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Food street


Academic year: 2021

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Ba gg le G år d ho ne y 1 1 1 rb öl e Få rg ård m eat la mbs rv tjä rn s Ut eg ris ar m eat pigs Br änn fo rs rd m ilk goat s 1 1 vv at tn ets G år d m ilk cow s 1 Ber gs åk er rd en m eat la mbs 1 Ul ric eb er gs G år d m eat la mbs H älj e G år d m eat cow s Åb ne t L imo us in m eat cow s G ub le G år ds köt t m eat   cow s Al be rti na G år d m eat cow s La rs so ns rd m eat cow s 1 1 O xv ik ens rd m eat la mbs 1 1 H ans so ns rd m eat la mbs Ed rd en m eat pigs Br änn a Gå rd m eat la mbs 1 Edl un ds La nt br uk m ilk cow s Pr äs ng ets L an tb ru k m eat cow s D an ie ls so ns K o & Co m eat cow s G år de n L on do n m ilk cow s 1 M ar ku s Ni ls so ns L an tb ru k m eat cow s G et er iet m ilk goat s 1 EG Vi lt m eat 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yt tr e Ult er va ttn et 6 7 m eat la mbs 1 Gr avm ar k 66 m eat la mbs 1 gg ås 3 8 m eat la mbs vs el e 110 m eat la mbs Ber gh em s F år av el m eat la mbs H ög ås 17 m eat la mbs 1 lb ack a A B m eat la mbs Än ge sj ö 71 m eat la mbs La xb ack ens rd m ilk cow s 1 G. Li nd be rg s L an tb ru k m ilk cow s Va lb nn a 1 1 m eat la mbs M ul ls 8 0 m eat la mbs Fa m ilj en H an ss on s Ch ar k m eat 1 1 Ba st utr äs k Ch ar kut eri 1 1 1 U m em us t fr ui t 1 1 Eri k Sö de rlu nd Sk og & Vi lt m eat elk 1 H än gn ar eg år de n m eat cow s 1 Vi nd eln s R ök er i m eat 1 1 Str öm da hl a Sl akt eri m eat cow s 1 1 N yhl én & H ug os so ns m eat cow 1 Gru nd s Sl akt eri m eat 1 Re nb er gs va ttn ets L an tb ru k m ilk cow s 1 N ya T är na Vi lt m eat elk 1 1 1 Lap pl an ds Vi ltp ro du kt er m eat re ind ee r 1 1 1 1 An dr ea s Sk um Fj äl lv ilt m eat re ind ee r 1 1 Re np ro du kt er i So rs el e m eat re ind ee r H äl ln äs H an del st räd rd her bs 1 BE Tr äd rd pla nt s 1 1 Kr äk ån ge rs Ek og år d ve ge ta bl es Ma rs to rp s Ma t ve ge ta bl es 1 G ns ak sf ab rik en ve ge ta bl es 1 1 Ek or anc he n m eat cow s Ren fo rs G ns ak er ve ge ta bl es 1 1 1 Val lgå rd en pla nt s 1 1 1 Kv an ne går de n her bs 1 1 Sp ru ce M ou nt ai n ja m 1 1 1 H el en s G år ds buti k ja m 1 Ek otr äd rd Br ån pla nt s Sv an sel e G nt ve ge ta bl es 1 1 1 Br än nl an d I sc id er be ve ra ge Br yg gv er ke t be ve ra ge U&m e Be er be ve ra ge Sv edj an M ej eri chee se cow s 1 st er bo tt en so st /N or rm ej er ier chee se RH Pl an ta go her bs 1 Sa lte rie t fish 1 Be rg m an s Fi sk & Vi lt fish 1 1 1 1 N oru m s Fi sk ke ri fish 1 Ro vög er ns S ur st mm in g fish st röm m in g 1 Tv å fis ka re fish 1 N or rm ej er ier m ilk cow s U m la x fish cha r Öv eru m an s Fi sk fish rai nb ow tr out ste rbo tte ns fi sk fish Ca se ru m Y st eri chee se cow s 1 D an ic a F ood s ja m ber rie s 1 1 Ny åk er s p ep pa rk ak or ba ke d go ods G la ssb on de n ic e c re am cow s 1 Pr al in er ie t ch oco la te s 1 Vi nt ag e Pl an ta tio ns Ch oc ol at es ch oco la te s Ku ltu rb ag er ie t ba ke d go ods Ba rk br öds ba ge rie t ba ke d go ods Li lla H an tv er ks ba ge rie t ba ke d go ods Ör e G år ds ba ge ri ba ke d go ods Ca rls Sk aff eri ba ke d go ods 1 Gi m on äs Ba ge ri ba ke d go ods Fi na s Ba ge ri ba ke d go ods N ya k on di tor ie t ba ke d go ods H agab d ba ke d go ods ge T un nb ds ba ge ri ba ke d go ods Yt te rt avl e ä gg eggs hen s Bo hm ans h öns eggs hen s Sv am p i n or r m us hr oom s Al sk og s g ns ak so dl in g ve ge ta bl es 1 Bo rg rd en s d es ig n o ch tr äd rd ve ge ta bl es 1 1 For sl un da T dg år d ve ge ta bl es 1 Gi de å G et m ilk goat 1 Ka m ro se A B wi ld b er rie s 1 1 Ka sam ar ks F år far m m eat la mbs Lu nd str öm s L an tb ru k m eat pigs M aCo Gr ön t ve ge ta bl es 1 1 N or dli ga m eat re ind ee r 1 1 1 Ren ov er in gs by n ba ke d go ods 1 1 Sk og en s Sk at te r ber rie s 1 1 1 Str ömb er gs T un nb d ba ke d go ods ste rbo tte ns H on un g ho ne y To rs rd en ve ge ta bl es Mj öl e  b är bru k ber rie s 1 1 Gu mb od a P ot ati s ro ot v ege ta bl es W al lg re ns Po tat is ro ot v ege ta bl es M yc kl e Po tat is ro ot v ege ta bl e P Å M ar ks te dt A B ro ot v ege ta bl e N yl id en 41 ro ot v ege ta bl e H äst ha ge n 17 ro ot v ege ta bl e Pu nkt 119 R S an ds trö m ro ot v ege ta bl e Stöc ks N or ra ro ot v ege ta bl e R An de rs so n ro ot v ege ta bl e H äl si ngf or s 15 ro ot v ege ta bl e st ers el et 4 0 ro ot v ege ta bl es Gu llsj ö 2 5 ro ot v ege ta bl e Bo da ns Ek ob ru k m ilk cow s 1 1 1 M el la nsj ö 16 m ilk cow s 1 W al lne rs B od by su nd m eat la mbs 1 ng ed 80 m eat cow s 1 J A H äg gl un d H åk s eggs hen s Bj ur se le 12 0 m eat   cow s D ju pg ro vs rd en m eat la mbs sg ård en m ilk cow s 1 M al tt sk B igå rd ar ho ne y Gr ys sj ön s P ot ati s ro ot v eg et ab les Si lje grö nt veg et ab les 1 Se ls rd veg et ab les 1 Bu rv ik s Fi sk fish H ass es F isk fish 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 11 0 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 811 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 113 132 133 134 135 136 137

There does not exist one comprehensive list that presents all enterprises in primary and secondary food production in Västerbotten. This map is an ongoing project in order to show the abundance of small, medium and also a few large private companies active in food production. In Västerbotten there is:

• 140 food industries • 206 dairy farms

• 246 farms with beef cows • 25 professional fishermen

• 4 companies for secondary fish production • 2 pisciculture companies

• 3 larger greenhouse cultivation companies

• 10 slaughterhouses for wild meat, 9 for reindeer and 7 for secondary reindeer production

• 30 pig farms

• 2 pig slaughterhouses

• 3 big egg producers and countless smaller • 20 commercial potato growers

• 286 small sheep farms

• 5 cheesemakers and much much more…




name from processing meat pig lamb goats reindeer relk bear quail charcuterie fish eggs honey jam baked gods beverages milk chese vegetable root vegetable wild berries fruit herbs mushrooms plants main production


• 700 m2 + 350m2 (parking/utillity)

• 20 - 25 occupants • static vender places

• temporary sales or drop of points • cooking/preparation possibilities • rest rooms for vendors & visitors • staff room

• public/commom spaces - not vender dependent • roof garden, open 24/7

• loading dock / accessibility • advertisement / transparency • year around sales

• year around open happenings

• Europe 2020 Strategy

• The Swedish Food Strategy

• The Swedish Rural Development Program, • Umeå’s Plan for a Sustainable Countryside.

plan, flows

floor plan feeling

There can never exist a sustainable city, without a functioning,

agricultural countryside. Only a sustainable production along with a sustainable consumption, create substantial environmental benefits. How sustainable the use of our natural resources are, is depending on the regulations by society and of our actions as consumers.

A well working interaction between the urban and the rural is crucial. Without attention to this coordination, there will be no sustainable city and the beneficial environmental impacts of agriculture will be lost. Agricultural land is a renewable resource. A field could, theoretically and amazingly, continue to produce food for a hundred thousand years. Despite this fundamental significance, the areal of farmed land has

steadily decreased since the peak in 1950. Society, its demographics, regulations and markets, has made it increasingly difficulty to support oneself on farming. The cost has been the loss of 10 million ha arable land in less than 80 years. That equals 50% of the Swedish farmland. Since 1983 the number of milk cows, our primary grazers, have been reduced by more than 50%. The appearance of our countryside is, perhaps forever, changed.

It is not only the esthetic properties of the landscape that has suffered. In order to stay competitive on a global market, farmers has been forced to make the job more efficient. The great shift from low tech, labour

intense farming to technically advanced one person-shows, has had an immense impact on the rural landscape. Grazed meadows are second, after virgin forests, when it comes to biodiversity. 50% of red listed

plant species in Sweden are found in our traditional farming landscape. Many species of insects, amphibians and birds are also dependent on the traditional agricultural landscape with pastures, uncovered ditches, wooden fences and stone walls. This landscape is perishing.

In 1927 Västerbotten had 100 521 ha arable land. In 2007 the number had dwindled to just 71 515 ha, a decrease of 29%. In 2014 the number of agricultural businesses were 2446. A decrease with 18% since 2005. The statistics points towards a desolate future.

The preservation of farm land is a long-term commitment with benefits that cannot be estimated in money. We need state regulations and an infrastructure that enables farming. We need an elevated awareness

concerning the significant benefits farming has for our environment and we need to look beyond the prize tag when we select our food. Why do we buy beef from Brazil, when you can get it at Gubböle or Åbrånet? And how can sweet peas from Peru be called fresh? Can a product still claim to be ecological, if it has come to us by airplane?

80% of the agricultural production in Västerbotten is situated in the coastal region, within reasonable distance for distribution to Umeå. If we want to keep the great biodiversity of traditional farm land, create a sustainable city and an equally sustainable countryside, it is paramount to create a permanent place in Umeå where local producers meet local consumers: a permanent indoor food market, a place for good food, sustainable progress and raised awareness.

There are substantial political incentives supporting the creation of an indoor food market in Umeå. All the following programs share actively support a more sustainable food production.



design principles

Since most farms up here are small family run businesses, we have to highlight each other instead of competing. We have much to win if we join forces! I also think it is important to be close to your buyers,

to meet them and listen to what they are looking for.

# 12.





Market floor plan 1:00




A sustainable countryside can only be achieved by cooperation between associations, business enterprises, inhabitants, visitors, university, regional organizations and other municipalities in

Västerbotten. The municipality of Umeå has the role of coordinator and cooperator. Umeå’s Plan for a Sustainable Countryside.

utilities storage storage freezer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p taff storage management waste

Lover floor plan 1:200

Upper floor plan 1:00

Upper floor plan 1:200



1 : 500

1. sitplan












situation plan


1: hotezls

2: väven, library

3: open spaces accecable for lager markets

4: ica nad coop

5: multi story parkning

6: umeå river

The building is shaped so that the existing flows of the cityscape are not interrupted, but rather enhanced. An arcade (a) wraps around the building and connects to the existing sheltered sidewalk of Scandic

Hotel. The open belly (b) of the building lets traffic and pedestrians flow underneath the cantilevered market one level above. Parts of the roof is open access greenery, compensating for the loss of the existing park. Through a shared entry to the street, a future housing complex, ensures life and movement even during the hours that the market is closed.

Situated in close proximity to four hotels (#1 below) provides an extra client base, besides the local citizens of Umeå. The proximity to the Cultural Centre Väven and to the Public Library also promise extra influx of visitors. The possibility to expand beyond the building itself onto open spaces (#3) is important for larger events such as Bondens marknad (the existing outdoor Farmers’ market). The nearby Ica and Coop (#4) have good sales of ready lunches. Tapping into this market, catering to the working centre of Umeå, should prove beneficial.

Parking, for accessibility reasons, is important and the building is strategically situated in front of existing multi-level parking. The

closeness and view of the Umeå river and its pedestrian walkway is a natural and beautiful asset for the market.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) produce compost biodiversity produce recyclables commun space housing main market temporary market tempor ary st or ge par

king waste managemen

t staff equipmen





10 r easons for pr oducers • Incr

ease consumer awar


of r

egional food stuffs and the

beneficial effects of buying them

• Cr eating continuance: a permanent place r eplacing shorter initiatives of pr oject c haracter • Facilit ating small pr oducers’

access to food supply c


Developing cooperative solutions for efficient distribution and marketing

• Reduction of risk thr ough collab oration • Contr

ol over how the pr

oducts ar



esented and over pr

oduct quality

Adding value; joint marketing of exclusive pr

oducts at a

higher prizes covering the costs associated with lower pr


Developing r

egional food branding

with focus on its distinct origin, methodsz of pr

oduction, traceability


hygiene, animal welfar

e and quality • Resuscit ation of old r egional food traditions, pr oducts and r ecipes •

Enhancing the eat, view and experience sc

heme as an effective

instrument to make the pr


known 10 r

easons for consumers

Concern for food safety and quality


ency in the entir

e food

supply c

hain: origin, pr



ation and handling

• Food pr oduction and pr ocessing in accor dance with

good farming practices

Food pr

oduced with r

espect for the


onment and welfar

e of animals


ganic foods and pr

oducts • Convenient loc ation • Attractive spac • Face-to-face cont act with pr oducer • Food as an experience • Food cultur e and traditions 10 r

easons for authorities

Connecting food pr

oducers and

other or

ganizations and institutes

of r


ch, public and r


authorities in a network for regional food development


ease consumer awar

eness of

the ric

h variety of r

egional food

stuffs and the wider beneficial effects of buying them

• Cr eating continuance: a permanent place r eplacing shorter initiatives of pr oject c haracter • Facilit ating small pr oducers’

access to food supply c


Removing administrative barriers and cr

eating new

possibilities for entr



farm-food development.


eeping the need of investment low for the individual pr

oducer • Facilit ate and r ealize space • Investment in building • Sour

cing other partners

for initial investment

Marketing the uniqueness of regional food and the str



oduction competence

of the small pr



1 : 500

1. sitplan

elevation north


situation diagram




Tullkammaren Scandic


perspective towards north

The part of the building facing the river is exposed to a lot of sun. During winter the lower sun reaches the stepped space underneath the building, offering a sheltered space to enjoy the river winterscape. During summer, the space is shaded to a higher degree because of the higher path of the sun.

Events like the existing Bondens marknad or Taste Umeå would work in collaboration with the permanent food market. The large open

space in between the new market building and Umeå river is ideal for such events. The ”open belly” of the building works as an intermediate space, linking the area in front of Tullkammaren (the Old Customs

building) and the space behind Tullkamaren and Scandic Hotel, both suited for temporary markets year around.









Section 12 - Callout 1 Skala: 1 : 50

Mallfil White

Unnamed 11 04/19/18

Drafting 1



facade detail


detail, profile


section a -a


detail, structure pattern


The structure of the building is an integrated part of the building’s

design and function. Loadbearing pillars are hidden in the midst of the tilted construction surrounding the entire building, in the interior as well as the exterior. A net of traditionally profiled, wooden triangles act as shading for indoor spaces and extends over the roofline forming a railing for safety.

Ogee (sv. karnis) is a classical profile that is found, usually in combination with quartz rod and hollow moulding, on practically all of our windows and framework doors in Umeå, dating from the beginning of the 19th century to the mid 1950’s.


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