• No results found

Arbetet lyckades med att generera ett grafiskt användargränssnitt på en skrivbordsapplikation, för att låta en användare manipulera data, som beskrevs med ett JSON Schema. Arbetet hante-rade en förutbestämd struktur på JSON Scheman och JSON-dokument men har också föreslagit hur implementationen skulle kunna generaliseras. LSE kan enkelt utveckla Mimer SoftRadio till sina operatörsdatorer utan att behöva bry sig mycket om att synkronisera uppdateringar mellan administratörsprogrammen och operatörsdatorerna hos alla sina kunder. Administratörerna har erbjudits ett grafiskt användargränssnitt som är enkelt att använda, som tydligt förklarar alla möjliga inställningar och som förklarar hur inställningarna ska ställas in för att vara kompatibla med systemet.

Tyvärr bröt implementationen mot ett av de förutbestämda kraven, då nyckelordet enum utö-kades, och att systemet därmed använde ett utökat JSON Schema som inte helt är kompatibelt med JSON Schema specifikationen. Kravbrottet erbjöd funktionalitet som inte skulle kunna varit möjlig annars, vilket är ett område för framtida utveckling av JSON Scheman.

JSON Schema fungerar utmärkt för validering men har brister när det gäller annotering. Det är förväntat i och med att JSON Schema inte är en färdig specifikation. De största bidragande faktorerna vore om format utökades med att bidra mer generell annoteringsinformation än en textsträng, helst med format som objekt, och utökade annoteringsmöjligheter av enumvektore-lement


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[14] J. Britt och Neurogami, Class: Float (Ruby 2.5.0). URL: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/Float.html (hämtad 2018-05-07).

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URL: https://docs.python.org/3.6/reference/lexical{\_}analysis.html{\#

}identifiers (hämtad 2018-05-07).

[17] Ecma International, “ECMAScript ® 2017 Language Specification”, 2017. URL: http:


[18] Space Telescope Science Institute, Numeric types — Understanding JSON Schema 1.0 documentation, 2016. URL: https : / / spacetelescope . github . io / understanding -json-schema/reference/numeric.html (hämtad 2018-05-07).

[19] P. Cederqvist, multipleOf and floating point rounding errors · Issue #312 · jsonschemaorg/jsonschemaspec, 2017. URL: https : / / github . com / json schema org / json -schema-spec/issues/312 (hämtad 2018-05-07).

[20] E. Poberezkin, validation: format[Exclusive](Minimum|Maximum) · Issue #116 · json-schema-schema-spec. URL: https://github.com/json- schema- org/json-schema-spec/issues/116 (hämtad 2018-05-07).

[21] M. Faassen, better support for decimals encoded as strings · Issue #361 · json-org/json-spec. URL: https://github.com/json- org/json- schema-spec/issues/361 (hämtad 2018-05-07).

[22] L. Hilaiel, Orderly - docs.md. URL: https://github.com/lloyd/orderly/blob/master/

docs.md (hämtad 2018-05-16).

[23] The JSON Schema organisation, Implementations | JSON Schema. URL: http://json-schema.org/implementations (hämtad 2018-04-18).

[24] Snowplow, Schema Guru. URL: https://github.com/snowplow/schema-guru (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[25] Mads Kristensen, JSON Schema Generator - Visual Studio Marketplace. URL: https://

marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.JSONSchemaGenerator (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[26] K. Gordon, json-schema-generator. URL: https://github.com/krg7880/json-schema-generator (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[27] Newtonsoft, Json.NET Schema - Newtonsoft. URL: https : / / www . newtonsoft . com / jsonschema (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[28] R. Suter, NJsonSchema for .NET. URL: https://github.com/RSuter/NJsonSchema (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[29] Y. El-Dardiry, typescript-json-schema. URL: https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema (hämtad 2018-04-20).


[30] L. Bovet och Swisspush, Typson. URL: https://github.com/lbovet/typson (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[31] Limenius, Liform. URL: https://github.com/Limenius/liform (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[32] A. Romanovich, JSL. URL: https://github.com/aromanovich/jsl (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[33] P. Tomlinson, APIAddIn. URL: https://github.com/bayeslife/api-add-in (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[34] Schlothauer & Wauer GmbH, DJsonSchema. URL: https://github.com/schlothauer-wauer/DJsonSchema (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[35] ——, jsonCodeGen. URL: https : / / github . com / schlothauer - wauer / jsoncodegen (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[36] M. Kowalczyk och T. Baumann, aeson-schema. URL: https://github.com/Fuuzetsu/

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[37] Google, AutoParse. URL: https://github.com/google/autoparse (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[38] Tundra, jsonschemacodegen. URL: https : / / github . com / VoxSupplyChain / json -schema-codegen (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[39] A. Fenton, Argus. URL: https://github.com/aishfenton/argus (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[40] Glimpse I/O Inc., Bric-à-brac. URL: https://github.com/glimpseio/BricBrac (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[41] andy Zhangtao, gojsonschema. URL: https://github.com/andy-zhangtao/gojsonschema (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[42] Q. inc., jsonschema. URL: https://github.com/qri-io/jsonschema (hämtad 2018-04-20).

[43] Gitana Software Inc., Alpaca Forms - Easy Forms for jQuery. URL: http://www.alpacajs.

org/ (hämtad 2018-04-24).

[44] Textalk, Angular Schema Form. URL: http://schemaform.io/ (hämtad 2018-04-24).

[45] Makina Corpus, Angular2 Schema Form. URL: https://github.com/makinacorpus/

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[46] Jeremy Dorn, JSON Editor. URL: https://github.com/json- editor/json- editor (hämtad 2018-04-24).

[47] Joshfire, JSON Form. URL: https://github.com/joshfire/jsonform (hämtad 2018-04-24).

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[54] Network New Technologies Inc., React Schema Form. URL: https : / / github . com / networknt/react-schema-form (hämtad 2018-04-24).

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[56] J. de Jong, JSON Editor online, 2018. URL: https://jsoneditoronline.org/ (hämtad 2018-05-04).

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com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Attributes{\_}Index (hämtad 2018-05-02).

Bilaga A



SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

1 / 9

Settings Daemon Api

API:et kommunicerar över tcp och skickar alltid ett json-objekt.

1. Get password required 2. Get api version

3. Get meta

4. Get meta as string 5. Reset meta

Note: No password is required for this command Request:


"command": "get password required", "apiVersion": 1




"command": "get password required", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"password_required": true | false }


2. Get api version

Note: No password is required for this command

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

2 / 9 Request:


"command": "get api version", "apiVersion": 1




"command": "get api version", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": { "apiVersion": 1 }


3. Get meta



"command": "get meta", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass"




"command": "get meta", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

4. Get meta as string

Note: Works exactly as "get meta" however it will not try to parse __meta__.json as a json object, and will therefore not error on an incorrect __meta__.json file.


SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

3 / 9 {

"command": "get meta as string", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass"




"command": "get meta as string", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The __meta__.json file as a string"

} }

5. Reset meta



"command": "reset meta", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass"




"command": "reset meta", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The new __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

6. Set computer name



"command": "set computer name", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass",

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

"command": "set computer name", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The new __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

7. Set computer password

Note: If the password field is empty, the password requirement is turned off Request:


"command": "set computer password", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass", "payload": {

"password": "new password"

} }



"command": "set computer password", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"password": "new password"

} }

8. Create user

Note: Creates a user with default settings Request:

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

5 / 9 {

"command": "create user", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass"




"command": "create user", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The new __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

9. Remove user



"command": "remove user", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass", "payload": {

"command": "remove user", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The new __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

10. Clone user


"command": "create user", "apiVersion": 1,

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

6 / 9 "password": "pass",

"payload": {

"command": "create user", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The new __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

11. Get user


"command": "get user", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass", "payload": {

"command": "get user", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"schema": "The json schema describing the gui", "profile": "The profile file as a json object",

"metadata": "The specific profile information from __meta__.json"

} }

12. Set user


"command": "set user", "apiVersion": 1,

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

7 / 9 "password": "pass",

"payload": { "id": 1,

"profile": "The profile file as a json object",

"metadata": "The specific profile information from __meta__.json"

} }



"command": "set user", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"profile": "The profile file as a json object",

"metadata": "The specific profile information from __meta__.json"

} }

13. Upload user


"command": "upload user", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass", "payload": {

"profile": "The profile file as a json object"

} }



"command": "upload user", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"meta": "The new __meta__.json file as a json object"

} }

14. Get windows users


"command": "get windows users",

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

8 / 9 "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass", "payload": {

"command": "get windows users", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"windowsUsersAllowed": ["S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-500"], "windowsUsersAvailable": [

"S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-500", "S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-504"

] } }

15. Set windows users


"command": "set windows users", "apiVersion": 1,

"password": "pass", "payload": {

"id": 1,

"windowsUsersAllowed": ["S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-500"]

} }



"command": "set windows users", "apiVersion": 1,

"payload": {

"windowsUsersAllowed": ["S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-500"], "windowsUsersAvailable": [

"S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-500", "S-1-5-21-3808640548-4279830640-1022956473-504"

] } }

SettingsDaemonApi.md 5/4/2018

9 / 9


TRITA -EECS-EX-2018:720

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