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Big Fryingpan drive starts June 4


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From the Daily sentinel Washington Bureau

ashington--The big and final push for Congres ional authoriz tion of th $170 million ryi an-~ an as roj ct ill begin in the .0 se on Jun

bill by p. yn spinal 1, n-colo., 1 . due to .. t ' n up

fo. 12 anc:. for 0 ?ote on Ji e l~.

:;22_ million v j,;,-Sa

on to the ho Co of n

SUl'POrt rs h re.

inall, ,p. J. , gar Chenoweth, -Colo., Leonard : ·i . r, acting clir ctor of tl.e Colorado ter Conservation o rd, Charl s H.

oustcad, xccutive s er tary of the South stern Colorado ter Con-serv~ncy District, and Ival


Gcsli , e:~ cuti'"lie ••111111• director of th Upp r Colorado iver Com is ion, outlin d the lans of "h

pan u orters as follo's•

s i n 11 ill hold eeting of the Colorado House eulber.., on J· 4 t sc ss plans in det 11. Ot r :pec'ed. to at.tend th! .. meeting are Goslin, o h s just b thro gh th

Cham battl and is given a big bar of le er 11 or

sterninding th t Pgisl t1ve u ces~; FeliA L. 6 rks, ~ir ctor of the Color do at~r Conserv tion d, who is g ·ttin two we s'

ilitary leav to work h re on tho f nal ryin an sh, and e-:- 1a·

ob rt C. McConnell, Congr ssion 1 li ion offic r for the !nterior Department, who performed brilli ntly in he av jo-~an Juan--harna b t t l .

other rying an dev lop d t th Jun

;port0rs wil 1 l:. bri £

~1t is not fully e lained here. one expl


ashn xx x limited

elected officials ar~d top water men beca~se i t might be embarrassing to nave candidates in the same meeting with elected officials. notber

was tl1at Aspinall wanted down to a small group.

In any event, H. Dominick, R-Colo., d l l

host a luncheon on June after 1956

who never have had ·, chance to vote on th~ Fryingpan ill. Aspinall and

Rep. Byron G. Rogers, o-cc~o 5 with a luncheon


for Democratic

"" _,~

-~- ~:i .,_,;:·-~11.: __ ''1~··· . ..., ···r· .1· - '"~ .,,~- '· ,s- ,..

liave had a chance to vote on the Fryingpan bill.

e entire House Colorado deleg:=ition-. . C.'henoweth, Aspinall, ogerj

-·~embers of

'Wllllliillillll••wbo have voted on the rule on I?'ryingpan in 1954 and 1956 will be invited to this brunch. Chenoweth and Dominick may ba,,e another luncheon on

iper, who returned to Denver over the ~eekend, ill have pre ared





·~n~e/ iC .. "









Pi~)~all ~h~rt:•11111•••liliiiii11fi'-t>f ~11~,· Ponse

m Mb rship, with bvxes beside then mes of aach of the 437 House Membe(f,

This will be kept up to dat during the final ten days of the Fryingpan drive to indicate Who has been contacted and his response. A grou of Fryingpanners from Colorado, lus the four House a~sign -ed individual ~embers of Congress to talk to about ryingpan and to get their commitments to vote for tho ,spinall bill, if possible.

the ~avajo-san Juan-Chama supporters the kept in that successful drive by Lawrence Ingram,



3-Fryingpan driv. wa hn x x x the

Frying nners--••ir- 1 easurably Prying

-pann rs given lists of x cted to re rt

on th i r contact very ev ning. Strat gy meetings also will b held

every v ning to urv y th progr ss ach day and to pl n activiti s for

the following day. his is the way th t th v jo- an JUah-Ch a drive

wa han.dle6.

Go lin uring then xt wee will b doing a lot of ehind-th


scenes contact ,orK, articul rly with the view to try to pull off

pote11ti 1 opposition to the Fryingpan. sin l l will be back from

la ka in id-we k and will h d up the d legation driv. S rks will

be in charge oi the other Fryingpan supporters, and bis arrival is

im-p tiently aw ited re. h re h s been o coordination of th Fryingpau

drive to d te. 11 cont ct h v b en t d on an individual p sis.

er tic Stat Ch irm n r d etz was in town this ast week

to o some work in beh lf of Fryingpan. So was tat Sen. Dale ...

Tursi, D-Pu blo, Young ocr t in Colorado.

ong those whom cured offers of help fro were for er

Inte ior an en. ates efauv r, eps.

J. loyd Br d, D-Iowa, and Al



or .:

Henry Hall 11 on, White ous Congressional liaison offic r with th

aouse, and Charle obinson, engineer for the Nation 1 Rural lectric

coop r tiv ssociation. tz w accompanied to ashington b • Mrs. Jean

Gr a of Jeff rson County, ational co itt ewo an, and by

Mrs. Evelyn Davidson, Democr tic ic ir an for . .. . color ado. They

also m de so e contacts n beh lf of the Pryingpan. Betz said that th

western R ion l Conf r nc f the Democratic Nation l Co mittee h d

g n on record on beh lf of th Fryingpan, nd he waw looking for som


4-Fryingpan washn xx x

Betz hoped to have Kefauver discuss the Fryingpan at a pres con -ference in Denver on ay 29. A former Democratic cont nder for the Presidency. Kefauver ha nation-wide cont cts.

While here Tursi sought support t th Demo


crat!c National Committee. from Rep. n tional pres~

dent of the YD. Allan • Howe, administrative assistant to Sen. Frank

E. Moss, D-Utah and present YD president, and others. Tursi said that

'.tA·r.._ ., -, :t;; \. -- rl- i'~' , :.•; -/~'" ; 'it, : {':'.,:;;;, ): ..

he got a commitment ,of·support out' of Smith, hich wa no small

crippling amendment to the

avajo-san Juan-Chama out of i t by R p.

Joseph M. ontoy , D- Tursi also reported that Howe had been most helpful to h i .

Bet2 said that he had done some extensive letter-writing while in

on b half of the Fryingpx He s id that he


57 House Members, got responses from about one-third of them Tursi seemed to be gen= erally pleased with the response received from Democr tic


Members of Congr ss in behalf of Fryingpan.

f: "'-· . . ,, ye ,:-'. ·•· . ~ .,.. ~"'1

· Fryingpanners who were ont hand to 'witness·. the. Navajo-s·an 'Ju

Chama legislative operation and victory were Kuiper, Boustead. Goslin, Damian P. Duey and Harold H. Christy, both of Pueblo.' The

also gave a hand, in various ways, to the Navajo-San .J'uan-Chama

f course. Goslin wa right in the middle of it. Franks.

publisher of the Pueblo Chieftain and tar-Journal, is sc eduled to come to Washington on June l to work on th final Fryingpan Sparks

ve about the sam time. Others expect d to come-i~n~"*~:&:i~~~P"l!~d Sidney Nichols and J. Selby Young of Colorado prings,

of Buena Vista, State Rep. Vincent , a s ri, D-Pueblo, Frank Milenski of La Junta, Gov. Steve McNichols, o-colo., and form r Gov. Ed



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