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Problem med framtidsarbetet

In document EDW på mobila enheter (Page 31-43)

6.4 Framtidsarbete

6.4.1 Problem med framtidsarbetet

Det st¨orsta problemet som kan uppst˚a efter att installation ¨ar genomf¨ord


ar att komma runt f¨oretagets brandv¨agg f¨or att komma ˚at rapporterna via de mobila enheterna. D˚a Cognos Mobile installerades p˚a f¨oretagets Cog-nos server gick det enkelt att komma ˚at s˚a l¨ange enheten var ansluten till f¨oretagets interna n¨atverk. Problemet ¨ar att Tele2 har en policy som inte till˚ater att man ansluter personliga enheter till deras interna n¨atverk. F¨or att komma runt detta problem vid jobb utanf¨or kontoret s˚a har de en egen VPN man kan anv¨anda. D˚a b˚ade iOS och Android har inbyggda funktioner f¨or VPN anv¨andning s˚a borde dock inte detta skapa ett stort problem.

7 Sammanfattning

Under detta arbete har vi allts˚a testat p˚a att anv¨anda oss utav systemet Cognos och d˚a framf¨orallt till¨aggspaketet Cognos mobile. Stor del av arbetet gick till att skaffa oss en bred kunskap att st˚a p˚a om just systemet f¨or att sedan kunna utf¨ora arbetet p˚a ett bra och smidigt s¨att. N¨ar f¨orkunskaperna v¨al var inf¨orskaffade s˚a anv¨ande vi dessa f¨or att skapa ett dokument med instruktioner som Tele2 kan anv¨anda f¨or att slutf¨ora installation av Cognos Mobile n¨ar installationsfilen ¨ar framtagen av IBM. P˚a det stora hela har vi l¨art oss v¨aldigt mycket om hur Cognos fungerar samt hur effektivt det ¨ar n¨ar man enkelt vill kunna analysera extremt mycket data. Vi tycker det ¨ar synd att IBMs problem har gjort s˚a att vi inte kan se en f¨ardig dashboard p˚a en mobil enhet, men tyv¨arr kan vi inte g¨ora n˚agot ˚at detta. Vi har ¨and˚a lyckats med att ta reda p˚a ˚at Tele2 hur detta ska g¨oras samt givit dem instruktioner s˚a att de kan slutf¨ora arbetet p˚a ett enkelt s¨att s˚a p˚a det stora hela s˚a ¨ar v˚ar uppgift fortfarande slutf¨ord.

K¨ allor

[1] How-To-Geek. How to connect to a vpn on android. http://www.


[H¨amtad 2014-06-04].

[2] IBM. Analytical reports. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/

analytics/solutions/analytical-reports/index.html. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[3] IBM. Cognos analysis for microsoft excel. http://www-03.ibm.com/

software/products/sv/cognos-analysis-ms-excel. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[4] IBM. Cognos app. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/

rte/an/mobile-apps/. [H¨amtad 2014-03-04].

[5] IBM. Cognos business intelligence. http://www-03.ibm.com/

software/products/sv/business-intelligence. [H¨amtad 2014-02-06].

[6] IBM. Cognos collaboration. http://www-03.ibm.com/software/

products/sv/cogncoll. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[7] IBM. Cognos mobile. http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/

sv/cognos-mobile/. [H¨amtad 2014-02-06].

[8] IBM. Cognos mobile service. http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/


mob.10.2.0.doc%2Fc_mob_arch_mbl_srvc.html. [H¨amtad 2014-05-09].

[9] IBM. Cognos-programvara. http://www-01.ibm.com/software/se/

analytics/cognos/. [H¨amtad 2014-02-06].

[10] IBM. Cognos real-time monitoring. http://www-03.ibm.com/

software/products/sv/cognos-real-time-monitoring. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[11] IBM. Ibm cognos mobile. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.

wss?uid=swg27037028&aid=1. [H¨amtad 2014-05-12].

[12] IBM. Install ibm cognos mobile. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/



[H¨amtad 2014-07-07].

[13] IBM. Security. http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cbi/v10r2m0/


2Fc_mob_arch_mbl_srvc.html. [H¨amtad 2014-05-12].

[14] IBM. Cognos mobile 10.2.1 installation and administration guide. http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/data/cognos/

documentation/docs/en/10.2.1/ig_mob.pdf, 2013. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[15] What Is My IP. Vattenfallsmodellen, lyckblom.se. http://www.

whatismyip.com/what-is-a-vpn/. [H¨amtad 2014-06-23].

[16] KCM. Data warehousing. http://www.kcm-solutions.com/kcm/

Services/DataWarehousing.aspx. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[17] Mikael Lyckblom. Vattenfallsmodellen, lyckblom.se. http://lyckblom.

se/webb/vattenfallsmodellen/. [H¨amtad 2014-04-23].

[18] Microsoft. What is the difference between a dashboard and a scorecard?



aspx. [H¨amtad 2014-02-25].

[19] Allt om Busniess Intelligence. Data warehouse. http://www-01.ibm.

com/software/se/analytics/cognos/. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[20] Oracle. Data warehouse concept. http://docs.oracle.com/cd/

B10500_01/server.920/a96520/concept.htm. [H¨amtad 2014-02-12].

[21] Apple Support. Konfigurera vpn. http://support.apple.com/kb/

HT1424?viewlocale=sv_SE&locale=sv_SE. [H¨amtad 2014-06-04].

[22] Computer Sweden. Ordlista - vattenfallsmetoden. http://cstjanster.

idg.se/sprakwebben/ord.asp?ord=vattenfallsmetoden. [H¨amtad 2014-04-23].

Appedix A - F¨ orklarande blad till Tele2

EDW from desktops to tablets


Appedix B - F¨ orslag p˚ a mobila inst¨ allningar

Cognos Mobile specific configurations


Specifies, in hours, the frequency with which the Cognos Mobile service checks for the Apple push notifications certificate expiry date. The first check is done when the Cognos Mobile service is started.

Value: 1 to 8760 Default: 24

If push notifications are planned on being used, then the default value seems reasonable.

Considering the certificate lasts for 12 months, checking more than once a day seems like a waste.


Specifies the number of days before the Apple push notifications certificate expiry date when the administrators start receiving emails about the approaching expiry date.

Value: 1 to 365 Default: 14

Our suggestion is double it to 28 days, four weeks should be more than enough time to notice it’s about to expire (The admin could be out of office on vacation for the last two weeks) and fix it before expiration date. If multiple people receive these emails 14 will probably be fine.


Specifies the email address or addresses of administrators that are notified about the Apple push notifications certificate expiry date.

38 IBM Cognos Mobile Version Installation and Administration GuideThe value for this setting is an email address in the following format:

admin@domain.com. Multiple email addresses must be separated with a semicolon (;). For example, admin1@domain.com;admin2@domain.com

Daniel Carlsson and Daniel Snellman, a bachelor degree project at KTH. 


Specifies the time interval, in hours, for the Cognos Mobile server to check the Apple push notifications feedback service for failed notifications. The feedback service maintains a list of devices for which there were repeated, failed attempts to deliver notifications. The Cognos Mobile server will stop sending notifications to the devices that it obtained from the feedback service.

Values: 1 to 720 Default: 24

Once a day seems like a reasonable amount of time between checks.


Enables Apple push notifications for the iPad native application, and specifies the wording of the message that is displayed to iPad users.

The values are:

v None - Apple push notifications are disabled and messages are not sent from the server to the Apple Push Notification Service.

v Name - Apple push notifications are enabled. The messages sent from the server to the Apple Push Notification Service include the report name.

v Generic - Apple push notifications are enabled. The messages sent from the server to the Apple Push Notification Service do not include the report name. Instead, a generic message is displayed.

Default: Name

If notifications are being used, then it would depend on the titles of the reports for what should be used. If the reports have names that could give away confidential data then generic would be the safer and smarter option. Otherwise name should be the clearer option.


Specifies the method by which data stored on an iPad is encrypted.

Values: AES128, AES192, AES256 Default: AES128

BlackBerry device storage is also encrypted, but you cannot configure it.

Unless the data is extremely confidential, AES128 is probably enough.

Daniel Carlsson and Daniel Snellman, a bachelor degree project at KTH. 


Allows or disallows the users of iPad native client to email screenshots of the reports that they are viewing.

Value: True or False Default: True

This setting applies to iPad native client only.

Depending on what users have access and how confidential the data is we would recommend false in most cases.


Specifies the maximum number of hours that credentials can be stored on a device.

Value: 0 to 8760 Default: 0

If you do not want to store credentials on a device, type 0. To store credentials on a device, type any value that is greater than the current timeout setting for Cognos Business Intelligence. As long as users are logged on, they will have access to their cached credentials.

0 is the safest option and our recommendation.


Specifies the time interval, in days, after which the client iPad devices that have not connected to the Cognos Mobile server are marked as inactive.

The devices no longer receive push notifications, and any existing device data might no longer be usable.

Value: 1 to 365 Default: 45

We recommend lowering this data to somewhere in the 10-15 range. If you go more than 2 weeks without actually using the device you probably don’t need notifications any more.


Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed for the Cognos Mobile service to communicate with the content store database.

Value: 1 to 999 Default: 5

This value should possibly be changed. We think it should be around the amount of people that have access to the service and could possibly be using it at the same time.

Daniel Carlsson and Daniel Snellman, a bachelor degree project at KTH. 


Specifies, in hours, the maximum amount of time allowed between the runs of the source and the target reports. When the difference between the two runs exceeds this amount, the drill-through target is re-run.

Default: 1

The default of 1 means that as long as the target report was run within 1 hour after the source report was run, the target report is not refreshed on the mobile device. When a new version of the source report is either delivered to the iPad device or run manually, and the time exceeds the 1 hour limit, the target is re-run.

When using the value of 1, the users who have the source report scheduled daily, receive a new drill-through report every day. When using a higher value, the decision to re-run the drill-through report is left up to the user.

The value of 0 means that all drill-through target reports are re-run. When this value is used and the iPad device is not connected to the server, the drill-through functionality does not function.

The default value seems fine.


Specifies the maximum number of hours when users of mobile devices can access the Cognos Mobile local data stored on a device.

Value: 0 to 8760 Default: 36

The value of 0 disables the lease key mechanism.

We think this should be lowered to somewhere around 10-12 hours. While you might want easy access to the data during the day, you have no need for it overnight. And having to re-run the reports in the morning seems like a fair tradeoff for better safety.


Specifies the name of the root folder that Cognos Mobile users must start from when browsing or searching content from a mobile device.

Default: blank

The value for this setting must be a Content Manager search path in the following format: /content/package[@name='<root_folder_name>']. You can find the search path in IBM Cognos Connection. For more information, see “Finding the search path” on page 42.

40 IBM Cognos Mobile Version Installation and Administration GuideIf the setting is blank, Cognos Mobile uses the root content folder or the

root folder that is specified in the portal system.xml file stored in the c10_location/templates/ps directory. If you add a root folder, use the syntax of the consumer-root setting in the system.xml file.

Daniel Carlsson and Daniel Snellman, a bachelor degree project at KTH. 


Specifies in KB the maximum packet size for reports that are sent from the Cognos Mobile server to a mobile device.

Value: 0 to 1000000000 Default: 128 KB

The packet size must be equal to or less than the corresponding maximum packet size setting on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. A value of 0 means that there is no size restriction.


Specifies the maximum time in days that a report is stored in the database.

Reports that exceed this limit are automatically removed from the device.

Value: 1 to 999 Default: 30

This seems fine considering the reports won’t be stored locally for that long.


Specifies the maximum number of pages to store for each report. Pages over the specified limit are automatically discarded from the device.

Default: 5

Tip: If your Cognos Mobile environment includes only iPad native clients, set up the default to 50 pages. Otherwise, use the suggested default of 5.

Follow the tip.


Specifies the maximum number of times that users can try to enter their security code when accessing the Mobile iPad app.

Value: 1 to 99 Default: 10

We recommend lowering this to 3. If you can’t remember your PIN in 3 attempts then you probably won’t in more than that. And the only thing more attempts would do is make it possibly easier for others to get in.

Daniel Carlsson and Daniel Snellman, a bachelor degree project at KTH. 


Specifies the need for a security code when accessing the Mobile iPad app and the maximum number of seconds that the app can remain inactive.

Value: 1 to 8760 Default: -1

A value of -1 means that no security code is needed. A value of 0 means that the iPad user must create a security code and enter it every time to access the app.

A value greater than 0 indicates that the iPad user must create a security code and can leave the app inactive for the number of seconds specified in the setting before needing to reenter the code to use the app. For example, if the value is set to 60, the user must enter a security code and can leave the Mobile app inactive for 60 seconds.

The security code cannot contain consecutive or repeated numbers.

We recommend a value of 60. A PIN seems like a must have security wise and having a short timeout is important if you forget the iPad somewhere public or leave it somewhere when going to for example the bathroom.


Specifies the maximum number of hours that the client can remain out of date with scheduled reports.

Value: 0 to 999 Default: 24

This setting applies to cases where an administrator schedules reports for a user on the server and the user does not otherwise communicate with the server before the time expires, for example, to retrieve other reports or to browse the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence portal. In the majority of cases, such as when reports originate from existing schedules or from user-initiated actions, this setting will not come into play because, typically, the device lags behind the server by only seconds.

A value of 0 disables the function, which allows devices to remain unaware of newly scheduled reports indefinitely if they do not communicate with the server for any other reason.

The value seems fine since this will rarely happen.


Specifies the maximum size of the thread pool on the server that is used to manage IBM Cognos Mobile operations.

Value: 1 to 999 Default: 20

This setting is hidden by default with a new installation. If you want to use the setting, you must add it to the list of advanced settings.

Default seems fine.


Daniel Carlsson and Daniel Snellman, a bachelor degree project at KTH. 

In document EDW på mobila enheter (Page 31-43)

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