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Anthracite industry in the Donetz Basin, Russia


Academic year: 2021

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a8.erve. in the JlI)lletil

'&1,599.000 ,000 IIlltno toni of

sin bave been •• tiaated .eiaa ~thoritle ••• thrallU,

a 01 bUIllIlino1Ul &:oal. In. 1913


'Which bat .illOe lui IOlIltl coal pednoitl.l& t6l'dtoq. peace«.



tOI1. of 0 1 of hlc;b liM neta lalin. tbe:ll.. 0.. t~ ,blat (lXpOI'Un reoPon (altboup libe ..!.a hiner_Ilia, in imparlance) Accounted tor

a:>.230.000 tonll of bttWlllnoll. 0"1 aa4 5.05'7.000 ton. (about 1lOper cent



total) of antbracU.. 1'1'0duoUon "acUnelto al'oun4 4.000.000 ton. 111:1920, t hat li1nce tnlarea.ed an •• ,.eportea ill U2&-49 at 00.800.000 toni of tell. 9.338.'100. or about 30 per Cellt ••• ~lbnoUe. l"n4u.otloll of aathS'acUe ill

1927-28 .... .-pcu'ted at '1.732.900 tone.

lUnce .bollt 1~ tll1IJia. lIl' apol'tt 1n :1.913liIlI'IWltec1to a 'ota1 of

10tl.000 tOnI. hu en


to lIu1.1du an export trade. Qat 01111 rec.nt17 hat beeD at aU noe'IIM. SveanOI tbe trail, Ie not .,." llP'ce. fotAl e."te ia 1935-26 .. re 24,7.000 tOGI. tbq incr .... to Z72,OOOtoni in 1~25-27 • ocUued.

1n 1937-28 to 219.000 tone. ot llhich enthraclte lllllOUAte4to 114,202 tonI. l'h

01 tbratlUe 1n1t28-49. bo ..


J1llupedto 423.488 \lletJ'ic tollS. 01' eligbt1l'

1I0l'll tban ... 'POl' ellA of product10. lUll!.nelllX'11folio!"tilllel the export, of the"

prevlou. 7";.

!fUh reteruo. to tb.. countrll. of destinaUon for .. tan eoah. in 1913

'l'Ulc.e1. ill_til an\\ lo~bl ..re ,be Fll101pal lu'obaunl in 1924-25 Ua13

\ook 123.000 tOD'. of :;rhloh 23.000 1I'8rs antlu'aoUe. ~. Gr,.oe d ~~ 100.000 ton. of which15.000 were anthl'4lclte. wbU. emal1 titles of coal.' .... lent to france, .tria. and olan4- IIef'l'1'ina: to recant exporh 01 "ttthr'aCU, Cllllllda

reoelved 6.000 ton. 1n 19:a8. 117.000 1181n 1929 rmd '1,000 tOGe 1n the firat

twol'tel' of 193:1. ft' United S\ate. reolllv'" l10 thraoUe c 1 in 1928 IN.t 113.000 tOnAlill 1939 do '77.000 tOlSI ion tbe flnt :fGlIo!" lIlontha of 1930.

the U 1 po:r1l for the thl-pm,nt of ])0 ehi ooal h upell. on the ,Sea ot ,uuv.

l'l!Portell to •• bout 100 let trQllI the lll1n... ':be 1'\ h 1acklnc tn llI04ern QOal-10ad1ng lacUlt1u. tha110. an aubjeotto .11Uuc- alh,r loaOJ.ng portie, lnTolT148

.. lonc~:r raU balll • .:1" 'eou.la ad 11kolaav. 1he ocean t:rel~t :rate on I)one"

.. tbJ'utte to JIOrb l1Ol'tb of Uerae hav, I'lUlg41tl'Ollt about $3.00 lIOllle,1gb' "

month. ago to



1ll l'ecen\4!lOl',ltbl.


t ere 1•• e14011laU-tn.-...,. retlU'n

carco. it h bell..,ea rlll'tlU'D car ., of t to e41tenaaelU1 port. tend. to 1'4111=. the outboUlld.rat. whlchb lonr tban the raU 're~' on 'Clmll(11vanta thl'ac1k to Bo.ton.

Ponett a.ntbre.clh 18 Ihlppe4 in , •• 1.... 211 ... lU!llP. 11 reported to

lIetUI' 'lIh 01' "nnqlvania anthracite. to ..


tor $1. • tOll. IlIOHthlln the Am6l'lcan art1cle. ant to 8XlIL1I'=-a. followl' YolaU1e _iter 4.40 to 4.35 pel' oent; IUed ca.tbon &9.\16 0 9:1.45 " •• h 5.64 to 4.20 'Per cont. Calorlflc val •


�I:l.Qermaa u¥ at oSQO'iIJ• oerUfl.t tbe IIIl ature 01 til.Jmto1'l ropre.eatative apnarentll cn tbe co=merclal invoie •• co•• rift: .ome of the eoal "c.lY •• In 'be Unit,a


e 113,169 ione


in 19 .... to


bit.a Yal~e4

."37,1' •.

ArId the 9.481 tora llllporh4 UIr blilo tbl tlaned St.li •• turin, th, 11711lt'Jaa..tor 01 193) at '" ,108.

to tar •• r'ClClr48_11011'noDI of tbe dan tbraclte 1aI1lOrh4 into tbe

UnUIlIl lit.&t .. orlCi te. 11l $l\en.. uto1n thl Don.h 'lla81a in tb$ UlaIlln ••

IOllthern u••la. All of the coal 1mport.ellh




ia lIIlal

lII1n.. of the])l) 01 '1'Jo111t .bleb 11 ccntl'Ol1ell tbe Rl1.t!lU:l Go"Ul\Mn~. Wo cOlllpl.t.e record eltlllh bl , , :BuYU .1Io"in. tbe '" or n.atlcnalUln of tbe

" .... 1. 'raneporU",,.


oa1. alt.boQlh 1110 lnformatloll

.t •

1\ lUI bI tlUl

J'lCort_ of the Coll1otor. of OuetOlllI in •• OOUlIen. all4 ... 1ll11U11l. the


~tom. 41'\1'10\' of en\t7 of lut,la anthracit.. aor41ncto


... 1... of n. P. kulcl:l Co., (Ch!IMe:rlll,r IIr01l;9l'1) 17 JlaU,,1)' l1aol •••• fork.

lat. 1n ebruat'¥ .. Greek.tealllfd'


fin". 1'1 pOl to 101'th tjt "er.,. at 16 _nih • aud .. r17 111w.rQ!\ the 110.11 .t.. lo\ .. tall or "bstUllt" •• fixed. fro dllj. 01 ArId/or othtJ' perU to C flaU. _/lblltre.l g. at 141. 1 •• Other r1xt~r•• ~v. b.~ rlport, 11x_4 w1t ut thlnwMI' of tne .t.-mer. bein, e own. It h 11I148:1'1I\004tbd th' Ixport Stelllllhlp OQrporetloll. lit.York CUI. 11 IUIIac" 111carqlllC so_ ot th. coal to thh CO\lll\17. .

- O·


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