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In document Att vilja leva, inte bara överleva (Page 35-60)

Författarna har gemensamt arbetat fram metasyntesens alla delar och varit likvärdigt delaktiga under processens alla steg. Författarna skrev introduktionen gemensamt, därefter

35 fördelades bakgrunden till att vara Isabells ansvarsområde medan metoden var Livs

ansvarsområde. De båda författarna läste grundligt igenom varandras ansvarsområden för att identifiera eventuella oklarheter och för att vara delaktiga i syntesens alla delar. Författarna har varit lika delaktiga i urvalsprocessen, datainsamlingen och kvalitetsgranskningen. Syntesens resultat diskuterades fram gemensamt och när resultatet färdigställts delade författarna in resultatdiskussionen samt metoddiskussionen i två ansvarsområden. Isabells område var resultatdiskussionen och Livs område var metoddiskussionen. Författarna läste därefter grundligt igenom varandras ansvarsområden och bidrog till innehållet. Slutsatsen sammanställde författarna tillsammans. Vidare så gjorde Isabell referenslistan, och Liv ordnade Bilaga 1 Databassökningar samt Bilaga 2 Kvalitetsgranskningsprotokoll CASP. Medan Isabell ansvarade för Bilaga 3 Översikt av inkluderade artiklar samt Bilaga 4 Översikt av exkluderade artiklar. Liv ansvarade för Bilaga 5 Metasyntes-processen.



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Bilaga 1. 1(1); Databassökningar

Databas och sökdatum Sökordskombinationer Avgränsningar Antal träffar

och lästa titlar Lästa abstrakt Lästa fulltext-


Antal valda artiklar att kvalitetsgranska


190416 Depression, Postpartum AND

Life Experiences OR Perception OR Attitude OR Narratives OR Emotions


Parents OR Mothers OR Fathers

CINAHL Subjects Headings. Explode. Peer reviewed. Research article. Engelska. Januari 2009 – April 2019. 145 39 11 10 CINAHL 190424

Depression, Postpartum OR depressive symptoms


Views OR lived experiences AND

Parents OR Single parent OR Mother OR Father Fritext Peer reviewed. Research article. Engelska. Januari 2009 – April 2019. 48 27 10 7 PubMed

190416 Depression, Postpartum AND

Life Change Events OR Perception OR Attitude OR Narrative Therapy OR Emotions AND

Parents OR Single parent OR Mothers OR Fathers Mesh-termer Engelska. Januari 2009 – April 2019. 265 156 33 3 PubMed 190424

Depression, Postpartum OR depressive symptoms


Views OR lived experiences AND

Parents OR Single parent OR Mother OR Father Fritext Engelska. Januari 2009 – April 2019. 111 40 11 9 PsychARTICLES

190416 Postpartum Depression Fritext Peer reviewed Journals. Engelska.

Januari 2009 – April 2019.

44 19 4 0


Bilaga 2. 1(6); Kvalitetsgranskningsprotokoll CASP







Bilaga 3. 1(5); Översikt av inkluderade artiklar


nummer Författare/år/land Titel Syfte Metod Urval Forsknings-design Kvalitet/ Poäng i


1 Beestina et al.

(2014). England. The impact of maternal postnatal depression on men and their ways of fathering: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

…understand the ways in which maternal postnatal depression affects men and their ways of fathering.

Interviews 14 fathers Interpretative phenomenolo-gical analysis. Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10. Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 2 Bilszta et al.

(2010). Australien. Women’s experience of postnatal depression – beliefs and attitudes as barriers to care

…to explore in an Australian population barriers to care by asking women who are

experiencing PND and who have accessed treatment and support services how they recognised and acknowledged their depression; how being depressed affected their ability to actively seek help; what sort of help they wanted and why and how the attitudes of health professionals, friends and family, and the general community influenced the type of treatment sought.

Focus groups 40 mothers Interpretative phenomenolo-gical analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10. Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0


Bilaga 3. 2(5); Översikt av inkluderade artiklar


nummer Författare/år/land Titel Syfte Metod Urval Forsknings-design Kvalitet/ Poäng i


3 Darwin et al.

(2017). England. Fathers’ views and experiences of their own mental health during pregnancy and the first postnatal year: a

qualitative interview study of men participating in the UK Born and Bred in Yorkshire (BaBY) cohort.

…examined fathers’ views and direct experiences of paternal perinatal mental health

Interviews 19 fathers Thematic

analysis approach Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 4 Wittkowski et al. (2011). England. The experience of postnatal depression in South Asian mothers living in Great Britain: a qualitative study.

…to better understand the experience of PND in South Asian mothers living in Great Britain

Interviews 10 mothers Grounded

theory Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 5 Dennis et al.

(2009). USA. Surviving Postpartum Depression and Choosing to be a Mother.

…to describe the meaning of the lived experience of postpartum depression (PPD) for rural women.

Interviews 5 mothers

Phenomen-ology analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 6 Edhborg et al.

(2016). Sweden. “Waiting for Better Times”: Experiences in the First Postpartum Year by Swedish Fathers With Depressive Symptoms

…to describe fathers’ experiences of the first year postpartum, when they showed depressive symptoms 3 to 6 months postpartum.

Interviews 19 fathers Content

analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0


Bilaga 3. 3(5): Översikt av inkluderade artiklar


nummer Författare/år/land Titel Syfte Metod Urval Forsknings-design Kvalitet/ Poäng i


7 Gardner et al.

(2013). England. The experience of postnatal depression in West African mothers living in the United Kingdom: A qualitative study …improving the understanding of African women's experiences of PND.

Interviews 6 mothers Interpretative

Phenomenolo-gical Analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 9 Vet ej: 1 Nej: 0 8 Garfield et al. (2009). USA.

Urban Fathers’ Role in Maternal Postpartum Mental Health

…identifying maternal depressive symptoms and providing partner support.

Interviews 31 fathers Content

analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 9 Vet ej: 1 Nej: 0 9 Hannan.

(2016). England. Older mothers’ experiences of postnatal depression

…to shed light on the lived experience of older first-time mothers with PND.

Interviews 4 mothers Interpretative

phenomenolo-gical analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej:0 10 Highet et al.

(2013). Australien. Qualitative insights into Women’s personal experiences of perinatal depression and anxiety.

…Women’s lived experience of postnatal depression and anxiety, the factors that

contribuate to these symptoms and the context in which they develop.

Interviews 28 mothers Grounded

theory Kvalitet: Hög

Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0


Bilaga 3. 4(5): Översikt av inkluderade artiklar


nummer Författare/år/land Titel Syfte Metod Urval Forsknings-design Kvalitet/ Poäng i


11 Keefe et al.

(2018). USA. Perspectives on good mothering from low-income mothers of color with maternal depressio

… the void in the literature by reporting on a qualitative study of low-income mothers of color who have had maternal depression in order to learn from them how they go about being “good mothers” despite the multiple challenges they face in their day-to-day lives

Interviews 30 mothers Constant

comparative analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 12 Letourneau et al.

(2012). Canada. Support Intervention Needs and Preferences of Fathers Affected by Postpartum Depression

…to solicit fathers’ perspectives on (1) their support needs and support intervention preferences for coping with their partners’ PPD, and if applicable, their own depressive symptoms and (2) an innovative support intervention for fathers and their partners affected by depression in the postpartum period.

Interviews 40 fathers Thematic

content analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 13 Scharp et al. (2017). USA.

“What Would a Loving Mom Do Today?”: Exploring the Meaning of Motherhood in Stories of Prenatal and Postpartum Depression

…how women, through naturally occurring online narratives, make sense of motherhood in light of both PD/PPD experiences of mothers. Narrative corpus 55 mothers Contrapuntal analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10. Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0


Bilaga 3. 5(5): Översikt av inkluderade artiklar


nummer Författare/år/land Titel Syfte Metod Urval Forsknings-design Kvalitet/ Poäng i


14 Thomas et al.

(2013). USA. Stories of Postpartum Depression: Exploring Health Constructs and Help-Seeking in Mothers’ Talk

…to explore behavioral health constructs that surfaced in mothers’ online stories of PPD.


corpus 30 mothers Inductive open-coding Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0

15 Missal et al.

(2016). USA. Somali Immigrant New Mothers’ Childbirth Experiences in Minnesota

…to explore Somali immigrant new mothers’ experience of childbirth in Minnesota.

Interviews 12 mothers Ethnonursing

data analysis guide Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 16 Montgomery et al.

(2012). Canada. Stories of women involved in a postpartum depression peer support group

…to describe how women talked about living through PPD in the context of a peer support group.


and interviews 7 mothers Structural narrative analysis Kvalitet: Hög Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0 17 Negron et al.

(2012). USA. Social Support During the Postpartum Period: Mothers’ Views on Needs, Expectations, and

Mobilization of Support

…to explore postpartum women’s views and experiences with social support following childbirth.

Focus groups 33 mothers Thematically

analyze Kvalitet: Hög

Ja: 10 Vet ej: 0 Nej: 0

18 Stewart et al.

(2014). England/Malawi. Perinatal distress and depression in Malawi: an exploratory qualitative study of stressors, supports and symptoms

…to investigated the

In document Att vilja leva, inte bara överleva (Page 35-60)

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