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Factorizations for q-Pascal matrices of two variables


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© 2015 Thomas Ernst, licensee De Gruyter Open.

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Research Article Open Access

Thomas Ernst

Factorizations for q-Pascal matrices of two variables

DOI 10.1515/spma-2015-0020

Received July 15, 2015; accepted September 14, 2015

Abstract:In this second article on q-Pascal matrices, we show how the previous factorizations by the sum- mation matrices and the so-called q-unit matrices extend in a natural way to produce q-analogues of Pascal matrices of two variables by Z. Zhang and M. Liu as follows

Φn,q(x, y) =


i j )︃






We also find two different matrix products for

Ψn,q(x, y; i, j) =

(︃i+ j

j )︃






Keywords: q-Pascal matrix; q-unit matrix; q-matrix multiplication

1 Introduction

Once upon a time, Brawer and Pirovino [2, p.15 (1), p. 16(3)] found factorizations of the Pascal matrix and its inverse by the summation and difference matrices. In another article [7] we treated q-Pascal matrices and the corresponding factorizations. It turns out that an analoguous reasoning can be used to find q-analogues of the two variable factorizations by Zhang and Liu [13]. The purpose of this paper is thus to continue the q-analysis- matrix theme from our earlier papers [3]-[4] and [6]. To this aim, we define two new kinds of q-Pascal matrices, the lower triangular Φn,qmatrix and the Ψn,q, both of two variables. To be able to write down addition and subtraction formulas for the most important q-special functions, i.e. the q-exponential function and the q- trigonometric functions, we need the q-additions. These addition formulas were first published in different notation by Jackson [9] and Exton [8]. In one formula of the present paper we use this q-addition. This paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we give the definitions for q-calculus and definitions and a simple theorem for the matrices.

In section 3 we give the factorization and inverse of the extended q-Pascal matrix Φn,q(x, y). Finally, in section 4, we give the factorizations for the generalized symmetric q-Pascal matrix Ψn,q(x, y).

2 Definitions

For a full description of all definitions, see the recent book [5].

Thomas Ernst:Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 480, SE-751 06 Uppsala, Sweden, E-mail:



Definition 1. The power function is defined by q e . We always assume that 0 < q < 1. Let δ > 0 be an arbitrary small number. We will use the following branch of the logarithm: −π + δ < Im (log q) ≤ π + δ.

This defines a simply connected space in the complex plane.

The variables a, b, c, . . .C denote certain parameters. The variables i, j, k, l, m, n will denote natural numbers except for certain cases where it will be clear from the context that i will denote the imaginary unit.

The q-analogues of a complex number a and the factorial function are defined by:

{a}q 1 − qa

1 − q , qC∖{1}, (1)





{k}q, {0}q!1, qC. (2) Gauss’ q-binomial coefficients are given by

(︃n k )︃



{k}q!{n− k}q!. (3)

Definition 2. Let α and β be elements of a ring. The NWA q-addition is given by [1], [5], [6], [10], [11] :





(︃n k )︃


αkβn−k, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . (4)

Definition 3. If f (x) C[x], the polynomials with complex coefficients, the function ϵ : C[x] ↦→ C[x] is defined by

ϵf(x)f(qx). (5)

We now leave q-calculus and turn our attention to the matrix definitions. In order to be able to write down certain q-matrix multiplication formulas, the following definition will be convenient.

Definition 4. Let A and B be two n × n matrices, with matrix index aijand bij, respectively. Then we define

ABf,q(i, j)




aimbmjqf(m,i,j). (6)

Whenever we use a q-matrix multiplication, we specify the corresponding function f (m, i, j).

Remark1. This q-matrix multiplication will be used in formulas (38) and (39).

The following matrices, which are used for intermediary calculations, have a relatively simple structure. In section 3 we will encounter similar q-dependent matrices, which enable a multitude of similar formulas.

Definition 5. The matrices In, Sn(x), Wn(x, y) , Dn(x) and Un(x, y) [13, p. 171] are defined by

Indiag(1, 1, . . . , 1), (7)

Sn(x)(i, j)

{︃xi−j, if j ≤ i,

0, if j > i, (8)

Wn(x, y; i, j)

{︃xi−jyi+j, if j ≤ i,

0, if j > i, (9)

Dn(x; i, i)1, i = 0, . . . , n − 1, Dn(x; i + 1, i)−x, for i = 0, . . . , n − 2,

Dn(x; i, j)0, if j > i or j < i − 1. (10)


Un(x, y; i, i)y−2i, i = 0, . . . , n − 1; Un(x, y; i + 1, i)−xy−2i−1,

for i = 0, . . . , n − 2; Un(x, y; i, j)0, if j > i or j < i − 1. (11) The matrices Snand Dnare used in definition (19).

Definition 6. The extended q-Pascal matrix Φn,q(x, y) is given by

Φn,q(x, y; i, j) (︃i

j )︃


xi−jyi+j. (12)

Theorem 2.1. A q-analogue of [13, p. 170].

Φn,q(x1, y1n,q(x2, y2) = Φn,q(x1

y2qx2y1, y1y2), y2≠ 0. (13) Proof.

Φn,q(x1, y1n,q(x2, y2)(i, j) =




x1i−kyi1+k (︃

i k



x2k−jyk+j2 (︃

k j )︃


= (︃

i j )︃







i− j k− j




y2)i−k(x2y1)k−j= (︃

i j )︃





Definition 7. The matrices Pn,q(x), Pn,k,q(x), Pk,q* (x) and Pn,k,q* (x) are defined by

Pn,q(x; i, j) (︃i

j )︃


xi−j, i, j = 0, . . . , n − 1, (15)


[︃ In−k 0T 0 Pk,q(x)


, (16)

Pk,q* (x; i, j) (︃

i j )︃


(qx)i−j, i, j = 0, . . . , k − 1, (17)

Pn,k,q* (x)

[︃ In−k 0T 0 Pk,q* (x)


. (18)

The summation matrix Gn,k(x) and the difference matrix Fn,k(x) are defined by


[︃ In−k 0T 0 Sk(x)


, k = 3, . . . , n,


[︃ In−k 0T 0 Dk(x)


, k = 3, . . . , n, Fn,n(x)Dn(x), n > 2.


Let the two matrices Ik,q(x) and Ek,q(x) be given by

Ik,q(x; i, i)1, i = 0, . . . , k − 1, Ik,q(x; i + 1, i)x(qi+1− 1), i ≤ k − 2, Ik,q(x; i, j)0 for other i, j.

Ek,q(x; i, j)≡ ⟨j+ 1; qi−jxi−j, i ≥ j, Ek,q(x; i, j)0 for other i, j.




[︃ In−k 0T 0 Ik,q(x)


, In,n,q(x)In. (21)


[︃ In−k 0T 0 Ek,q(x)


, En,n,q(x)In. (22)

We call In,k,q(x) the q-unit matrix function. We will use a slightly q-deformed version of the D- and F-matrices:

Dk,q* (x; i, i)1, i = 0, . . . , k − 1, Dk,q* (x; i + 1, i)−xqi+1, i ≤ k − 2,

Dk,q* (x; i, j)0, if j > i or j < i − 1. (23)

Fn,k,q* (x)

[︃ In−k 0T 0 Dk,q*(x)


. (24)

Gk,q* (x; i, j)

{︃q(i−j+12 )+j(i−j)xi−j, if j ≤ i,

0, if j > i,, Gn,k,q* (x)

[︃ In−k 0T 0 Gk,q* (x)




The inverse of Pk,q* (x) is given by

(Pk,q* (x))−1(i, j) = (︃

i j )︃


(−x)i−jq(i−j+12 ), i, j = 0, . . . , k − 1. (26)

3 Factorization of the extended q-Pascal matrix Φn,q(x, y)

We start this section with a couple of lemmata to be able to make quick proofs of the factorization theorems.

Lemma 3.1. Four inverse relations.

Wn(x, y) = Un(x, y)−1; Fn,k(x) = Gn,k(x)−1, k = 3, . . . , n. (27)

In,k,q(x)−1= En,k,q(x); Fn,k,q* (x)−1= Gn,k,q* (x). (28) The following three lemmata enable a step by step proof of (33).

Lemma 3.2. [7] A q-analogue of [12, p.53 (1)]. If n ≥ 3, the q-Pascal matrix Pn,q(x) can be factorized by the summation matrices and by the q-unit matrices as

Pn,q(x) =




(︀In,k,q(x)Gn,k(x))︀ Gn,2,q* (x), (29)

where the product is taken in decreasing order of k.

Proof. Use the same technique as in Brawer & Pirovino [2], but use the q-unit matrices and the q-Vandermonde theorem.

Lemma 3.3. [7]

In,n−1,q(x)Pn,n−1,q(x) = Pn,n−1,q* (x), n ≥ 1. (30)


Proof. Use the q-Pascal triangle in the end.

Lemma 3.4. A q-analogue of [13, p.173].

Wn(x, y)Pn,n−1,q* (x

y) = Φn,q(x, y), n ≥ 1. (31)

Proof. For n = 1, Pn,n−1,q* (x) = Inand Wn(x, y) = Φn,q(x, y). Let n > 1. The matrix element (Wn(x, y)Pn,n−1,q* (x

y)(i, j) =




xi−jyi+j (︃

k− 1 j− 1 )︃


qk−j= xi−jyi+j (︃

i j )︃


= Φn,q(x, y)(i, j), j ≥ 1. (32)

For j = 0, Wn(x, y)Pn,n−1,q* (xy; i, 0) = (xy)i= Φn,q(x; i, 0).

Theorem 3.5. A q-analogue of [13, p.174]. If n≥ 3, the extended q-Pascal matrix Φn,q(x, y) can be factorized by the W matrix, the summation matrices and by the q-unit matrices as

Φn,q(x, y) = Wn(x, y)

∏︁3 k=n−1


In,k,q(x y)Gn,k(x

y) )︂

Gn,2,q* (x

y), (33)

where the product is taken in decreasing order of k.

Proof. Use (31). At each step the q-unit matrix maps Pn,k,q* (xy) to Pn,k,q(xy) by (30) and to Gn,k(xy) by (29).

Example1. The case n = 4:

1 0 0 0

xy y2 0 0

x2y2 {2}qxy3 y4 0 x3y3 {3}qx2y4 {3}qxy5 y6


1 0 0 0

xy y2 0 0

x2y2 xy3 y4 0 x3y3 x2y4 xy5 y6

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 xy(q − 1) 1 0

0 0 xy(q2− 1) 1

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 xy 1 0

0 (xy)2 xy 1

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 0 xyq 1



Theorem 3.6. A q-analogue of [13, p.174]. The inverse of the extended q-Pascal matrix is given by Φn,q(x, y)−1= Fn,2,q*(︂ x

y )︂ n





(︂ x y )︂


(︂ x y


Un(x, y). (35)

Proof. Use formulas (27), (28) and (29).

4 Higher q-Pascal matrices

In this section we treat matrices of a slightly different form.

Definition 8. A q-analogue of the matrix Qnin [12, p.55]. The matrix Rn,q(x) is defined by Rn,q(x; i, j)

(︃i j )︃


xi+j, i, j = 0, . . . , n − 1. (36)

A q-analogue of the matrix Ψn[x, y] in [13, p.175]. The generalized symmetric q-Pascal matrix Ψn,q(x, y) is defined by

Ψn,q(x, y; i, j) (︃

i+ j j



xi−jyi+j, i, j = 0, . . . , n − 1. (37)


Theorem 4.1. A q-analogue of [13, p.175]. In the following two formulas we use the q-matrix multiplication with f(m, i, j) = m2.

Ψn,q(x, y) = Rn,q(xy)Φn,q(y,1

x)T, (38)

Ψn,q(x, y) = Φn,q(x, y)Pn,q(y

x)T. (39)

Proof. By the first q-Vandermonde theorem,


x)T(i, j) =





i k



(xy)i+kyj−kx−j−k (︃

j k



qk2 = (︃

i+ j j



xi−jyi+j. (40)

Φn,q(x, y)Pn,q(y

x)T(i, j) =





i k



xi−jyi+j (︃

j k )︃


qk2 = (︃

i+ j j



xi−jyi+j. (41)

We have found two different matrix products for the same function.

Example2. The case n = 4:

1 yx

y2 x2

y3 x3

xy {2}qy2 {3}qy3

x {4}qy4 x2

x2y2 {3}qxy3 (︀4



qy4 (︀5



q y5


x3y3 {4}qx2y4 (︀5



qxy5 (︀6





1 0 0 0

xy x2y2 0 0

x2y2 {2}qx3y3 x4y4 0 x3y3 {3}qx4y4 {3}qx5y5 x6y6

1 yx

y2 x2

y3 x3

0 x12 {2}q y

x3 {3}qy2 x4

0 0 x14 {3}q y x5

0 0 0 x16


1 0 0 0

xy y2 0 0

x2y2 {2}qxy3 y4 0 x3y3 {3}qx2y4 {3}qxy5 y6

1 yx yx22

y3 x3

0 1 {2}qy

x {3}qy2 x2

0 0 1 {3}qyx

0 0 1

. (42)

We note that we needed a q-matrix multiplication for the two last formulas and thus no inverse was available.


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[2] R. Brawer and M. Pirovino, The linear algebra of the Pascal matrix, Linear Algebra Appl. 174 (1992), 13–23.

[3] T. Ernst, q-Leibniz functional matrices with applications to q-Pascal and q-Stirling matrices, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math., Kyungshang 22 (2012), 537-555.

[4] T. Ernst, q-Pascal and q-Wronskian matrices with implications to q-Appell polynomials, J. Discrete Math., (2013), Article ID 450481, 10 p.

[5] T. Ernst, A comprehensive treatment of q-calculus, Birkhäuser 2012.

[6] T. Ernst, An umbral approach to find q-analogues of matrix formulas, Linear Algebra Appl. 439 (2013), 1167–1182.

[7] T. Ernst, Faktorisierungen von q-Pascalmatrizen (Factorizations of q-Pascal matrices), Algebras Groups Geom. 31 (2014), no. 4, 387-405

[8] H. Exton, q-Hypergeometric functions and applications, Ellis Horwood 1983.

[9] F.H. Jackson, A basic-sine and cosine with symbolical solution of certain differential equations, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.

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[10] P. Nalli, On a calculation procedure similar to integration, (Sopra un procedimento di calcolo analogo all integrazione) (Italian), Palermo Rend 47 (1923), 337–374.


[11] M. Ward, A calculus of sequences, Amer. J. Math. 58 (1936), 255–266.

[12] Z. Zhang, The linear algebra of the generalized Pascal matrix, Linear Algebra Appl. 250 (1997), 51–60.

[13] Z. Zhang and M. Liu, An extension of the generalized Pascal matrix and its algebraic properties, Linear Algebra Appl. 271 (1998), 169–177.


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