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In document [Skriv här] (Page 59-71)

Migrationsanalys konstaterar att utmaningarna som behöver hanteras för att kunna upprätta och vidmakthålla en varaktigt stabil säkerhetssituation överlag i de tio aktuella provinserna, framstår som ytterst omfattande. Det kraftigt ökade antalet väpnade grupper som framträtt de senaste fem åren gör läget än mer komplicerat med fler inblandade aktörer för staten (med hjälp av FN) att bekämpa, alternativt hitta en hållbar fredlig lösning med. Samtidigt fortsätter element inom statens säkerhetsstyrkor att 1) vara bland de största förövarna av människorätts-brott mot civila, 2) alliera sig med väpnade grupper och 3) nyttja den krigsekonomi som ut-vecklats med omfattande naturtillgångar.

Utöver en vidgning av den statliga närvaron i östra DRK framstår strukturell reformering, som tryggar ansvarstagande säkerhetsstrukturer, och ett väl fungerande rättsväsende, vara av yttersta betydelse. Det är dessutom angeläget att befolkningens tilltro till myndigheterna byggs upp, bland annat för att undvika att lokala miliser används som skydd, och därigenom underhåller instabiliteten. Vid reducering av drivkrafterna bakom våld och mobilisering av väp-nade grupper, synes det vidare vara svårt att utlämna lämplig hänsyn till än mer bakomlig-gande faktorer, såsom underutveckling och svår fattigdom. Till dessa åtgärder fordras politisk vilja från den kongolesiska statens sida, men även hos grannländer som har ekonomiska och säkerhetspolitiska intressen i DRK och som varit direkt och indirekt inblandade i skeendet. Mi-grationsanalys finner att det för tidigt att säga om, och i vilken mån, den nya politiska situat-ionen med nyvalde presidenten Félix Tshisekedi, och dennes företrädare Joseph Kabila som fortsatt maktfaktor, kommer att bana väg för en positiv utveckling av säkerhetssituationen på längre sikt.

Sammanfattningsvis bedömer Migrationsanalys att säkerhetssituationen kommer att vara fortsatt instabil i stora delar av östra DRK på medellång till lång sikt. Områden som berörs, och till vilken grad, kommer dock sannolikt även fortsättningsvis att variera i enlighet med det rå-dande mönstret med uppblossande och fluktuerande konflikter på lokal nivå, i vissa fall med utländsk inblandning, och i stor utsträckning med svåra våldsamheter. Särskilt provinserna Nordkivu, Sydkivu och Ituri bedöms vara föremål för fortsatt omfattande instabilitet de kom-mande åren.


L A N D I N F O R M A T I O N Rapportnummer:44457


Migration Analysis, Swedish Migration Agency, concludes that the security situation in large parts of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is still characterised by conflicts, within which clashes and other severe forms of violence flare up all contained by a milita-rised environment developed since the 1990s. Central mechanisms pertaining to the security situation, such as effective and benevolent state control over territory, and an independent and well-functioning judicial system, remain flawed and dysfunctional. In a context of scarce economic resources, and poorly working peaceful conflict-solving mechanisms, the deficien-cies make disputes more likely to turn violent. They also create space for non-governmental armed groups self-defence militias and others stimulating local conflicts, and using the security vacuum for the gain of their own and their stakeholders. Currently, up to 150 armed groups are reportedly present in the eastern provinces, which makes for a large increase com-pared to the estimated 50 existing in 2015. Migration Analysis further notes that the armed groups are most diverse in character, which in combination with the increase constitutes an aggravating factor for the general security situation.

Symptoms of absent state responsability and control can be noted in the security forces involvement in illegal commercial activites, and their substantial part in human rights viola-tions committed against civilians. Both security forces and armed groups conduct targeted attacks against civilians.

Civilian casualties and injuries are also the result of armed clashes between armed groups and the army, as well as between armed groups.

Women and children are examples of vulnerable groups, not least within conflict zones.

Discrimination and violence against women is widespread partly because of prevailing so-cio-cultural norms. Sexual violence against adults, and related to conflict, is reported to have increased strongly during 2019. W partly to the surrounding local community, her ethnicity, the availability of legal and medical support, and the form of resi-dency: female IDP:s450 are reported to be particularily vulnerable. According to international

rep violated. Exposure to severe violence, sexual

exploitation, forced labour, and recruitment to armed groups are some of the worst abuses.

Children within armed groups is very common. They serve as soldiers, but also for other pur-poses, including sexual exploitation.

On provincial level, Migration Analysis concludes that there have been large variations regarding levels of violence in the provinces covered by this report from high intensity in certain areas to only a few noticed incidents in other. Variation regarding the developments over time is also noticeable. Due to impediments in the information flow from concerned areas, Migration Analysis finds it important to be cautious when it comes to the precision in available statistics. Nevertheless, and with regard to intensity, casualties, and the amount of present, North Kivu, South Kivu, and Ituri, emerge as the provinces with the highest levels of violence during the period of January 2019 through 2020 (Q1). At the same time, significant differences between the three provinces can still be seen. North Kivu has been noted for twice the number of incidents of violence compared to South Kivu and Ituri, and South Kivu shows considerably higher levels than Ituri. Ituri, on the other hand, is characterised by the highest levels of casualities per incident during the same period. In all three provinces, the violence has strongly been on the rise since 2016.

The security situation in the province of Tanganyika emerges as the most volatile and vi-olent next to the three mentioned. Since mid-2016, it is foremost the ethnic conflict between Twa and Bantu peoples that has caused insecurity.

450 Internally displaced persons


L A N D I N F O R M A T I O N Rapportnummer:44457

The findings further indicate that the provinces of Haut-Katanga, Tshopo, Haut-Uélé and Bas-Uélé are to be found in a mid-segment securitywise. They have been noted for more in-tense violence than Haut-Lomami and Lualaba, the provinces where the mosts stable security sita-tions prevail, but less so than the first four mentioned provinces. The security situations in Bas-Uélé and Haut-Uélé relates predominantly to the activities of the

(LRA). Nowadays, they are of low intensity, with sporadic incidents of violence affecting civil-ians. The provinces of Haut-Lomami och Lualaba have had very few incidents of violence re-ported since January 2016, although armed group activity has been recorded.

Migration Analysis concludes that extensive challenges are at hand when it comes to estblish and maintain a stable security situation in the provinces concerned. They involve structural reforms aimed at building competent and benevolent security structures, and re-storing the judicial system (e.g. safeguard its independence, coming to terms with impunity and corruption, extend jurisdiction to adequate parts of territory). It is also a question of es-tablishing well-founded trust among the population in order to diminish the use of armed militias as a means of protection. Concerted efforts to address the drivers behind violence and, armed mobilisation, seem required. The former also concern underlying factors like under-development, and poverty. Political will from the Congolese state can be seen as a prerequi-site for positive developments, but similar determination from neighbouring countries with economic and security interests in the DRC is also of importance. Migration Analysis finds it too early to conclude whether, and if so to what extent, the current government will pave way for a positive development of the security situation in the long term. However, the situation in large parts of the eastern DRC will likely continue to be volatile in the medium to long term.

The areas affected, and to what extent so, will likely vary in accordance with the current pat-tern of local conflicts flaring up, fluctuating with severe violence, and in some cases involving foreign influence. The provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, and Ituri, seem particularly likely to face continuous large-scale instability in coming years.

Elektroniska källor

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