Model-driven Alignment: Linking Business Strategy with Information Systems
The role of network marketing in international logistic companies' business development: an analysis of manager's perceptions
Coopetition for Mobile Service Provisioning: Is it about infrastructures, services or both?
Regulating a Controversy: Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971
Integrating sustainability in the core business: From global goals to local application
Kreditbedömning: vilka faktorer banker använder vid en kreditbedömning
A Framework for RFID Compatibility in a Fashion Retail Supply Chain: A Case Study in a Swedish Fashion Retailer
When is it favourable to outsource innovation
Наилучшие экологические практики в горной промышленности Баренцева региона : Международная конференция 23-25 апреля 2013 года
Vöxtur, velferð og gildi : Áætlun fyrir formennsku Dana í Norrænu ráðherranefndinni 2015
Vækst, velfærd og værdier : Program for Danmarks formandsskab for Nordisk Ministerråd 2015
Visio 2030:n pohjoismaiset indikaattorit
Utdanning, arbeid og integrering i Norden : – Kartlegging av godkjenningsordninger for utenlandske utdanninger, yrkeskvalifikasjoner og kompletterende utdanninger. Delrapport 2
Utdanning, arbeid og integrering i Norden : – Kartlegging av godkjenningsordninger for utenlandske utdanninger, yrkeskvalifikasjoner og kompletterende utdanninger. Delrapport 1
The Norwegian Presidency 2017
The Nordic Region leading in green growth : Status report for the Nordic Prime Ministers Summer Meeting, 27 May 2014
The Nordic Region – leading the way in Green Growth : Outcomes of the Nordic prime ministers’ green growth initiative 2011-2015
The Nordic Bioeconomy Initiative, NordBio : Final report
Store Forandringer – Store Muligheder : Analyse af policyudviklingen til fremme af de kulturelle og kreative erhverv i Norden 2007-2012
Services and Goods Exports from the Nordics : Strongholds and profiles of exporting enterprises
Scale-ups in the Nordics – Statistical Portrait 2008-2016
Nordic Version of the OECD Report “Intellectual Assets and Innovation The SME Dimension"
Measured and Managed Innovation 2010-2012 - Final report
Nordic Green to Scale for countries : Unlocking the potential of climate solutions in the Baltics, Poland and Ukraine