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Arkansas groundwater


Academic year: 2021

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JAN 09 1::::J3


Case Ni64.-95-.CW211






The State Engineer, and the Division Engineer for Water

Division 2 (the "Engineers"), through the Attorney General for the

State of Colorado and the undersigned Deputy Attorney General,

hereby file the attached Order of the State Engineer regarding the

list of decreed pre-compact ground water rights for irrigation use

from the Valley Fill Aquifer and surf

icial aquifers between Pueblo

and the Stateline in compliance with Rule 3.3 in the

above-captioned matter.


Attorney General


Chief Deputy Attorney General


Solicitor General




IMBEL, 20697*

D uty Att r ey General


Assistant Attorney General

Natural Resources Section

Attorneys for State & Division


1525 Sherman Street, 5th Floor

Denver, Colorado 80203

Telephone: (303) 866-5117

FAX: (303) 866-3558
























List of Decreed Pre-compact Ground Water Rights for Irrigation Use

from the Valley Fill Aquifer and Surficial Aquifers between Pueblo and the Stateline

in Compliance with Rule 3.3


Rule 3.3 of the Amended Rules and Regulations Governing the Diversion and Use of Tributary

Ground Water in the Arkansas River Basin, Colorado, provides:

The state and division engineers shall prepare a list of all decreed pre-compact ground

water rights for irrigation use from the Valley Fill Aquifer and surficial aquifers between

Pueblo and the Stateline by the effective date of

these Rules, which list shall set forth the

annual pre-compact pumping allowance for each such right.


The state and division engineers have prepared the attached list of decreed pre-compact ground

water rights for irrigation use from the Valley Fill Aquifer and surficial aquifers between Pueblo

and the Stateline in compliance with Rule 3.3.



that the'

attached list of

decreed pre-compact ground water rights

for irrigation use from the Valley Fill Aquifer and surficial aquifers between Pueblo and thd Stateline,

as such list is revised from time to time by the state and division engineers, shall be used for the purposes

of the Amended Rules.

Dated this 27 day of









State Engineer









LOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TWP RNG APPROPRIATION DATE DITCH 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 6016 6019 6025 6011 6014 6018 6061 6059 6064 6063 6066 6062 6054 6046 6044 6047 6045 6042 6029 6041 6032 6040 6036 6031 6039 6028 6034 6024 5116 5641 5708 5646 5647 5645 5685 5687 5674 6001 5676 5703 6004 6006 6005 6003 6002 6000 SW NW SW SE NW SE NE SW NW NW NE NE NE NW SE SE SE NW SW NW NW NE NW SW NW SW NW SE SE NE NW NE SE SE SW SE SE SE SW SE SW SE NE SW NW NW NW NW NW NW NE SE NE NW SW SW SW SW SW SW NE NE NE NE NE NW NE NW SW SW SE NW NW NW NW NE NE NE NE SW SW SW SW SW NE NE SW NE SW NW NW NE NE NE NW NE 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 18 7 9 9 9 9 13 13 13 13 13 16 23 23 23 23 24 24 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 64W 61W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W • 62W 62W 62W 62W 7/31/28 1 2/31/21 12/31/09 12/31/35 3/31/41 3/31/35 1 2/31/22 1 2/31/24 1 2/31/22 1 2/31/30 1 2/31/24 1 2/31/23 7/1/32 5/1/25 10/31/20 12/31/23 6/30/46 12/31/43 5/5/12 1 2/31/34 12/31/02 3/31/28 5/1/23 6/30/47 12/31/26 12/31 /16 12/31/12 1 2/31/12 12/31/22 12/31/20 5/31/31 1 2/31/23 7/31/37 6/20/46 06/62/1 920 10/31/41 1/1/46 1/1/46 12/31/21 1/1/46 • 7/30/30 4/30/26 12/31/44 1 2/31/45 12/31/44 12/31/44 12/31/47 12/31/00 BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BOOTH ORCHARD BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER BESSEMER DECREE cfs 1.7770 31.7 0.6700 11.9 0.9000 16.0 0.2200 3.9 0.8900 15.9 1.7800 31.7 0.4100 7.3 1.5000 26.7 0.2800 5.0 0.2200 3.9 1.1100 19.8 0.3200 5.7 1.0000 17.8 1.6000 28.5 0.8912 15.9 1.3300 23.7 1.0000 17.8 1.7800 31.7 0.6600 11.8 1.3380 23.8 0.1110 2.0 1.1140 19.8 0.9000 16.0 0.7510 13.4 1.0200 18.2 1.9000 33.8 1.8300 32.6 0.6600 11.8 0.4450 7.9 0.7300 13.0 0.6660 11.9 0.4679 8.3 0.5570 9.9 1.0026 17.9 0.6684 11.9 0.8890 15.8 1.1100 19.8 1.0500 18.7 1.4700 26.2 1.1100 19.8 0.5560 9.9 0.6700 11.9 1.0000 17.8 1.0000 17.8 1.0000 17.8 1.0000 17.8 1.6700 29.8 2.0900 37.2 ALLOCATION acre-feet









LOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TVVP . RNO APPROPRIATION DATE 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 5714 5715 5716 5554 5549 5550 5560 5546 5547 5545 5548 5544 5529 5533 5526 5536 5528 5531 5538 5534 5541 5535 5540 5542 5539 5532 5509 5504 5503 5521 5501 5519 5506 5512 5183 5197 5175 5179 5180 5184 5176 5164 5161 5162 SW SW SW NW SW SW NE NW NW NW NW NE NW NW SE SW NE SW SW SE SW NE SE NW NW SE NW NE SE SE SW SE NW SE NW SE SE NE SE SW NW NW SE NW NW SW NE SW NW NW NW SE SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW NW SW SW NW SW NW SW NE NE SE NE SE SE NE SE NE SW NE NE NW SE SE SW SW NW NE NW SW NE NE NE SE NE NW NE NW 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 62W 62W 62W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 12/31/39 12/31/39 12/31/39 6/20/42 12/31/18 6/30/28 1 2/31/39 , 4/30/16 1 2/31/18 3/31/35 1 2/31/18. 3/31/32 3/31/30 1/31/28 12/31/30 12/31/38 3/31/33 11/5/29 3/31/29 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 9/1/19 12/31/44 3/1/31 3/1/31 12/31/21 5/31/30 6/30/43 4/30/26 12/31/31 12/31/35 12/31/25 12/31/15 12/31/19 3/31/38 12/31/34 12/31/38 4/30/35 10/31 /1 3 6/20/33 1 2/31/33 6/30/43 DECREE ALLOCATION DITCH cfs acre-feet BESSEMER 0.8900 15.9 BESSEMER 0.8900 15.9 BESSEMER 0.8900 15.9 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 . BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 BESSEMER 0.4400 7.8 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 BESSEMER 0.6700 11.9 BESSEMER 0.3342 6.0 BESSEMER 0.7230 12.9 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 BESSEMER 0.6127 10.9 BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 BESSEMER 0.3899 6.9 BESSEMER 0.4500 8.0 BESSEMER 1.2300 21.9 BESSEMER 1.3400 23.9 BESSEMER 1.2300 21.9 BESSEMER 0.4500 8.0 BESSEMER 0.7800 13.9 BESSEMER 0.6700 11.9 BESSEMER 1.3400 23.9 BESSEMER 0.6700 11.9 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 BESSEMER 1.1140 19.8 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 BESSEMER 0.2785 5.0 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 BESSEMER 1.1697 20.8 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 BESSEMER 0.2785 5.0 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 BESSEMER 0.3342 6.0 BESSEMER 0.1900 3.4 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 BESSEMER 0.2228 4.0 BESSEMER 0.2785 5.0 . BESSEMER 0.3200 5.7 BESSEMER 0.7800 13.9











DATE DITCH cfs acre-feet 14 5167 SW NW 6 21S 63W 9/20/20 BESSEMER 0.4400 7.8 14 5168 SW NW 6 21S 63W 6/20/25 BESSEMER 0.6700 11.9 14 5166 SW SW 6 21S 63W 9/20/20 BESSEMER 0.2200 3.9 14 5163 SE NW 6 21S 63W 12/31/37 BESSEMER 0.2200 3.9 15 NW NW 7 21S 63W 12/31/28 BESSEMER 0.5800 10.3 15 NW NW 7 21S 63W 12/31/26 BESSEMER 0.5800 10.3 15 NW NW 7 21S 63W 12/31/26 BESSEMER 0.5800 10.3 14 5194 NE NE 8 21S 63W 12/30/31 BESSEMER 2.0052 35.7 14 5200 NW SW 8 21S 63W 9/5/36 BESSEMER 0.9500 16.9 14 5195 NW NE 8 21S 63W 1 2/31/39 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 15 NW NW 8 21S 63W 1 2/31/36 BESSEMER 0.5500 9.8 14 SW NE 9 21S 63W 10/31/34 BESSEMER 0.2228 4.0 14 5566 SW SW 9 21S 63W 3/31/31 BESSEMER 0.1100 2.0 14 5568 SW SE 9 21S 63W 6/10/46 BESSEMER 2.2280 39.7 14 5577 SE NE 10 21S 63W 1 2/31/45 BESSEMER 0.8912 15.9 14 5572 NE NW 10 21S 63W 6/20/46 BESSEMER 1.1140 19.8 14 5564 SE SW 10 21S 63W 6/30/37 BESSEMER 1.1140 19.8 14 5578 SW SW 10 21S 63W 7/31/46 BESSEMER 1.8938 33.7 14 5584 SE SW 11 21S 63W 3/31/34 BESSEMER 0.6684 11.9 14 5583 SW SW 11 21S 63W 12/31/20 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5588 NE NE 11 21S 63W 3/21/18 BESSEMER 0.2800 5.0 14 5592 NE SW 11 21S 63W 6/6/27 BESSEMER 0.2785 5.0 14 5590 NW SW 11 21S 63W 6/6/27 BESSEMER 0.5013 8.9 14 5589 NE NE 11 21S 63W 5/1/19 BESSEMER 0.2228 4.0 14 5585 SE SE 11 21S 63W 6/20/38 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5605 SW NW 12 21S 63W 12/31/05 BESSEMER 1.6710 29.8 14 5608 SE NW 12 21S 63W 5/10/46 BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 14 5609 NE NW 13 21S 63W 3/11/27 BESSEMER 0.7130 12.7 14 5610 NE NW 13 21S 63W 2/1 2/36 BESSEMER 0.6684 11.9 14 5615 NW SE 13 21S 63W 5/31/44 BESSEMER 0.5560 9.9 14 5614 SE NE 13 21S 63W 12/31/18 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 6259 NW SW 13 21S 63W 6/1/40 BESSEMER 0.2000 3.6 14 5619 NE NW 14 21S 63W 8/31/32 BESSEMER 0.8912 15.9 14 5617 NW NE 14 21S 63W 3/31/30 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 5627 SE NW 15 21S 63W 10/31/39 BESSEMER 0.4902 8.7 14 5631 NE NE 17 21S 63W 12/31/34 BESSEMER 0.8900 15.9 14 6038 NE SE 36 20S 64W 5/1 5/27 BESSEMER 0.8880 15.8 14 6023 NE SE 36 20S 64W 12/31/32 BESSEMER 0.7300 13.0 14 5847 NE SE 1 21S 64W 6/20/28 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5844 NE SW 1 21S 64W 4/30/41 BESSEMER 1.1140 19.8 14 5815 S2 SE 1 21S 64W 1 2/31/38 BESSEMER 0.3333 5.9 14 5874 NW SW 1 21S 64W 1 2/31/00 BESSEMER 0.4010 7.1 14 5823 NW SW 1 21S 64W 6/20/27 BESSEMER 0.8466 15.1 14 5852 NW NW 1 21S 64W 12/31/10 BESSEMER 0.7100 12.6 14 5845 NE SW 1 21S 64W 5/31/16 BESSEMER 0.6684 11.9 14 5830 SE NW 1 21S 64W 7/31/25 BESSEMER 1.1140 19.8 14 5814 S2 SE 1 21S 64W 12/31/28 BESSEMER 0.3333 5.9 14 5838 SW NW 1 21S 64W 12/31/23 BESSEMER 0.7352 13.1









cfs acre-feet 14 5813 SW SW 1 21S 64W 12/31/44 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5818 NW NW 1 21S 64W 9/30/28 BESSEMER 0.8800 15.7 14 NE NE 1 21S 64W 12/31/12 BESSEMER 0.1100 2.0 14 5827 NE SE 1 21S 64W 6/20/43 BESSEMER 0.1630 2.9 14 5839 SE NE 1 21S 64W 6/20/29 BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 14 5832 SE NE 1 21S 64W 1 2/31/35 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 5816 S2 SE 1 21S 64W 1 2/31/40 BESSEMER 0.3333 5.9 14 5914 SW NW 2 21S 64W 1/9/29 BESSEMER 0.6660 11.9 14 5928 NE NW 2 21S 64W 6/30/30 BESSEMER 1.0400 18.5 14 5932 NE NE 2 21S 64W 1,2/31/30 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 14 5911 SE NE 2 21S 64W 6/30/40 BESSEMER 0.1330 2.4 14 5923 NE NW 2 21S 64W 5/31/29 BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 14 6240 SW NW 2 21S 64W 4/10/27 BESSEMER 0.7780 13.9 14 5913 SW NW 2 21S 64W 1/9/29 BESSEMER 0.6660 11.9 14 5946 SW NE 2 21S 64W 5/1/34 BESSEMER 0.6200 11.0 14 5938 NE SW 2 21S 64W 3/31/31 BESSEMER 0.6016 10.7 14 5919 NW SW 2 21S 64W 3/31/36 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 14 5949 NW SW 2 21S 64W 1 2/31/28 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 14 5956 SE SW 2 21S 64W 12/31/23 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 5942 SW NW 2 21S 64W 1 2/31/35 BESSEMER 0.2200 3.9 14 5916 NE SE 2 21S 64W 6/20/24 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5929 NE NE 2 21S 64W 12/31/40 BESSEMER 1.5596 27.8 14 5925 NE NE 2 21S 64W 9/20/47 BESSEMER 1.3368 23.8 14 5915 SW NW 2 21S 64W 1/9/29 BESSEMER 0.6660 11.9 14 5934 NW NE 2 21S 64W 3/31/15 BESSEMER 0.6684 11.9 14 5943 SW NE 2 21S 64W 12/31/30 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5908 SW NE 2 21S 64W 7/31/28 BESSEMER 1.0000 17.8 14 5922 SW NE 2 21S 64W 12/31/19 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 5921 SW NE 2 21S 64W 12/31/25 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 6241 SE NW 3 21S 64W 6/30/45 BESSEMER 0.1660 3.0 14 6235 SE NW 3 21S 64W 7/31/35 BESSEMER 0.2200 3.9 14 6248 SW SW 3 21S 64W 12/31/28 BESSEMER 0.1200 2.1 14 6238 SW SW 3 21S 64W 12/31/31 BESSEMER 0.4400 7.8 14 6227 NW SW 3 21S 64W 3/31/30 BESSEMER 1.4861 26.5 14 6247 NE SW 3 21S 64W 12/31/35 BESSEMER 0.1114 2.0 14 6242 SW NW 3 21S 64W 3/1/32 BESSEMER 0.6684 11.9 14 6234 NE NW 3 21S 64W 12/31/43 BESSEMER 0.2785 5.0 14 6229 SE NW 3 21S 64W 12/31/33 BESSEMER 0.6670 11.9 14 6228 SW NW 3 21S 64W 5/31/29 BESSEMER 0.6684 11.9 14 6237 NE NW 3 21S 64W 5/9/36 BESSEMER 0.1671 3.0 14 6244 NE SE 3 21S 64W 6/30/28 BESSEMER 0.8912 15.9 14 5896 NW SE 4 21S 64W 3/21/24 BESSEMER 0.7798 13.9 14 5892 SE SE 4 21S 64W 5/3/19 BESSEMER 0.3453 6.2 14 5895 SW SE 4 21S 64W 1 2/31/33 BESSEMER 1.0026 17.9 14 5893 SE SE 4 21S 64W 12/31/10 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 14 5867 SE NE 5 21S 64W 1/31/31 BESSEMER 0.1340 2.4 14 6218 SE NW 8 21S 64W 2/28/31 BESSEMER 0.2785 5.0 14 6210 NE SE 8 21S 64W 3/31/33 BESSEMER 0.2200 3.9










LOCATION APPROPRIATION DECREE ALLOCATION WO ID QTR QTR SEC TWP. RNG DATE DITCH cfs acre-feet 14 6212 SW NE 8 21S 64W 6/30/47 BESSEMER 0.8000 .14.3 14 6213 NW SE 8 21S 64W 6/30/32 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 14 6200 SE NW 9 21S 64W 5/16/47 BESSEMER 0.5570 9.9 14 6208 NW SE 9 21S 64W 4/30/32 BESSEMER 0.6700 11.9 14 NE NE 9 21S 64W 5/31/39 BESSEMER 0.1114 2.0 14 NE NE 9 21S 64W 6/30/36 BESSEMER 0.1114 2.0 14 5764 NW SE 10 21S 64W 7/31/34 BESSEMER 0.1600 2.9 14 5780 NW NE 10 21S 64W 12/31/21 BESSEMER 0.6670 11.9 14 5767 NW SE 10 21S 64W 12/31/33 BESSEMER 0.1100 2.0 14 5775 SW NW 10 21S 64W 12/31/20 BESSEMER 0.4456 7.9 14 NW NE 10 21S 64W 3/22/36 BESSEMER 0.2200 3.9 14 5763 NW NW 10 21S 64W 12/31/32 BESSEMER 0.1500 2.7 14 5745 SW NE 11 21S 64W 12/31/46 BESSEMER 0.4400 7.8 14 5732 NE NW 12 21S 64W 3/1/45 BESSEMER 0.1100 2.0 14 5829 NW SW 12 21S 64W 8/12/47 BESSEMER 4.4560 79.4 15 5749 NW SW 14 21S 64W 12/31/17 BESSEMER 0.3300 5.9 15 5743 NE SW 14 21S 64W 12/31/39 BESSEMER 1.3368 23.8 14 5222 SW SW 31 20S 62W 12/31/47 EXCELSER 1.3300 23.7 14 5147 SW SW 31 20S 62W 12/31/47 EXCELSER 1.3300 23.7 14 5146 SW SW 31 20S 62W 12/31/47 EXCELSER 2.4700 44.0 14 5148 SW SW 31 20S 62W 1 2/31/47 EXCELSER 2.2200 39.5 14 5145 SW SW 31 20S 62W 12/31/47 EXCELSER 3.2800 58.4 14 5150 SW SW 31 20S 62W 12/31/47 EXCELSER 1.9400 34.6 14 5127 NE NE 33 20S 63W 4/1/45 EXCELSER 1.5500 27.6 14 5128 NE NE 33 20S 63W 5/1/34 EXCELSER 2.2500 40.1 14 5208 NW NW 34 20S 63W 5/15/34 EXCELSER 1.5500 27.6 14 5131 SE NW 34 20S 63W 6/1/34 EXCELSER 2.2500 40.1 14 5209 NW NW 34 20S 63W 5/1/34 EXCELSER 1.1000 19.6 14 5132 SE NW 34 20S 63W 5/25/34 EXCELSER 2.2500 40.1 14 5133 NE NW 34 20S 63W 5/1/34 EXCELSER 2.2500 40.1 14 5157 SE NE 35 20S 63W 12/31/47 EXCELSER 1.7500 31.2 14 5134 NW NW 35 20S 63W 2/28/44 EXCELSER 2.3300 41.5 14 5143 SW SE 36 20S 63W 12/31/35 EXCELSER 1.5100 26.9 14 5140 NW SW 36 20S 63W 2/28/44 EXCELSER 1.5500 27-.6 14 5144 SW SE 36 20S 63W 12/31/35 EXCELSER 1.7500 31.2 14 5141 NW SE 36 20S 63W 12/31/40 EXCELSER 1.1400 20.3 14 5559 SW SW 1 21S 63W 12/31/38 EXCELSER 0.2674 4.8 14 5930 NW NE 2 21S 63W 6/30/39 EXCELSER 0.6670 11.9 67 5440 SW SE 7 23S 51W 12/31/40 HIGHLINE 1.9300 34.4 17 5049 SE SE 9 23S 57W 12/31/30 HIGHLINE 0.3342 6.0 17 5914 SW SE 10 23S 57W 6/20/26 H1GHLINE 0.5570 9.9 17 NW 17 23S 57W 9/30/46 HIGHLINE 0.2222 4.0 17 5213 NW SE 20 22S 58W 12/31/18 HIGHLINE 0.9500 16.9 17 5211 SE NE 20 22S 58W 12/31/31 HIGHLINE 0.4000 7.1 17 5225 NE SW 20 22S 58W 6/22/32 HIGHLINE 0.4700 8.4 17 5207 NE SE 21 22S 58W 12/31/16 HIGHLINE 0.5600 10.0 17 5212 SW SE 21 22S 58W 12/31/29 HIGHL1NE 0.4500 8.0 17 5825 SE SE 21 22S 58W 8/31/38 HIGHLINE 0.6500 11.6











DATE DITCH cf. acre-feet 17 5826 NW SE 21 22S 58W 12/31/30 HIGHLINE 0.4100 7.3 17 5206 NW SE 21 22S 58W 12/31/16 HIGHLINE 0.8200 14.6 17 5204 NE NE 21 22S 58W 12/31/25 HIGHLINE 0.7800 13.9 17 5827 SW NE 21 22S 58W 5/31/30 HIGHLINE 0.6400 11.4 17 5220 NE NE 21 22S 58W 12/31/33 HIGHLINE 0.4900 8.7 17 5205 NE SE 21 22S 58W 12/31/15 HIGHLINE 1.7400 31.0 17 5043 SE SW 22 22S 58W 5/31/42 HIGHLINE 0.6700 11.9 17 5219 NE SW 22 22S 58W 1,2/31/20 HIGHLINE 0.8200 14.6 17 5828 NW SE 22 22S 58W 7/1 1/16 HIGHLINE 1.3300 23.7 17 6138 SW SE 22 22S 58W 1 2/31/20 HIGHLINE 1.3100 23.3 17 5218 NW SW 22 22S 58W 1 2/31/20 HIGHLINE 0.6900 12.3 17 6114 SW SE 28 22S 58W 12/31/24 HIGHLINE 0.8900 15.9 17 5134 SE SE 19 22S 59W 12/31/1 7 HIGHLINE 0.9000 16.0 17 5139 SW SE 20 22S 59W 12/31/1 5 HIGHLINE 0.8800 15.7 17 5140 SW SE 20 22S 59W 12/31/41 HIGHLINE 0.3400 6.1 17 5131 SW SW 20 22S 59W 3/31/45 HIGHLINE 0.8800 15.7 17 5129 SW SW 20 22S 59W 12/31/13 HIGHLINE 1.5900 28.3 17 5130 SW SW 20 22S 59W 3/31/46 HIGHLINE 0.8800 15.7 17 6047 SW NW 26 22S 59W 5/1/36 HIGHLINE 0.5600 10.0 17 6046 SW NW 26 22S 59W 5/1/18 HIGHLINE 0.5600 10.0 17 5147 NW SW 29 22S 59W 7/30/13 HIGHLINE 0.7600 13.5 17 5141 NE NW 29 22S 59W 1 2/31/15 HIGHLINE 0.4300 7.7 17 5132 NE NW 29 22S 59W 12/31/13 HIGHLINE 1.8700 33.3 17 NW NW 29 22S 59W 12/31/14 HIGHLINE 0.7450 13.3 17 5145 SE NW 29 22S 59W 12/31/30 HIGHLINE 0.4400 7.8 17 5146 SE NW 29 22S 59W 12/31/14 HIGHLINE 0.2200 3.9 17 5136 NE NE 30 22S 59W 10/31/18 HIGHLINE 0.8910 15.9 17 5137 SW NE 30 22S 59W 6/30/13 HIGHLINE 0.4400 7.8 17 6053 NE SE 35 22S 59W 1 2/31/1 5 HIGHLINE 0.9440 16.8 17 6061 NE NE 9 23S 59W 3/21/41 HIGHLINE 1.6800 29.9 14 5215 NE SW 3 22S 60W 4/1/36 HIGHLINE 1.8000 32.1 14 5156 SW NE 4 22S 60W 1 2/31/36 HIGHLINE 0.3342 6.0 14 5050 SW NE 4 22S 60W 12/31/36 HIGHLINE 0.1782 3.2 14 5051 SE SE 10 22S 60W 12/31/36 HIGHLINE 0.2673 4.8 14 5063 NW SE 10 22S 60W 1 2/31/16 HIGHLINE 0.8630 15.4 14 5046 SW SW 11 22S 60W 12/31/45 HIGHLINE 0.5000 8.9 14 5045 SE SW 11 22S 60W 12/31/20 HIGHLINE 0.3000 5.3 14 5038 NW NW 11 22S 60W 4/1/1 3 HIGHLINE 0.8600 .15.3 14 5015 NW NW 13 22S 60W 5/15/40 HIGHLINE 0.4300 7.7 14 5019 SW NW 13 22S 60W 5/1/45 HIGHLINE 0.9900 17.6 14 5014 SW SE 13 22S 60W 5/31/19 HIGHLINE 1.2000 21.4 14 5017 SW NW 14 22S 60W 12/31/06 HIGHLINE 0.6700 11.9 14 5030 SW NE 14 22S 60W 12/31/10 HIGHLINE 0.3100 5.5 14 5028 NW NE 14 22S 60W 5/1 5/40 HIGHLINE 0.9600 17.1 14 5062 NE NE 15 22S 60W 12/31/1 8 HIGHLINE 0.4520 8.1 14 5023 NE NE 24 22S 60W 12/31/30 HIGHLINE 0.6684 11.9 14 5076 NE NW 26 21S 61W 3/1 5/42 HIGHLINE 3.3420 59.5 17 6024 NW SW 14 22S 59W 6/30/34 OXFORD 0.5600 10.0










LOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TWP RUG APPROPRIATION DATE DECREE ALLOCATION DITCH cfs acre-feet 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 5190 5177 6028 5176 5616 6026 5618 6025 5126 6032 5123 5175 6031 5174 6033 5156 5155 5157 5153 5148 5905 5152 6027 5904 6039 6038 5181 5180 6042 6045 5240 5622 6043 5200 5199 5198 5043 5212 5044 5037 5210 5211 5213 5007 5011 SW NE SW NW NW SE SW SW SW SW SE NW NE NE NW SW SW SW SW NW NW SW NE NE SE NW SW NW NW NE NW SE SW NW SE SE SW NW NW NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NW SW NW NW NW NE SW SW SE SE NE SW NE SE SW SW SW SW SE SW NW SE SE NW NE NW SE NE NW SE SE NW NW NE NE NW SW NW NW SW NW SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SW NE 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 12 13 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 22S 22S 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 60W 60W 60W 60W 60W 60W 60W 60W 60W 12/31/40 12/31/21 12/31/40 12/31/14 5/17/47 12/31/43 12/31/15 12/31/18 3/31/33 5/31/28 12/31/23 6/30/24 1 2/31/17 5/1/30 5/1/46 12/31/19 8/14/44 3/1/15 3/31/20 1 2/31/27 12/31/27 2/1 5/34 8/31/33 12/31/43 12/31/47 6/30/20 3/31/31 12/31/39 12/31/39 1 2/31/40 1 2/31/20 3/1 5/18 1 2/31/30 1 2/31/28 6/30/43 6/30/34 7/31/33 6/30/45 2/28/45 6/30/25 6/30/25 6/30/25 6/30/25 6/30/25 6/30/25 6/30/25 3/30/42 3/1/33 OXFORD 1.8100 32.2 OXFORD 0.9800 17.5 OXFORD 0.0000 0.0 OXFORD 2.2200 39.5 OXFORD 0.6238 11,1 OXFORD 0.9300 16.6 OXFORD 0.4600 8.2 OXFORD 1.1900 21.2 OXFORD 2.0000 35.6 OXFORD 0.2896 5.2 OXFORD 0.7000 12.5 OXFORD 0.2650 4.7 OXFORD 1.1100 19.8 OXFORD 1.4800 26.4 OXFORD 0.2990 5.3 OXFORD 0.9500 16.9 OXFORD 0.7100 12.6 OXFORD 1.0440 18.6 OXFORD 0.6000 10.7 OXFORD 1.1888 21.2 OXFORD 0.9955 17.7 OXFORD 0.7400 13.2 OXFORD 0.1114 2.0 OXFORD 0.5200 9.3 OXFORD 0.7700 13.7 OXFORD 0.6110 10.9 OXFORD 0.5560 9.9 OXFORD 0.6250 11.1 OXFORD 0.2120 3.8 OXFORD 0.2440 4.3 OXFORD 0.5000 8.9 OXFORD 0.3660 6.5 OXFORD 0.4080 7.3 OXFORD 1.0000 17.8 OXFORD 0.4440 7.9 OXFORD 1.0500 18.7 OXFORD 1.0000 17.8 OXFORD 0.4550 8.1 OXFORD 1.0500 18.7 OXFORD 1.9300 34.4 OXFORD 2.0600 36.7 OXFORD 1.4300 25.5 OXFORD 0.9900 17.6 OXFORD 0.6000 10.7 OXFORD 0.9400 16.7 OXFORD 0.7100 12.6 OXFORD 0.6700 11.9 OXFORD 0.8700 15.5










LOCATIONAPPROPRIATION DECREE ALLOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TWP RNG DATE DITCH cfs acre-feet 14 5016 NE NW 13 22S 60W 12/31/31OXFORD 0.7000 12.5 1.1100 14 5660 NW NW 10 21S 62W 12/31/28 COLLIER 19.8 14 5662 NW NW 10 21S 62W 12/31/30COLLIER 1.1100 19.8 1.1100 14 5661 NW NW 10 21S 62W 3/31/44 COLLIER 19.8 14 5803 NW NW 11 21S 62W 12/31/21COLLIER 1.3368 23.8 14 5804 NW SW 12 21S 62W 7/31/40 COLLIER 2.5900 46.1 14 5677 SW NE 12 21S 62W 4/1/42 COLLIER 0.1360 2.4 14 5681 NW NE 12 21S 62.W 5/1/42 COLLIER 0.3340 6.0 17 6079 SW NW 24 21S 58W 1 2/31/40 COLORADO 0.1670 3.0 17 6081 SW NW 25 21S 58W 12/31/33 COLORADO 0.5600 10.0 17 6083 SW NE 26 21S 58W 1 2/31/35 COLORADO 0.1500 2.7 17 6084 NE SE 27 21S 58W 12/31/41 COLORADO 0.4955 8.8 17 6001 NE SE 5 22S 58W 12/31/42 COLORADO 0.7250 12.9 17 5107 NW NW 8 22S 58W 12/31/39COLORADO 1.0000 17.8 17 6006 NW SW 6 22S 59W 12/31/12 COLORADO 3.1000 55.2 17 6007 SW SE 6 22S 59W 12/31/24 COLORADO 2.2200 39.5 17 6008 SW NE 7 22S 59W 12/31/37 COLORADO 1.6600 29.6 1.5500 17 5641 SW NW 8 22S 59W 12/31/37 COLORADO 27.6 17 5636 NE SE 8 22S 59W 1 2/31/21 COLORADO 0.9860 17.6 17 5639 NW SW 8 22S 59W 3/1/23COLORADO 0.8000 14.3 17 6016 SW SW 9 22S 59W 8/31/21 COLORADO 0.5000 4.0000 8.9 17 6017 NE SW 9 22S 59W 4/30/25 COLORADO 71.3 14 5000 SE SE 1 22S 60W 5/1/45 COLORADO 2.1300 37.9 14 5003 NW SE 1 22S 60W 6/30/12 COLORADO 3.1000 2.2600 55.2 14 5002 SW SE 1 22S 60W 5/10/44 COLORADO 40.3 2.5000 17 6004 SW SE 11 22S 59W 6/1/15 NONE 74.2 14 5059 SE SW 29 21S 60W 12/31/02 NONE 2.0000 59.4 2.7800 14 5064 SW NW 2 22S 60W 1/31/21 NONE 82.5 14 5058 NW NE 2 22S 60W 2/1/12 NONE 1.5600 46.3 14 5056 NW NE 3 22S 60W 5/1/20 NONE 0.8900 26.4 14 5057 NW NE 3 22S 60W 5/1/20 NONE 0.7800 23.2 14 5065 SE NE 3 22S 60W 1/31/21 NONE 2.6700 79.3 14 5220 SW SW 7 21S 61W 12/31/40 NONE 1.1100 33.0 1.4500 14 6160 NE NE 7 21S 61W 1 2/31/00 NONE 43.1 14 5118 SE SE 7 21S 61W 1 2/31/06 NONE 0.6700 19.9 14 5108 SW SE 7 21S 61W 5/1/34 NONE 0.6300 18.7 1.4400 14 5105 SW SW 7 21S 61W 12/31/14 NONE 42.8 14 5107 SW SW 7 21S 61W 12/31/21 NONE 0.1100 3.3 14 5095 NE NE 8 21S 61W 12/31/28 NONE 2.2220 66.0 14 5091 NE NE 8 21S 61W 12/31/28 NONE 2.2220 66.0 14 5088 NW NW 8 21S 61W 12/31/29 NONE 2.2220 66.0 14 5087 SE NW 9 21S 61W 12/31/29 NONE 2.2220 66.0 14 5086 SW SW 10 21S 61W 12/31/29 NONE 2.2220 66.0 14 5082 SE SE 15 21S 61W 4/30/30 NONE 2.2300 66.2 14 5085 SW NE 15 21S 61W 1 2/31/29 NONE 2.2220 66.0 14 5122 NW NW 17 21S 61W 6/23/06 NONE 0.7200 21.4 1.7800 14 5073 SW NE 23 21S 61W 12/31/33 NONE 52.9 14 5069 SW NE 23 21S 61W 12/31/31 NONE 1.7800 52.9










LOCATION WD • ID QTR QTR SEC TWP RNG APPROPRIATION DATE DECREE ALLOCATION DITCH cfs acre-feet 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 14 14 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 5121 5070 5072 5067 5033 5102 5670 5669 5671 5667 5668 5666 5664 5663 5834 5653 5657 6114 6115 6112 6116 6109 6015 6076 6072 6056 5965 5634 5632 5633 5600 5601 5259 5258 5309 5305 5466 5308 5467 5449 5302 5979 5495 5528 5529 SW SE SE SE NW NE SW NW NE SW NW NW NE NE NW NE NE SE SE SW NE SW SW SW SW SW NW SW NW NW NW NW SE NW NE SE SE NW SW SW SW SW SW NW SE SW NE NE NE NE SW NE NE SW NW SW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW SE SW SE SW SW SE SE SE SE NE NE SW NW NW NE NW SW NE NW NW NW NE SE SE SE SW NW NE NE SW SW 23 23 23 24 25 30 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 31 32 33 8 9 16 16 17 17 22 26 29 29 31 31 32 32 32 32 25 29 36 4 4 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 21S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 20S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 22S 22S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 23S 24S 24S 61W 61W 61W 61W 61W 61W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 62W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 63W 64W 64W 64W 56W 56W 56W 56W 56W 56W 56W 56W 57W 57W 55W 55W 55W •55W 55W 55W 56W 56W 56W 56W 56W 1 2/31/20 12/31/33 12/31/31 1 2/31/29 12/31/29 1 2/31/37 1 2/31/11 12/31/11 1 2/31 /12 12/31/12 12/31/12 1/4/16 1/4/16 1/4/16 3/31/14 12/31/36 5/15/26 12/31/14 8/28/38 5/31/45 5/31/22 11/30/42 12/31/1 896 3/31/43 1/1/21 6/1/24 12/31/28 12/31/30 6/30/45 5/31/45 10/31/44 12/31/38 12/31/38 3/4/23 6/30/46 6/30/30 6/30/30 12/31/33 5/1/34 12/31/38 5/1/42 4/30/38 12/31/34 12/31/32 7/31/44 10/31/31 6/30/34 5/1/34 NONE 2.6700 79.3 NONE 2.6660 79.2 NONE 1.7800 52.9 NONE 2.6660 79.2 NONE 2.6660 79.2 NONE 0.3900 11.6 NONE 2.2280 66.2 NONE 2.2280 66.2 NONE 1.3300 39.5 NONE* 2.2220 66.0 NONE 2.2200 65.9 NONE 2.2200 65.9 NONE 2.2220 66.0 NONE 2.2220 66.0 NONE 1.7800 52.9 NONE 1.7770 52.8 NONE 2.2200 65.9 NONE 0.1100 3.3 NONE 0.2230 6.6 NONE 2.2200 65.9 NONE 1.1100 33.0 NONE 1.5000 44.5 NONE 0.6700 19.9 NONE 0.5000 14.8 NONE 0.3560 10.6 NONE 0.3330 9.9 NONE 0.8890 26.4 ROCKY FORD 2.2200 39.5 ROCKY FORD 0.8020 14.3 ROCKY FORD 0.2670 4.8 ROCKY FORD 0.3560 6.3 ROCKY FORD 0.4700 8.4 ROCKY FORD 0.3800 6.8 ROCKY FORD 1.1300 201 ROCKY FORD 0.6600 11.8 ROCKY FORD 2.2200 39.5 ROCKY FORD 1.7800 31.7 CATLIN 1.2800 22.8 CATLIN 2.2000 39.2 CATLIN 0.7600 13.5 CATLIN 1.0400 18.5 CATLIN 0.7800 13.9 CATLIN 2.1100 37.6 CATLIN 1.4500 25.8 CATLIN 0.3342 6.0 CATLIN 2.0000 35.6 CATLIN 0.6800 12.1 CATLIN 1.2300 21.9









LOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TWP • RNG APPROPRIATION DATE DITCH DECREE ALLOCATION cfs acre-feet 5526 SW 5244 SW 5265 NE 5254 NW SE 5260 NW 5261 NW 5262 SW 5064 SE 5284 NW 5832 SW 5280 NE 5275 NW 5281 SE 5277 SW 5283 SE 5271 NE 5405 SE 5556 SW 5292 SW SW SE SW 5324 NW 5291 SE 5290 SW SE SE SE 5273 SW 5553 SW 5582 NW 5630 NW 5605 SW 5227 NE 5232 NW SW 5841 SE 5835 5834 5838 5428 5432 5851 5439 5059 5061 SE SE SW NW SW NW SE SE SE SE SW NE NW NW SE SW SW SE SW NW SW SE NW NE SE NE NE NE NE SE NE NE NW NW NW SE SW SW SW SE NE NE SW SE NE SE NW SW SE NW SE SW NE SE NW NW 4 24S 56W 7/31/33 30 22S 57W 3/1/34 31 22S 57W 6/1/44 32 22S 57W 3/31/40 32 225, 57W 3/31/40 32 22S 57W 3/31/40 32 22S 57W 6/30/31 32 22S 57W 3/30/40 2 23S 57W 5/1 1/42 2 23S 57W 7/31/31 3 23S 57W 7/1/35 3 235 57W 1 /1 /31 3 23S 57W 12/31/45 3 23S 57W 04/31/1931 3 23S 57W 4/30/38 3 235 57W 5/1/36 4 23S 57W 12/31/35 4 23S 57W 12/31/40 11 23S 57W 6/1/40 11 23S 57W 7/10/35 12 23S 57W 12/31/35 12 23S 57W 3/31/34 12 23S 57W 12/31/26 12 23S 57W 7/31/31 12 23S 57W • 6/10/34 12 23S 57W 7/1 5/34 12 23S 57W 12/31/34 12 23S 57W 7/5/34 12 23S 57W 6/27/26 12 23S 57W 7/1/34 12 23S 57W 12/31/32 12 23S 57W 4/30/34 13 23S 57W 8/1/45 23 22S 58W 3/22/46 25 22S 58W 4/16/40 26 22S 58W 8/31/40 3 23S 52W 6/1/28 12 23S 52W 7/1/36 5 23S 52W 12/31/38 6 23S 52W 1 2/31/45 6 23S 52W 1 2/31/35 7 23S 52W 4/30/46 7 23S 52W 1 2/31/44 9 23S 52W 12/31/38 15 23S 52W 5/31/47 15 23S 52W 10/31/47 16 23S 52W 6/1/36 16 23S 52W 5/1/40 CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN CATLIN LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS. LAS ANIMAS CONS.

0.5600 10.0 1.7000 30.3 0.7100 12.6 2.0600 36.7 0.2200 3.9 0.3300 5.9 1.0000 17.8 0.3900 6.9 0.5400 9.6 2.7800 49.5 0.4700 8.4 0.8900 15.9 1.0600 18.9 4.3300 77.1 2.5800 46.0 2.2000 39.2 0.7800 13.9 0.8880 15.8 1.1100 19.8 0.7100 12.6 0.4700 8.4 0.4450 7.9 0.6700 11.9 0.520d 9.3 0.4200 7.5 0.7790 13.9 0.3800 6.8 0.5600 10.0 0.5000 8.9 1.1100 19.8 1.5240 27.1 2.8890 51.5 0.4500 8.0 0.5600 10.0 1.1500 20.5 1.1500 20.5 1.5610 27.8 2.2900 40.8 0.5000 8.9 0.5500 9.8 1.1500 20.5 1.6600 29.6 2.0600 36.7 1.3700 24.4 0.9000 16.0 0.6400 11.4 2.3300 41.5 2.8800 51.3









LOCATION APPROPRIATION DECREE ALLOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TWP • RNG DATE DITCH cfs acre-feet 17 5433 SW SW 18 23S 52W 8/10/40 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 0.6900 12.3 17 SE SE 10 23S 53W 12/31/34 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 1.3300 23.7 17 5410 SE SE 10 23S 53W 4/30/34 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 1.3300 23.7 17 5406 SW NW 11 23S 53W 7/31/35 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 1.6000 28.5 17 5407 SW NE 11 23S 53W 6/30/37 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 2.2200 39.5 17 5411 NE SW 12 23S 53W 6/30/29 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 3.6000 64.1 17 5909 SW SE 12 23S 53W 1 2/31/39 LAS ANIMAS CONS. 1.0600 18.9 67 5940 SW SE 31 21S 47W 1/1/35 FORT LYON 0.2200 3.9 67 5201 NW SW 5 22S 47W 1 2/31/34 FORT LYON 1.5000 26.7 67 5216 SW NE 8 22S 47W 04/01/1895 FORT LYON 1.0000 17.8 67 5217 SW NE 8 22S 47W 04/01/1895 FORT LYON 1.0000 17.8 67 5215 NW NE 8 22S 47W 04/01/1895 FORT LYON 1.0000 17.8 67 5186 NW SE 17 22S 47W 04/01/1895 FORT LYON 1.0000 17.8 67 5185 NW SE 17 22S 47W 04/01/1895 FORT LYON 1.0000 17.8 67 5187 NW SE 17 22S 47W 04/01/1895 FORT LYON 2.0000 35.6 67 5985 NE 13 21S 48W 12/31/43 FORT LYON 0.4500 8.0 67 5971 NW NW 13 21S 48W 5/1/30 FORT LYON 0.4500 8.0 67 5274 SE SE 12 22S 49W 7/31/30 FORT LYON 0.1100 2.0 67 5000 NE SW 20 22S 49W 12/31/32 FORT LYON 3.7700 67.2 67 5762 NW NW 5 22S 51W 7/1/37 FORT LYON 1.1100 19.8 67 5071 SE SW 29 22S 51W 12/31/36 FORT LYON 4.4400 79.1 67 5081 NE SW 31 22S 51W 12/31/37 FORT LYON 2.1700 38.7 67 5082 NW NE 31 22S 51W 9/4/1 2 FORT LYON 3.1000 55.2 67 5085 NW NW 31 22S 51W 12/31/32 FORT LYON 3.3450 59.6 67 5087 SW SE 31 22S 51W 12/31/33 FORT LYON 2.4530 43.7 67 5054 SE SW 32 22S 51W 7/1/35 FORT LYON 1.4400 25.7 67 5055 NE NW 32 22S 51W 7/1/35 FORT LYON 3.8800 69.1 67 5083 NW NW 33 22S 51W 10/12/39 FORT LYON 2.2000 39.2 67 5077 SW NE 4 23S 51W 10/25/06 FORT LYON 1.8900 33.7 67 5076 SW NE 4 23S 51W 10/25/06 FORT LYON 1.9600 34.9 67 5078 NE NW 4 23S 51W 10/25/06 FORT LYON 1.4500 25.8 67 5079 NW NW 4 23S 51W 10/25/06 FORT LYON 1.4500 25.8 67 5080 NE SW 4 23S 51W 10/25/06 FORT LYON 0.5400 9.6 67 6020 NE NW 5 23S 51W 12/31/43 FORT LYON 1.1300 20.1 17 5656 NE SE 31 22S 52W 7/31/46 FORT LYON 1.2500 22.3 17 SW SE 34 22S 52W 12/31/36 FORT LYON 0.7600 13.5 17 5869 SE SW 35 22S 52W 12/31/40 FORT LYON 0.5500 9.8 17 5901 SW SE 36 22S 52W 5/31/38 FORT LYON 1.4000 24.9 17 5477 NE NW 2 23S 53W 12/31/1880 FORT LYON 5.5500 98.9 17 5480 NW SE 2 23S 53W 5/31/40 FORT LYON 5.5750 99.3 17 5682 NW SW 14 23S 54W 12/31/42 FORT LYON 3.4534 61.5 17 5346 SW SE 15 23S 54W 12/31/38 FORT LYON 1.9600 34.9 17 5685 SW SW 15 23S 54W 3/31/47 FORT LYON 1.8000 32.1 17 5697 SE SW 15 23S 54W 3/31/34 FORT LYON 2.2280 39.7 17 5719 SW SE 15 23S 54W 12/30/35 FORT LYON 1.9500 34.7 17 5679 NW SE 15 23S 54W 3/31/35 FORT LYON 1.6700 29.8 17 5678 NE SE 15 23S 54W 8/31/34 FORT LYON 2.0000 35.6 17 5684 SW SW 15 23S 54W 4/22/35 FORT LYON 2.2280 39.7










DITCH cfa acre-feet 17 5722 SE SE 16 23S 54W 12/31/33 FORT LYON 1.1600 20.7 17 5770 SE SE 16 23S 54W 6/30/42 FORT LYON 1.4400 25.7 17 5723 SW SE 16 23S 54W 12/31/36 FORT LYON 1.5100 26.9 17 5748 SW NE 20 23S 54W 3/31/39 FORT LYON 1.3000 23.2 17 5702 SW NW 21 23S 54W 1 2/31/43 FORT LYON 1.1140 19.8 17 5731 NE SE 21 23S 54W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 0.7700 13.7 17 5674 NW NW 21 23S 54W 1 2/31/33 FORT LYON 1.3300 23.7 17 5720 SW NW 22 23S 54W 6/30/34 FORT LYON 1.0600 18.9 17 5718 NE NW 22 23S 54W 1/31/32 FORT LYON 1.5600 27.8 17 5966 NE NE 29 23S 54W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 1.1100 19.8 17 5713 NW NE 29 23S 54W 1/31/41 FORT LYON 2.0000 35.6 17 5711 NE NW 29 23S 54W 5/31/46 FORT LYON 0.8110 14.4 17 5712 NE NW 29 23S 54W 6/30/35 FORT LYON 1.2600 22.4 17 5716 NW SE 30 23S 54W 12/31/40 FORT LYON 1.1100 19.8 17 5729 NW NW 31 23S 54W 12/31/24 FORT LYON 1.3368 23.8 17 5728 NE NE 31 23S 54W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 2.2220 39.6 17 NW SE 33 23S 55W 12/31/21 FORT LYON 0.2229 4.0 17 5811 NW NW 33 23S 55W 7/31/45 FORT LYON 1.0027 17.9 17 5818 NW NW 33 23S 55W 12/31/44 FORT LYON 0.3250 5.8 17 5812 NE NW 33 23S 55W 7/30/45 FORT LYON 0.8912 15.9 17 5813 NE NW 33 23S 55W 1 2/31/23 FORT LYON 1.5300 27.3 17 5750 SE SE 34 23S 55W 12/31/47 FORT LYON 0.7560 13.5 17 5873 SW SE 34 23S 55W 6/22/35 FORT LYON 1.1100 19.8 17 5885 NE SE 35 23S 55W 7/1/36 FORT LYON 0.6700 11.9 17 5928 NW SE 35 23S 55W 12/31/21 FORT LYON 0.2200 3.9 17 5890 NE SE 35 23S 55W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 0.2900 5.2 17 5891 SW SE 35 23S 55W 12/31/22 FORT LYON 0.4400 7.8 17 5769 NE SW 35 23S 55W 12/31/25 FORT LYON 0.6700 11.9 17 5886 NE SW 35 23S 55W 1 2/31/38 FORT LYON 0.4180 7.4 17 5815 NW SW 35 23S 55W 3/31/22 FORT LYON 1.8000 32.1 17 5768 SE NE 35 23S 55W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 2.4000 42.8 17 SE 35 23S 55W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 0.2400 4.3 17 SW NW 36 23S 55W 12/31/33 FORT LYON 1.1100 19.8 17 5737 SE NW 36 23S 55W 12/31/43 FORT LYON 1.7400 31.0 17 5870 SW SW 36 23S 55W 12/31/37 FORT LYON 0.2280 4.1 17 5740 SE SE 36 23S 55W 7/1/36 FORT LYON 2.2200 39.5 17 5735 NW SE 36 23§ 55W 3/22/47 FORT LYON 1.9100 34.0 17 5753 NW SW 36 28S 55W 6/30/46 FORT LYON 0.7400 13.2 17 5738 SE NW 36 23S 55W 1/31/42 FORT LYON 1.8200 32.4 17 5730 NW NE 36 23S 55W 12/31/46 FORT LYON 3.1000 55.2 17 5752 NW SW 36 23S 55W 3/22/31 FORT LYON 0.8000 14.3 17 5929 SW NW 1 24S 55W 1 2/31/23 FORT LYON 0.7800 13.9 17 5943 SE NE 2 24S 55W 12/31/35 FORT LYON 0.2400 4.3 17 NE NE 2 24S 55W 12/31/32 FORT LYON 0.1400 2.5 17 5947 N2 NE 2 24S 55W 6/22/33 FORT LYON 0.1600 2.9 17 2 24S 55W 1 2/31/33 FORT LYON 0.4600 8.2 17 5938 NW NE 2 24S 55W 12/31/37 FORT LYON 0.2052 3.7 17 5954 NE NE 2 24S 55W 1 2/31/46 FORT LYON 0.2200 3.9 •











DATE DITCH cfs acre-feet 17 5959 NE NE 2 24S 55W 12/31/32 FORT LYON 0.3900 6.9 17 5876 NE NW 3 24S 55W 12/31/29 FORT LYON 0.4456 7.9 17 NE NW 3 24S 55W 6/18/41 FORT LYON 1.1370 20.3 17 5875 NE NW 3 24S 55W 12/31/34 FORT LYON 1.1150 19.9 17 5799 SW SW 21 22S 54W 3/31/42 HOLBROOK 0.1200 2.1 17 6000 W2 SE 21 22S 54W 5/31/47 HOLBROOK 0.1200 2.1 17 5610 E2 NE 30 22S 54W 12/31/44 HOLBROOK 0.3300 5.9 17 5942 NE NW 2 23S 55W 12/31/34 HOLBROOK 1.5596 27.8 17 SW NE 30 23S 55W 7/1/21 HOLBROOK 0.1800 3.2 17 5022 NW SE 11 21S 56W 3/1/47 HOLBROOK 0.3342 6.0 17 5051 SE SW 2 22S 56W 3/1/43 HOLBROOK 0.5600 10.0 17 5288 NW NW 31 225 56W 12/31/40 HOLBROOK 2.4500 43.6 17 5289 NW NW 31 22S 56W 12/31/40 HOLBROOK 1.8500 33.0 17 5319 NE SW 14 23S 56W 6/1/44 HOLBROOK 0.9500 16.9 17 5321 NE NW 15 23S 56W 6/1/44 HOLBROOK 1.1400 20.3 17 5311 NE NE 23 23S 56W 4/1 5/08 HOLBROOK 1.5500 27.6 17 5314 NE NE 23 23S 56W 4/1 5/08 HOLBROOK 1.1100 19.8 17 5313 SE NE 23 23S 56W 4/15/08 HOLBROOK 2.0000 35.6 17 5312 NW NE 23 23S 56W 4/15/08 HOLBROOK 2.0000 35.6 17 5754 SW NE 24 23S 56W 12/31/20 HOLBROOK 0.8000 14.3 17 5315 SW NW 24 23S 56W 4/15/08 HOLBROOK 3.3300 59.3 17 5338 NE NE 27 22S 57W 12/31/33 HOLBROOK 1.0200 18.2 17 5342 NE NW 27 22S 57W 7/31/21 HOLBROOK 1.0100 18.0 17 5339 NE SE 27 22S 57W 12/31/22 HOLBROOK 1.8900 33.7 17 NE NW 27 22S 57W 7/31/21 HOLBROOK 1.2600 22.4 17 5341 NW NE 28 22S 57W 06/31/1 921 HOLBROOK 2.0000 35.6 17 5340 NE NW 28 22S 57W 7/31/21 HOLBROOK 1.4500 25.8 17 5953 NW SE 2 24S 55W 1 2/31/1 5 OTERO 0.6700 11.9 17 5898 NW SE 4 24S 55W 12/31/42 OTERO 0.2400 4.3 17 5796 SW SW 4 24S 55W 6/10/42 OTERO 0.9400 16.7 17 5795 SE SW 4 24S 55W 7/31/38 OTERO 1.8200 32.4 17 5899 NW SE .4 24S 55W 12/31/25 OTERO 0.4000 7.1 17 5995 SE NE 19 23S 56W 09/31/1924 OTERO 0.2780 5.0 17 5216 NW SW 21 22S 58W 11/30/45 OTERO 0.7000 12.5 17 5217 NW SW 21 22S 58W 2/28/45 OTERO 1.5000 26.7 17 5775 SE NW 5 23S 57W 5/31/41 OTERO 0.4000 7.1 17 5772 NE NW 5 23S 57W 6/30/39 OTERO 0.2800 5.0 17 5774 NE NW 5 23S 57W 6/30/39 OTERO 0.3600 6.4 17 5773 NE NW 5 23S 57W 6/30/39 OTERO 0.3000 5.3 17 5229 SE NE 26 22S 58W 8/31/46 OTERO 0.6400 11.4 17 6110 NW NW 26 22S 58W 3/21/40 OTERO 0.3600 6.4 67 5915 NW NE 18 218 46W 6/20/45 FORT LYON 1.0026 17.9 17 5400 SW SW 13 23S 54W 1 2/31/32 NONE 1.4000 41.6 17 5802 SE NE. 23 285 54W 5/31/31 NONE 1.0050 29.8 17 5403 SW NW 24 23S 54W 1 2/31/46 NONE 1.6400 48.7 17 5416 SE NE 28 285 54W 5/31/33 NONE 0.3710 11.0 17 5415 SE NE 28 23S 54W 5/31/32 NONE 1.7040 50.6 17 5245 SW SW 19 228 57W 8/21/31 NONE 3.4500 102.4







LOCATION WD ID QTR QTR SEC TVVP RUG APPROPRIATION DATE • DITCH DECREE ALLOCATION cfs acre-feet 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 5575 SE 5571 SE 5569 NE 5580 NE 5568 SW 5567 SW 5566 NW 5565 NW 5235 SW 5236 NE 5562 SW 5563 NW 5564 NW 5560 NW 5561 NW 5559 NW 6002 NE 5348 NE 5598 SE 5144 SW 5109 SW 5125 NE 5123 SW 5126 NW 5124 NW 5135 SE 5129 SE 5136 SW 5127 NW 5225 SE 5062 SW 5649 SE 5671 NE 5439 SE 5147 SW 5511 SW 5809 NW 5808 NW 5737 NW 5469 NE 5456 SW 5370 SW 5241 S2 5240 SW 5358 SW SW 5024 SE SE NE SW NW SE SW SW SW NW SE NE NE NE SE SE SE NE SW SE SE SW NW NE NW SW SW NE SE NW SE NW NW SE SW NW NE NW SE NE SE SW SW S2 NW NW NW SE 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 23 23 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 32 4 25 32 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 4 20 23 21 25 4 20 20 30 8 15 30 30 30 31 7 3 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 23S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 23S 22S 22S 22S 22S 23S 23S 23S 23S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 22S 23S 58W 58W 58W 58W 58W 58W 58W 58W 58W 58W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 59W 46W 43W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 47W 44W 45W 46W 47W 44W 42W 42W 41W 46W 46W 46W 46W 46W 46W 48W 49W 12/31/22 1 2/31/26 4/9/05 4/9/05 4/9/05 4/9/05 4/9/05 4/9/05 7/31/46 4/30/40 4/9/05 12/11/15 1 2/1 1/15 4/9/05 4/9/05 4/9/05 6/1/16 01/01/1 897 1945 1 2/31/40 1 2/31/35 4/1 5/36 6/30/37 5/31/47 6/30/37 6/30/37 12/31/37 4/30/38 11/29/47 12/31/35 5/31/40 9/26/20 12/31/31 5/15/16 1/31/36 1 2/31/26 12/01/1891 12/01/1891 10/12/39 1 2/31/25 12/31/27 4/13/44 12/31/42 10/31/44 8/31/44 8/31/30 4/1/40 NONE 1.1700 NONE 1.7800 NONE 0.9800 NONE 0.7300 NONE 1.3300 NONE 2.0500 NONE 0.5600 NONE 2.5500 NONE 1.9000 NONE 2.3400 NONE 1.4100 NONE 1.9700 NONE 1.3600 NONE 0.7600 NONE 0.7600 NONE 0.7600 NONE 6.5000 LAMAR 0.2200 BUFFALO 7.7800 FORT BENT 1.8600 FORT BENT 3.5200 FORT BENT 0.9400 FORT BENT 5.0500 FORT BENT 1.8000 FORT BENT 2.0000 FORT BENT 0.3340 FORT BENT 3.1000 FORT BENT 0.3300 FORT BENT 2.6600 FORT BENT 0.3300 FORT BENT 3.3300 AMITY 2.7800 AMITY 1.1140 AMITY 1.5550 AMITY 1.6700 X-Y GRAHAM 2.2048 SISSON 5.5000 SISSON 5.5000 NONE 2.7000 NONE 0.1447 NONE 0.1111 NONE 0.1700 NONE 0.8908 NONE 1.1140 NONE 0.1100 NONE 0.1100 NONE 3.5550 34.7 52.9 29.1 21.7 39.5 60.9 16.6 75.7 56.4 69.5 41.9 58.5 40.4 22.6 22.6 22.6 193.0 3.9 138.6 33.1 62.7 16.7 90.0 32.1 35.6 6.0 55.2 5.9 47.4 5.9 59.3 49.5 19.8 27.7 29.8 39.3 98.0 98.0 80.2 4.3 3.3 5.0 26.4 33.1 3.3 3.3 105.6 total 755.8476 15000



This is to certify that I have duly servedthe within Order of the

State Engineer with attached LIST OF DECREED PRE-COMPACT GROUND


ORDER OF THE STATE ENGINEER upon all parties herein by depositing

copies of same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, at

Denver, Colorado, this 29th day of December 1995, addressed as


Ken Baker

PO Box 1083

Salida, CO 81201

Lefferdink & Bullock

John Lefferdink

PO Box 110

Lamar, CO 81052

The Pratt Law Firm

Kevin Pratt 49328

425 S. Wilcox Street, Ste. 500

Castle Rock, CO 80104

Shinn Lawyers

Carl Shinn

Donald Steerman

PO Box 390

Lamar, Co 81052

Sidney Whittemore

4324 E. 94th Avenue

Thornton, CO 80229

George Winden

358 S. 29 1/2 Lane

Pueblo, CO 81006

Gorsuch Kirgis L.L.C.

Brian Nazarenus

Carolyn Burr

PO Box 17180

Denver, CO 80217-0180

Horse Creek Water Users Assoc.

6421 Overton Road

Pueblo, CO 81008

Donald V. Johns, Jr.

4011 State Road 94

Rush, CO 80833

Jack Pfost

10277 County Road 17

Ordway, CO 81063

Fairfield and Woods

Howard Holme

Stephen Leonhardt

David Joeris

1700 Lincoln Street, Ste. 2400

Denver, CO 80203-4524

Moses, Wittemye


David Harrison

Amelia Whiting

PO Box 1440

Boulder, CO 80306-1440

r, Harrison &

Charles & Alice Proctor

81 Road 191

Westcliffe, CO 81252

Anderson, Dude, Pifher & Lebel

Mark Pifher

PO Box 240

Colorado Springs, CO



Tom and Pat Fedde

33232 Hwy. 167

Fowler, CO 81039

Clark's, Inc.

Gerald & Elaine Clark

502 Main Street

Fowler, CO 81039

Krassa, Kumli & Madsen

Robert Krassa



James Proctor

66245 Highway 69

Westcliffe, CO 81252

MacDougall Law Office

M.E. MacDougall

Henry Worley

Julianne Woldridge

David Liberman

102 N. Cascade, Ste. 400

. Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Michael T. Mitchell

11031 S. Pikes Peak Drive, #201

Parker, Co 80134


•*;7., 1 I • • •

74 1 • .





December 1, 1995

DEC 1 1 1995

." .1 • • .

Early season measurements show Colorado's snowpack is

state. Readings from SNOTEL

sites range from well above average across the

northern basins to well below average in the southern basins. This pattern is quite

different from last year's, when the highest early season percentages occurred across

southern Colorado. Currently, the highest percentages in the state occur in the South

Platte Basin, which is reporting 177% of average snowpack. Meanwhile, the

southwestern mountains await the first sizable winter storm of the 1996 water year.

The lowest readings in the state have been reported in the Rio Grande Basin, with only


of average snowpack. Statewide statistics indicate that Colorado's snowpack is

currently near average, at 97%,

and is 80%

of last year's readings on this date.

Precipitation measurements at SNOTEL

sites generally reflect a similar condition as

the snowpack data. Dry conditions across southern Colorado have contributed to water

year accumulations of less than 70%

of average in the Gunnison, Arkansas, Rio


San Juan, Animas, Dolores, and San Miguel basins. Many National Weather

Service stations in these basins received no precipitation during October. Statewide,


precipitation totals are 94%

of average, but are only 76%

of the totals

received by this time last year.

The above average runoff that occurred last summer has contributed to abundant

storage levels in the state's reservoirs. All basins continue to report above average

storage. The statewide statistics indicate that reservoirs are storing 142% of average

volumes and are 142%

of last year.

The table below shows statistics for snowpack, precipitation, and reservoir storage in

Colorado on December 1, 1995.

BASIN % OF AVERAGE A SNOWPACK* % OF LAST YEAR'S A SNOWPACK* % OF AVERAGE PRECIP.* % OF AVERAGE RESERVOIR _ STORAGE °A OF LAST YEAR'S RESERVOIR STORAGE Arkansas 104 , 58 68 239 226 Colorado 115 . 101 . 108 , 131 136 Gunnison 63 44 56 4 . 119 . 111 North Platte 148 . . 202 , . 155 — — . Rio Grande 21 13 30 270 . 162 San Juan, Animas,

Dolores & San Miguel

24 14

33 1:: 115

South Platte 177 221 115 117 138

Yampa & White 120 126 ,

142 I ___







1 1995

South Platte

SWSI Number


Abundant Supply Near Normal Moderate Drought .. _ Severe Drought

The Surface Water Supply Index (SWSI) is a weighted value derived for each major basin which

generally expresses the potential availability of the forthcoming season's water supply. The

components used in computing the index are reservoir storage, snowpack water equivalent, and

precipitation. The SWSI number for each basin ranges from a -4.00 (prospective water supplies

extremely poor) to a +4.00 (prospective water supplies plentiful). The SWSI number is only a

general indicator of surface water supply conditions. Further data analysis may be required in

specific situations to more fully understand the impacts of abnormally dry or wet conditions

suggested by the SWSI. Development of the SWSI has been a cooperative effort between the

Colorado State Engineer's Office and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.




219 W. 5th Street, Room 223 P.O. Box 5728 Pueblo, CO 81002 Phone (719) 542-3368 FAX (719) 544-0800






Date: July 6, 1994

For Immediate Release

Contact: Gary Barta, Senior Engineer

Phone: (719)


JUL 13





..t,•=ornicacrr I„.,.„ Lochhead Executive Director







Hal D. Simpson State Engineer Steven J. Witte, P.E. Division Engineer

By order dated July 5, 1994, John R. Tracey, Water Judge for Water Division Two approved

the "Rules Governing the Measurement of Tributary Ground Water Diversions Located in the

Arkansas River Basin "

with minor modifications. The new rules require the installation of

totalizing flow meters or use of power coefficient data to determine the amount of water pumped

on wells tributary to the Arkansas River. The rules are effective July 15, 1994.

The changes made by the Court and other changes agreed to by the State 'Engineer and the

parties will ultimately make it easier for well. owners .to. comply with the rules. Well testing

can now be performed by any individual or entity annually approved by the State Engineer

as opposed to only a professional engineer.

For example, this will allow licensed pump

installers and persons completing a training course to be given by the State Engineer's office

to test or verify well measurements. A three day workshop to provide this training will be

conducted in early August at a location and date to be announced in the near future.

For inactive wells, the original rule required a well to be disconnected from the power source

to be claimed as inactive. The new rule will now allow applications for a variance from the

requirement to disconnect and such applications may be approved if unusual hardship is shown.

People who choose to install tofalizing flow meters must do so by July 15, 1994 to be in

compliance with the rules. If the power coefficient method is chosen, well owners still have

until October 1, 1994 to be rated to determine the power coefficient.

The change of the rules will cause revisions of at least the inactive well form. A revised

inactive well form will be available through the Colorado Division of Water Resources, 219 W.

5th Street, Room 223,

Pueblo, Co. 81002, phone


542-3368. The old form is still usable


Totalizing Flow Meter Installation has not been submitted are required to submit a form 3.1 to

report a field verification of the accuracy of the meter by June 15, 1995.








107 South Park. • P.O. Box 118 • Manzanola, CO 81050 (719) 462-5140

April 8, 1994

Dear Well owner:

Enclosed please find an information packet. Included are the State's proposed 1994 rules,

application for membership and dues structure information.

This information is an effort to help potential new association members make informed decisions

regarding the State Engineers proposed new rule requirements governing the measurement of tributary

groundwater diversions located in the Arkansas River Basin.

As you can see, this proposed order immediately affects all well owners on the Arkansas River.


must act without delay to maintain control of our future or the long term consequences will surely leave

us in a position of being controlled by others.

It is AGUA's intention to meet this challenge openly and make every effort to meet and or exceed

the requirements of these new rules. AGUA is dedicated to providing our member's ownership of water

rights through the Association that will preserve our future as well owners. It will be a difficultiask but not

insurmountable. With an active, strong and dedicated membership we

can meet this goal.

Continuing to maintain a single lease type augmentation plan is not the answer. The long term

success of this pattern is questionable at best.


invite your questions and request your presence at both our monthly board meetings and all

membership meetings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 719-462-5140 or stop by the office

at 107

South Park, Manzanola. Again we

thank you for your interest and look forward to your membership.

Thank you for your time.


Beverly Ec dt,

General Manager



Harold D.

Simpson P.E.

State Engineer

Division of Water Resources

1313 Sherman Street, 8th Floor

Denver, Colorado 80203


Daries C.

Lile, P.E.

Executive Director

Colorado Water Conservation Board

721 Centennial Building

1313 Sherman Street

Denver, Colorado 80203

Re: Arkansas River Groundwater Regulations

Dear Hal and Chuck:

February 27, 1996


Board of Water Works


of Pueblo,





319 West Fourth Street • P.O. Box 400 • Pueblo, Colorad




FEB rd L996

Southeastern Co'orado Water

Conservancy District

During the Kansas v. Colorado lawsuit, the State of Colorado went to the mat

to ensure that the State of Kansas obtained no right to use transmountain water

imported into the Arkansas River Basin: The State of Colorado was


in persuading the Special Master to rule that Kansas had no entitlement to any

transmountain water rights or return flows in the Arkansas River Basin. This

action was greatly appreciated by the Board of Water Works


Pueblo because

the Board is relying heavily on its transmountain water rights and return flows

to meet its present and future water needs.

As yoñ know,

the Board has been


strong supporter of the new groundwater

rules and of cooperative solutions to the well augmentation problem in the

Arkansas River Basin. The Board believes that it can make transmountain

return flows available in the near future for augmentation of wells in exchange


Messrs. Simpson and Lile

February 27,


Page 2

for a reasonable fee. It is now in the process of determining how much water

it can make available and for how long it will be able to do so.

I have just learned that certain objectors to the proposed Groundwater Rules

and Regulations for the Arkansas River have proposed that a substantial

portion of the Board's transmountain return flows be dedicated to well

augmentation without payment

to the Board. As



sure you appreciate, only

the Board can decide how and when it will dispose of any of its transmountain

water rights, including its return flows. I trust that the state will make this

clear in its response to those objectors. If for any reason the State of Colorado

believes it has authority to allocate the Board's transmountain return flows,

please let me

know immediately.

Yours very truly,


Alan C.


Executive Director


cc: David Robbins

Jennifer Gimbel

Phil Tollefson

Ed Bailey

Steve Arveschoug

Ralph Adkins

Bill Mattoon

Bill Paddock

Roger O'Hara


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