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Towards a research infrastructure for translation studies.


Academic year: 2021

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Lars Ahrenberg

DepartmentofComputerandInformationS ien e



Abstra t

Inprin ipletheCLARINresear hinfrastru tureprovidesagoodenvironmenttosupport

resear h ontranslation. Inreality,the progresswithin CLARINin this areaseemsto be

fairly slow. In this paper I will give examples of the resour es urrently available, and

suggestwhatisneededtoa hievearelevantresear hinfrastru turefortranslationstudies.

Also, I argue that translation studies has more to gain from language te hnology, and

statisti al ma hine translation in parti ular, than what is generally assumed, and give



Translationstudiesisaeldofresear hthataimstounderstandthepro essesandprodu ts

of translation. It is arelativelyneweld ofthe Humanitiesthat haveseenarapid

devel-opmentaftertheSe ondWorldWar. Inthisshort periodoftimeithas hangeditsfo us

severaltimesanddevelopedinmanydierentdire tions[6℄. It hasbeenapproa hedfrom

manydis iplinesin ludingliterarystudies,linguisti s, ulturalstudies,so iology,and

og-nitives ien e. Thequestforempiri algroundinghasalsomeantthatsomes holars have

takenaninterestin orpuslinguisti sandarguedfortheusefulnessof orporaand

ompu-tationaltoolsin thestudy oftranslation, in parti ularforinvestigationsinto 'translation

universals' andfeaturesof'translationese'(e.g. [1,4℄).

For good reasons, literature is usually regarded as the genre that is the least suitable

for ma hine translation. From the perspe tive of translationstudies, however,literature

might bethe genrethat ouldbenetthe mostfrom toolsand methods used in ma hine

translation. Onereasonisthat boththe ontentandthestyleofthetexts areimportant

inthestudyofliterature. While ultureandnormsareemphasizedasexplanatoryfa tors

in re enttheoriesoftranslation,theauthor's styleandtherenderingofthesour etext in

thetargetlanguagearestillverymu hintheresear hers'fo usofattention.

It would appear, though, that in spite of the eorts spent on arguing for the relevan e

of translation orpora in translation studies, large-s ale studies of translation based on

parallelor omparable orporaarequites ar e. I anonlyguesswhythisisso. Maybethe


thene essaryfundsfor omputational resour esandpersonnel,maybetheresear hersdo

not havethe trainingor interestin orpusanalyses, or don't nd itworthwhile. At the

sametime, though, there is agrowinginterest in literaryhistoryitself to apply methods

from orpuslinguisti sandstatisti alanalysisto hugh orporaofliteraryworks[3℄.

Inmyview,theargumentsfor orporaintranslationstudiesstillholdstrongandCLARIN

ouldbeasuitableenvironmentfordemonstrating it. Thisistruenotleast inaSwedish

ontext, where at least the on ept of a orpus is well understood [2℄. But language

te hnology has a tually more to oer than tools and annotated orpora. After a look

at CLARIN's goals and a hievements so far as it relates to translation and translation

studies, I will then outline what I think languagete hnology, andtranslation te hnology

in parti ular, an ontributetotranslationstudies.

2 Some relevant CLARIN resour es

CLARIN's generalinfrastru tureframework providesfor federateda ess to dataand

re-sour es that a tuallyreside in dierent enters, provided youare aresear herasso iated

withaCLARIN enter. Thisis allverywell.

Theresour es urrentlyavailableforthestudyoftranslationsarequitelimited. TheVirtual

LanguageObserver 1

givesfewmat hestosear hwordssu has'translation'or'translation

studies'mostlyprodu ingthesesratherthanresour es. Asear hfor'parallel orpora'gave

53 results 2

in ludingmany dupli ates, and themajority being referen es to toolsrather

than orpora. Some of the toolsavailable,e.g., for word and senten e alignment, are of


http:// atalog . larin.eu/vlo/


areoflittleusetoaresear her,espe iallyone whoisunfamiliarwithsu htools.

AltogetherIfoundreferen esto12dierentparallel orpus olle tions. Onlyone ofthem,

theECIMultilingualText,hasSwedishparalleldata. Moreparallel orporamayof ourse

be added in the future, but a problem with the urrent resour es is that they do not

resultfrom oordinatedeorts. Someofthese orpora ontainresour esforseveralrelated

languagepairs in ludingtranslationsof thesamesour e text, but that is then onlyon a

smalls ale,usingasinglesour etextorextra tsfromalimitednumberofdierentsour e


Asfor orpussear htoolsIhaven'tbeenabletondonethatis urrentlyoeringfederated

sear h in parallel orpora. The Text Laboratory at the University of Oslo is developing

a newversionof their orpus sear h system, Glossa , that will support federated orpus

sear h. Supportforsear hin parallelormultilingual orporaissaidtobeanitemforthe

future. WebLi ht, developed at the Universityof Tübingen, isa systemfor sear h and

annotationthatallowsauserto ongurehisorherowntool hain foraspe i purpose,

but so far only formonolingual annotation. Most of the orporaavailable for sear h are

German, a few have texts in dierent languages, but there is urrently no support for

parallel sear h results. Keeleveeb , developed by theEstonian ompany Filosoft,does

allowforsear hin bi-lingualresour esandin multipleresour esatthesametime. Sofar,

all bilingual resour esavailable are di tionaries, while available orporaare monolingual


The NoSket h Engine [5℄, a thinner version of the ommer ial Sket h Engine, but

with support for federated sear h and parallel orpora, is apparently in use at the

LIN-DAT/CLARINCentreforLanguageResear hInfrastru ture,thoughthereisnodes ription

ofitintheCLARINVLO.Thus, the urrentsituationasregardsresour esfortranslation

studiesleavesquitealot tobedesired.

3 Resear h questions in translation studies

Theresear h questions in translation studiesare many and varied. Veryoften, however,

they on ern omparisons,forexample omparisonsbetweensour eandtargettexts,



Whilesometimesonlyonesour etextisofinterestinaparti ularstudy,itismore ommon


language, are in luded. The goal may be to ompare the translations for quality, or to

omparedierentstrategiesinsolvingtranslationproblemsrelatingtospe i phenomena

in thesour etext. Atothertimestranslationsofdierentsour etextsbythesame

trans-lator is the fo us of resear h, e.g., in order to hara terize the translator's 'voi e'. But

this inevitablyinvolvesa omparison withother existing translations,produ ed byother


Thus,a orpus olle tedforthestudyofaparti ularissueintranslationstudies,normally

onsists of many texts, that are to be a essed, studied and ompared from a number

of perspe tives. If thequestionis verygeneral,pertaining to su h mattersas translation



4 What language te hnology an ontribute

Fromtheaboveitis learthataveryimportantpossible ontributionfromCLARINis

mak-ing parallel and omparable textsavailable forsear h. Whiletexts and translationsthat

areprote tedby opyrightwill,as usual,behardto omeby,thereareplentyof lassi al

literaryworksthat arenolonger opyright-prote tedand forwhi h opyabletranslations

should alsoexist inabundan e. ToharvestthemintoCLARIN,however,requires

ollabo-rationand on erted eortsamonginterestedresear hersfromdierent enters.

Of ourse, to makethis data useful for translationstudies, orpus and language

te hnol-ogy toolsfor pro essessu h as part-of-spee htagging,lemmatization, alignment, parallel

on ordan ing and sear h are required. Su h tools nowadays exist in large numbersfor

many languages but the problem for CLARIN I suppose is to make them ommuni ate

wellwith one another. Thereis alsoaproblemof s ale. An integratedenvironmentsu h

as ParaCon allows up to four parallel texts in the system at one time 3

. A large-s ale

proje tin translationstudiesmightinvolveseveralsour etextswithovertentranslations

persour e. This puts dierent requirementson underlying representations, storage, and

formatting ofsear hresults.

In addition, I believe that language te hnology an benet translation studies by

intro-du ing supplementing methodologies. Translation studies seldom bother to quantify its

dataandwhileexamplesareanalyzedwithingenuityandpre isiononeoftenwondershow

mu h of all relevant data these example over, and about the possibleexisten e of data

that speak against a tentative hypothesis or on lusion. Thus, omputational tools and

resour es ould help translation studies a quire and utilize more of statisti al methods.

Thisma ro-analyti perspe tiveon texts,presentedin [3℄for thestudy ofliterature, an


Translationstudiesandma hinetranslationresear hsharea ommoninterestinexplaining

translations. Ma hine translation systems, and statisti al systems in parti ular, predi t

translations,butinsodoingtheyalsosupplyanexplanationforhowthetranslation ame

about. A limitation with urrent statisti al MT is that all models are generated from

textual dataonly,while intranslationstudies individual, ontextual, and ulturalfa tors

are also takeninto a ount. Butthis is nolimitation in prin iple. Models ould well be

developedthattake ontextualfa torsintoa ountandareabletodistinguishtranslations



Whetherresear hersin translationstudies ndvaluein probabilisti models ornot, they

areoftenfor edtolimittheir on lusionstoasinglework,alimitedrangeof onstru tions,

orhedge their on lusionswithreferen etothes ar ityoftextualdataonwhi htheyare

based. Open ommon resour esand languagete hnology ertainly havethe potential to

over omethat limitation.


[1℄ MonaBaker. Corporaintranslationstudies. Target ,7(2):223244,1995.

[2℄ Elisabeth Bladh and Magnus P. Ängsal, editors. Översättning, stil o h lingvistiska

metoder . Studia Interdis iplinaria Linguisti a et Litteraria. Göteborgs Universitet,


[3℄ MatthewL.Jo kers.Ma roanalysis: DigitalMethods&LiteraryHistory. Universityof

IllinoisPress,Urbana/Chi ago/Springeld,2013.

[4℄ Sara Laviosa. Corpus-Based Translation Studies: Theory, Findings, Appli ations.

Rodopi, Amsterdam/NewYork,2002.

[5℄ PavelRy hlý. Advan e sear h in larintext orpora. InExtended abstra t. CLARIN

Annual Conferen e(CAC2014 ), Soesterberg, theNetherlands , 2014.

[6℄ Mary Snell-Hornby. The Turns of Translation Studies. John Benjamins,


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