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Carter manganese property, Gunnison County, Colorado


Academic year: 2022

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C-ev<_ti"v711 0r"' J' a.,..1>4

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Gunnison County, Colorado rrovember 8, 1916

In the Spring Creek Mining District, Gunnison County, Colorado, about twelve miles up the Spring Creek road from Almont, the~ tb~ee~

quarters or one mile east ?-nd s~utlleast up"a ~teep gulCP:. "lmon\'ls on the Crested Butte bra nc h of th e "lenver 6J lho Granele :R'~llroad, tweLve miles north of Gunnison.

Four claims 600 by 1000 ft., called the Iron Cap and Iron Cap Ilo s". 1, 2 ana" 3. (See p Le.t . ) ~ _.

Assessment vrcrk has been done for 1916 on the Iron Cap c Lai; ,

location work on the other three. Owned by Carroll ~. Carter, Ohio City, Colorado.

The clair;; are located at an elevation of 500 ft. ab ove SL,ring Creek and about one-quarter mile to the east on ahill ' Sloping gGntly to the north for Sorre distance, then ste epl.y into a gu Ic r: leading into

Surinc Creek. Thjs gulCl1 extends around. the eastern ci de of tile E;roup,' the s101")6 of tfJe hill being steep on that side also. ~o the nes:, tb e surface is slir::;htly rolltns until the edce of Spring Cree}: Canen is

reached, then the slope down to Spring Creek is qui te j.r ecLp i tou s . To the south the r-r o-ind c ont iuues to rise for a few hund r e d feet, then

slopes off gradually for five or six miles to the junction of Taylor River and Spring Creek.

T'le are deposit is entirely in limestone. Below the Ifmestone, in the shanp gulch to the west, quartzite is exposed, and underlying th e quartZite is gneiss.

At a point about 300 ft. south of the north endline of the I1l10n Cap claim a t~~nel has been driven 3. 100 E. 45 ft., then S. 550 :. the

same distance. Two hundred and ftfty feet southwest of tile tunnel

portal a 40-ft. verttcal shaft has been sunk, anc from the boicom of the shaft a crosscut to the northeast for 20 ft. Thece are the only work- ings on the prorerty except a few old pits that do not penetrate the wa sl: .

The tunnol is tightly Lagg e d throughout n.oat of its extent

so tnat the waLls could not be seen except in a few ]llaceb. It appeared, however, as thO'lgh tile tunnel had been driven in limestone s, owina

lUtle, if any. manganese .mineralization as far as the tUY{l. 'B'roi~there on the rig]lt wall was chief'Ly Li: e st on s with bunches of Y'UYlO'8.Yleseoxide and t~1e l~eft wal L, 7/11ere vieibj e , bad. bLac": and b r cwn t:~anga~ese ox td e ' with cunc n e s and crystals of calcite and sll:all bunches of lime sc at tcr ed through it. TIle breast of the tunnel is mixed red oxi de of iron wad and hard black are wrt h bunches of calcite and st r eaks and ~odule~ of

lime. Above the ore is red and yellow clay.

" . Cart er stat es that befor e t he last t en feet oft he tunnel was Qr1ven, the vJhole face vias in lY;ateri.al sir:,ilar to that on the le::'t sid.e of the tunnel. ';'he grade of this better looking ore is sbown by san;",le 544.


Carter l.~anganese "r op er-ty -2-

At the breast of the crosscut from the bottom of the shaft a shallow hole has been sunk, just cutting tbe top ~f th e min,e~a~i~ed

zone. TbIs point, according to survey bY,Car~er, ;-s l~, f't . mgfo'er tban ':;he too of the are in the 'tunn eL, indlcatlng tnat tne are L'ie s in a nearly" flat body, wit<n a Slie:fJt dip to the north, , On the surface, following around the bi~l to the-Oeast ana scu th ea st manr-une s e fleat could be found for 11 d Lst ano e cr two or three hlmclred feet, Carter states thi s float can be traced farther to the soutb on the same level. At the time the pro pert; was visited this part of the surface Vl8.:S covered with snow, .J.bove tile shaft, about 75 ft. soutbwesterly from it, some float of n'angsnese ore has been opened in an old open cu. ah owing t he r e nu st be a sec ond zone of rri n er a.Li zation.

The are was sampled in such places as it was exposed in

order to determine the raa.ngan e s s content of the hard and soft me.t er ta'l e . From inspection the hard are ap"ears to be the better and sarip I.s 54~tol""- is farily representative of the best grade obtainable, Sampe 543.is not quite as good as l:igbt be obtained with careful hand sorting, To raise the grade any conSiderable amount above these assays would re- quire some Lechanical process of concentration,


The most exnenSive iter;} ir operatinG would be transportatien.

A road fr 0n t h e 3 ."rj ng ere e~; r o ad u}) th e nar r O\~.''gulc 11tilT GUSh wll"lc h th e trail now leads wouLd be entirely too ste ep for are haulage. Any

other route would necessitate several miles of road bUildi~;. rhe most feasible plan of hancHing the are is by means of a short road to the edge of the cliffs above Spring Creel:, the n a jig-back tram to bins along ~side the Spring Creek road oyer which the Doctor are

i~,,}10W,being hauled. Pr oiu the :po~nt where this trar:1Way would connect

W1,n tne road a haul of 11 or 12 miI es to "'.llliont via' Ld hav e to be r-ad e , Ore is hauled the year round fro~ tbe Doctor lliine 6 miles farther un

("< 1"'\ ..I- '1 s: f ~ , ~

~:prlng, lJree}:, (.,0 .L\ morrt o r .;5.00 ~)er ton. This haul being shorter than tne QDoctork~a:l1 c oU~d liTob,:,bly ~e mnde for.j!,A,OO per ton, but

not lesu than Lnac, for 1t requ1res ,wo days to uic,ke a round trin, Freight rate fro):] J.lmont to :;;'ueblo on are of ..at over "20 CO 'lert;n

value in carload lots is ::3,25 per ton. " . !

. . The claims are well wooded, enou~h timber for cons"derable

;01n11.1gopel'atio:::s being obtainable on or ll~ar tbe group. The claims

are 1n the Gunn1son For est Reserve .

ELon::;h water flows down t.he f:ulcb east c.nd llortb of the

proper~y for dODestic :'ur}Joses. ',bere is a larO'e flo':1 in S"Jrino' Creel:, nore+ '1 .tnan ..penough for ndllinc:'0.t olJeI'o.tiollC. '-' • ''rn'l'-. Q ~s+real" 1-"1'~,'t1 0 be

\oJ \.. .', {j also

~cl 1zed ;-or po\~er, a pipe line one ti"Clcsallll feet lone- \'Io~ld !:-:ive

nead of aDout Ibo ft, CJ ~ a

The elevation is between 9500 qnd 10 000 f' '0' e l' t'

conditione. r t' ~ , '·."n CHua 1C

~ . " a e ra ller severe for t'lis altitUde +'1e b" ~ ", n'eav,/'

yearly snOW-fall, ' ,cJ re el11 ~ ,

l' 1 ~ome of the hard brovm-black are containine- snall >lieces of

_lme, C8. clte crystals and 8"'10../..6 'F-' h ../....1 _ 0" 1:

screen Ydth "1'-in Openin0'e. ~'';:"" o~ ,ema~l,e, vla~ crushed to pass a

~'Llccess l' " 't t: c,~, IlllS mater1al WiH':: JiO'.e-ed but wit;] no

o nCGncenra~J.ontbeh'O"O'~d ", . uu.'.,'.

while tll'c'l"- 0 t'· " , 1In, ora e Later1al beln,' 1n tne flnes

<.. loa, n ,uS screen \vben vraSl1ed free f r. th fO·,) ,

to contain mUCh YHore'lini~ t;]an in the ' 0 rOL e .;nes, aI'I),eared also e;"~eared oUite dirt"~. ?r~Qe st'ate. ,he llUtCLl nrocluct as fol"'lowso_ - -,-."' - ,j. '..lne quantJ.tles of tlie products L:lad.~ v;ere

CrUde or e On 10 i"esh

Hlltcl], throu0'h 10 mesh

31udge '

Kechanically lost

61 24 21 13 3






Carter Eanganese :'ropert;y- -3-

The "ludO'e was the nateri21 obtained by s't ir rtng up the hutch Ilroduct and ;our'ing 0ff 'he liqUid.. ,!'hi s was allowed. to set tle five or six hour s before decanting and drying. SludE;e assay: /(1.33,2.

C c;lfC:'USICli:-

It is quite jrc bab l e that one str at um e: the linestene,

7 or 8 ft. thic,e is mineralized over a considerable area. '"his niner-

a'l tz at to n , judsin: from the tunnel, js nc t COl.1t tnuou a , l?,Tge- ho r e e s occurring in the ore zone. The ore itself consists of nard and soft uluterj_8.1, the :=orlLer o..:.,Pec.rinr:; to be the bisher [;1'2,0.e. Phis,110wever,

is not born cut by the a s eaya, the blacl: wad, be i.ng the hishe;:;t, the hu.rd blac:: ere next in srade and tile har d brown-black ore containing calcite, lime and hematite quite lew in grade. ':'he hard ore c ou'l d be readily serted from the soft, but nc product obt am ed by hand-sorting the ore wo uLd be high enough gralic to nine and nar lret at a profit.

Some of the hishest grade hard ore mtg ht be concentrated to a conner- cial Srade. The relatively small percentage of this naterial in the are and the probable less in concentration due to slir-ing makes the Y/orking of th e Eline fo:rtld s class of mat 81'i al a~)rear economically hopeless. The wash tnr- of the soft naterial and settlinco the slines as a concentrate is attende1 \lith the difficulties of soitiu0 the black wad fran, the ["assJas tilis material wcu Ld cruble u~ fine and mix

\vith the soft, l01i:-grade rcat er ia'l, red and bro·pn in color, wh icl: "is sC.ltterel tnrou[;~; the GTe and. tile red and ye l l ow cla;y-liJ~e material on to. of ~he ore .

. Hand so:rtin2: tbc ore, then, appears to b e t118 ()nl~/·WU""J in

wh tc h the STade of th e ore can be ra iaed , but thi.S0'l~C-i,de is not ...o o d enou,;;l], due to.:.igl1 tTunS~)o:rtati.on cbarees, to SbilJ~..Jat a profit.o If more favoraoly located ~he rrOl)ert;,c i'IG1,-ldbe of eCOnOYLjcinmortance

for it i~ quite likel;;" tnat a consider8.ble ton11a2e ef are &'&sayillij . 25 to 25',') nenganese CO-lId be r~}ined and sOTted..

S.iI,II'L::;S nii dth

roo540 33In. Breast :;)escripttunnel, rishtion side, mixed --29.03(~ Mn '{;Fe c"",)+ "JIveo]

soft red c;,nd black or e

541 33 TIL' east tunnel, ri.got Side, soft 38.00 black ore below 540

542 2P~ Breas:: tunnel, r i ';flt side, bard 21.12 br OVil1-black ore, bel 01,'1 541

542: 55 13reast tunnel, left Side, hard

13.37 9.83/0.163 n.o

brown-black are

544 :runnel, left side 12 ft. fro 1:, breast 34.20 3 .3J/0.009 4.0 345 48 Bottor~ crosscut from shaft boTter:"

mixed harcl bIne': are 2nd. SOl.,6 lin,e 7,75 --- ---


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DENVER, COLO .. Nov. 11th, 1916'\.91

I hereby certify that the samples assa,y"edfor George E. Colling, gave the following results:

No. Insoluble Iron Manganese Phosphorous

540 29.03

541 38.00

542 21.12

543 11.0 9.83 13.37 0.163

544 4.0 3.31 34.20 0.009

545 7.75


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