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Battery-free radio frequency wireless sensor for bacteria based on their degradation of gelatin-fatty acid composite films


Academic year: 2021

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a, b, 1, ∗





a, b




a, b


Marité Cárdenas

a, b




a, b




a, b, ∗

a Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Malmö 20506, Sweden b Biofilms-Research Center for Biointerfaces, Malmö University, Malmö 20506, Sweden












Article history:

Received 10 January 2021 Revised 1 March 2021 Accepted 26 March 2021 Available online 1 April 2021 Keywords:

Bacteria detection Composite film

Radio frequency identification Passive wireless sensor Scanning electron microscopy









Continuousandautomatedbacteriadetectionispivotalforamyriadofbiomedical,foodsafetyand envi-ronmentalapplications.Thisworkpresentsthefabricationofaprototypeofapassive(battery-free)radio frequency sensorforwirelessdetectionofbacteria. Thesensing mechanismis basedonthe bacterial-induced(proteasesandpeptidases)degradationofglutaraldehyde(GTA)cross-linkedgelatin-caprylicacid (CA)compositefilm.Proteolyticdegradationofthefilmresultedinadecreaseofitsresistivity,a quan-titythatcouldbewirelesslymonitoredbycouplingthefilmtoaradio-frequencyantenna(an inductor-capacitorresonator)andmonitoringthefrequencyforwhichthetransferredpowerbetweenthisantenna and anotherantenna connectedto aVector NetworkAnalyzer(VNA) wasmaximized. We experimen-tallyprovedthisconceptbymonitoringE.colibacteriainaqueousmediumanddetectedat18.0± 2.8h, 23.5± 0.7h,27.0± 2.8h,40.5 ± 3.5h,45.5± 0.7hfortheinitialE.coliconcentrationof3.2× 108,

6.8× 107,2.3× 106,4.3× 105,and3.6× 104CFU/mL,respectively.Further,theE.coliinduced

degrada-tionofthecompositefilmwasinvestigatedbyevaluatingthethicknessofthefilmbyopticalmicroscopy aswellasmorphologybyscanningelectronmicroscopytechniques.

© 2021TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

Bacterial outbreaks are the origin of major diseases and cor- responding mortality that arise throughout the world every year [1-3]. Therefore, the detection and quantification of pathogenic bacteria have become key points in various sectors, including biomedical, food safety and environmental applications [4–6]. Hitherto, bacteria detection relies on several techniques such as standard plate counting [7], enzyme-linked immunosorbent as- say [8], polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [9], adenosine triphos- phate (ATP) estimations [10], direct epifluorescent filter technique [11], magnetic [12], electrochemical [13] and immuno-biosensors [14]. However, most of these techniques require numerous time- consuming handling steps, periodic manual sampling, expensive instrumentations and trained personnel for operation. Moreover,

Corresponding authors at: Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Malmö 20506, Sweden.

E-mail addresses: p.kalimuthu@uq.edu.au (P. Kalimuthu), javier.sotres@mau.se (J. Sotres).

1 Present address: School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia-4072, Brisbane, Australia.

excluding those based on electrochemical sensing, all the men- tioned techniques lack the ability to detect bacteria in real-time or in-field as they need to be performed in laboratory environ- ments. A fast, low-cost and easy to use a detection system for bac- teria in real-time would help to reduce the time limitation of these methods, allowing to work directly in-field without the necessity to bring samples to laboratories.

In this regard, implementing wireless communication has enor- mous potential. Wireless communication is not only beneficial in applications where remote monitoring is of interest but also in those that benefit from minimal human intervention, e.g., monitor- ing infection with sensors embedded in care products like wound dressings and diapers. Almost any sensor can be rendered wire- less by means of appropriate circuitry, (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.). However, most of these approaches require batteries. This increases costs and limits implementation in many areas. In this work, we make use instead of the passive (battery-less) chip-less Radio Fre- quency Identification (RFID) technology, where sensors do not re- quire batteries as they are powered by the reader itself [15–18]. While different im plementations of this technology are available, we make use of that where the antennas of reader and sensor are magnetically coupled when close to each other, and the sen-



insitu growth of three different bacteria, namely Bacillussubtilis,E. coli JM109, and Pseudomonasputida in food samples [24]. In addi- tion, Potyrailo and co-workers developed a passive RFID sensor for monitoring bacterial growth in different food samples using E.coli as a model system [31]. Moreover, several nanomaterials have been incorporated in the RFID sensor/transponders to improve sensitiv- ity towards bacteria. For instance, dextrin capped gold nanoparti- cles (d-AuNP) were used as markers for E.coli C30 0 0 in milk sam- ples, allowing their wireless detection as the presence of nanopar- ticles could shift the resonance frequency of different transponder designs [29, 30]. Mannoor etal. used an LC resonator/transponder integrated onto graphene printed on silk fibroin and showed the potential of this design for detection of bacteria in the oral cavity when integrated on tooth surfaces [27].

However, most of these RFID-based sensors have inherent drawbacks for monitoring bacteria in aqueous media. Principally, the sensing and antenna sections of the transponder were both exposed to the analyzed liquids, which affects the read signal in different ways. First, not only the presence but also the volume of liquid surrounding the transponder antenna drastically reduces the reading distance [33]. Second, changes in e.g., saline content, temperature and pH of the transponder antenna surrounding me- dia would also influence the communication with the reader [22– 24,34]. These drawbacks can be overcome by means of a transpon- der design where the sensor section is connected but well differen- tiated from the antenna section in the transponder and where only the sensor section is exposed to the investigated aqueous medium [3].

Recently, we reported a radio frequency allied wireless sen- sor for proteases based on this implementation [33]. The wire- less transponder/sensor comprised of two main components: an LC (inductor-capacitor) resonator, i.e., an antenna, connected to two electrodes bridged by a cost-effective chemically cross-linked gelatin-fatty acid composite film. Proteolytic digestion of the com- posite led to a change in its resistivity and, subsequently, to a de- crease of the (characteristic) frequency for which the power trans- mitted by the reader, a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) equipped with an antenna, to the transponder was maximized. This char- acteristic frequency could then be used as a quantity for wire- lessly monitoring the presence of proteases. Interestingly, the de- veloped composite film showed high stability in aqueous media (phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and lysogeny broth (LB) medium) as well as sensitivity towards various proteases. The goal of this work was to investigate the applicability of this sensor concept to monitor the presence of bacteria in aqueous solutions. Our hypothesis was that bacteria, by means of their secreted pro- teases/peptidases, could as well digest the cross-linked gelatin- fatty acid composite film. The possibility to monitor the pres- ence of bacteria in aqueous environments using a low-cost wire- less technology would be of interest for several applications. An example is that of wearable sensors for early detection of infection

and, thus, their early detection would benefit from a sensor based on the degradation of a gelatin-based material. Here, in order to prove the practical applicability of the developed sensor concept, we have employed it to wirelessly detect and quantify E.coli bac- teria in aqueous media. The choice of E.coli as a model sample for our study was based not only on it being one of the most ubiqui- tous pathogens but also, from a specific application point of view, on E.coli being the most common cause of UTI [40].

2. Materialandmethods

2.1. Chemicals

Gelatin (type A, Prod. No. G2500),), glycerol (Prod. No. G5516), caprylic acid (Prod. No. O3907), aqueous solutions of glutaralde- hyde (50 %, w/v) (Prod. No. G7651), tryptone (Prod. No. 16922), yeast (Prod. No. 51475), and sodium chloride (Prod. No. S5886) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) and used as re- ceived. Unless otherwise specified, all other reagents used were of analytical grade purity and used as supplied. The E.coli utilized in this work was TOP10 chemically competent bacterial strain (Prod. No. C404003, Invitrogen). All the experiments were performed at room temperature (~25 °C). All solutions were prepared with ultra- high quality water (UHQ, resistivity 18.2 M

cm) processed in El- gastat UHQ II apparatus (Elga Ltd, High Wycombe, Bucks, England). Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution was prepared from the tablets (Prod. No. P4417, Sigma Aldrich) resulting in 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl and 10 mM PBS (pH 7.4 at 25 °C).

2.2. Bacteriacultivation,celllysatepreparationandmeasurement Sterile lysogeny broth (LB) medium without antibiotics was used to cultivate bacteria. The LB medium and glassware were au- toclaved at 121 °C for 15 min prior to experiments. The E. coli glycerol stocks of a single bacterial colony were first resuspended into 7 mL of LB and incubated at 37 °C (shaking at 200 rpm) overnight, and then subsequently recultivated in 200 mL of ster- ile LB (same growth conditions) for 5 h. The growth rate of bacte- ria was monitored at regular time intervals with a UV spectropho- tometer (Perkin Elmer Lambda 35, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, Mas- sachusetts) using the optical density measured at 600 nm wave- length (OD 600). The growing bacteria were removed from the in-

cubator when OD 600 0.6 (4.8 × 108CFU/ml) which is the mid-log

phase in the growth curve [41]and then diluted in the LB medium (preserving the pH) to obtain the desired concentration. The bacte- rial cultures were stored at 4 °C when not in use to prevent growth and ensure an accurate dilution factor. Samples were brought to room temperature prior to the use through dilution in LB medium. It was found the E.coli cells continuously grew up to OD 600 1.7

(~1.36 × 10 9 CFU/ml) and then reached stationary phase (Support-


Fig. 1. ( a) Setup used for bacteria wireless detection. ( b) Close view of the reader and transponder antennas.

of stock bacteria (4.8 × 108 CFU/ml) was transferred into 2.5 mL

of LB medium and used for all wireless and impedance measure- ments. Specifically, experiments were carried out using bacteria concentrations range of 3.6 × 104 – 3.2 × 108 CFU/ml (OD


: 0.0 0 0 045 to 0.4). We also performed experiments with bacte- ria suspended in phosphate buffer saline (PBS). In this case, bac- teria from LB stock solutions were sedimented by centrifugation (40 0 0 rpm for 10 min) and washed twice with PBS solution to re- move any nutrients from the LB medium present in the sediment. The samples were then further diluted in PBS buffer down to the desired concentration. Low E. coli concentration values (OD 600 <

0.01) were confirmed by pour plate counting method as reported elsewhere [42].

To obtain E. coli cell lysate, 200 mL of bacterial culture (OD 600 = 0.6) was centrifuged (50 0 0 g, 15 min in 10 °C, Sorvall

RC5B Plus, USA), the cell pellet was washed and resuspended in 30 mL ice-cold PBS buffer. Resuspended E. coli cells were pulse- ultrasonicated on ice (Branson 250 Digital Sonifier, Branson Ultra- sonics Corp., USA), until the liquid became transparent. The liquid was subsequently centrifuged (25,0 0 0 g, 20 min in 10 °C, Sorvall RC5B Plus, USA), collected supernatant (cleared cell lysate) was fil- tered through sterile 0.22


m filters and stored for further use in 4 ◦C.

2.3. Preparationandfilmfabricationofglutaraldehyde(GTA) cross-linkedgelatin-fattyacidcomposite

The preparation of the composite material and subsequent film fabrication on screen-printed gold electrodes (SPGE, ref: C223AT, DropSens, Spain) is described elsewhere [33]. Briefly, pristine gelatin solutions were prepared by dissolving (10% w/v) of gelatin powder in UHQ water under heating (50 °C) and stirring condi- tions. After 30 min, glycerol was added into the hot gelatin solu- tion with a final concentration of 1 % w/v and kept under heating and stirring conditions for additional 15 min. After achieving a homogeneous gelatin-glycerol mixture, the fatty acid, caprylic acid (CA) was slowly added into the complex mixture to reach a final concentration of 64% w/v. Stirring and heating continued for an- other 30 min until a homogeneous milky white solution was ob- tained.

The resulting hot gelatin-glycerol-CA composite solution was cast on SPGEs used for impedance and wireless measurements. Prior to the film casting, the SPGEs were cleaned in 0.1 M H 2SO 4

by cycling the electrode potential from −0.1 to +1 V as described [43]. Then, 60 μL of the hot composite solution was drop-coated on the cleaned SPGE. After coating, the film was cooled at room temperature for 10 min and then incubated in a 0.5 wt % 5 ml glu-

taraldehyde (GTA) in water for 1h. After this step, the films were rinsed thoroughly with UHQ water to remove any non-crosslinked GTA. Finally, the films were cured at room humidity and tempera- ture for 12 h. The thickness and morphology of these films before and after exposure to E.coli was determined by differential-contrast optical microscopy (Nikon Optiphot, Japan) and scanning electron microscopy (see below).

2.4. Vectornetworkanalyzermeasurements

A commercial DG8-SAQ Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) (SDR- Kits, Melksham, UK) was used both to characterize the impedance of the composite film during bacterial degradation and as a reader for wireless bacterial monitoring. Both types of experiments were performed with SPGEs. These are comprised of three electrodes: gold working and counter electrodes and a silver reference elec- trode. For directly measuring the impedance of the composite film, the working and counter electrodes of the SPGEs were connected to a 50

coaxial cable (matching the characteristic impedance of the VNA), which was connected through the other end to the transmitter port (TX) of the VNA. The actual experimental setup used in the present study is shown in Fig.1. For wireless measure- ments, the composite coated SPGE was connected to a rectangu- lar RF antenna (6.8 x 5.4 cm, 2 loops) through the working and counter electrodes with a homemade 3D printed holder ( Fig.1a) whereas the silver reference electrode of the SPEG was unattended. As a reader, we used a homemade copper circular RF antenna (di- ameter 5.5 cm, 5 loops) connected to the TX port of a VNA. For all reported wireless measurements, reader and sensor antenna were kept at a fixed distance of 1.2 cm.

During the wireless measurements, the magnitude of the reflec- tion scattering parameter





1 − PT

Pmax (where P Tis the trans-

mitted power and P max is the maximum achievable transmitted

power) was monitored continuously in the 3-30 MHz range at a sweep rate of 135 kHz/s.

Both direct and wireless VNA-based measurements were per- formed by first exposing the composite-coated SPGEs to sterilized LB medium or PBS for at least 24 h in order to ensure stability. The sterilization was performed by autoclave the medium for 20 min at 120 °C. Then the freshly prepared composite film coated elec- trodes were transferred to the sterilized LB or PBS solution under UV light and then tightly closed the container. After ascertaining the stability, the coated SPGEs were exposed to bacteria-containing LB medium or PBS solution (5 mL), and the corresponding VNA sig- nal monitored continuously. Further, it was noted that the freshly prepared LB medium exhibited a pH value of 7.2, and it was gradu-


ally decreased when the E.coli growth increases. On the other hand, no significant pH shift observed in E.coli containing PBS solution. 2.5. Scanningelectronmicroscopy

An environmental scanning electron microscope (SEM) (EVO LS10, Zeiss, Germany) was used to visualize the composite films before and after bacterial degradation. For this, the SEM was oper- ated in the variable pressure mode (10 Pa, EHT voltage 25 kV) and the images acquired using the backscattered detector.

3. Resultsanddiscussion

3.1. Sensorconcept

The concept of the developed wireless bacteria sensor was detailed in [33]. Briefly, a reader (a Vector Network Analyzer equipped with an antenna) is used to interrogate a transponder with well-differentiated antenna and sensor sections, only the lat- ter being exposed to the investigated aqueous media. A magnetic field is generated when the current flows through the reader an- tenna. When both reader and transponder antennas come into proximity, this magnetic field induces a current on the transpon- der. The equivalent circuit for this concept is shown in Fig.2.

The power transmitted from the reader to transponder is maxi- mized at a certain (characteristic) current frequency for which the imaginary part of the equivalent impedance for the whole setup, Z eq(Eq. (1)), is zero [44].





(1) where Z reader-antenna is the impedance for the reader antenna,

Z transponder is the overall impedance of the transponder i.e., the composite-bridged electrodes (sensor component) coupled to the circular RF antenna, and M is the mutual inductance between reader and transponder antennas. The analytical expression that relates the characteristic frequency, i.e., that for which the imag- inary part of Z eq becomes zero, to the resistance and capacitance

of the sensor component, R ts and C ts, is fairly complex. However,

as discussed in [33], provided that the sensor component can be modeled as a resistor (R ts) and a capacitor (C ts) connected in par-

allel, it is reasonable to assume that the transmitted power will be maximized for a frequency close to that for which the imagi- nary part of the equivalent impedance of the transponder is zero. Specifically, this condition is fulfilled for a frequency,


0, provided

by [33]:



1 Lta




− 1 [




Rts]2 (2)

where L ta and C ta are the inductance and capacitance of the

transponder antenna, respectively. From Eq. (2), it follows that a decrease in the resistance of the sensor section of the transponder, R ts, would lower the frequency for which the transmitted power is

maximized. The proposed bacteria sensor concept is based on this dependence.

3.2. Impedancemeasurementsofthecompositefilmduringits bacterialdegradation

The present wireless sensor concept relies on the resistivity changes of the composite used to coat SPGEs resulting from its degradation by the proteases/peptidases secreted from the E.coli bacteria present in the tested media. We monitored, as detailed in the material and methods section, the impedance in the RF spec- trum of the composite-bridged electrodes while exposed to an E. coli solution. Experimental data for the real and imaginary com- ponents of the impedance of this system during exposure to the mid-log growth phase of E.coli cells (OD 600 = 0.67, equivalent to

5.36 × 108 CFU/mL) in LB medium are provided in Fig. S2a and

S2b, respectively (Supporting Information).

Assuming that the composite-bridged electrodes can be mod- eled by a capacitor, C, and resistor, R, in parallel, the relationship between the equivalent impedance of the system, Zequivalent, and the current frequency, f, is provided by:

Zequivalent= R 1+j2


fCR= R 1+






2− j 2


fCR2 1+






2 (3) As shown in Fig. S2a and S2b, Eq. (3) provided a reasonable fit (dashed lines) for the impedance of the composite when ex- posed to bacteria (solid lines). This allowed quantifying the capaci- tance and resistance (Fig. S2c and S2d, respectively, Supporting In- formation) over time while exposed to the bacterial solution. It can be observed that the capacitance remained fairly stable during the process (values stayed within a ~2 pF window during the experi- ment). However, the resistance decreased continuously during ex- posure of the composite to bacteria from a value of ~650

to ~150

(a value similar to that measured for non-coated electrodes, data not shown). This suggests that the composite film on SPGE was effectively degraded by E.coli. It is well known that E.coli bacte- ria secrete ~70 proteases/peptidases, including serine, cysteine, as- partic, and metalloproteases [45]. These enzymes fulfil numerous vital functions in cells, including digestive, protective, and regula- tory metabolic processes [46]. During extracellular digestion, pep- tide bonds in the protein matrix are hydrolyzed, and consequently, the released free amino acids are imported into the bacterial cell and metabolized. This digestion process is utilized in the present study to detect the E.coli bacteria with the aid of biodegradable GTA cross-linked gelatin-CA composite film coated on SPGE. As a result of composite film digestion, in the wireless setup resistivity


Fig. 3. A schematic illustration for the wireless sensor setup and E.coli detection process.

changes will lead (according to Eq.(2)) to a decrease of the char- acteristic frequency that will allow to monitor wirelessly the pres- ence of bacteria in the tested solution. The fabricated wireless sen- sor setup and E.coli detection process are schematically illustrated in Fig.3.

The antimicrobial properties of the fatty acid, CA, incorporated within the gelatin film to control its permeability to water, need to be discussed. CA is less sensitive to the gram-negative bacteria due to the difference in the cell wall structure that composed of an ad- ditional plasma membrane while compared to the gram-positive bacteria [47]. In addition, the pK a value of CA is 4.9 [48] and,

therefore, it shows bactericidal effect in acidic pH ( < 4.9) and no significant effect at neutral pH [49]. Hence, it is envisaged that CA does not show significant antibacterial effect towards the gram- negative E.coli bacteria at the neutral pH conditions employed in the present study. This is supported by the impedance measure- ments, which indicate that the resistivity change occurred because of bacterial-induced degradation of the CA incorporated composite film. Moreover, GTA specifically cross-links the free amino groups present in the gelatin polymer network through Schiff base and Michael-type reactions and, thus, the peptide bonds are expected to be unaffected and freely available for proteolytic degradation through exothermic hydrolysis reactions [50, 51].

3.3. Modificationofthethicknessofthecompositefilmsbybacteria The thickness of the composite film on SPGEs was evaluated by optical microscopy before and after degradation by E.coli ( Fig.4). Before conducting the measurement, the freshly prepared compos- ite films were incubated in sterile LB medium for 24 h to attain complete water saturation, and the thickness of these films was estimated to be ~350 μm ( Fig.4a). In contrast, as shown in Fig.4b the thickness of the film was significantly decreased to ~75–100 μm upon exposure to E.coli bacteria as a result of enzymatic degra- dation. The image is shown in Fig.4b is representative of films for which a stable and constant resistance value was obtained after exposure to 5.36 × 108 CFU/mL E.coli for 28 h in the impedance

measurements (Fig. S2). The composite film was degraded entirely when exposed to bacteria solution for another few hours. Thus,

Fig. 4. Optical microscopy images of composite film modified SPGEs (a) before and (b) after exposure to E. coli (5.36 × 10 8 CFU/mL) for 28 h.


Fig. 5. SEM images of SPEGs coated with GTA cross-linked gelatin-CA composites

a) before and b) after exposure for 24 h to E. coli (5.2 × 10 8 CFU/mL) in PBS.

optical microscopy confirmed the susceptibility of the developed composite towards bacterial induce degradation.

3.4. Modificationofthemorphologyofthecompositefilmsby bacteria

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to monitor changes in the topology of the GTA cross-linked gelatin-CA com- posite films on SPGEs when exposed to bacterial solutions. SEM images for such a film before and after exposure for 24 h to E.coli containing PBS solution (5.2 × 108 CFU/mL) are shown in Fig.5a

and b, respectively. It can be observed that initially the films ex- hibited a smooth, compact and defect-free surface. However, pits and grooves with diameter values between 10 0 and 40 0 μm were visible on the composite film after being exposed to the bacteria solution. The hollow structure of the films, as inferred from SEM, combined with the overall decrease in thickness, as inferred from optical microscopy, after exposure to E.coli confirmed that this bac- teria catabolized the developed composite film with their enzymes and subsequently decreased its resistivity i.e., the proposed bacte- ria detection mechanism on which the proposed sensing concept relies.

3.5. Wirelessbacteriasensinginaqueousmedia

The bacterial degradation of the composite-coated electrodes was wirelessly monitored by means of the setup detailed in Section 2.4. Specifically, we monitored the magnitude of the for- ward scattering parameter, |S 11|, between the transponder and

Fig. 6. (a) Evolution of | S 11| overtime for a representative experiment where one of the developed bacteria sensors was exposed to E. coli cells (OD 600 = 0.4, equivalent to 3.2 × 10 8 CFU/mL) in LB medium. ( b) Evolution of the characteristic frequency over time measured for individual sensor electrode exposed to three different con- centrations of E. coli in LB medium.

reader antennas in the 3–30 MHz range and characterized this spectrum in terms of the characteristic frequency for which |S 11|

attained a minimum value, i.e. the transmitted power was maxi- mized.

At first, we monitored the characteristic frequency with the sensor section of the transponder immersed in bacteria-free aque- ous media (we performed experiments in both sterile LB medium and PBS, characteristic frequency vs time plots in these media are shown in Figs.6, 7and8). The sensor modified with freshly pre- pared composite films exhibited a characteristic frequency slightly higher than 12.0 MHz both in PBS buffer and LB medium. This value shifted marginally to lower values during the first ~ 2 h of in- cubation, but always by a shift value below 0.5 MHz. This process suggests that some absorption of water molecules by the gelatin polymer took place initially. Indeed, in a recent work [33] we showed that the characteristic frequency remained fairly stable for 41 days (~10 3 h) in aqueous solution. Nevertheless, for all our

experiments, the composite-coated electrodes were immersed in bacteria-free aqueous media (sterile LB medium or PBS) at least 24 h prior to exposure to bacteria-containing media. Below, we re-


Fig. 7. Evolution of the characteristic frequency over time measured for composite film modified sensors exposed to an E.coli concentration of 6.4 × 10 8 CFU/mL in LB medium and in PBS solution.

Fig. 8. Evolution of the characteristic frequency over time measured for compos- ite film modified sensors exposed to E.coli cells lysate and non-lysed E.coli cells (5.2 × 10 8 CFU/mL) in PBS solution.

port and discuss our wireless measurements for E.coli detection in both LB medium and PBS buffer.

Fig.6a illustrates the wireless monitoring over time of the for- ward scattering parameter,




, for a composite film incorporated

transponder when exposed to 3.2 × 10 8CFU/mL (0.4 OD

600in the

exponential growth phase) of E. coli in LB medium at 25 °C. The initial characteristic frequency, 11.8 MHz, continuously decreased until a stable value, ~6.5 MHz, was reached. This proves that the proposed sensor concept can be used to wireless monitor the pres- ence of bacteria by means of their degradation of the composite film incorporated in the sensor section of the transponder.

The time evolution of the characteristic frequency for three dif- ferent experiments where transponders were exposed to 3.6 × 104,

2.3 × 106 and 3.2 × 108 CFU/mL E.coli in LB medium (25 °C) is

shown in Fig.6b along with a representative control experiment where the sensor was exposed to bacteria-free LB medium. Like in the experiment shown in Fig.6a, the starting characteristic fre- quency exhibited a similar value of ~11.8 MHz for all experiments and ended up in value within the 6.5–7 MHz range. In all ex-

periments, characteristic frequency vs. time plots for the experi- ments where the sensors were exposed to bacteria exhibited three regimes: (i) an initial one characterized by a low negative gradi- ent followed by (ii) a high negative gradient regime and (iii) a final stationary regime where the characteristic frequency remained sta- ble. The existence of the initial low negative gradient regime sug- gests that the initial degradation process does not respond to the frequency change due to the higher thickness of the film, as the similar phenomenon observed in our previous work with different proteases [33]. It can be noted that the time period over which this regime takes place is inversely dependent on bacteria concen- tration. The high dependence of the characteristic frequency with time characteristic of the second regime indicates a rapid decrease of the composite resistivity, which can be reasonable to associate with significant degradation. In contrast with the first regime, the time period over which this second regime takes place has a mi- nor dependence on the initial bacteria concentration. This regime finished when the E.coli cells secreted enzymes digested the com- posite film down to an extent where conducting ions were able to freely diffuse between the electrodes of the sensor section of the transponder, and a new plateau is found. The characteristic fre- quency measured in this regime (~6.5–7 MHz) matched that mea- sured in LB medium for transponders where the sensor section was formed by bare non-coated SPGEs.

It is well known that the LB medium is composed of high nu- trients such as tryptone and yeast extract, which are expected to facilitate bacterial growth. Therefore, to investigate the impacts of these nutrients towards the performance of the sensor, the ex- periments were also performed in PBS solutions. As mentioned in Section2.2, the cultivated E.coli cells were completely washed with PBS solution to remove the LB medium ingredients present in the bacterial sediment. Fig.7shows a comparison between represen- tative experiments where the sensor was exposed to a 6.4 × 108

CFU/mL concentration of E.coli in both LB medium and PBS buffer. It can be seen that a similar response was obtained in both me- dia. According to the bacteria detection criterion mentioned above (i.e., 0.8 MHz shift of f0) the detection time was found to be ~ 15

and 17 h for LB medium and PBS solution, respectively. The degra- dation process of the composite film was marginally faster in LB medium when compared to the PBS solution. There are two spec- ulations that bring up these results. First, the nutrients present in the LB medium could lead to faster growth of bacteria than in PBS solution at room temperature and, subsequently, in faster degrada- tion of the composite film. It might also be that bacteria adjusted faster in LB medium as they were grown in the same medium, whereas adapting to PBS buffer might take additional time before starting the degradation process. In Fig.7it can also be observed that the characteristic frequency measured at the beginning of an experiment was slightly lower (~ 0.5 MHz) when investigating me- dia containing bacteria with respect to bacteria-free media (control experiments). This was expected as the presence of bacteria (and that of their secreted and peptidases) is known to affect the di- electric constant of the media [52]. This will in turn, affect the ca- pacitance values of our sensor and, therefore, the measured char- acteristic frequency. Fig. 7 also shows that the characteristic fre- quency measured in PBS buffer after complete degradation of the composite was ~ 2 MHz higher than for experiments performed in LB medium. This reflects a difference between the resistivity of LB medium and that of PBS buffer. Nevertheless, these differences do not mask the drastic change in characteristic frequency observed upon degradation of the composite by bacteria. Overall, these re- sults confirmed that the developed sensor could be used to moni- tor E.coli bacteria regardless of the nutrient content of the media.

Further, as aforementioned, we have attributed the observed frequency changes to the degradation of the composite film by E.coli secreted enzymes. To confirm our conjecture, we tested the


Fig. 9. Bacteria detection time, corresponding to that for which the characteristic frequency shifted by 0.8 MHz, for different concentrations of E. coli in LB medium. Each data point and corresponding error bar corresponds to the mean and standard deviation value calculated from three different experiments performed at room temperature.

developed sensor in bacterial cell lysate in PBS solution and com- pared the result with that obtained on non-lysed bacteria cells in PBS solution under identical experimental conditions at room temperature. In both experiments, the initial bacteria concentra- tion was 5.2 × 108 CFU/mL. Fig. 8 portrays a detection time of

~17 h (based on the detection criterion of 0.8 MHz) for non-lysed E.coli cells in PBS solution. In contrast, the E.coli cells lysate in PBS solution were not detected until ~40 h. Recently, we reported the degradation of the developed composite film by various proteases and found that the degradation rate varied depends upon pro- tease concentrations [33]. Non-lysed bacteria degraded the com- posite film faster than bacterial cells lysate. This indicates that E. coli lysate contains a constant concentration of E.coli secreted en- zymes [53]. In this environment, it is expected that the composite film will be degraded at a slower rate than in the non-lysed cells solution, where proteases and peptidases will be continuously se- creted as supported by our data.

Moreover, we have also explored the quantification possibilities of the proposed bacterial sensor concept based on the experiments performed in LB medium. As seen in Fig. 6b, for all experiments, the characteristic frequency versus time plot entered the second regime for a frequency shift of ~0.8 MHz. In contrast, there was no such a frequency decrease observed neither in LB medium nor in PBS buffer, even when immersed for long periods of time (~10 3

h) [33]. Subsequently, we used this characteristic frequency shift, i.e., 0.8 MHz, as a bacteria detection criterion. According to this criterion, E.coli bacteria detection times exhibited an exponential dependence with the initial bulk bacteria concentration, as shown in Fig.9. Specifically, E.coli bacteria were detected at 18.0 ± 2.8, 23.5 ± 0.7, 27.0 ± 2.8, 40.5± 3.5, and 45.5± 0.7 h for the initial concentration of 3.2 × 108, 6.8 × 107, 2.3 × 106, 4.3 × 105 and

3.6 × 104 CFU/mL, respectively. Thus, the proposed sensor does

not only allow monitoring the presence of E.coli cells in a tested aqueous solution but also quantifying their concentration range of 3.2 × 108to 2.3 × 104CFU/mL.

On average, the initial characteristic frequency measured in our experiments was ~11.8 MHz, and after complete degradation of the composite, this quantity decreased to a value of ~6.5 MHz, which corresponds to a ~45% change. Characteristic frequency changes around 1% are usually considered as an acceptable wireless sen-

tations, the transponder antenna and, therefore, its coupling with the reader antenna will be affected by parameters like the sam- pled volume as well as changes in its physico-chemical properties of e.g., ionic strength, as shown by Ma and co-workers [22]. They found that the monitored inductance of the sensor was extremely interfered by physicochemical parameters such as sample volume and buffer ion concentration. The implementation proposed in this work, where the transponder is composed of well-separated sensor and antenna sections, only the former exposed to the tested media, avoids this drawback. Thus, changes in the monitored characteris- tic frequency can be unequivocally associated with the degradation of the composite film by E.coli bacteria.

It can be noted that the proposed sensor concept, while still in a prototype stage, is a cost-effective strategy as it basically relies on bridging two electrodes with the (low-cost) developed gelatin-based composite when compared to the expensive lithog- raphy techniques used in other reported sensors [24, 29, 30, 32, 34]. The thickness of the composite film on SPGE is directly correlat- ing with the detection time. So far, our attempts to lower the film thickness led to not enough reproducibility. Currently, to enhance the sensor performances related to the detection time and stabil- ity, we are investigating different methods for depositing the com- posite film e.g., spin coating, as well as the incorporation of other components. Finally, it is also worth to mention that the degrada- tion of this composite could be used as well in any other type of bacterial sensor strategy independently of the reading mechanism.

4. Conclusions

Here, we proposed a novel concept for wireless monitoring of bacteria in aqueous media and validated it by monitoring the pres- ence of E.coli cells in both LB medium and PBS buffer. The sens- ing mechanism is based on the degradation of a GTA cross-linked gelatin-CA composite film covering two electrodes exposed to the tested media. The composite film was degraded in the presence of E.coli cells as confirmed by both SEM and optical microscopy images. This resulted in a decrease of its resistivity as indicated by impedance measurements. In the proposed sensor concept, the film-coated electrodes were connected to an antenna (an LC res- onator), only the former being exposed to the tested aqueous sam- ple. Keeping the transponder antenna outside from the tested sam- ple avoids the drawbacks associated with the use of RF commu- nication through aqueous media. When the transponder with the sensor section exposed to bacterial solutions was monitored wire- lessly by means of a VNA equipped with an RF antenna, the fre- quency for which maximum power was transferred from reader to transponder antenna shifted to lower values. We did not only prove in this way that the proposed sensor could be used to mon- itor E. coli bacteria in aqueous solutions (both PBS buffer and LB medium were investigated). We also showed that the detec- tion time followed a relationship with the bacteria concentrations.


Thus, the proposed sensor concept offers the avenue for bacteria quantification. Further, it was found that the degradation of the composite film in bacterial cells lysate was slower than in non- lysed bacteria solutions. This indicated that the continuous pro- duction of proteases and peptidases by the E.coli played a critical role in the degradation of the composite leading to earlier detec- tion. The advantages of the proposed sensor concept include real- time, accurate and high sensitive (3.6 × 10 4 CFU/ml) bacteria de-

tection. Moreover, it also has possibilities for low-cost scalable pro- duction. A variety of applications (biomedical, food safety and en- vironmental) would benefit from these characteristics, which out- perform those from many of the currently available techniques for bacteria detection. Future work will focus on improving the detec- tion time by optimizing the thickness and composition of the com- posite film as well as on testing the sensor in more biomedical rel- evant samples like wound exudates and urine.


Palraj Kalimuthu: Conceptualization, Investigation; Formal analysis; Data curation, Methodology, Roles/Writing - original draft.

JuanF.Gonzalez-Martinez: Methodology, Writing - review & edit- ing. DainiusJakubauskas: Methodology, Writing - review & edit- ing. Marité Cárdenas: Resources; Data curation, Writing - review & editing. Tautgirdas Ruzgas: Resources; Validation; Writing - re- view & editing. JavierStores: Methodology, Conceptualization, Su- pervision; Validation; Data curation, Funding acquisition; Project administration; Investigation; Writing - review & editing.


The manuscript was written through the contributions of all au- thors.


The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The Knowledge Foundation (Grants No. 20150207 and 20190010), the Swedish Research Council (Grant No. 2 018-04320), the Mats Paulsson’s foundation for research, innovation and development of society, Malmö University and the Gustav Th. Ohlsson Foundation are gratefully acknowledged for financial support. M.C. and D.J. thank the Swedish Research Council (Grant No. 2014-3981).


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2021.138275.


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Fig. 1. ( a) Setup used for bacteria wireless detection. ( b) Close view of the reader and transponder antennas
Fig. 4. Optical microscopy images of composite film modified SPGEs (a) before and  (b) after exposure to E
Fig. 6. (a) Evolution of  |  S  11 |  overtime for a representative experiment where one of  the developed bacteria sensors was exposed to E
Fig. 7. Evolution of the characteristic frequency over time measured for composite  film modified sensors exposed to an E.coli concentration of 6.4 × 10 8  CFU/mL in LB  medium and in PBS solution


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