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Academic year: 2022



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Student´s name and surname: Mehmet Burak Bozaslan

Name of the diploma thesis: Digitization of Records of Performed Autonomous Maintenance Activities on P

Supervisor of the thesis: Ing. Miroslav

1. Diploma thesis evaluation Evaluation

Meeting the goal and fulfilling task of the thesis

Quality of conducted survey Methodology of solutions Expert level of the thesis Merit of the thesis and its potential applicability of results Formal and graphic level of the thesis

Student´s personal approach Mark x in the corresponding box.

Supervisor´s final evaluation is based on his/her overall subjective evaluation.

Grading is stated literally in the article no. 5, neither by a number, nor by a letter.

2. Comments and remarks on diploma

The diploma thesis describes the creation of an electronic system for maintenance. This system should replace the existing system bas

AUTO a. s. used in the welding hall. The system is designed as a web application and provides a separate interface for the system administrator a

In introductory part, student generally describes the processes and pitfalls of autonomous maintenance. In the following chapters, the student deals with the digitization of the workplace and the overall transformation to a digital workplace. At

describes the technologies he used in creating an application for recording autonomous maintenance. The practical part is mainly devoted to the description of application development and its functionality. The student provides information about the database data structure and use case diagrams for the administrator and user.

The diploma thesis is well structured and provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical background and work performed by the studen

level, including the used pictures and diagrams. The student has completed the assignment of the diploma thesis in all areas.


Mehmet Burak Bozaslan

Digitization of Records of Performed Autonomous Maintenance Activities on PC Panels of Production Lines

Ing. Miroslav Vavroušek, Ph.D.

excellent excellent

minus very good very good minus X



based on his/her overall subjective evaluation.

Grading is stated literally in the article no. 5, neither by a number, nor by a letter.

diploma thesis:

The diploma thesis describes the creation of an electronic system for recording autonomous maintenance. This system should replace the existing system based on paper forms in ŠKODA s. used in the welding hall. The system is designed as a web application and provides a separate interface for the system administrator and users.

In introductory part, student generally describes the processes and pitfalls of autonomous maintenance. In the following chapters, the student deals with the digitization of the workplace and the overall transformation to a digital workplace. At the end of the introductory part, the student describes the technologies he used in creating an application for recording autonomous maintenance. The practical part is mainly devoted to the description of application development and student provides information about the database data structure and use case diagrams for the administrator and user.

The diploma thesis is well structured and provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical background and work performed by the student. The formal execution of the work is at a very good level, including the used pictures and diagrams. The student has completed the assignment of the

Digitization of Records of Performed Autonomous Maintenance

very good good failed

recording autonomous ed on paper forms in ŠKODA s. used in the welding hall. The system is designed as a web application and provides a In introductory part, student generally describes the processes and pitfalls of autonomous maintenance. In the following chapters, the student deals with the digitization of the workplace and the end of the introductory part, the student describes the technologies he used in creating an application for recording autonomous maintenance. The practical part is mainly devoted to the description of application development and student provides information about the database data structure and use case The diploma thesis is well structured and provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical t. The formal execution of the work is at a very good level, including the used pictures and diagrams. The student has completed the assignment of the


3. Questions about diploma thesis:

 How your application recognize PC panel

 Do you check that maintenance was performed during the shift?

 What are the biggest problems you encountered while developing the application?

4. Supervisor´s statement on results of the inspection carried out by the STAG system:

According to the control in information system STAG, this thesis work is original 5. Supervisor ´s grading of the diploma thesis:


Date:………., in Liberec

TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V LIBERCI| Fakulta strojní |Studentská 1402/2 tel.: +420 485 35x xxx |jméno.příjmení@tul.cz |www.fs.tul.cz |IČ: 467 47 885

3. Questions about diploma thesis:

How your application recognize PC panel? (which checklist is supposed to be show) Do you check that maintenance was performed during the shift?

What are the biggest problems you encountered while developing the application?

Supervisor´s statement on results of the inspection carried out by the anti-plagiarism program in According to the control in information system STAG, this thesis work is original –

grading of the diploma thesis:


Supervisor´s signature

Studentská 1402/2 |461 17 Liberec 1 IČ: 467 47 885 | DIČ: CZ 467 47 885

? (which checklist is supposed to be show) What are the biggest problems you encountered while developing the application?

plagiarism program in – without plagiarism.


Supervisor´s signature


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