an easy way to make the puzzle harder is to remove the helper posts to the two more difficult locations.

2.2.5 Preparations before launch

This puzzle is already complete. As such, no adjustments are necessary.

3 Puzzles with solutions in the blog chat

This section describes puzzles that have been posted previously and are already solved. The solution may be removed from the chat and can be used as problems for the players.

3.1 Username puzzle

Although tests have not been clearly documented for this puzzle, it has been solved in passing when other puzzles in the website were tested. It took roughly a quarter of an hour to complete.

3.1.1 Backstory

Wilfred thought it would be fun for the usernames he and Edwin use on their blog to be hints to their real names. So he ended up hiding ciphers in both of them. When the puzzle is solved, the players get their full names as a reward.


(where A = 1, B = 2 and so on) you get Malm. This is Wilfred’s last name.

Edwin’s username is Fexjo. This uses the Caesar cipher and by shifting the letters in Fexjo one step backwards, the text becomes Edwin.

3.1.3 Hints

This puzzle is already solved, but the examples here may be used if the solution is removed from the chat. The Puppetmaster could use any of the Chat Users for this, either Wilfred’s or Edwin’s accounts or write a post.

• (Used, as seen in figure 7) A post by Wilfred where he suggests there is some meaning to the usernames.

• (Used, as seen in figure 7) Edwin’s avatar is currently a picture of Caesar salad. This can be mentioned as a hint.

• Could the numbers in Robot1311213 possibly mean something? Can we exchange them for letters somehow?

Figure 7: The post used as a hint for the username puzzle. The picture is a larger version of Fexjo’s avatar.

3.1.4 Possible modifications

This puzzle is made easier by including more hints in the post, such as directly stating that it is a picture of Caesar salad. It would make for a much harder puzzle if less famous ciphers are used. In that case the usernames would need to be changed and keep in mind that this means they probably need to be edited in the chat as well.


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