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Appraisal of the geophysical activities of the Atomic Energy Commission Division of Raw Materials: April, May, June 1957, An


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J. J. Jakosky

Contract No. AT(49-2)-1228



Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process. or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

June 28, 1957

Los Angeles, California


OBJECTIVES:-The investigations to be conducted by the writer were outlined'in U.S.Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AT-(49-2)-1228, as follows:

(1) To appraise the Commission's geophysical-geochemical program; to evaluate the scope and orientation of these and related activities. <Addenda: Including the work being conducted by the U. S. Geological Survey under contract with the A. E. C.);

(2) To prepare a report containing recommendations on procedures and obJectives of the work of the field and laboratory groups, including such matters as applied research and instrumentation; and

(3) The relation of this program to the ovet""'all exploration program.


One of the initial steps in the above program was to determine the scope and current activities of the field work being conducted by both the U.S. G. S. and the A.E.C. investigat!)rs.

At the top level in Washington, the administrators of both organizations are in tacit agreement regarding the activities and general scope of each of their activi= ties. In general, the geological and geophysical studies involved in the longer range,· regional type investigation are considered to be withi~ the scope and objectives of the U.S.G.S. The geological and geophysical studies in specific areas or spots,




necessary for ore pro.curement, evaluation of potential reserves and the problems re-lating to the financing and the estimation of milling costs are considered to be within the prerogatives of the


Based upon the preceeding division of Interests and responsibilities, the technical activities of the two organizations may be divided into two fairly well defined sub-divisions {l) and (.3), and an intermediate or gradational sub-division (2), as follows:

(l) Regional studies, <U.S.G.S.),

(2) Area studies, with overlapping activities of U.S.G.S., and A.E.C., and

(.3) Local or spot studies, (A.E.C.L


The general objectives of the work of the Geological Survey are not the same today as they were a year or two ago. Originally, the major efforts were directed primarily toward the finding of uranium ore for defense military needs. Now that that crash program has been completed, there is a shift in emphasis from the search for ore, per se, toward a broader and morebasic program directed toward a comprehen-sive understanding of the geologic conditions favorable for uranium deposition and concentration. This· basic work involves: (1) regional geologic and topographic

mapping; (2) special geologic topical studies; and (.3) regional geophysical studies. The work of the Survey, therefore, should be the basic starting point for the detailed studies which may later be made in the area by the geologists of the A.E.C. or by private industry.



The work of the

A.E. C,

is primarily directed toward the solution of the speci-fie problems dealing with local geology and spot studies of ore deposits. The regional geological conditions associated with uranium deposits generally are basically simple1

yet the spot location of the ore itself requires thorough knowledge of local conditions. Generally, such knowledge can be obtained only by detailed geological studies in each

. particular area of interest/ supplemented by geophysical studies, underground work-ings and drill-holes. The ore-bodies usually are outlined and evaluated by drilling, and much of this dri II ing is not cored. Therefore, radiometric and other I ogg ing tech-niques become of prime importance in working out the local geology and determining grade and thickness of mineralization.


As previously mentioned, the essential starting point for such detailed studies should be the regional work of the U.S. G, S. A more effective working arrangement should be made with the U.S, G. S. whereby their regional studies will more promptly be made available to the A.E.C, geologists; as soon as that data can be compiled into interum reports. The present tendency, generally, is to withhold such informa-ti on (except in a fragmentary form), -- often uninforma-ti I it is rei eased to the general public, Likewise, the detailed geological data accumulated by the A.E.C. geologist in his study of local mines and properties, should be made available to the U.S.G,S, A free exchange of data at the field level will do much to minimize duplication of work and more effort should be made to facilitate better cooperation between the two groups.







The following examples may be cited to illustrate the general type of data needed by the resident geologist in the solution of the problems encountered in his work.

Mr. E.

R. Gordon, Director of the Exploration Division, has outlined problems of interest to him and Messrs. Barry and Young of the Grand Junction office.

"One large problem concerns the possible existence of "highs" in the base-ment of the Greater Grants Region, New Mexico, within .the semi-circle of some 30-mile radius to the west, north and east of the Mount Taylor Volcanic Center.

"Western Area:

Presumed troughs of favorable lithology in the Westwater Canyon sandstone member of the Morrison Formation are located five thousand feet above the basement. As of now, there is a possibility that the troughs have a east-west direction. We have also entertained a hypothesis that they may be related to similar paleostructural or paleotopographic conditions on the top of the Triassic. It is also possible that such conditions might be reflected in the Jurassic Todilto limestone which lies about


feet below the

surface and about 700 feet below the Westwater. The top of the Triassic would be some 250 feet deeper and the top of the Permian would be an addi-tional 1,500 feet deeper. In the attempt to locate the source ofthe uranium solutions which penetrated the Westwater, we have postulated that a large basement "high" lies to the west of the Mount Taylor Volcanic Center in




an area between Ts. 13 and 16 Nand Rs. 8 and 11 W.

"We believe that in this area there is an old pre-Jurassic high which may con-tain deep-seated intrusions. In order to test this hypothesis, it is necess-ary to make a geophysical investigation to determine the configuration of the basement. The problem is made more complex by the presence of numerous unconformities in the geologic section which largely or in part obliterate the Jurassic structure.

"Proceeding northward from the south boundary of the area last outlined, a thicker stratigraphic section will be encountered because of the north dip of the beds and the presence of higher stratigraphic units. Other difficulties will be encountered, but perhaps the most serious is the rugged tertain which will limit the number of lines which can be run across the area.

"Eastern Area:


. A "high" in the basement to the east of Mount Taylor might lie between Ts. 10 to 14 Nand from Rs. 2 to 6 W. Stratigraphic problems in the area will be similar to those west of Mount Taylor, except that the Jurassic occurs over large surface areas. Several wells in this area have penetrated the base-ment complex and may be used to establish data.

"San Rafael River Desert:

In the San Rafael River Desert in east central Utah, uranium deposits are found ai!Jng the outcrop and downdip in thick belts of favorable Salt Wash sandstone of the Morrison Formation. The larger deposits accur where these






thick belts cross small pre-cretaceous anticlines. It is not known whether these belts of favorable I ithology continue through the basin or if there are other similar belts which do not crop out. Likewise, there are probably numerous small anticlines present in the old sediments which are notre-fleeted in the surface fonnations. If possible, we would like to locate these belts of favorable lithology and antic! ina! structures to better determine the uranium potential of the area. These features are buried by as much as 3,000 feet and these small structures have closures of about 50 feet. We are primarily interested in those folds which cross belts of favorable litho-logy.

"If studies in the San Rafael River Desert yield significant results, a simi"'


far study may be begun later in the Caineville Reef Area. "Monument Valley Area:

In the Monument Valley Area in which the Shinarump is either bare or cover-ed by blow sands, channels have been traccover-ed using seismograph refraction and/or resistivity profiles. Following the outlining of channels it might be possible to delimit concentrations of pyrite and other sulfides which frequent-· ly accompany uranium. Some channels can be traced across mesas in Manu-ment Valley, but information i~ particularly lacking east, west and south of the Monument No. 1 mine where the Shinarump, covered by blow sand, forms the valley floor and is not exposed to erosional dissection.




"Black Homestead Channel, Capitol Reef:

A third study of somewhat different nature involves the tracing o~a Moen· kopl channel from its outcrop to its supposed intersection with a small basic dike. Minerals In the channel include chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite and uranJnite. Similar minerals have been found along the dike approximately one-half mile from the outcrop of the channel and at a point near which the two may intersect. It is hoped that magnetic minerals in the sandstone may allow tracing of the channel under relatively shallow cover,to an intersection with the dike."

Dr. Eugene W. Grutt, Jr., Chief of the Casper Branch Office in Wyoming, has outlined additional problems in Wyoming that may be approached by geophysi-cal techniques:

"I have confined my discussion here to the Gas Hills area in Fremont County, Wyoming, as this complex area is fairly representative of the Tertiary basin environments which contain most of the economically important deposits in the Casper Office region. The Gas Hills area is the most important, but other uranium areas are Crooks Gap, Maybell, (Colorado), Poison Basin, parts of the Powder River Basin, and Copper Mountain.

"In the Gas Hills area, coarse-grained arkosic sandstones of the Wind River formation (Eocene> contain all of the important uranium deposits. This for= mation, derived from erosion of Precambrian granite a few miles south of






the Gas Hills, was unconformably deposited on folded and truncated forma-tlons of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. The surface of unconformity is very uneven, and has maximum relief of several hundred feet. The Wind River formation varies from a few feet to over 800' in thickness. Faults of Eocene and post .. Miocene age are widespread. Displacement on most ofthese is not more than 20', but some may have displacements of over 100'.

"The uranium deposits are blanket~ like and parallel to major bedding. The Wind River formation dips gently to the southeast.

"Present knowledge is far from complete, but a mention. of the geologic fea-tures believed to be related to ore localization, are as follows: Depressions or valleys in the surface of unconformity are believed to be favorable because they contain the coarser and more permeable sandstones, and are areas of ground water flow. Graben blocks in this surface may also form depressions and thus be favorable.

"Areas of faulting may be favorable: Gouges or impermeable barriers created by faults may, by diverting laterally moving mineralizing waters, form favor= able areas. Many deposits are near or on lines of faulting.

"Most of the ore deposits are also zones which contain ground water, or area places of ground water flow. Permeable sandstones overlying impermeable mudstones or shales are especially favorable and are commonly places for

ore deposition.





_are commonly favorable sedimentary structures.

"The arkosic Wind Rlver formation was derived from erosion of these gran-ites south of the Gas Hills. In the Crooks Gap area, nearby granite is the source of the sandstones containing uranium deposits."

A recommendation for a geophysical survey of the Tallahassee Creek area, in Fremont. County, Colorado, has been made by Richard Hamburger, Chief of the Colorado Branch, Denver area office and Bruce A. MacPherson, Geologist. O.uot-ing from their

report:-"Thus far the largest known ore reserves in Fremont County are in a rela-tively small area lying along the drainage of Tallahassee Creek. Detailed aerial mapping and studies of the known deposits has led to the conclusion that the future potential of this area is at least double that of the previous estimates.

"This estimate is based on the assumption that the ore-bearing sediments now exposed along the present drainage, are continuous throughout larger parts of the area but are concealed by lava flows. It is believed that the geology would lend itself to the use of geophysical techniques to test this assumption.

nThe geology comprises Tertiary deposits consisting of Arkosic sandstone, gravels and erruptive volcanics lying unconformably upon a mature dissected . surface of pre-Cambrian rocks"



~~--"Field evidence is fairly conclusive that the arkose, one of the chief ore horizons, lies at the base of the Tertiary section directly above the pre-Cambrian. It probably exists in discontinuous lenses and under lava flows. "The gravels are the only other ore horizon. Their exact position in the


stratigraphic section is questionable. In a few localities, field relation-ships would indicate that they are merely late superficial deposits on the valley walls of the present drainage.

"The subsurface information sought is discussed under separate headings, as follows:=

"Areas II: Arkosic sandstones similar in lithology to those at the Mary "L" mine crop out beneath rhyolitic lavas throughout large parts·of the area. It is beLieved that their pattern is highly irregular and is dependent upon the relief of the pre-Cambrian basement. It is proposed that the pre-Cambrian surface be mapped by geophysical methods in order to determine the existence of sedimentary and tertonic structures similar to those found at the Mary "L" mine.

"Areas Ill and IV: The chief problem in these two areas is to determine if gravel lenses similar to those now cropping out will be found between the lava flows. If it can be established conclusively that the gravels also occur under the thick section of volcanics making up the divides of the present drainage, it would greatly increase the possibility of finding other deposits




similar to those at the Sunshine and lnfiter mines. Mapping the distribu-tion and major trends of the gravels would give the pattern of the paleo-drainage and would facilitate more accurate predictions in the estimation of ore reserves ...

The preceeding examples of field problems illustrate two general facts:

(1) The diversity of applications to whicli the geophysical techniques may be ap-plied in the solution of problems encountered in uranium geology; and (2) the type of geoph}'sical service needed by the field geologists to aid in their search for fav-arable areas.


To supply the type of information outlined in the preceeding discussions will require geophysical activities within the A.E.C. which include an active operational or service type set-up wherein direct technical assistance. can be extended to the


-~-- --·---,---·-·-·-·

·--·-··-field geologist. The nature of the geophysical ·--·-··-field operations should be those nor-mally rendered by a typical contract service_organization; namely, to supply data for

---- --- . --· ----. . ... - . ' -

---supplementing the geologic studies required for the solution of specific subsurface

·' .


problems. The geophysical work may be divided into three general classes; (a) airborne, (b) surface, and (c) in-hole logging techniques, In no case, .because of.

its higher cost, should geophysical studies be used as a general substitute for geo-logical studies.

One of the most prevalent complaints ofthe A.E.C. geologists is their




ability to obtain rapid and direct assistance in the general solution of subsurface problemso This condition often is contrasted (somewhat resentful.ly) with the better coordinated activities within the U.S. Go S. wherein their field geologists receive excellent support from the geophysical group.

The geophysical service set-up within the AoEoC. could well comprise a geo-physical crew of 4 or 5 men who have the initiative,· drive and experience necessary to conduct field studies, Work on this crew will be excellent training for young en= gineers and. geophySicists and wi II be a continual mental challenge because nearly



every problem will be different in natureo This work could be a prerequisite for the staff positions in A.EoC. The crew training would serve to acquaint the young geo-logist with the principals and limitations of the geophysical techniques, and like- · wise give the young geophysicist or engineer a better appreciation of field geology.·

The service crew should be equipped with the following instruments (practi-cally all of which already are available within the A.E.CJ:

(1) Geiger counters and scintillation instruments for the direct detection


of gamma radiation. High sensitivity scintillation-type instrumenta-tion should be available for temporary installainstrumenta-tion in a loc(liiY rented

pla_!l~ or heliocopter for low altitude flying and reconnaissance. This equipment wi II supplement the medium sensitive portable-type hand instruments generally used by the field geologist.

Bore-hole logging instrumentation and hoists for conducting Resi sti= vity, Self-potential, Induced polarization and gamma=ray logging in


in drill holes.

(3) Surface Resistivity instrument, with necessary reels, field cables, and power and potential electrodes; for conducting the conventional vertical and horizontal type surface-resistivity explorations.

(4) Seismic reflection instrumentation, including high frequency seismo-meters, high-speed camera, field cables, etc., for shallow and medium depth reflection studies.

(5) Seismic refraction instrumentation, including low frequency seismo-meters, low-speed camera, field cables, radio time-break and communi-cation equipment, etc.

(6) . Vertical component magnetometer, with a continuous recording base-station magnetometer; vertical component type.

(7} Portable type gravity meter and two precision altimeters for leveling. (8} Geochemical equipment for sampling soils and waters for uranium and

associated trace elements of arsenic, selenium and molybdenum. (9) Self-potential instrument (millivolt meter}, non-polarizing electrodes,

and reels with field cables, for surface potential studies. (10) Core drill for shallow exploration.


At the present time the following research and development projects are being conducted by, -or under the financial sponsorship of the A.E. ~.:







Theodore R. Madden, assisted by

A. S.

Neves1 Dave Fahlquist and

Don Marshall1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 Department of Geology and

Geophysics1 (ContractAT-05-l-718). This work primarily is being conducted

to determine the phenomena governing induced polarization, and its measurement. The prime objectives of the work may be stated1 as follows: OJ to ascertain the

factors responsible for induced polarization in minerals and rocks; (2) to determine the phenomena governing the flow of alternating current in a semi-infinite medium, like the earth; and (3) to increase the resolving power of the presently used resisti-vity techniques. The study will include clay-bearing rocks to ascertain changes in electrical conductivity of absorbed ions in clays and that of metallic minerals1 as

compared to electrolytes (dissolved salts in pure water>. Electronic conductivity . (as in the flow of an electric current through solutions of ionized salts> can be

dis-tinguished by electrochemical effects.

During the past academic year 1956-57, the theoretical work has been about 50 per cent completed, and the experimental studies about 10 per cent completed.


Madden stated that a report will be forthcoming soon which wil


give the general orientation of the problem/ the theory of polarization in rocks and minerals/ and a summary of the experimental studies to date. The samples studied were igneous and metamorphic rocks supplied by the Bear Creek Mining Company, Newmont Mining Company, Nucom Mining Company and the McPhar Geophysical Company. Samples



1 ,


of typical uranium bearing ores were requested from Elmer Denson in September 1956 bufhave not yet been received. To date approximately $8,500.00 has been expend-ed on the project, and $1,500.00 remains from the original A.E.C. grant of


For the academic year 1957-58 it is proposed to put two men on the project. The salary of one man would be paid by the A.E.C., and the other man would be paid by a Fellowship donated by the California Company (Standard Oil Company of .



The work during the coming year will be largely of an experimental nature, measuring rock and ore samples.

Since there is a good possibility that the igneous and metamorphic rocks now being studied may have electrical characteristics which differ from the uranium-bear= ing sedimentary rocks, it is believed advisable to suggest that more direct emphasis be placed on sedimentary rocks, and that typical uranium ore samples be supplied for any future studies. Dr. Madden stated that the entire project can be completed during 1957-58.

(2} Harold W. Mooney, assisted by Motoaki Sato, University of Minnesota, Department of Geophysics, (Contract AT (05-1}-719):

The objective of this work is to obtain a better knowledge of the electrochemi-cal phenomena by which certain earth materials produce electric currents in the earth. The materials includepyrite, pyrr~hotite, magnetite, and the various forms of carbon. such as graphite and anthracite.




-A more complete knowledge of ground currents will aid: (a) in the interpretation of self-potential studies in prospecting for uranium ores; and, (b) in determining the origin of certain ore deposits.

During t11e past academic year the following work has been done:

0 .



extensive literature survey has been made, giving emphasis to papers dealing with the self-potential geophysical techniques and to papers con-cerning corrosion phenomena.

(2) Various laboratory studies were conducted, including the study of the potentials associated with variations in pH, in the absence of oxygen . . It was also shown that the spontaneous oxidation of ferrous to ferric hY:"

droxide at a pyrite electrode was capable of yielding a sustained and fairly constant currenL It is believed that when these conditions exist in the earth, the electrical currents originate with differences in the oxi-dation-reduction potentials of the solutions contiguous to the sulphide minerals. Supposedly, the minerals serve only to facilitate the transfer of electrons, either to or from ions in solution or between points in the solutiono The experimental data indicates that the continuing source of energy is the oxidation of iron above the water table; this produces condi-tions of low pH, high Eh, and surplus ferric ions. The pyrite provides . electrons which electrochemically red.uce ferric to ferrous, the latter diffusing toward the surface where tbey are again oxidized. The pyrite beneath the water table exists in conditions of higher pH, lower Eh, and




iron stables as its hydroxides. Electrons are transferred to the pyrite by oxidation of ferrous to ferric. The electrical circuit consists of the transfer of electrons upward in the ore and of ions downward outside the ore; the driving force being the potential difference mentioned above.

It is proposed to continue the study of this phenomenao

Some theoretical studies have been completed, and pH-Eh diagrams plotted to serve as guides.

During the coming academic year it is proposed to proceed with the following:

(a) theoretical studies and plotting of stability diagrams, (b) field measurements of pH, Eh and ion species, and (c) model studies.

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY A.E.C., DIVISION OF RAW MATERIALS (3) C. Wayne Bills; Geochemical investigations are being conducted by the A.E. C. staff to develop a technique that may be of value in tracing the source of uranium in a stream system. Field work has been done in the Mt. Spokane area and successful results obtained where the total dissolved salts in the water is low.

Present laboratory studies are directed toward getting rapid methods of treating soils and sediments to separate any water-deposited uranium from residual or back-ground uranium content. The final goal on using dry sediment technique would be to replace the conventional hydro-chemistry technique where only intermittent flow occurs along drainage-ways. If this work is successful it may prove to have economic advan-tages over the conventional grid system of soil sampling over an area.





During the coming summer this technique will be applied in the Michigan pro-gram. At the present time no prediction can be made as to the effects which may be produced by the colloids in the Michigan waters and whether they may provide a sol= ubilizing complex for uranium.



W. Pollock; Bore-hole logging. A majority of the shallow drill holes in uranium exploration are above the water-table. Such holes can be logged by con-ventional techniques only after being filled with water which serves as an electrolyte. Experimental work has been successful in developing a logging technique which is applicable to logging for dry=holes. This technique employs a single moving electrode · (which is a sponge rubber roller with a slurry of bentonite and sodium chloride). The

dry-hole logs for both restivity and self-potential apparent! yare reproducible, and show much more detail than the conventional logs made in bore-holes filled with water. Additional studies are being conducted to properly evaluate the large changes noted in

previous work (as much as two hundred per cent) due to seasonal variations. Further "field studies in bore=holes passing thru various type of formations are indicated.



W. Pollock: Electrochemical studies are underway to ascertain the factors which influence self-potentials within a formation, and the effects of oxidiza-tion of sulphides. Tlie work appears to follow certain aspects of the more extensive investigations by G. V. Keller of the U.S. G.S.,


R. Madden of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and H. W. Mooney of the University of Minnesota.





should be withheld until the full results of the work by G. V, Keller ofthe


are made available to the A.E. C.



H. Scott: A multiple electrode probe and power-supply of consider-able complexity is being developed to obviate the necessity of using a simple conductor cable in the bore-hole. The equipment when completed may allow multi-electrode studies to be made within the bore-hole, at different fixed multi-electrode spac-ings.

(7} E. H. Wescott: An attempt is being made to design a two-arm caliper probe to measure spurious variations in effective diameter of the bore-hole. This project was initiated apparently because it was tielieved that none of the commercial-ly available caliper logs could be employed in the holes of small diameter used in uranium prospecting.



W. Pollock: Variable frequency studies are being conducted to ob-tain information regarding the nature of the current flow between a"" metallic conductor


and an electrolytic conductor. The work has indicated that current flow is facilitated when a reversible electrode system exists at the junction of the metal and the elec-trolyte, and the impressed einf. is greater than the back emf. due to polarization. The laboratory approach is to study the nature of the polarization occurring between the usual earth electrolytes and disseminated sulphides, and the time constants

govern-ing the potential build-up. It is proposed that this study will be extended to cover






is intended primarily for in-hole studies, although efforts will be made to utilize it

for surface resistivity investigations. The future of this project should be evaluated

in the same way as suggested for Project No. 5 above.




G. V. Keller, Electrical properties of earth materials:

Induced polarization: This work includes a study of the transcient response

of more than 550 water saturated sandstones by the U.S.G.S. and an additional 150

samples of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks by Newmont Exploration

Company. Additional work includes studies of the shape of transcient response in

bore-holes. Impressive data and logs have been obtained. In the Mellen Gabbro (Gogebic


Range of Wisconsin) it was found experimentally that the response was proportional to

the percentage of sulphide mineralization, while in other areas the response appeared

to be related chiefly to porosity of the formations. An interesting paper covering this

work is now in process of publication. It is regrettable that the results of this work

have not been made available to A.E. C. as the work progressed.

This research work should be integrated with the work being done by J. W.

Pollock ofA.E.C.,


R. Madden of M.I.T., and H. W. Mooney of University of

Minnesota and a decision reached relative to future work in each project.

(2) C. E. Manger, Physical properties of ores and host rocks:

This work is directed primarily to determine the original-state properties, with




that higher resistivities are often found immediately above and below uranium ore strata, and are controlled by the connate water content of the strata.

(3) Henry Faul; Neutron bomardment and irradiation:

This work will be a study of neutron bombardment. To date, the projeCt is chiefly in the •contemplation• stage with no actual tests completed.

(4) Henry Faul; Nuclear magnetic resonance:

A general Uterature survey has been initiated, and contacts established with some commercial organizations util.izing this phenomena in their technology. To date, the project is chiefly in the •contemplation• stage with no laboratory work undertaken.

(5) W. W. Vaughn; Electronic development and maintenance:

This laboratory is equipped with excellent facilities and experienced person-nel. Various development projects are under way, including a thermoluninescence . unit, logging equipment for alpha-gamma logging, continuous monitor recorder for at= mospheric background radioactivity, improved instrumentation for .radiometric analysis, and a mass spectrometer.

This laboratory and shop isa splendid adjunct to the research facilities of the U.S. G. S., and arrangements should be made to better integrate these facilities with the A.E.C. operations. The U.S.G.S. personnel have experienceand training which could nicely compliment the abil.ities of the A.E. C. research workers.

(6) H. R. Joesting and P. E. Byerly; Geophysical field operations:




This group is doing an excellent job in providing the type of service needed

by the U.S.G.S. field geologists. Field studies are under way in a number of areas,

and the various geophysical techniques are applied as required to obtain the desired

information. Although much of the work is of a regional nattire, many of the studies

are confined to particular areas and in these cases overlap the general sphere of

acti-vity allocated to the A.E.C. To date, however, these local studies have

complement-ed the A.E. C. operations due to the fact that this type of service is not available

within the A.E.C. organization.

The geophysical section of the U.S.G.S. has fairly modem instrumentation,

experienced field personnel and well-trained interpreters.

The aeromagnetic survey of the Colorado Plateau covers about 20,000 square

miles and is about 80 per cent completed. Regional gravity surveys over portions of

this·area, totaling about 9,000 square miles, have been completed and will

supple-ment the aeromagnetic survey. The gravity work is being done in those areas where

U.S.G.S. multiplex maps are available, to save the cost of vertical or elevation

surveying and gravity-station location. As ·fast as multiplex maps become available

in adjoining areas, these are covered by the gravity work to give additional gravity


Another regional survey, under direction of R. M. Moxham, covers the

Coastal Plain region of southeast Texas. An area of about 15,000 square miles

has been covered by airborne radioactivity and aeromagnetic surveying, and an

additional 500 square miles by carbome radioactivity surveying.





A good example of the combined use of geology and geophysics is the geo- •


work in the Black Hills conducted by R. A. Black. The geophysical work

supplements the earlier geological studies by Garland B. Gott. When completed, the area will be .covered by regional gravity and radiometric surveys. This data is now

in the final report stage and arrangements should be made so that these maps will be available to the A.E. C •. geologists to serve as base maps for their subsequent inves-tlgations.

The Triangle Park area of the Black Hills has been surveyed by seismic ref-lection technique, under a cooperative program between U.S.G.S. and A.E.C. This work indicated that seismic methods may be useful in delineating local structure in this area. Good reflections and velocity contrasts are reported,

The work of this U.S.G.S. group should be made available more promptly to A.E. C. personnel, because their regional studies and maps should provide an

excel-lent base and starting point for the more localized and detailed studies of the A.E. C.·


(7) Allan B. Turner; Physical behavior of radon:

Studies are being made of radon concentration In natural water-gas systems at several places" The work has shown that radon concentrations in the water phase and the gaseous phase of a natural watel""'gas system, is indicative of the radon source. These studies have been successful when the radon concentration in the water is less than that at equilibrium, providing the water temperature is not decreas-ing rapid I y.








-(8) A. F. Pierce; Radon and Helium Studies:

This project is largely completed arid is now in' the reportdpreparation stage, and deals with the distribution of radon-helium concentrations in the Texas Pan-handle areao The work indicates that the abnormal radon concentrations and much of the helium are derived from the uraniferous asphaltite mineralization in that area.

Current studies involve the distribution. of uraniferous asphaltite in oil and gas-bearing rock; and a study of the migration of helium and nitrogenous gases in that area.

(9} H'o B o Evans; Natural radioactivity of the atmosphere:

· Previous work has shown that the major source of natural radioactivity at near surface levels is caused by radon daughter-products adherin~ to dust particles.

The initial phase of the present work involves a study of the diffusion of radon through rocks and into the atmosphere. Accomplishment 'to date is largely the assembly of instrumentation required for the project.


The present AoE.C. organization set-up, dealing with exploration, develop-ment, mining, acquisition of raw materials, and the production and acquisition of uranium, is diagrammatically shown in Figure 1. The entire activities of the Mining Division at Grand Junction, the Salt Lake area office, the Denver area office, as well as the Exploration Division, are all administered by the Assistant Manager for Operations.




Mining Division

"'l"" ..

Leasing and






Field Representatives

Ore Procurement



Ore Evaluation







Salt Lake



FIG. 1






j _



Engineering Services



Photo Grammetry

and Engineering


Drafting and


Geologic Branch

Field Section I

Field Section


Field Section


Field Section IV

Geophysics Section

Petrology and


Geologic reports

and information




' ---- --- ..• ---.,- .. ···

Under the Exploration Division are three main divisions; Engineering Services Branch,


Reserves Branch and the Geologic Branch. The Engineering Services




Branch includes the Instrument Section, which is the maintenance and development branch. The Photogrammetry and Engineering Section, another unit under the Engin-eering Services Branch, produces the maps from aerial surveys, and also performs the necessary surveying and mapping, and supervises drilling projects. The Services Section supervises the housing and automotive activities, and operates the radio communication system. The Drafting and Photography Section makes all maps and drawings, and in some respects pursues somewhat similar activities to those of the Photogrammetry and Engineering Section.

The Ore Reserves Branch, under the Exploration Division, evaluates ore reserves and conducts related activities.

The Geologic Branch, also under the Exploration Division, conducts the geo-logic investigations that guide exploration, ore reserve estimates, and the reconnais-sance and detailed studies. Under the Geological Branch are the Geophysics Section, the Petrology-Mineralogy Section, and the Report and Information Section.

The geophysical activities at Salt Lake, Grand Junction and Denver are con-ducted quife independently of each other


generally, with little correlation to the other geophysical activities within the A.E.C, organization.

The Instrument Section, with R. F, Droullard as Chief·, reports to the



eering Services Branch at Grand Junction. This section is conducting independent research activities, pertaining largely to instrumental improvement and modifications to radiometric bore-hole logging. There is surprisingly little coordination between





and the main research and development activities at the Denver office, or with the work sponsored by the A. E. C. in the U.S.G.S.

The Geophysical Section, with John B. Misz as. Chief, reports to the Geo= logic Branch at Grand Junction. This section is set up to conduct Geophysical and Geochemical field and laboratory services. The present activities of this Section are greatly curtailed due to the curtailment of all exploration activities in this area.

There is. practically no coordination between the work here and the activities at



Denver or Salt Lake. ~I\ outlined by .E. R. Gordon in a previous part of this report, it will be seen that considerable assistance to the general exploration effort, and the geologic studies in particular, could be rendered if the geophysical activities of this Section and the other field offices were properly coordinated with the over= all exploration efforts.

The Salt Lake area office has set up a one-man service that is well integrated with the activiti~s of the geologists and other exploration personnel operating out of that particular office. However, the field operations, computing and interpretation are independent of the other geophysical branches within the A.E. C. The ·good co-ordination of this geophysical activity with the geological work of the Salt Lake area primarily is due to the interest and close supervision being given by the Area Manager, coupled with the desire of the local geophysictst.to render aid and be of direct service in the field exploration effort. This work should be properly tied in to assure ade-quate supervision and competent interpretation. A close tie=in between this activity and the geophysical branch at Denver would minimize duplication of equipment and,






---in all probability, improve the quality of field work and the ---interpretation of data.

The Geophysics Research and Development Branch, until



Elmer Denson as Chief, reports to the Manager, Denver Area Office. This is the

largest geophysical group within the A.E.C. Originally, it was intended that this

Branch would conduct all of the geophysical activities of the exploration program.

{However, as noted above, smaller geophysical activities have developed at Grand

Junction and Salt Lake City, each operating fairly independent of the others.) This:

Branch has considerable geophysical and geochemical research and development

work in progress, as outlined previously in this report. However, the activities of

this Branch are weak as regards field operations and the rendering of direct service

to the geological effort. The field and service work should ·be expanded in both its

scope and effort if this Branch is to be of optimum benefit to the over-all

explora-tion and evaluaexplora-tion program of the A. E. C.

It is believed that the coordination now so badly needed would be facilitated

and greatly improved if all of the geophysical activities were concentrated or grouped

under one. central activity.


There are certain factors that should be considered when setting up an

organ-izational structure to administer uranium exploration. Much can be borrowed from

the experience in petroleum exploration, because there are many factors in common

between the exploration for petroleum and that for uranium. Uranium, similar in

occurrence to petroleum, is found in sedimentary structures, and under proper



cal reducing conditions its loci of deposition has been controlled by lateral ground

water movement. The direction, rate and quantity of ground water flow has been

governed by I ithologic, stratigraphic and tectonic factors within the environmental

rocks. The search for buried uranium deposits, like the search for petroleum,

there-fore, resolves itself to a study of sub-surface conditions in an effort to find those

loci whose factors are favorable for ore deposition. The geological, geophysical

and drilling techniques have many similarities in seeking the favorable areas for

either petroleum reservoirs or uranium deposits.

The petroleum industry many years ago learned that there must be a close ca=

ordination between the geological and the geophysical efforts •. Quite often, in popu=

Jar parlance, geophysics is called a tool for the geologist. Insofar as exploration is

a function of the geological department, this statement is generally true. However,

like all tools that must be used with discretion, geophysics can not be applied in a

routine or




manner if it is to give an economically feasible answer to

sub-surface problems. With the exception of the direct detecting instruments, like the

geiger counter and the scintillatometer, which can uniquely signal when in the very

close proximity of outcropping uranium ores, the other geophysical techniques must

be used as an .indirect tool and the data accumulated by their use interpreted with

ex-treme caution and in the I ight of experience and then, after that, the geophysical

predictions should be verified by some direct form of exploration, usually slim-hole

drilling. For this reason it is believed highly desirable that geology, geophysics

and direct confirmatory exploration be centralized and under one direct administrative





Another factor that has a bearing on the type of organizational structure is the lapse of time which occurs between the original geological and geophysical ex-ploration and the direct exploitation of an ore reserve. Again re'ferring to the petro-leum industry, the general history of most producing oil fields shows that there is a lag of from three to eight years between the initial geological-geophysical explora-tion and the exploitaexplora-tion or actual producexplora-tion of oil. It seems quite probable that a time-lapse or some similar order of magnitude could well prevail in the exploitation of uranium deposits. For this reason, the planning and direction of the exploration should be on a long range basis. Under the present A.E.C. organization set-up, there is a tendency to be governed too severely by the overshadowing day-to-day problems caused by the current overproduction in uranium. This has created an ad-ministrative atmosphere which is not conducive to an efficient, long range explora-tion program. The prevailing stress and emphasis on overproducexplora-tion of ore, and the deliberate curtailment of any activity that approaches direct ore discovery, has been

. '

most frustrating to the entire geological exploration personnel. There is, of course, an economic justification for the present curtailment of direct exploration efforts. However, it is believed that a feasible long range exploration program can be set up which wi II more effectively utilize the services and abilities of the geological and geophysical personnel of the A.E.C. staff by: (l) directing the exploration ac-tivities into new areas where favorable geological conditions are believed to exist, and; (2) conducting geological and geophysical studies, with a limited amount of confirmatory drilling and in-hole logging, in the vicinity of the favorable new



--.,.-···---·-- ·-·---·---



to evaluate potential reserves; and


coordinated research to develop and/or

im-prove new techniques for exploration and evaluation of reserves.·

To achieve better long range planning in the over-all exploration program it

.Is believed advisable to recommend that the entire exploration effort be placed under


administrator. Whether thiS· administrator and his exploration staff report to, or .

are stationed in Washington, Grand Junction, Denver or elsewhere is not of


mount importance as regards the exploration


itself and, therefore, can be

dic-tated by the over-all policies ofA.E.C. administration. For this reason, the


ed organization chart does not show any specific headquarters for Exploration.

In this proposed set-up, all of the various exploration groups would be


tralized under one administrative head. It will be the responsibility of this

adminis-trator to see that close coordination exists between the geological and the geophysical

activities and that each complements the other to further the over-all exploration

policies of the A.E.C. Figure 2 outlines the general plan for ach.ieving the

central-ized type of organization discussed •












Ore Reserves




Field Section I

Field Section II

Field Section Ill

Field Section IV



Denver Area



Reports and


FIG. 2

Salt Lake

Area Office





________ _




Field Service



Logging .






As a result of the studies made by the writer in connecfion with this investi-gation, the following recommendations and comments are submitted:

(a) The scope and objectives of both the A.E.C. and the U.S.G.S, as applied to the exploration for, and the exploitation of, uranium ores should be more clearly defined to the field personnel. Such clarification of objectives will tend to minimize much of the professional rivalry which now exists at the field level.

(b) A more prompt and freer exchange of information and better coordination of efforts between the U.S.G.S. and the A.E.C. would be of material benefit to both organizations. This may be furthered to a certain extent by stipulations regard-ing progress reports in any agreement wherein the A.E. C. finances the activities of the U.S.G.S.

{c) Coordinate and centralize the geophysical activities within the A.E. C., and include an active operational or service type set-up wherein prompt and direct technical assistance can be extended to the field geologists~ This service should include geo'physics, geochemistry, in-hole logging and drilling techniques.

(d) The entire geophysical activities of A .E. C. should be closely coordin--~

~ ;~.- ~

ated with the research activities conducted by U.S.G.S.Aand financed


the A.E.C. Division of Raw Materials.




(e) The research project under the direction of Dr.


R. Madden at M.l.


has a good theoretical foundation and the work is being done by competent men. It is recommended that the project be continued for another academic year by an A.E. C, grant of $5,000.00, providing the work can be closely supervised by A.E.C. and directed toward uranium exploration. The chief problem will be to orient the work in the direction of most benefit to A.E. C.

(f) The research project under the direction of H. W. Mooney at the Uni-versity of Minnesota has merit, and it may be advisable to continue it for another academic year, providing: (1) surplus funds are available for research; (2) the

pro-ject can be closely supervised by A.E,C., and the work di_rected toward uranium exploration; (3} the grant made by A.E,C. should be used for direct salaries devoted specifically to the work, and not as a general fund to raise the salary level of staff members. It is believed that a moderate amount of money will complete this project if the funds are devoted to direct expenditures. The budget now provides for

$14,000.00, with $10,000.00 to be contributed by A.E.C, It is believed that an A.E.C. grant of $5,000.00 would provide adequate funds if expended directly

for work done on the project as now outlined.

(g) The geochemical research project by Dr. C. W. Bills probably can best be evaluated by the practical results obtained during the field work planned for the summer. Genera II y speaking, geochemical work has proven to be a poor tool for ex-ploration. Unless more direct tangible results are forthcoming in a reasonable period of time much of this activity could well be curtailed to allow better use of Dr. Bill's



ability on other projects.

(h) The dry bore-hole logging technique developed by


W. Pollock has Interesting possibilities, and its practicability should be further evaluated by a series of field studies in areas of different geological formations. It is recommended that this work be carried to that point.

(i) The electrochemical and variable frequency studies being conducted by



W. Pollock are following the general trend of the work done by Go Yo Keller of





oi Dakhnor I Latishova and Hyapolor of the

u.s. s.

R. I and Dr.



Madden of M.l. T. Plans for future work on the electrochemical techniques may well be held in abeyance until the full report by Keller is made availableto A.EoCo


It appears advisable to recommend that the development work by Mr.


H. Scott on a multiple electrode probe be brought to an early termination. It is

very doubtful if a practical bore-hole surveying instrument will be forthcoming from this worko Generally speaking, it is poor practice to place batteries and instrumenta= tion within a container to traverse a shallow bore-hole, when substantially the same electrical results may be obtained by merely using a simple multi-wire cable connect=


to the same spaced electrodes, with the power supply and instrumentation placed at the surface of the ground. Mr. Scott's ability, good academic training and seismic experience could be utilized better in geophysical operations work.



costly than contracting the work to a competent outside organization having the ne-cessary background in instrumentation and design. Schlumberger., Lane-Wells, Halliburton and other commercial service companies have built and are operating calipers of this type. Any one of them should be able to do this work on a contract basis and make available a broad background of experience. In the event these ne-gotiations are not satisfactory, then it would be advisable to contact W. W. Vaughn of the U.S.G.S. and work out some cooperative development program.

(J) The study of electrical properties of earth materials by G. V. Keller of the U.S.G.S. appears to be quite thorough and well executed. The work is sub-stantially completed and the final report is now in preparation. This manuscript should be requested at an early date so that the work may be properly evaluated and the related work of the A,E.C. planned, to minimize duplication of effort.

(m) The studies of neutron bombardment and nuclear resonance by Henry Faul of U.S.G.S., are reportedly in the contemplative stage. It is recommended that no further financing of these projects be undertaken by A.E.C. unless definite commitments on a work schedule can be obtained, and the work itself closely super-vised and oriented. by A.E, C, Certain aspects of these techniques have interesting theoretical possibilities and should be investigated at an early date.

(n) The instrument shop of the U.S.G.S. at Denver, under the supervision of W. W. Vaughn, could be a very valuable adjunct to the A.E. C. research and development program. This shop is well equipped for general instrument and



tronic work. The personnel are well trained and have had broad experience. It is recommended that much more use be made of these facilities •.

(o) The geophysical field operations by U.S.G.S., conducted by H. R. Joesting, P. E. Byerly, R. M. Moxham, R. A. Black, Dempsey, and others is a good example of the use of geophysics. It is believed that this work is well planned and executed. The interpretation of the field data is being done by men with ade-quate experience and training. From the technical viewpoint the U.S.G.S. work is quite satisfactory. However, as regards its end-use by A.E.C. the work has three major drawbacks: (1} the reluctance of the U.S.G.S. to make the technical data and results available in the form of frequent progress reports; and (2) the dillutian of the "uranium" interest with the over-all "general" interests of the U.S.G.S. work, and (3) the long time period required for the completion of a project. It is believed that the first of these drawbacks can be remedied by proper contract arrangements between the A.E.C. and the U.S.G .• S. Basically, there.is no reason why the tech-nical data could not be made available more promptly to the A.E. C •. lnaddition, some representative of A.E.C. should maintain very close contact with the U.S,G.S. field operations. In the petroleum industry this crew contact is maintained constant-ly by the regional geologist or the district geophysicist. Some similar contact should be maintained by A.E.C. with all field operations, whether by U.S.G.S. or private contractor. Such supervision in the past would have avoided the Geophysical

Re-search, Inc., fiasco which was most expensive to A.E.C .• In the case of contract work with the U.S. G, S,, proper field supervision wi II insure prompt transmittal of




data to the A.E. C. workers, and also assist in orienting rrwch of the work in a

direction of major benefit to A .E. C. Whether or not the second of these drawbacks

(subjugation of the uranium interests to the over-all general interest in all types

of mineralization in an area>, can be corrected, will depend upon the general policies

of the U.S.G.S.

The third drawback, (the long time period), is merely one of the


of the second drawback; i.e., the U.S.G.S. effort is directed to many

facets, and usually in the past, the U.S.G.S. felt it advisable to carry along the

entire program in an area rather thao to expedite or give special treatment to the

uranium phases of an investigation. As a result, much of the value of the work to

the A.E.C. is lost because of the long time lag before the information becomes



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