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#29 Specifications for enlargement of system


Academic year: 2021

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0 T A N G4 0 14 T P 11 C X 0 11" P T. P. P. T. 1! I* 0 IT 5 S 17, 11 P 0 13


740g1T;nUgA v MAZY 7P I AT .1.roF DI F7.7T IC T

14 017,737 77411, f*, TITY



•11111.--E 1,;* •11111.--E A T,

The t'tork to be done unqin, thee spw;ifications 18 enlarging and repairing 14:*risatton ,litr.thes„ flumes and dam and constrize.rting new ditf,hes, flarnes, ,,araese, plpe 'tines and other worka for the storage)) oonveyanne and diPatrilvation of riater ror the irrIgatton of: all lands vrithin the ltnits of THE MrYgTreCIAIA vALLYY TYPTMATTON DISTTMIT4 situatod In Vionto— gi mty) Colorado.


The work to be done cmaprises all that which would be necessary to 0,omplete„ a000rding to the plans and those 8pec1f1oation3„ rish creek: Diteh, arNmel. Hog '"0..xervoir Pam, gain Intake Dam, Main Canal lin. 1., gain canal NO 2, Narra— Lauinnep .R#V1r4r1:01.1'.' Dar' and Laterals fl, E9 C, T, K, 1,1 E, 0,

p1 '17 1 1 If 'Anti IT/ Map on

at the office

• fi "- • 3 •

of The 7loard of Directors at Cortes,


The aprtroxinate quantities of the different materials to be 1.:tra4led. III given below., butth$.:,,,se fi[ntres are estimates only and are not :1,tif.-oantood 1.,7.7)Yrk.


Lumber in t,restles Lumber in 9 ave .y1.prlf4

Pandq in 11c3 :or ,;tfivl pipe Stolid rook (noavation

Looflo rook oxeavation :arthr.3xearatl.on.

Ea'.eith L.11 in. f3,a1s._ Piron” in an

Conviete in flrov;. Conorete in clAm

to.s Tv,

Thq URI. herein .,. the ptle ”Th.1


The it; herein or the word uEnctneer# alv.ayo :N3for3 to the ”istrict 'nfineer of THE HOITTEMA ,./AUEY TRRIGATTOY 71I7V;ICT or to any authoriaed afig.4.3tant 1,aoh ena_neer.

The u9e helbe_n of the phrase Ale 7,.mtr_ct Engineer" 0.1lays Tsofelms to f,he 17) ;f,riot 211L,..11:;,er ln perlon and no other.

The ur-Je herein of Ale wo:::..d ."ontraotoro alwayfl refers to the prinoipal oolotor who 3hUlo.ito been oxarded the f:,on rot feyr the oon,;.3' ruotton of a...1 wo X ooverea



W0001.41Mat_OnS,4 and not to Any Inboontraoter.

The use herein or the word nTeportii awayi3 rofers to a eertain report made by H. T. and 8. V, liendernon ;:nd on

With the oretary of the 7oard of lAreetorn at tlortozi V IP


of all parts of the workl accoring to the fall waning And Intent of the plans and these spectftattons and he cannot shift or 4i ride reeponstbiltty ,c71.th any f;Uboontractor or employee.0 nor wiI1 the entneer or the dttrit 010.neer be enpowered to nalto any verbal vrreertent relieving the con-trotor tn or in part rrom his full responsibility hereunder.

sdll bo furnished the contrctor by the engineer from tine to time howint; :in (Totail th() manner and (1111oter o;7 the wollk. Theso dInvingg together '1.t1 those

speciftf)ations aro intended to pr(vrtde for the thorough and complete construotion of t)ach


(:) ,Iryt part of the -ork,0 but In cane evry.41etall in thing may not be -horn on the plans nor let out In the!-14) qflootfleattonfL, ,W,9 not relteve the contractor from qapplyin luch lAterl.als and dotnis ;,;11.01 other

aa noeastrwy to ,oril)Mte the $5list! In ,taf#9, toroagh wJ I e:lanner.

Thc .1)1a7ll and these 4pec1ficationl are intended to be co-operative FAnd what ± called for by one ts as 1)indl,ng as if Fillea ror by 'ooth.

The t:IrawInes will "b4) mm,de to scale but where flzures aso ghown the 3.aine will take lyrece.qence over :caltngs

measurenents mad9 on the drawing9. VII.

Should aniv 4iaputo arise betTeen the ongtnoor ;Jnd the contractor as to the true meaning trld tntent of the dmw-ingso TeotPications or as to 'Ole ;lanner or emetion of



the work o or of the quality O. ,ho work ey:e(tuted„ the decision

or the romev, .4hall b tnal and conclq91ve.


On the firlt day of each and every nonth during tho prozress of the ilork the engineer will 19asure up the work

by. the contractor in the month Just ended and paYnont will be made therefor y the District, upon :iltch (iubsequont

date and upon ,Itch f.,,•3ms as flall have been agreed upon

between the parties"; 8et out in a contract or \thieh tbeF40

”eoiriations are a part.



The contractor , 111 furnish all materials and supplies., tooliequiDment and labor needed for use in the 1)roper

con--0:,Y.uoton or eNlection of the work. to be ,Ione* X,

Thf IItt A1.1 .1.cfluire all rihts or way for

lit(thesd flungs3 lams„ pipe line to. but •yfill not furnish

:Any lJnds or ga4ements for the use o t ntror or

canpso roads or for 'his nuiprint,


The contractor asqamos all risks of danA4;e or Jel;:Lys

:Ale to windso stor msi floods, accidents and caw;alttes of

every hind and agrcies to turn over the work o')Ipleted and ready for use.

xir s

The contretor Lvisumes lialAlltts for loss or

qamage to his equiment or that of any fyll-)1(Y1't:1;e or 7caboon.. tractor,


The contr;Actor aBS1111499 all liabilities of injury to

hinxielf, or any subcontactor or employee or any citizen, or for o.ny Oamage due to property, either public or private in the construction of any of the work heroin described.


If, in the opinion of the Poard of Directors of the District, any danages

in any ray be laid to loard flay require the

or claims against laid contractor can or held against the District, the said contractor to settle said claims or give bond therefor. In case sqid contractor refuses for longer than thirty

allount as they nay flue the oontromtor shall have settled bond.


days, then the said Roard may deduct such deem necessary from any cash or securities and tolfl. the Tle until time as he laid olatm or given the Board the proper

The engineer reserves the right to condemn any ylter-ial or 13or} at any tine before final acceptance, in 7riting, and the contractor will pomptly remove the miterial or

remedy the work, otherwise the same may be zineer and charged to the contractor.


done by the en

The cont:2actor rIll preserve all stakes and bench marks and in case of carelessness or neglect so to do, the District may charge him with the expense of replacing the same.

No work will be received which is done in advance Of stakes set by the engineer.


( A,


Ft, A T

01.1.0 11,10

e 1)e two glaY.,th daris„ on at tho Prr.ound g ReseryoL. on At the Narragulnriop '2eserlfoir,0 1)oing 74 ft, to 76 rt in holght

Tho engineer rly, itt the (:r(pf,:e or tlp,) Dir5tric Rink pits at one or norm po..n,s in the foundation of the

4arm to bed ,00ki c.)r' the purpose of gotornlning the oharaoto: f the foundation literialio lthd naY r.,qvitre th oontrotor to oavato a tronoh the entire length o: tho dam to hod

ror)X and to '71.11 t' rIth olooted Sald trend to be of the rAge and dinonsons detertItnod by the ongIneeri the rill to be w1X IporAal ore &Aall be•sDrInXlod qnti ro.ie1, Ii, ±n the oy!,nIon of the 0R;Inoor, the an nay be nece9aYnr. (t '111t.,11, iie aetUal

fl'ost therefor plus ten per ,lrInt (10 .),

0 T110 -rfAt v11..11An the 7,3Top 04:1 1). IYLlorowit:hly 0.9anod or all kTd the 1,10 ;111all be }opt fro9hly plored In adyanoo or bng oovered wAth (ittrot. (A.) Intake to the outlet (mndltits tl1 be prototed

,41.th qteel ioreen bars # -11/2# qp;lond (rof center ,o center qith oth on4a Tlot


in clonoret-* the profe_able deign cu1d. be three (3) 36 inoh 9teel pipe 71(..,_.olo(t in g

inches of oonorete and wc,077;JIlv at fr an the ivAtes and din (qing Into a trinno, ,r ,;tono oondlAtt Mlioh shall c.r.:tond

through t).1r) rqnqIning portIon or the (Imo (1.nd 9hall Tw, of such 3ize 'and design as to dilcharge f':tyn hundred (500) oonc



The outlet may be a tunnel or ;tone conduit for the entire 1en12:th, ut in that oAse the oontrotor rill submit plans to. the ”ist_iot .1q1gineor ?I'o 1.1.y approve them or ohange them a,8 he deems beet for the safety of the struoture. The conduit 'Obe on bed roaX throuhout its length ,;Ald so arranged that the tlisoh• ed water oannot injure the down stream toe of the dam,

( E.) L;ates may be either 340 gate valvea or of the sluiceato pattern, but in either ouso nust Bo arraned so that ti:,y oan be operated by one Ilan 1:rom the to of the dam under a full had Of t!7ater; ao0oss to the fate3or

valves to be had throw,h a hollow eliptioal oonorete chimney,

5 rt. x 7 r ,

In the clear and extending :1,.Ye feet ttoVe hizh

water line, :111(i. to be 154 thick at the ;op and 300 at the otptom0. and to l!est on bed :cook. Gates and outlets to be 80 c'ened as to (thlohargo five hundred (500) seoond feet of ,later lith i& head of twenty-flve feet in th.ereservoir.

(7" ) All ,anore.c :;hall be in aecordarme with the mlonelfi-atio for concrete al pr y)-'4.rarw9h 20.



The earth shall be of material ele(.:ted and approved by the evineor and he may *.,4111tre that different materials be placd. in the dam and nixed by*:.)losrine,:,, In

extreme dry eater he may require sprinkling. 7he dam

be carried up approxitely level and in layers of tbout 12u in thickness. The mIter1a lult be well clonsoliated by ttriv-ing teams fwer the fill, or, if the erv:ineer reflires, a

two wheelerl (art with 104 tire3 and loaded with a ton and ono-half weight, nAy be kept in 'Iotton on the dam to


oon-• lidato the ,,:atertal.

11.)eolt11 c.re to be nse4 to fieoure a •1:.ct(,L 71 ht.

joint 'oetwoon the arth and the ollot ,(,onuit; .•the

• tr1,f11 for thi,A n'Ill be rp.!!looted an4 hand. ratried.

An alloranco of 5 of the height Por fftlinkage '4"111 bo Mile to the 71.11

(.) Tho top yrifIth t tir rlayAntm loo,ton oP tho flan. v.4all

he trwit7

ro9t, .411,yoo

the 1t ln over fo!:.,,y (411 feet.;

%;:le'ebe the total 15if;ht Ii ntler tv,efity (201 foot the top vridth vill bo ixtoon (16)- font,

The r„tlope on the flown 9tron fAde 1711 be 2,-1; tho

-• Atrm

.171.4e will be 3,-L to a. (Lepth 'oelrof ,:,rator 6nrftwo

of fifty (50) fet,t 17he're.i to bo a If' off9ot and thence dn

a to I slopo to the botto,,.1.

f )

T1'1,3 11 ay v7111 be fifty (r0) in lo216th and

a llich r4;er lAvel 'Fith the Pe8orvoir, fty be oitor

a f7ton -14ete 912111'1ay or n11(1 In rock. 01:0,1 ond 1,010

IT) . f .3e, of the ntter 01') fl'am thr) aP0x

or level of th mll.;qay .:;.11 be on a 14,:i crade.

Arrango-nent nt.vA bo ')7A1e 13(,) t1T0, tho 'vater U tIn over the

31)111 '.ay II1 ot Injure) tho down 3troall of tho aan.

(J./ Thn up !;.troa •1t2ie of th dan 1,; to be :I rapped. with

0,one \frhih t-)nf.1 :'"ori the top o 2. ,o the

14-th orrlet fifty. (50) ..)nlo,1 th iI; ite lin; the

stone be a -.:,oeX4 not :1.11Ao to dntegrato

the ,AotIon of the *1Rter ,Anfi. air ;And lI7)e or tho also


a IL

one or iwo Non. 71prap shall be 16# deep meAsured at 'ight

angles to ',,ho slope of the embankment.

(K.) gator:tale not approved by 'rho one;ineer will be

re-moved from the daM at the contr:Actor, expense.

No eefrten of gAtesi vaIves outlet condui,s or parts

thoroor be adoptea until 1:,he cont_otor shall have

nub-mitted plans or the qame to the engineer ant recotved his apprtoval in -irtting.

nen) changes hal.to boon made 1.n the orlinal design

in the Report and the engineer and contnActor cannot agree on a 9ultable designo_ then the plans and floi8tgiul J.71a,nished by the erOnoor a on, lines of the agreed form of oon9truct1on Will be adpted.


(A.) The dam and head Fates in the Dolores 7.1vor are to

be substantially as qhown on Ey:hibit t'01, in 3pOrt, oxeoPting that there 1 to be no conrete core underneath the dam, fAnd the (Ian is to end at the north end of the spillay P,ect_on.

01.) The :oundation shall be carried to tiuch iT,.th as the

engineer may requIrs$ it being the Intent to .locure a sutt-able boulder foundationi but muqt tL.o to a 1.opth of tvo foot below the lorest point in the river.

( The concrete for and around all gates shall be

con-structed in accordance ,41th the spe(Afications for concrete In paragraph 20 herein. The concrete for main 1)ortion of the dam 'gill be in ,v)cordanoe with the game tipec1f4cations except-•



ing that.lrge 1)oulders nay be placed in the structure, pro-vided this ig done trvlsIdiately after the concrete has been put in place in the dam; these boulders bou10.erstha1. ho r,lean and roistTI hall be pounded Well Into the soft con-treto T11 shall not be plrAoed nearer than 21..x Inches to ono another or to the edges of the 4tructure.

(DO The concrete beam for the gates shall be reinforced with two ono inch square qteel rods for the entire Ii.Ingth of the 4),M39

( There are ,o be nig t gates instead 'of sin shown on the plans, Those gates ire to be cast 7ion running on (qtst Ion Promesi all b,:Arings to be planed; ,Aoh gate shall be naJe in tro secti.ongo the lower Rection ,o be 80 constritotod that it will engage the upper section :i4/10, lift it also; the gates ,o be rTised by capstan as Ihown on plans in Report,


T44Jo,atem aril to be Icoated at a point three hun-dred foot rest of the intake Dam,* and is at a point - 'here Hain (lanai io. I and gain tlanal Yø, .2 separate; 'there will be four (4) .4ates In 9ao anal; the gt9t3 t:Y.'e to be of the

exact pattern of those at he Intake Dam and are to be sinilarly con9truoted.


The concrete drops ire to be constructed on all late_als whorie the gate of the ditch is Auffici.Intly steep


-10-to olu4o Rxhibit uN" in Peport for ,ypical

design Of ennorete arops.) The oonoreto lhall bo contructnd

In !Acoomlance the Ipeci4rieations for conrete in

para-graph 20 herein. All ,..ropri tre to be nade in widtiv:t fl'am

three to si71:toen foot, ni the earth to 3lope boR from the

ed(::e of the oonorete on ;lope s fron 1-1/2 to 1.

C07 r,RFT N,

X X,

(A.) All c)onorete 4hail be composed of one -0.krt cement

and 3-1,4 palmts of qando 5-1/2 put s of sroken otone.

(P.) Cement all be any ood Portland (;ement rioh aball

be approved Lyy the engineer and will be subject to the follow-ing test;-7.

All covient ;11rninhed uWer these Ipcifications nust be manufctured in (7,anada or in the United 'Statea. It 8hall

be pure Portland Cement of th,)x -0.111..ty, well and

uniforn-ly burned and free rron all adllixture of free limo? ::lag, or other adulterating or foreign nqterial. It nust oonforn to all or the testso oonaitions and requirenent herein speoi-fied ,o the sa,isfAction of the engineer. All oenont manu f4otured a, any one raotwoy or '4orks must 3how a f4atisntotory unifornity under the requirenents mpecifiedi p;Articularly in

rt:plpeot to rineness,0 chemical onpoc4ition and tenstlo strength. rampling and testing of the oenent will takj?) place

at under the eiirection or the

engineer o Ang the re4ult3 obtained 'lust be qooepted by the



11-anpling for testing !,qicen ,N,to)1 lot of

cement; they shall be ohoen arbitrarily rron portion or

I,o.c.*tions of the parcels as the engineer !Mall 4etern1ne, to tint the oement te)sted 1:ty bo thorong!lly representative of

the tho1 lot.les foi ah lotTlay be tted separatclY

or nqy be mixeq to f:orn a re9resonttive as the

17Jvineer shall deternino.

nriquettes shall be 'made from each lot as air9oted

by the ingineer; not ions than to be t-)sted


days aft'r

gauginc, ,Ind not le s9 t"il,In

6 ,o

be Ited 26 a.r3 After

vaging. The three highest reoords for oaoh lot U be

averaged anf!i the rellAit tkicon .Fts the ;Average for the lot

Tests ',1_11 bo nude to tleteroine fineness speoifio

gravity, sonnetness, tino of let., chemical conpofAtion and tensile ,Itrength.

Alf) oomen, ntmt be so finely g':.iolznd that, Ilen ttrIft. through atandard selves an 4escribed below, the residue in terms of the whole by 1.1eight sh11 not exceed the follow



wire, 2,500 neshos per sq. in.- maximize' residue, lO:



wire, 5,476 meshes per aq. in.- maximum residue, 5;

No. 40 !Iire,e 100000 noshes per 13(1* in.- max:trim residue, Cs;izos of wire by 51tubs 1 rire guage.) The apeoivio gravity of the rp5ment shall not be loss than 3.09, qnd shall not exceed 3.25 for rresh omment; the term treh beIngnnderatood topply to cenont not :ore than two (2 ionths old,

Pats of n,..)a orn.mt.,,,


-12-ptt be aout throe Inolieti in diater,

Inch thick at th nter tflt tapeY* to a irery rAge al!.

around. The. pat i After in qubnittod to noilt 11,3a, Rnd

.:Yam .zater in the Faija aar.Atilt3 for ,=;ounfinersai, at

tonr-poraturos of 105 .101,v'eos and 115 dev,ees P. respectely,

ahall qhow no qracks or expAnfilon or cn

or rorn

in thl



24- hours,* when the exposure to the noist 11,3at

has been 6 houre,„ and to !pfirm *later lg ours• If (Jetached fron the ,L;laae4 tti sallplea nust break with


A at '1,1 0et.1 in 'ater 17or (111, ;lours? aft e) ilAving sot

perfectly hard, Ahall not show ny distortion oT: eracks. A'pat kept in air shall not ,7!low any (.1Intort_on or fyi•acks-•

A pat of neat oonent prepared on lass or other non,-abaorbent f4lab„ gnaged .,rith the ninimun of 'Tater required to reduce tho conont to a plastic masa, at the normal temperattre

of 60 (legs* r o shall not tko its initial f;ot In lean than

45 minuteao allaU not taXe its inl aet itin 6 hours.

Tho cement he considored to have attained its ttinItialn

and urinalu sets) when it boarf; without indentation a needle

one-twelfth inch in diameter, weighin on,)-quarter pound, for

tho former and a needle ono-twenty-fourth Inch in diameter vrel&ing one pound, for the latter•

Ttv) ohenioal oompoltion shall be that proper Ivor first °lass Portland Cement. The pelikniasible quantities or oertain ingredients are rtatod in the following schedule;


no cement 1:1111 be m'mopted *11.11oth f.:,ontains lore of the

in-redlents nqmed than Al rOecifisd:

Oxide of Tron,---not to exceed


to oxoeed 2-1/2 Fulphurin

Anhydride- -- to Tweed 1-1/P

-Briquettes of neat (men*" guaeed by hand (not by

it A)1411 of 7Art1floia1 oonproc5sion) with 16 ';.!) by 4eigh', of

ater 6a a non --)orous bed) kept in air under a damp oloth

for t*,7enty-foul, .nours an r4ubrvIged in lean fresh ',Tater

the romAtTtng tine, &Ian flevelop an Av.orage ,oral-10 0,r(nk!;th of not 1099 than 400 -pounqs per (raare inoh 'chen tested at th3 en4 of mvon 0Ays from the time of i1ng0

,Anri not 1e35 than 500 pounds square Jloh '71,x0)n tosted

at the end of tw9nty-eizht days from th4,) time of gUaging,

rriquettqs oonposed of three parts standard flant to

one part oenent by weight t-uaged ?;ith J'rom

9 to 10


weight of tITater0 treated 311A1l geuelop an al!erage

tentille 9trenth'of not iess 140 paands per (litare inch

when tested at the end of vyven days for the time of cuging0 an0 not less than 220 poun4s per lqqare lneh when tested at the end of tweinty-eiht daynfoi.i the tim of oz;ling.

Neat briolettos must ghow a miniNuri inorwle in

tonsl ,ltoongth of 15 (;!;0 qand briquettes 2550 rrom the

tests ade 0, the end of sot!on gays to thOi made at the end

of twenty-eight rIay8.

If Bny of the brique,tes t,isted0 oither neat or sand, Fihows a tensile wtronth losq than 90 of the ItAtta



-11+-lArec briquettes is still less than 90 1,1 Oi the specified

tenTlio strength to ho attained, Vhe lot of celent reprelionted Ilay be rejected. at ,ho disoretton oC the 101gineor.

Standard sand shall be crushed quarts of such fine-ness that the whole will pass throlvh a stanflard 801V0 of No. 23 wire with 400. rwihes per ,4quqre inch. (Sites of wire

))y gUag.,

( J.)


The sand fOr conf;rete tall he clean and sharp

and free ft*om loam, clay oarth or any CoreIgn ol0fltanoe. An

R tint of itf4 cleanliness., it 'Mall not soil ite PaPor

47ton placed upon it. It shall be in rmough to pass through

a 5911t9 ba‘fing thirty (30) mshes to the inch. :c.) objection

will be lade to occasional -9eices of L:n.tvel in ;land used for concrete puro4es„ but sand for the outside :qnish of all

concrete qork iql1 be of reasomlble i.111forA slani


TIroken stone shall be either crushed granite or other tough rock„ wich will braR v1.th a clean sharp

i'racture. It 40.l be broken 30 that tho l,Argest poices will

pans through a two (2) inch ring, but not morn than 30 of

the stone shall be this large. At leant 50',.J must pass through a one and one-half inch ring.

No objections will be made to the use of two (2)

,portions of clean gravel in lieu of an equal amount of brokon stone. The 1Mgineer may require the gravel to be 8croened or washed 't)ofore Using used. rine eyrushed stone nay be sub-stituted instead of the gravel*



-15-Then a nixer1 ,.3 not 1.71;ea the cement and nand shall be meaqured loo3e and thoroughly nixed qry sO that the whole

in of uni_orm eolor„ After sufficient iatir shall ho

1A4,J06. to

IvAke ttlAn

nortar„ which is to bo untformlY 81)read

ovor the stone, the r7lo1e to be thorouzhly nixed by turning

A,th t h0ve1. Tho tone I11be thoroughly 'got before

adding the f-Jent t:ala "qortar*

.,00den bo:ces rill be used in nIxing Ana no oonorete

shall be allored to be mied in hol,,!s In tho L2-"oarid.

All oncliete Ihall be t13 needed and mist be

lAtrea tftmediately No oonorete will be allavred

to be used a:ter havinrs qtoo(t longer than twenty 'Ilnutes o.ft ,70,4 'It.A0ng been miced,

(4.) Innedlately after miing, tho oonorete shall be

depofiited In place In l'Ayors from nine to ten Inehes in

thickneas an t.horoughly rariteloa. Thin muqt be continued until the (!onorete is practically solid, and Vrif,.4 'cate'r ana fine

rlortar !ItAWinrs on top

or flame.


IIat1j ,Afto,4 raining the fonor,Ite Into the noulds, .tMn 1)qtce3 of sheet metal shall 1).i w)rhed up and down lll Armind the fr:Ames, so .fts to 7oroe b,Ao% all tone and

iwing the nortar out to the sArface. when 6 well aone,

no plastering 11,11 be rired.„ qat it not

well ammi

th.,1 glneer nay r!oQIIre rThlteing to be aone by



nade of one lyirt PortlfAna cqent and two parts F;and.


ao(azvc oti4 4 waojuoo Itutif4 poppv oq o4 auquDlyMU yyv saoquy4 t#14y4. 0 0:Z ,yo Gy2U uu uoAyap droliyo:i4 yyvu oayk4 ti*uy uoit ti41:4A p4 ,- Guu o4 fai(No !Quo gif,Za A4‘zyk1,4 'og4 144yA Eqyyti O4 pwcyuu-oo4 oq o4 !lovo uy qouy ouo (Mo pul . ; oql uy podaup 6q o4 Cf00a yyv m a0ouy; ,:u foto Aq. poaynboJ AVU 6U jj0 1,hu fipuo 144oci ao ouo 4v144 popyAo. - 46: fownyj o114 24a4uao;i. uy1 - ;#66fl oq reya444ww poo2 Jo uotw, u(iw) put; 64uoa pyo apowian2 cipauoq 191)Ti AP11 piv:e poov uol4upuuoj ,4,1m;(0„vi tA4,4 oAui ea"' Mat uoy4v4 uooiA4oq 'a . 01.i uo W11IJ it . 446411 p(,444)11.1100 oq o4 6kiwnYJ . 1041 0 IV? 111q 'poayvao oq o4 1 .0N um U0 (014111:j Awl' 01,0 °I X 4 .; %Kilqd i l,".41 ,7 14444 41 0 71:4A ,3 #i 51 ' 0 1 Vali f VPJ4UO%:Ztt 1i4i 00(K; uto44 tAior, lou jo oampaoato4 04 puut 41 , 41 0 q 4 1 i4 0 4 .:A: 0 1Quj4 - u 00 G41 Auu aocluy:;u4 '142yzaoj (11.0tiC00 (3144 1.1/(iitf44:0 Q j1li0 yliTai/afa (0(14'4, 1.111w ao4oa4uoo 4,4 *oalv4otta48 Gq4U oollyd uatv;t 43yo oq 4Ui yoo4 ITV - puvit inava OWLPttw.vA40 4.11.?a. kalo ,A) pailoawoo paoitoo oq -oan4onci4iJ oti4 uy poowca 212yoq ( '401tW. tatN'yoo4t ,. J loyA gpooaojuyJ oq o4 vlaou0o , uotui .4 4a;11 :zuoo '4 v4 yy4uu poAooa (ig 4011 yyutt 014J0j 4pci4TA , oap 2 t4 0 0. 0 1cou 00 c ,41 wriAtIA Glorta u.çAl:T ug 444 VE01 01 up (*; 2uw4i,4 Ay4uwil4jjlit; oq woq4t1UOWVaj att.* •


aryl the worXmanship 'Mall be the same as that on new flumes..

The contrcto is to renove All stone, earth and

othe-,7, materials which nay have fallen in or behind the f".I..une„ and that wich i likely 1To fall in or behind the flume in the near future. H. ,;hall supply all new sides at his own

expense and ,vhere ncessary shall supply and put in all lumber to replace decayed material in the old flume and shall be

paid therefor the actual cost to 'rlin plus ten per cent. (B.) All new flumes are to be built after the general

design shown on F.Thibit "N" in the eport. The size rill depend upon the capacity required, aswill be deterined Kutters'Pornula, using "Nur, to.012

Where flumes are liable to be washed out or under— mined, the bents supporting the flumes shall either be pile bents or have a foundation, and shall be thirty (30) feet apart center to center, with the flume supported by trusses as shown on TOchibit "N" in Teport. In other places the bents may be frame bents and placed oi,!!:ht feet center to center.

The penetration of piles under the last blow will


depend upon the weight of the hafTler and the drop or the

same, iYat each pile will be driven so as to safely ;;ustain a load of four tone each. The engineer will deterFtlne the

penetration under the last blow as soon as the contractor will J:urnish details of the pile driving machine to be used. Piles are to be not less than


inches at the smallest end. There will be three piles at each bent and three posts in


tjtJ I I, I day of 190_ , , , t,NASSIP1110.1111. 11110. L NU, 'Ad 4,1 3as • 4


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