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Lektion 6 - Programmeringsteknik MN1, ht 2003


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Lektion 6 - Programmeringsteknik MN1, ht 2003

Daniel Deogun


30 oktober 2003


Inneh˚ all

1 Struktur f¨or inlupp 3 3

2 Hur ritar man en cirkel grafiskt i Java? 3

2.1 OvalTest.java . . . 3 2.2 Oval.java . . . 3 2.3 Output . . . 4

3 Stack - en h¨og av element 4

3.1 Driver.java . . . 4 3.2 Stack.java . . . 4 3.3 Output . . . 6 4 Polsk Notation - ett annorlunda skrivs¨att 6 4.1 Compute.java . . . 6 4.2 Output . . . 8


1 Struktur f¨ or inlupp 3

Se lektion 4. Modifiera strukturen s˚a att en cirkul¨ar bilbana anv¨ands.

2 Hur ritar man en cirkel grafiskt i Java?

2.1 OvalTest.java

import extra.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

public class OvalTest extends JFrame { Oval bana = new Oval();

JLabel l = new JLabel("Min bana", JLabel.CENTER);

public OvalTest() {

Container c = getContentPane();









public static void main(String [] args) { OvalTest b = new OvalTest();

} }

2.2 Oval.java

import extra.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;

public class Oval extends JPanel { public Oval () {

setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,300));


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g);

int radius =

Math.min(getSize().width/2, getSize().height/2);



g.fillOval(10, 10, radius*2-20, radius*2-20);


g.fillOval(20, 20, radius*2-40, radius*2-40);

} }

2.3 Output

Ladda ner koden och se sj¨alva.

3 Stack - en h¨ og av element

3.1 Driver.java

import extra.Std;

public class Driver {

public static void main(String[] args) { Stack s = new Stack(10);

Std.out.println("Is stack full? " + s.isFull());

Std.out.println("Is stack empty? " + s.isEmpty());




Std.out.println("Pop the stack: " + s.pop());

Std.out.println("Pop the stack: " + s.pop());

Std.out.println("Pop the stack: " + s.pop());

} //end main } //end class

3.2 Stack.java


* This class implements a stack.


* @author Daniel Deogun (danield@it.uu.se)

* @version 1.0


public class Stack { /**

* Instance variable - the stack


private String[] stack;


* Instance variable - the size of the stack


private int size;



* Instance variable - points to the top of the stack


private int stackPointer = 0;


* Constructor - used for building a Stack object.


* @param size The size of the stack


public Stack(int size) { this.size = size;

stack = new String[size];

} //end constructor /**

* This method implements the push operation.


* @param element The element to push onto the stack


public void push(String element) { if(stackPointer < stack.length)

stack[++stackPointer] = element;

} //end push /**

* This method implements the push operation.


* @param element The element to push onto the stack


public void push(int element) { if(stackPointer < stack.length)

stack[++stackPointer] = "" + element;

} //end push /**

* This method implements the pop operation.


* @return The top element, <code>null</code> if stack is empty


public String pop() { if(!isEmpty())

return stack[stackPointer--];

return null;

} //end pop /**

* This method checks if the stack is empty


* @return <code>true</code> if the stack is empty, <code>false</code>

* otherwise.



public boolean isEmpty() { return stackPointer < 0;

} //end isEmpty /**

* This method checks if the stack is full


* @return <code>true</code> if the stack is full, <code>false</code>

* otherwise.


public boolean isFull() {

return stackPointer >= size;

} //end isFull } //end class

3.3 Output

Is stack full? false Is stack empty? false Pop the stack: -42 Pop the stack: 20 Pop the stack: 10

4 Polsk Notation - ett annorlunda skrivs¨ att

4.1 Compute.java

import java.util.StringTokenizer;


* This class provide routines for evaluating an

* expression in Polish notation.


* @author Daniel Deogun (danield@it.uu.se)

* @version 1.0


public class Compute { /**

* Constant - the plus operator


private final String PLUS = "+";


* Constant - the minus operator


private final String MINUS = "-";



* Constant - the multiplication operator


private final String MULT = "*";


* Constant - the division operator


private final String DIV = "/";


* Instance variable - the stack


private Stack stack;


* This method evaluates an expression written in

* in Polish notation.


* @param expression The expression in Polish notation

* @return The result of the evaluation as an integer.


public int polishNotation(String expression) {

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(expression);

stack = new Stack(expression.length());

int number = 0;

String token;

do {

if(st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken();


if(!operator(token)) { number++;

if(number == 2) { evaluate();


} } else

number = 0;

} else

token = evaluate();

} while(!stack.isEmpty());

return Integer.parseInt(token);

} //end polishNotation



* This method checks if <code>exp</code> is an operator.


* @param exp A string that may be an operator.

* @return <code>true</code> if the parameter is an operator,

* <code>false</code> otherwise.


private boolean operator(String exp) {

return exp.equals(PLUS) || exp.equals(MINUS) || exp.equals(MULT) ||


} //end operator /**

* This method pops the three top most elements off the stack

* and computes the result. The result is then pushed on the stack.


* @return The result of the evaluation as a String.


private String evaluate() { String t2 = stack.pop();

String t1 = stack.pop();

String op = stack.pop();

String res="";

if(t1 == null) return t2;


res += Integer.parseInt(t1) + Integer.parseInt(t2);

else if(op.equals(MINUS))

res += Integer.parseInt(t1) - Integer.parseInt(t2);

else if(op.equals(MULT))

res += Integer.parseInt(t1) * Integer.parseInt(t2);


res += Integer.parseInt(t1) / Integer.parseInt(t2);


return res;

} //end evaluate } //end class

4.2 Output

Please enter an expression in Polish notation - + 3 4 / 100 25

Answer: 3 ----


Please enter an expression in Polish notation + * 2 3 - / 4 3 2

Answer: 5


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