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Full utilization of modern ICT-tools for Data Driven Predictive Maintenance of DH networks


Academic year: 2021

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District Heating (DH) is an enabler to safe, secure and affordable energy supply, reduce CO2 emissions and increase renewables. Use of boilers fueled by gas, oil, coal, waste – all causing air pollution – can be eliminated.

New Smart Asset Management (SAM), based on data driven predictive maintenance methods, developed for District Heating can be spread to the utilities of drinking water and sewage pipes, gas, and railways and to power distribution and bridges.

About the project


Baltic Smart Asset Management


Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014–2020 (Project total budget EUR 1 302 500)

Duration time

1 June 2019–31 May 2022


Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden

Leader Partner

Linnaeus University, Sweden

The purpose of the project is to develop methods, transnational collaboration processes and knowledge for SAM.

The objectives are to:

• Identify barriers and success factors for the development and implementation of SAM, the digitalization of DH Distribution Networks.

• Develop nationally adapted methods for condition monitoring of the DH networks and learning.

• Full utilization of modern ICT-tools for Data Driven Predictive Maintenance of DH networks.


European Regional Development Fund

Poster BSAM_2.indd 1

Poster BSAM_2.indd 1 2020-01-29 08:242020-01-29 08:24


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