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4D1537 Entrepreneurship and Gender Entrepreneurship and Gender

In document Studiehandbok 2006/2007 (Page 194-197)

Poäng/KTH Credits 5

ECTS-poäng/ECTS Credits 7.5

Kursnivå/Level C

Betygsskala/Grading, KTH 3, 4, 5 ECTS-betygsskala/Grading, ECTS A-F

Valfri för/Elective for Alla program / All Progra

Språk/Language Engelska / English

Kurssida/Course Page http://www.sses.se

Kursansvarig/Coordinator Carin Holmquist (SSE), Tel.

Kursuppläggning/Time Period Föreläsningar 28 h

Examiner: Alf Rehn. www.sses.se Ges ej 2006/07.

Examiner: Alf Rehn. www.sses.se Not given 2006/07.

Ges ej VT07.

Not given 2006/07.


The objective of the course is to enable the student to understand the important role of gender structures in the context of entrepreneurship and venture creation.


This course highlights entrepreneurship from a gender perspective. A central set of structures affecting entrepreneurship for both women and men are gender structures. It is more usual that women start companies in the service sector while men start companies in industrial manufacturing and high-tech industries and societal sectors are gender segregated. In current research, women’s entrepreneurship is ‘invisible’ - masculine norms dominate entrepreneurship research and practice, and everything that deviates from these norms is usually seen as strange or uninteresting. Since 30% of all new ventures are started and owned by women there is a need for theoretical and practical approaches that analyse women’s entrepreneurship visibility and successfulness.

In this course we study entrepreneurship at different levels, the entrepreneur, the enterprise and the environment. These levels are focused from two areas which are linked to each other. The first one is “entrepreneurship as a way of life for women” where the gender perspective is used to understand how women experience their entrepreneurship and handle gender structures. The second area is “the neglected part of entrepreneurship” where the invisibility of women’s entrepreneurship is studied, for instance women’s position and role in family business.

Structure There will be 2 weekly sessions lasting 2 hours each for 7 weeks.

The written examination will take place in an additional week.

Teaching methods

A blend of teaching methods including lectures, guest lectures, case analysis and presentations, project work and group discussions will be used for the course. Prerequisites Students must have a minimum of 80 university credits.


The examination consists of two parts, a project and a written exam, each contributing 50% of the final grade.

Kurslitteratur Preliminary Literature

Ahl, H L (2004) The scientific reproduction of gender inequality. Malmo¨:



The objective of the course is to enable the student to understand the important role of gender structures in the context of entrepreneurship and venture creation.


This course highlights entrepreneurship from a gender perspective. A central set of structures affecting entrepreneurship for both women and men are gender structures. It is more usual that women start companies in the service sector while men start companies in industrial manufacturing and high-tech industries and societal sectors are gender segregated. In current research, women’s entrepreneurship is ‘invisible’

- masculine norms dominate entrepreneurship research and practice, and everything that deviates from these norms is usually seen as strange or uninteresting. Since 30% of all new ventures are started and owned by women there is a need for theoretical and practical approaches that analyse women’s entrepreneurship visibility and successfulness.

In this course we study entrepreneurship at different levels, the entrepreneur, the enterprise and the environment. These levels are focused from two areas which are linked to each other. The first one is

“entrepreneurship as a way of life for women” where the gender perspective is used to understand how women experience their entrepreneurship and handle gender structures. The second area is “the neglected part of

entrepreneurship” where the invisibility of women’s entrepreneurship is studied, for instance women’s position and role in family business.

Structure There will be 2 weekly sessions lasting 2 hours each for 7 weeks. The written examination will take place in an additional week.

Teaching methods

A blend of teaching methods including lectures, guest lectures, case analysis and presentations, project work and group discussions will be used for the course. Prerequisites Students must have a minimum of 80 university credits.

Brush et al. (2004) Clearing the hurdles: Women building high-growth businesses. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Berg, N G (1997) Gender, place and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 9 (3), pp 259-269

Holmquist, C (2001) Does culture matter for the formation of views on entrepreneurship and gender roles? Case studies of women as high-tech (IT) entrepreneurs in Boston and Stockholm. Babson conference paper 2001.

OECD report: Delmar, F & Holmquist, C (2003) Women entrepreneurship Issues and Policies. ESBRI: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor www.esbri.se/gemglobalreport


Responsible institution

The Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Stockholm School of Economics.


The examination consists of two parts, a project and a written exam, each contributing 50% of the final grade.

Required Reading Preliminary Literature

Ahl, H L (2004) The scientific reproduction of gender inequality.

Malmo¨: Liber

Brush et al. (2004) Clearing the hurdles:

Women building high-growth

businesses. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Berg, N G (1997) Gender, place and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 9 (3), pp 259-269

Holmquist, C (2001) Does culture matter for the formation of views on entrepreneurship and gender roles?

Case studies of women as high-tech (IT) entrepreneurs in Boston and Stockholm.

Babson conference paper 2001.

OECD report: Delmar, F & Holmquist, C (2003) Women entrepreneurship Issues and Policies. ESBRI: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

www.esbri.se/gemglobalreport Other

Responsible institution The Stockholm School of

Entrepreneurship, Stockholm School of Economics.

4D1600 Byggprojektledning

Construction Project Management

Poäng/KTH Credits 5

ECTS-poäng/ECTS Credits 7.5

Kursnivå/Level B

Betygsskala/Grading, KTH 3, 4, 5 ECTS-betygsskala/Grading, ECTS A-F Obligatorisk för/Compulsory for BPL(S3)

Språk/Language Svenska / Swedish

Kurssida/Course Page http://www.indek.kth.se

Kursansvarig/Coordinator Marcus Lindahl,

marcus.lindahl@indek.kth.se Tel. +46 8 790 7663

Kursuppläggning/Time Period 4 Lektioner 66 h


Kursen belyser ledningsrelaterade frågeställningar kring byggrelaterad projektverksamhet. Detta omfattar grundläggande kunskaper i hur verktyg och modeller för projektstyrning används. Kursen syftar vidare till att lyfta fram karakteristiska ledningsproblem inom denna verksamhet samt hur dessa kan hanteras.


Kursens syfte är att ge kursdeltagarna grundläggande kunskaper om

projektledning, primärt med avseende på byggnads- och anläggningsindustrin, men även i andra typer av industriell verksamhet. Målet är att kursdeltagarna efter genomgången kurs skall vara väl förberedda för att medverka i

projektarbete inom sina respektive teknikområden. Efter genomgången kurs skall deltagarna (1) vara förtrogna med grundläggande begrepp och metoder, (2) känna till de grundläggande arbetsuppgifter som en projektledare har från idé till levererat projekt, (3) ha kännedom om hur omvärldsmiljön påverkar projektarbetet samt (4) ha kännedom om centrala aktörsroller och deras betydelse för projektarbetet.


Projektbegreppet. Ägarperspektivet och kundrelationer. Organisation av projektledningsarbetet. Identifiering av ägarnas behov. Produktgenerering – produktutveckling. Produktbestämning – projektering. Projektplanering och projektstyrning. Ekonomisk utvärdering. Risk- och omvärldshantering i projekt.


Plan-, bygg- och miljörätt, Samhällsekonomi samt Hus och anläggningar.


Godkänd skriftlig tentamen (TEN1; 2p) Godkända övningsuppgifter (ÖVN1; 3p) Kurslitteratur

Meddelas vid kursstart.


To appreciate how the relationship between customers/building owners and the construction sector is best managed in order to achieve the objectives set by the customer/building owner.


To understand the purpose, critical success factors and key requirements of project management, from the procurement process to occupation.

After the course is fulfilled the student will have a basic knowledge of theories and tools within the Project

Management field and have

requirements to co-operate in practical project work.


The concept of projects. Client perspective. Organisations for Project Management. Identifying client needs.

Product and management development.

Management of design, construction and operation.

Project Planning and Control. Client relations. Risk and stakeholder management.


Planning, Building and Environment Law, Economics for the Built Environment besides Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures.


Comprehensive written examination (TEN1; 2c)

Exercises (ÖVN1; 3c) Required Reading

Will be announced at the beginning of the course.

4D1601 Industriell ekonomi för bygg

Industrial Economics and

In document Studiehandbok 2006/2007 (Page 194-197)