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NOVIA University of Applied Sciences


Academic year: 2022

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NOVIA University of Applied Sciences

Academic year 2012-2013

Studies offered in English to exchange students on Åbo (Turku in Finnish) Campus in The Degree Programme of Business

Administration, The Degree Programme of Tourism Management and The Degree Programme of Youth Work and Civic Activities.

Novia UAS stands for quality, education, regional presence and Sustainable

Development. We apply an integrated Management system of Quality, Environment and Safety, which was certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 at every unit in August 2010. Hence we can offer specialized courses on Sustainable Development.

One of our main goals is to support our students’ progress into quality and environmentally conscious citizens who can take sustainability into consideration in their future professional roles and we try to encourage students to practice a global sustainable lifestyle as well as to nurture entrepreneurships. We can offer the students studies in business, tourism and youth work and civic activities with a focus on environmental and sustainability aspects such as Environmental Marketing, Sustainable Development,

Environmental Management, Global Responsibility as well as courses on entrepreneurship.

Our Methods of Study

Our curriculum promotes new methods of learning. The traditional discipline- centred teaching approach is replaced by project-based learning where theory and practice blend in logical entities and the student takes his/her own

responsibility for learning and ardently seeking knowledge that is crucial in accomplishing the goals within a particular study programme. Methodologies can range from project-based learning, by solving a problem and by sharing examples from one’s experience, followed by case-studies to more traditional means. The students are taught through group-assignments and/or study circles etc. At times, students also work in study groups under the supervision of a teacher or a

professional mentor from an organisation. Working in study groups teaches students how to work in groups and collaborate with others.

Our university interacts with regional industries, trade and services through projects, development work, practical training periods and bachelor theses. The project-based learning approach allows the use of English as the working language in several of the courses offered to our students. Exchange students can work in projects guided by a supervisor.


Autumn semester 2012

Marketing (includes also Environmental Marketing) 15 ECTS This course is divided into three parts:

1) The Customer (6 ECTS) 2) The Market ( 3 ECTS) 3) Communication ( 6 ECTS)

The student understands and is able to use the principles for customer oriented operations, obtains deeper business knowledge within marketing, can develop business processes and is able to apply business theories for innovative problem solving. The student can also work in an ethical and socially responsible way and can adapt entrepreneurship as a way of living and acting.

English 3 ECTS

The student communicates fluently in working life situations, including an international context, and masters the central business terminology.

Swedish for foreigners 3 ECTS

The basics of the Swedish language.

Sustainable development 3 ECTS

The student learns about the global ecosystem as one of the basic resources of the humans and that sustainable development comprises an ecological, economic, social and cultural aspect that are all dependent of each other.


Human Resource Management 6ECTS (including Environmental Management)

The student knows how organizing and management of human resources is connected with the operations, the goal and the strategy of the company. The

student is familiar with the motive powers behind a company`s environmental work and conceptual environment strategies and is familiar with and can apply

environmental management systems.

IT skills 1-6 ECTS

The student learns to utilize information- and communication techniques (ICT) in their own work. The student can present messages in writing and visually and can make use of different tool programmes e.g. word, calculations, presentations graphics, web pages, databases and social media.

Projects 3-6 ECTS

The student learns to work independently on a given assignment. The goal is to produce material suitable for potential markets and target-groups in the students’

native countries. Tailor-made projects aimed at supporting the student’s studies at his/her home-university are also possible.

Spring semester 2013

Sustainable development 3 ECTS

The student learns about the global ecosystem as one of the basic resources of the humans and that sustainable development comprises an ecological, economic, social and cultural aspect that are all dependent of each other.

International Tourism Development 21 ECTS

This course is divided into three parts:


1) Tourism Planning and Development 9 ECTS

The Student

- understands the concept and practice of tourism planning and development in both developed and developing countries

- is able to analyze the dynamics of interactions between the economic, socio- cultural, environmental and political impacts of travel and tourism on a local and global level

- understands the relationship between principles of sustainability and the development and management of global tourism

- is familiar with current and possible future trends which impact on global travel and tourism.

2) Intercultural Issues in Tourism 6 ECTS

The Student

- has developed a greater awareness of the diversity of cultures and co-cultures in the global community

- becomes familiar with issues related to (inter)culturality in tourism and is able to make practical implications of these matters

- is aware of the relationship between culture and principles of sustainability - knows about Finland´s major inbound and outbound tourism markets and is provided with tools to communicate effectively and bridge cultural differences when working in an international environment.

3) Management of Intercultural Tourism Projects 6 ECTS

The Student

- becomes aware of different aspects of project management in an intercultural environment

- can benefit practically from the different ideas and approaches of planning and managing the work of cross-cultural teams and projects

- can take intercultural aspects into account in internal and external communication - understands the importance of risk management and crisis management within international projects

English 3 ECTS

The student manages presentation skills and sales speeches for different audiences and is able to present results with the help annual reports. The student is aware of style differences and is capable of choosing the appropriate style of communication according to the context.


Swedish for foreigners 3 ECTS The basics of the Swedish language.

Leadership and Management 3 ECTS

Introduction to International leadership. The student understands the cultural differences and can cooperate with people from different backgrounds., understands how a multicultural society functions, understands the effects of internationalization and the possibilities it offers and understands the requirements of a good leadership in a multicultural environment.

Projects 3-6 ECTS

The student learns to work independently on a given assignment. The goal is to produce material suitable for potential markets and target-groups in the students’

native countries. Tailor-made projects aimed at supporting the student’s studies at his/her home-university are also possible.

Interculturalism and Global Responsibility 24 ECTS The study unit comprises e.g. Group Dynamics, Human Rights, International Youth Work and Introduction to Intercultural Management.


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