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In document BAND 43 1953 (Page 124-128)

The growth and chemical composition of a forest moss, Hylocomium splen-dens, has beenstudiedin order to evaluate the importance of different environ-mental factors, and of competition, for the yield and structure of the Hylo-comium splendens community. The moss yield has been found to be closely related to light supply when this is low, and to nutrient supply when light is abundant.

The nutrients are to a large extent supplied from the following sources:

leachable salts in the tree crowns; dust and atmospheric ammonia and nitrate.

Ammonia and some nitrate are contained in rain, which at the same time carries down soluble substances from the tree crowns and dust from the air.

Dust also sediments directly on the mosses, as well as on tree crowns. The importance of these sources of nutrients for different plant communities is stressed.

The amounts of ammonia in rain-washings cannot account for all the nitrogen in the moss. It is therefore suggested that there may be a direct absorption of ammonia from the air.

There is a large and irregular variation in the individual growth-rate of Hylocomium splendens, which is considered as mainly due to the irregular way in which both nutrients and light are supplied, at least in many places.

Competition ma y to some extent in teract with light supply in shaded sites, but is hardly the most important cause of the growth variations. It has, however, an effect on the mode of propagation, inasmuch as it is bound to suppress very small individuals more than large ones.


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Botaniska Notiser, Lund

Reports of the Forest Research Institute of Sweden, Stockholm Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, Stockholm

Svenska skogsvårdsföreningens Tidskrift, Stockholm

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Tillväxt, produktion och näringsekologi i mattor

In document BAND 43 1953 (Page 124-128)