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December 12, 1991

Pert Accomasso Rt.l, BOX 76




Dear Pert:

Groundwater Appropriators of the

South Platte River



P.O. Box 974 • 219 E. 'lroad Ave. Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701 303-867-5298

At the last GASP board meetinq, the members reviewed the terms and conditions of our latest conversations and approved the following:

1. GASP to provide augmentation for pumping not to exceed 700 AF.

2. GASP to pay the asse .. ssment for the seven GASP units created.

3. GASP to receive the rights to 17 1/2 Ahares of Schneider transfer water equalling 6 2/3 cfs.

4. You will pay all ditch assessments associated with #3 above.

5. All terms are renewable annually.

6. Should you elect not to deliver the Schneider transfer water in any future year; the GASP units created cease to exist.

For your further information, I di~cuAsed the~e arrangements with the Division Engineer in Greeley and h~ agreed that the~e terms ar acceptable.

Please let us know of your intention~ ~o that we might bring this m·tter o a close.



GASP Manager


Groundwater Appropria o s of the

November 5, 991 Pert Accomasso Rt. 1, Box 76 Atwood,


80722 Dear Pert:



e River B



I am in receipt of your letter of Novembe 4, 1991 nd a a

result of th t and the meet nq we had in Bob Hessler' off ce on

November 1, I am re- tating GASP•s possitio . I am wil ing to

t · ke to the board a propos 1 that h s the follow'ng provi ons. 1. GASP to provide augment tion for pumping not to exceed

700 AF.

2. GASP to pay the assessment for the seven GASP unit created.

3. GASP to receive the right~ to 17 1/2 ~hare~ of schneide trans er water equalling 6 2/3 cfs.

4. You will pay 11 ditch a se~~men s a ociated witl #3


5. All terms are ren ~ ble annually.

You indicated in prev·ous conversations that tl 17 1/2 share

of water will deliver 733 AF/y ar. Plea e be advised tha I

believe this number ref cts a gross q1 ntity and hat a true consumptive use amount of that delivery i probably on y about

300 to 400 acre feet. The only way to q t tru de e mina , on

would b to hav an engineering evaluation done nd get

water court to agre by handing down a deer e. Thi is th

proc ss you would, in all likelihood, go through if you cho o

pursue an alternate point of dive sion

I believe that the board o directors would b . receptiv . o

provision 1-5 abov . I do not b li ~ v th the bo d s w llinn

to al o provide payn1ent of ditch a . e. ~ment as you would hav . them do. I h efore believe this to b wha yo terme "best offer".


Pert Accomasso November 5, 1991

P ge 2

Groundwater Appropriators of the

South Platte River Basin


P.O. Box 974 • 219 E. Railroad Ave. Fort Morgan. Color do 80701

303 ~867 -.5298

I hope that you further understand that GASP has no obligation to make his proposal. we would consider this arrangement to break even. we are not in any way trying to gain an advantage in this situation. If no arrangement is made, we still break even. We are propo ing this only a a means of good water management, nothin more. If this agreement works for you .. then we s1ggest you pursue it. If it does not, then that too, is O.K. with GASP.

our next board meeting is to be December 2: 1991. If you have made a decision by then, please let me know so that I can take

it to the board of directors and finalize this matter. Thalk you for your diligence and interest.


Jack Odor


~card Of Directo s

Groundwate Ap opri ors

of the South latte:

A ceo t. sso B OS. Box 76 B as., p ctiv Atwood, Co. 80722

i ce Th Dav s Bros. Di ch Co. is b ing ab ndoned, Accomasso d GASP los thei means for supplying water to their res


A er me ting with J ck Odo , my san nd I we e given he

imp ssio , tha in exc nge o 17.5 sha es of c neider Ditc Co. transfe wat <6.66 CF >, GASP would rovi e 7 units, and pay the

ssessment o sai 17.::> shares.

At h n x m eting he issue w s b ou ht o the Ba rd, bu for

sam so Mr. dar c ded to exc u e the payment of the ditch

s ssm n . Having discussed our o igin 1 rn ting with , Od , with Boa dmeru r ob rt H ssler i was discovered t1 t what was r sented

t le Bo d w s no wh t we wer led to beli ve. Conseq ently w are b ck a s re ne, with no g eem nt.

Ou co tentio1 is h t or 7 u ts o GASP~ $700 plus ass

ss-mente on 17. ditch sh s ($1660 nnual verag ), GASP can lace the Hessl Recha g ystem fa $2360 nnua y. T is s id rech ge ystem which ses t now b ndoned D v s B os. Ditch has cost GASP an an 1 ve ge o $2800.

Dur ng 1 91, none o the 17.5 sh es wee diverted om t e rive 11 w te use w s um ed. As th hea g tes o the Schneide Di ch r e n y ew mil s f om those of e Sterli g No. 1 Ditc t c be ss me th t m st the 6.66 CF we avail ble o thetn. The fo e

the n u1t of w t r th t h d to be el se o um d fo S rling o.

1 w s l ss th n 1 would 1 ve b n if th t w t r h d bee ive t d

th Schn ider dg m you r c s o th Ste ling o. 1 cloc

cha ts, t is si np e o d, t rmine w ch value the 17.u sl es


We do not believe our offer to be excessive in light of the fact

GASP pays other parties, $5.00 +per acre foot leased. On the other

h nd, th of e . Odor made to us of abo t $2.00 per acre foot,

creates a great inequity.

Ou 1 ns are to attend the next meeting of GASP in Ja u y a d

will be willing to a swe any questions pertaining to this letter.

You lo g1tfu cons deration will be greatly appreciated and

your decision espected.

You s truely;





october 18. 1991 Pert Accomasso Rt. 1, Box 76 Atwood,


80722 Dear Mr. Accomasso:

Groundwater Appropriators of e

outh P atte River asi


P.O. Box974

ort Morgan, Colorado 8070 303-867-52

I have tried on a number o occass1on to reach you by

phone without success. Therefore. I am writina thiA as d

demonstration of my under~tandinq of our recent meet1no. I think the following point.· we1· crree uoon.

1. GASP will provide well augmentation for pumping not to exceed 700 AF.

2. GASP will p y fcJr the asses~ment of said 700 AF of ugmentation.

3. GASP will receive all rights to your ditch water or augmentation uAe.

4. You will continue to Pay the assessment 01 your di ch


5. This agreement is renewable annually by mutual consent. It is my understaz diner hat there mav be Rome confusion. as

to point 4 above. I r .qret th~t confusion may exist, howev r I

cannot support this acrreem .... n t if GA.Sf' ·~k v~:: ·or bo .1 he

augmentation, and the ditch a~~ ssment.

If yo t are greeabl_ to .he ermR f point 1 throuq 5 above , p 1 e a!-": e 1 e t u ~· k.n ow . I you c1 is a q r e e ~ then w need o a l k again or vou can proce d oz ~eparate pl ns.


-Jack Odor


-- ~

November 4, 199

Mr. Jack Odor, Manager GASP



Box 974

Ft. Morgan,


80701 Dear Jack:

I cant nue to be a little confused about how values of water are placed and stated as per consumptive use and other

numbers. also remain somewhat concerned about what was said at our original meeting several months ago when my son Perry and I visited with you.

What I would like you to do is to make a proposal in writing to me that would be consistent with other water purchases you have made in the past and tell me exactly what the Schneider w ter is worth to you and your system and outline your best proposal. As you remember, you have always offered at east seven units of GASP in exchange, but I continue to feel this water has additional value above what your offer has been in recent conversations.

We are all concerned about the past communications as to what was sa·d and not said, but it is time that I know what your best offer is so that I may make the best decision for us in the process.

Kindest regards and we w"ll be awaiting your proposal.



Pert Accomasso oute 1, Box 74 Atwood,






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DAVIS ROS. DITCH CO. Report Blank For _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___., 19 _ _

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DAVIS BROS. DITCH CO. Report Blank For _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___., 1 9 _

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DAVIS BROS. DITCH CO. Report Blank For _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___., 19_

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ILo "t .... f),-;-,. t. It.,., .~-~ .... ~rJ.,"- '/r __ () 1. .._- # y-l'J'J.P-' f / I , '7 9 ~J.t(/5 7 1 .... ;96 J&J.IJ O(.) ' '/f-1 v "'"' '7"7 .'Y 0 g~ !ll.it?5 JJ:)() S(""':< ~., ~5"7 f.pt, "'"(/ ~I~~\, 7 0 ~-_!~



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7 Totar-1 ~ Water User





g- "/ 17




-=====================~======================~~==========================~ SCHNEIDER DlTCH COMPANY STERLL~G, COLORADO L~ST OF STOCKHOLDERS AS O.tt' J.A.l'oJUARY 27, 1990 Nruv£ OF STOCKHOLDER

Accornasso, Emil L., Paris, Reb. & Til

Accomasso, Emil L., Paris, Reb. & Til

Castle, Gary L., & Glenda L.

Datteri, Robert


Edith Viola

fi'iebig, Alex Estate Fiebig, Alex Estate

·onte, l"lary Kaepernik

Blach, Hobert P.

Klindt, Dan & Debra

Klindt, Dan ~ Debra

Liedke, lTadine & 'Vlal ter, in Joint 'l'enancy

Propst, 'l'Om

Michel, Leo Michel, Leo l·dchel, !"larie

~chel, Anna, Leo & Frederic

Ped oni B others

Prop t Brothers, Inc.

Rasmussen, Elmer N. & Deana

Scalva, Kenneth E.


Laura J.

Smart, T.A. & Sons, Inc.

Scofield, Morrison Estate

Scofield, Morrison Estate

State Gwme & Fish

State Game & Fish

Weakley, B.W. 'Weakley, B.W. TOTAL SHARES CERTIFICATE NUMBER 150 210 212 203 167 156 202 227 224 22~ 201 2lt) 207 204 206 216 139 20~ 217 226 194 193 185 196 213 166 165 NUMBER OF SHARES 13 1/2 6 2 14 1


6-1/2 6 7 1-1/2




2 5-1/2 3 1/2 2 3 3 5 5 7 7 3-3/4 4 3-1/2 2 4 1-1/2 2 125


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