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Distribution, phenology and habitats of the lesser dung fly species

(Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) of Sweden and Norway, with notes from adjacent countries



The Sphaeroceridae or lesser dung flies is a family of very common, usually small and dark, acalyptrate flies. They are distinguished from other acalyptrat€s by their short, thickened first segment of the hind tarsus (Pitkin 1988). Another diagnostic character is that some of the posterior wing veins frequently end at the posterior cross vein or continue to the wing margin only as faint traces. Most species are fully winged and capable of flight, but many of them fly only rarely. Instead they often move by running or jumping with their elongated hind legs. Most species of this family are generally considered to be sapro- phagous. Adults are often observed on animal drop- pings, dung hills and decaying vegetation, where they feed and lay their eggs. Quite a number of species have been recorded from runs and nests of small

mammals. which often contain dung and decaying plant material. Most authorities consider the Sphaero- ceridae to be closest related to Heleomyzidae. Trixo- scelididade. Rhinotoridae and other acalyptrate flies.

McAlpine et al. ( l9tl I ) classitied these families in the superfamily Sphaeroceroidea (Pitkin 1988).

There are over 700 described species of Sphaeroce- ridae of which at least 290 are recorded from the Palaearctic region (Pitkin 1988).

The Swedish lesser dung flies were previously stu- died by Fall6n ( 1820), Zetterstedt ( 1840, 1847, 1855, 1860) and above all by Stenhammar (1855). Among the species described by these authors 26 are still valid. Subsequently, only scattered notices have been published, e.g. Wahlgren (1917), ArdO (1957) and Hackman ( 1967).

This repon is based on work carried out at the Service Centre for Taxonomic 'Zoology, Zoo-tax, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm.

From all specimens examined at this centre, 35,000 specimens of sphaerocerid flies from more than 40O localities and 6,000 catches, mainly from Sweden and Norway, were sorted out and used in the present stu- dy. Almost 70 collectors have contribuled with mate- rial. Besides the poorly studied boreal forest region in nonhem Sweden, the material gives a fairly good picture of the disribution of sphaerocerid species in Sweden.

Florin, F.: Distribution, phenology and habitars of the lesser dung fly species (Diptera. Sphaeroceri- dae) of Sweden and Norway, with notes from adjacent countries. [Hoppflugomas (Diptera, Sphaero- ceridae) utbredning, fenologi och habitatval i Sverige och Norg€, med spridda uppgifter fren angdn- sande liinder,l - Ent. Tidskr. I l0: l-29, Ume6. Sweden 1989. ISSN 0013-886x.

A total of 133 species of lesser dung flies (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) are hcrc recorded from Sweden and Norway. More than 35,000 spicimens. mainly preserved in alcohol, were studied. From this material, thi species Minilimosina hispidulo Roh6aek. 1988, and the subspecics Sphaerocera pseudo- monilis hallux Rohiiek & Flor€n, 1987, were previously described. Four additional new species in the genera Trachyopella, Opacifrons, Minilimosina and Telomerina will later be described by J.

Roh6Eek and S. A. Marshall. Other unidentified specimens are still being examined by specialists.

This will probably increase ihe number of species known from this region to well over 140. Some spccics records are also given for Denmark, Finland and lceland. Recorded for the fi$t time are 62 spccics from Sweden, 25 from Norway, and one from lceland. For each species, information is provided on adult phenology, recorded habitats, and successful coli.cting methods.

F. Florin, Service Center Jor Te\ofiomi( Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, P O. Bor 50007. S-104 05 Stockholm. Sweden.


2 Folke Florin

A total of I 33 species were identified, all recorded from Sweden (62 tbr the firsl time), 37 from Norway (25 for the first time), seven from Iceland (one for the first time), three from Denmark and one from Finland. The species Minilimosinu hispidula Rohd' dek, 1988, and the subspecies Sphaerocera pseudo' monilis hallu.r Rohriiek & Flor6n. | 987, were both described from this material. Four additional new spe- cies will be described by Rohdiek and Marshall in the near future. Unidentified specimens representing some additional ten species, some maybe unde- scribed, are under examination by Roh6iek and Mar- shall. These studies will probably increase the total number of species in the studied material to well over 140. The Swedish species lisl will then approach 150 species, which is a high figure relative to other coun- tries.

Material and methods

The main part of the studied material was collecled by the following persons and instilutions: Hugo An- dersson, field catches with different methods from a large number of biotopes, mostly in prov. SK, HA' SM and nonhern Sweden and Norway: Hugo Anders- son & Roy Danielsson. OL: Halltorps hage (1980), sweep-nettings and different kinds of traps: Lennan Cederholm, SM: Aseda Kullebo, cow house, window traps; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,

SK NB, fields cultivated with potato (Roland Sigvald 1987), oil seed crops (Johan Mijmer & Barbara Ek- bom 1987), oats (Gdran Nordlander) and wheat (Hans von Rosen), yellow traps; Swedish Veterinary Institu- te, 6G-UP, cow house and pastures. window traps and sweep-nettings (Bech-Nielsen et al. 1982); G6ran Andersson & Jan Jonasson, LY: Ammarn?is, moun- iain birch forest, window traps ( I982); Karl M0ller et al., AN: AngerAn, l-U: Messaure and TO: Abisko, river and lake shores with surroundings, differenl kinds of Iraps r I 970- I 9tl2)l Folle Florin. SO: Algit.

grass compost, pitf'all traps and sweep-nettings (stu- died continuously between May-October during five years, yielding 67 species, some of them previously undescribed)i Sigmund Hlgvar, flies on snow from Norway, and Erling Olafsson & Thrdstur Erlingsson, flies from Iceland. Old material collected by Bohe- man, E. Haglund, Holmgren, Roth, Slenhammar and G. Hedgren, arranged by E. Wahlgren in 1927 and

kept at the Entomological Department of Swedish Museum of Nalural History, Stockholm (tray l6:3 Borboridae) is also included in this reporl.

Complete joumals with detailed biological and dis- tributional data are available at the Department of Entomology, Swedish Museum of Nalural History, Stockholm. Location of specimens in museums and other collections is presented separately for each spe- cies.

In the following list the information for each spe- cies is given as: ( I ) synonyms in brackets (the syno- nyms presented are those of Swedish authors or other synonyms of special interest); (2) selected references in parenthesis; (3) records fiom Sweden, Norway and adjacent countries (province, locality. date with 19

omitted, no. of males and females, collector)l (4) dis- tribution with literature records for the Nordic coun- tries; (5) biology followed by habitat data of the stu- died specimens and the methods with which they were collected; (6) total nos. of specimens studied of each sex, and range of collecting years and months:

(7) museums and/or collections where the material is kept.

The names of the most frequently mentioned authors are abbreviated (see below). others are given in full. Abbreviations for the provinces of Denmark, Norway and Finland are those used in Fauna Entomo- logica Scandinavica, but those used for Sweden are according to Cederholm (1972). Locality data from Sweden are according to Svensk Onsfiirteckning (1974). When not otherwise stated Hugo Andersson is the collector with the following ex(eplions:6L:

Halltorps hage, H. Andersson & R: Danielsson; SM:

Aseda Kullebo. L. Cederholml SO: Atgii. F. Flordn:

,AN: Angerln and f,U: Messaure, K. Miiller et al.;

LY: Ammarniis, G. Andersson & J. Jonasson; N Kongsberg at river Ligen in Norway, R. Hall; Ice- land, E. Olafsson.


Authors: A = H. Andcrsson. D = O. Duda, F = C. F. Fallin.

C = D. P. Gapasin. H = W. Hackman, K = C. K. Kim, M

= S.A. Marshall. Ni = P. Niclsen. N = A. L. Nonbom. P = L. Papp, Pi = B. Pitkin, R = J. Rohridck, Ri = O. Ringdahl.

Rs = O. W. Richards. S = Ch. Stcnhammar. W = E. Wahl

$en- Z = l. W. Zetlersledt.

Countries: according to lhe national signs used on cars.

Collectors: AA = Anders Ahlstrand. HA = Hugo Anders son, KA = Kjell Ander, JA = Jonas Ardit, PA = Paul Ardii.

JOB = Jan Olof Bjorklund. Bhn = Carl Boheman. PB = Pcr Brinck. Ch = Charpcnticr. RCD = Richard C:son Dahl. RD

= Roy Danielsson. PD = Pcr Douwcs. BE = Barbara Ekboru.

LE = Lennart Eksrraim. TE = Thri)stur Erlingsson. FF = l.olkc Florin, HF = Hcnrika Fkrrin, SG - Svcn Ccnlin, EG

= Il. (irahn, UC = tllf G:irdcnli)rs. Hagl = Emil Haglund.


RH = Ragnar Hall, CH = Christer Hansson. GH = Custav W. Hedgren. KH = Karl'Johan Hedqvist, Hgn = August Emil Holmgren, SH = Sigmund HAgvar, GI = Gunnar Isra- elsson, AJ = Anton Jansson, UJ = Ulf Johnsen, TK = nrr- bjiim Kronestedt, JL = Jan Lundin, TL = Torsten Larsson, TEL = Tor-Erik t*ile r, CL = Carl Lindrcth, UL - Ulf Lund-

wall, TM = Tcresa Mirestriim. KM = Karl Miiller, JM =

Johan Mrimcr. MN = Monica Niklasson, GN = Giiran Nord- Iander, TN = Tord Nyholm, EO = Erling Olafsson, PIP = Per lnge Persson, JR = Jan Regnander, OR = Oscar Ring- dahl, HR = Hans v. Rosen, Roth = Carl David Roth, CR = Gustav Rudebeck, NR = Nils Ryd6n, RS = Roland Sigvald, Sthr = Christian Stenhammar. BS = Bo Svensson. SVA = Sveriges Veteriniirmedicinska Anstalt, ES = Edvard Sylvin, MS = Michacl Siircnsson. BT = Bo Tjeder, TT = Tord Tjeder. MT = Mark Toneby, PWg = ps1", Wahlberg, HW

= Henrik Walddn. Wc = Wcstesson, TW = Torbjiim Wall- gren, BO = Bcmt 6darp.

Collecting meahods: F = pitfall trap. Y = yellow trap, W

= window trup, M = Malaise tmp, B = baited trap, P = picked on snou. S = siftcd, N = \*ecp-nenrng.

Museums and collections: BML = British Museum (Natu- ral History), London, IMN = lcelandic Museum of Natural History, NFI = Norwegian Forest Research Institute, JRO = coll. of Jindrich Rohddek, Opava (Czechoslovakia), NRS = Swedish Museum of Naturul Hisrory, Stockholm, sMo =

Slezsk6 mrizcum Opava (Czechoslovakia),ZlL = Zoological lnstitutc, Lund (Sweden), ZIU = Z.oological lnstitute, Upp- sala (Sv/eden). ZMH = Zoological Museum of the Universi- ty. Hclsinki (Finland).

List of species

In the following list, data on all records of all identi- fied species are presented. The used format is de- scribed above, and includes also information on habi- tats, adult phenology, collecting methods etc. A check list of the Swedish species of Sphaeroceridae is pre- sented in Tab. l. that also summarizes the known records from Swedish provinces and from the other Nordic countries.

l. Sphaero,cera curvipeli [srr-illl arr aucr.]. (K 1968, Pi 1988). S: SK: Stoby Arkclstorp 550620 l?l Andersl<iv 7406f -5 ld RDI Bosarp 'l lM22 16 RD: N Krankesj<in 750703 2d; Lund ttl05 2d59: Lund Bot. garden 720503 2d RD: Mariannclund tll V VIll 2d 2 ? RS: Orup 80O618 I ? RS: Baldnngc Skogshejdan 690616 | d: Blenrarp Sram, penbackcn 690622 2d BS: Stenshuvud 740616 l? HA,

81061,1 ld l9 RD: Siivdesjiin 560530 I d:Akarp-5505:?;

ld Bhn. - llA: Amrlr 5504{)7 46d519 co* house.630602 16.MO721 rd.66 l ?. 69062216.',1306 96 5 9. 730609

5d29. SM: Aseda Kullebo 7607 66d I ll 9: Trottcsliiv ttl0rSl() ld RS: Siiraby Vanorp 720501 I 9 RD: 2d Bhn. - Ol,: ldl9 Bhn. 0(i: Bjiirka-Saby 79 V XI 4d69,llo V IX I l4d l2l I SVA: Htigsjii l9 TW; Kolmlrdcn 2(n8

l9 GH: Tiimcvalla Linghcm 791130 2d4?. l{0 V Vlll 10d79 SVA; Vist Stavsiircr 7905 l0d2l 9. 80 Vl Vlll 10d229 SVA: Vallcrstad 79 VIMII 2d SVA; l? Bhn.

V(i: Hassliisa Ekg{rdcn l? RS: Kinnckullc ld Bhn:

The lesser dung flies of Su,eden ond Nor*'ay 3 Vlsterplana I ? AA: 2d 1 9 Bhn. BO: Fiskebiickskil 240531 I ? GH. SO: Alstt 830710 1d.85 vt-x 3d.8606 2d5?. 87 VI-VII 2dl?. UP: Ed Antuna 79 V IX 22d159, 80 IV VIll 4d109 SVA; Faringe Erikslund 770808 12d25I FF: Getingamii 79 VIII-IX 4d4 ?, 80IV- VnI 3?,810717 1d SVA; Estuna Hov 8l V-X 14d239 SVA; Vada MAlsta 800514 I d 3 I SVA; Stockholm Exp.fiil-

tet 2107 ld, 220515 l9 GH; Stockholm 29 GH; 3d39 Bhn; Svartsjai 2206 I ? GH. - VB: Rdbecksdalen tt006l2

l9 RS. tS: Leidv6llur 850620 I d EO & TE: Hlidarendi

840820 l 9.

Cosmopolitan incl DK, S (F 1820 subsultans: Z 1840

shsltuni, SK-LY: Ri t94t, SK, HA; 1951, JA, LU; Ardd 1957, SK, HA), N (Z 1847 subsuhans), SF (H 1980) and IS (new). Wide ecological tolerance, larvac chiefly copro- phagous (R 1984): cow houses, cow dung, pasturts, potato ficlds, maple in sap, grass compost, on ncttlcs. N F Y W.

351d44t9. 1954-87, rV X (NRS. ZIL. IMN), 9d149 Bhn, GH, der. Kim 1967 (NRS).

2. Sphaerocera monilis [rarsalis Wahlgren. l9 l8]. (K 1968,

Pi 1988). S: SK: Stoby Arkelstorp 550620 I ?: Lund 54- 0903 I d: Mariannelund 810720 I ? RS; I I Roth. HA:

Sndstorp 550705 1?; Amilt 640720 1?. -SO: Atgo 8S vl-

IX 7d49. 86 V VII 8d39; 87 VI-IX 5d2?. - UP: Ba-

lingsta Eriksberg 7904 1? JM.

Europe incl S (W l9l8 rarsalis, SK; K 1968, SK) and SF. Terricolous, occurring in decayed fungi and leaf litter (R 1980): grass compost, garden, potato field, meadow with bushes, dirch at a rye field, N F Y. 2l d l4 9. 1954 87. V tX (NRS. ZIL), 1 I Roth (NRS).

-i. Sphaerocera pseudomonilis hallux. (R & Flor€n 1987).

S: SO: Algii 830628 2d , 850929 I d, 8510,06 i 9. 860629

ld S (new), the nominate subsp€cies only known from Japan. Biology largely unknown; grass compost, F. 4d I ?.

1983 86.VI X. Type material: 2d I I (NRS) ld (JRO).

4. Ischiolepta ctenata l.oronata Zelterstedt. 18381. (Rs

l9ltl, Pi 1988). S: UP: Stockholm 29 Bhn. (det. K 1967).

North and Central Europe incl S (Z 1840 coroaala. AS type loc.; K 1972: 207 l9 type) and SF. Rare, collected in runs

of small mammals (R 1984). 29 Bhn (NRS).

5. lschiolepta dentiatlala lparat'renata Duda. 1920]. (R &

P l9ll4, Pi 1988). S: SK: N Krankesjdn 740730 | ?. - SM:

ld l9 Bhn. OL: I dBhn; I ? Hgn. - OG: I 9 Sthr; ld Bhn. VG: Homborgasjain 870715 I 9. - UP: ld I ? Bhn:

49 PWg.

Europe incl S (K 1972: 209) and SF (H 1967a). Takcn

in snrall mammal burrows 1H 1967a) and in watcrhirds' ncsts (Rs 1938): sandy lake shorcs. N.29, 1974 tt7. Vll (ZIL).4d 89 Bhn, Hgn. Sthr, PWg patrrcrrrrro, det. Kim

t967 (NRS).

6. Ischiolepla micropyga. ( Rs I93tl. D lg:Ut). S: SM: Slah) ti5062q 19. SO: Algir 8o060li 19. l,U: Mcssaurc 71.

0lll9 l?, Ccntral Europe and S (ncw). A rarc tcrricoluus spccic's anrong decaying mattcr in boggy mcad{)ws und aldcr lirrcsts (R 1984): pond with scdgc, grass compost. pincwtxxl by Lulc river, N F.39, l97l-116, Vl-Vlll (NRS, Ztt-).

7. lschiolepta nilida llcntiruluta aucl.l. (R & P l9tt4). S:

SK: Viusjii V Briina 830529 ld; Forsukar tll{)t102 ld:

Stcnshuvud l'i30614 ld RD;4d19 Rothr ldl9 Uhn.

V(i: l9 Bhn. UP: Vada Milstt ll(X)s1.1 l? SVA: Sr(xit holnr l? Bhrr: Uppsald 320516 l9 Gll.

North und Ccntrul F,uropc incl l)K ( I I l9lt6 B r\. crnr)m- ).


4 Folke FlorCn

Tab. l. A check list of the Swedish species of lesser dung flies (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae), with records for the faunistic provinces SK-TO. Records from Denmark (DK), Norway (N), Finland (SF), and lceland (IS), are also presented. Records were classified as: (A) literature records, (B) ditto, specimens also examined by the author, and (C) previously unpublished records presented in this work. "Lapponia" denoles old records not possible to locate to province in Swedish Lapland.



1 Sphaerocera curvipes Lateille, 1805 . . . , . . . , . , B A

2 S. monilis Haliday, 1836 .. . . .. . .... .. B

3 S. ps?udomonilis lallrt Rohiiiek & Flordn,1987. . . . -

4 lschiolepto ctenata (Meigen, 1830). .. . .

5 l. denticulqto (Meigen, 1830). ... C

6 l. milopygu (Duda, I938).

'7 l. niti.lo (Duda, 1920). ... B

8 I. pusilla (Fall6n, 1820) ... B

9 I. scabri<ula (Haliday, 1836). ... C -

l0 I. vaporariorum (Haliday. l816r.


ll Copromyza horealis Tetterstedt, 1841. . . ..

12 C. equina Fall€n, 1820. ... B B 13 C. ncgletta (Malloch. 1sl3).

14 C. sinilis (Collin, 1930). ... C

15 C. stercoraria (Meigen, 1830). ... C C

16 Lorophilo atra (Meigery 1830).. . . . ... .... ,... .. B A

l7 Borborillus costalis (Zete$tedt, 1847)... .... ,. B

18 B. fumipennis (St€nhammar, 1855) . . . .

19 B. sotdid.us (Zette$tedt, 184'1). . . . . A 20 B. uncinatw (Duda, 1923) ... C

2l B. viuipennis (Meigen, 1830) ... . . .. . . B -

22 Alloborborus pallifrons (Fall€n, 1820) . . ... . . .. . . A

23 Crumomyia frmctaria (Me\gen, 1830). . . . . . . . . . . . B

24 C. globrifrons (Meigen. 1830).

25 C. nigro (Meigen, 1830).

26 C. nnido (Meigen. 1830) ... B

2'7 C. notabilis (Collin, 1902). ... B 28 C. pcdcstris (Meigen, 1830). ... A 29 C. pruinota (Richards. 1932t. . . . .

30 C. rtrserli (Rondani, 1880). ... C 3l C. se,itibialis (Spuler, 1925) . ... C


32 Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt, 1847)... B 33 C..ferruginuta (Stenhammar, 1855). . . . . . . . . . . . . . B

34 C. hinic:ula Collin, 1956 ....,... C 35 C. hittula (Rondani, 1880). ... C 36 C. luguhris (Haliday, 1836).. ... B -

3'7 C. pusio (Zetterstedr. 1847).... ... B

38 C. vagans (Haliday, 1833). ... B

39 Philocoprclla ir.r/i( a (Deeming, l964) . . . ..

40 P. qrudrispinu (Laurence. 195:). . . .

4l Eluchisoma ateftimum (Haliday, 1833) ... B 42 E. pilosum (Duda, 1924) ... C 41 'l ra(h!'op?lla (Nudopellat leu(optera (Haliday, 1836) B -

14 .1 . (Mi usruld) minustula Collin, 1956.

45 7. (s.str).rrdrlr.J (Rondani, 1880) ... C 46 7'. (s.str.) hoyilla Collin. 1954 . . . . .. . .. . .. C 47 f. (..\tr.) !4trina 1Dtda. lq18). . . . . .

48 7. (..slr.) Ixrr:(i (Dudd, Iql8) .. .

49 7. (s.str.) linautions (Spuler, 1925). .. . . ... .. . . C

50 7. (s.str.) rncluniu lHaliday,1836). . .. . . ... .... .. C 5l lfutrurx huctu hruch"-stomu (Stenhammar, lli-55). . C 5l /. r,trrr,.rtrr tSpulcr. 1925).




cc __










- a_.









CCBC- _C-cc

CC_C CCCcccc



a c c





The lesser dung flies of Sweden and Norway 5 De svenska anema av hoppflugo$ (Diptcra, Sphaeroceridae) utbredning i de inhemska landskapen samt i grannliindema.

Angiven fdrekomst baseras p6: (A) lineraturuppgift, (B) dito, aven kontrollerad av fdrf., samt (C) tidigare opublicerade fynd presenterade i fiircliggande uppsats.


IC C - - A A _ C _ _ A _ A _ A A A C

2C C - - A

4- 3C B - A - - A

5- B - - A

5C - C


8C C _ _ C C C - B C A B A A

9C _ A

r0 - B - - A

II - - C A _ A _ - A B - C A A

I2C B _ A - A A B A B A A

13 - - c c -

t4- c c - c c - B A A

15- c - - c - A - c c A - c - c B B B A

l6C B - - C A - - C C A B A

t7- c - - c - A - A c A c A A IE - - C A _ _ C _ B B _ C A A


20- c - A A

2t- B - - A - A

22- B - A - - A

23C B - C - C - C B - C A -

24- B - A - - A

25_ B - - C A _ C A A A A

26- C - C C A - - A C A A

27- - C C - C A

28- - A A -

29- - C C - C A

30- - A

3l - - A

32- C - C A - A

33C C C C C - C C - - A

34C C - - C C - - A - A

35C C C - C C C - A

36C C - C A

37C B - C - - C C A - A

38C C C c - - A A A A

19-40c - A

4t c c - c c - A - A -

42C C - C -

43C C - - C - A - A

44C C -

45C C - - C

46C C - C C C - C A A

4'! C

48C - C

49C C - - C C - - A

50c B - c - - A

5r - A - - A - A

52- c -


6 Folke FlorCn


53 f.:osterae (Haliday. 1833)

54 Punc ticorpus crihrutum \Villcne]ue, l9l8) . . . . . . .

55 Pteremis fenesrrolr (Fall€n, 1820) . .. .

56 Opocdrons crrata (Stcnhammar, 1855) . ... . .. .

57 O. Jlutiluhris (Hackman. 1968). . 58 O. hunidu (Haliday. 1836).. ..

59 O. septentrbnalir (Stenhammar. 1855). ... . . .. . . 60 Leptotera (s.str.) a/pira Rohriiek, 1982

6l L. (s.srr.) caeaoso (Rondani, 1880)... . 62 L. (s.str.\ rtnalis (Collin, 1956) 63 L. (s.stt.') fontina,lis (Fall6n. 1826). . . . . 64 L. (s.str.) niRra Olivier, l8l3 . . . . .

65 t. (s.str.) oldenbTei (Duda, l918)

66 L. (Rachispoda\ ar(cpi (Stenhammar. 185-5) . , . . . .

67 L. (R.) lzrelrteps (Stenhammar. 1855).

6E L. (R.) (ryptochaeta (Duda, l9l8).

69 L. (R.) Juscipennir (Haliday, 1833). . . .

'10 L. (R.) limosa (Fall€n. 1820) . .. .

7l L. (R.) lueubrina (Z.etter,tedt, 184?)..

'12 L. (R.) rrto.ra (Stenhammar, 1855) . . . 13 L. (R.) lutosoidea (Duda, 1938).

74 Limosirut s rutica Meigen, 1830... ..

'75 Gisalimosino llaricepr (Zetterstedt, 1847)... . ..

16 Apteromyia .lat i enris (Strobl, 1909)

77 llerniosino hequaeni (Yillenewe, l9l7) ... ...

78 'l'errilimosina rauttitzai (Bezzi, 19ll).. ... ...

79 T. schmir:i (Duda, 19l8)

8O Minilimosina (Svrciella) splendens (Duda, 1928) .

8l M. (5.) mica (Papp. 1973). ....

82 M. (5.) r'arrxrn (Villeneuve, l9l7). . .

83 M. (5.) t'itripetnis (Z€tlersledt, 1847). . . . .. . . . .

84 M. (s.stt.) Iungicola (Haliday, 1836) . . . . . . . . . .

85 M. (s.str.) gerzella Rohriiek, 1983. . . . .

86 M. (s.str.) hispidula RohAEek, 1988...

8'1 M. (s.stt.) parvula (Stenhammar, 1855) .. . .. ...

EE M. (s.str.) tenera Rohitek, 1983 . . . . .

89 M. (Allolimosina) secundtria (Duda, 1918) . . . . . .

90 Xcnolimosino setaria (Villeneuve, l9l8) ...

9l Paralimosino fucdra (Rondani, 1 880) . . . . . . . . .

92 P, kaszsbi Papp, 1973.

93 P. subtribrura (Rohiiaek, 197'l).... .

94 Spekthia ( Eulimosina ) aciripcs (Meigen, 1830) ...

belania Rohiiek, 1983.. ... .

hrs2rza Marshall, 19E5... ... ....

.amrriru (Richards, 1929).. .. ...

claaipes (Mcigen. 1830). . .. . . ... . . ..

ibrida Rohddek. 1983. .. . .

I urc ilahr is (Rondani, I 880) mari( ara (Richards. 19271 ...

nana (Rondani, 1880).

parrxald (Richards. 1927) ..

2.rppi RohriEek. 1983 . . parupuskt (Dahl, 1909) . .. ...

pseudontruli s (Dahl, | 909).

pseudltsetanu tDuda. l91 8).

/ry'ilaDlis (Stcnhammar. 1855). .. . . . . . talpdrum lRich'dtds, 1927 l. . . .

B_ACC B_B-CCC B_BBC B_CCC B-A_ c- c-ccc-cc


c-cB_B B__BC


ccB_CB B-B-C-


C- C-c-


CCcc c--ccccc
































_c __















Cc c



cc c







cc c







C 95 .S.

96 S.

97 S.

98 S.

99 S.

lm s.

l0l .s.

102 .s.

103 .s.

t 04 .s.

r05 s.

106 s.

r07 s.

108 s.

IO9 S.






s.str, s,str.



s.stI s.slr s.slr.



llo s. Bifro sittd) rri'oas (Slcnhammar, I 855). . . . . . .

lll Pullinosina (Dahlimosina) dahli tDvda. l9l8) . .

I 12 P. (s.str.) ante atd (Duda, l9l8).

ll3 P. (s.str.) hctcroncurd (Haliday, I836)





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