Mixed Assignments 2
Do the assignments below. The assignments are a mix. You can write your answers directly on this paper.
1. Which words below are spelled wrong?
2. What time is it, according to the clocks?
1. The time is ________. 2. It´s ________ o´clock. 3. ___________________________. 4. __________:__________,
3. What´s the name of the objects? Draw a line between the object and it´s correct name.
4. Which object is described in the texts?
Gratis läromedel från KlassKlur – Kolla in vår hemsida för mer gratis läromedel inom många ämnen – 2017-07-24 17:29 1. Name Buildin School Road
2. Hello Sofa Apartement Time
Smartphon Thermometer Temperature Weater
Mark your answer using one or multiple marks!
Nine minutes before eight in the evening.
(write your answer using numbers)
Speech bubble Arrow
Smiley Cube Rectangle 3. Calender Instrument
4. Writing Readeng
This object is big and heavy, and you can see it on roads and highways.
You can store this object in a garage, for example.
Car Bike Rocks
Grocery stores You might have this in your hand
right now. It can be used to write stories, draw and do lots of other things.
An apple A story A clock A pen