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Denna studie påvisade att stress som sjuksköterskor upplever på arbetsplatsen har en inverkan på omvårdnadskvaliteten på grund av olika faktorer. En förkunskap som författarparet redan hade var att stress är ett välkänt fenomen inom

sjukvården, däremot saknades kunskap om hur omvårdnadskvaliteten kunde påverkas av stressen. Trots att stress är ett välkänt fenomen tycker författarparet att det är något många klagar över men sällan kommer med lösningar till. En eventuell kunskapsutveckling hade då kunnat vara mer utbildning om just stress och stresshantering för sjuksköterskor och annan vårdpersonal för bästa möjliga patientvård. Författarna har under litteraturstudiens tid erhållit en djupare förståelse om hur omvårdnadskvaliteten kan påverkas av yttre faktorer som hjälpmedel och utrustning eller ledning. Faktorer som har en direkt koppling som arbetsbelastning och relationer på arbetsplatsen kunde också ha en påverkan. Att bristande ledarskap och chefer påverkade sjuksköterskans arbetsrelaterade stress är något som författarparet inte tycker uppmärksammas tillräckligt i samhället. Därför är det gynnsamt med bra ledarskapsutbildning inom alla vårdyrken i fall att en anställd på ett sjukhus befordras till en högre position.

En djupare förståelse inom området kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor att undvika eventuella negativa konsekvenser på omvårdnaden. Det kan även hjälpa sjuksköterskor med en djupare förståelse kring vilka symtom som är

stressrelaterade, både hos sjuksköterskor och patienter. Författarna skulle vilja lära sig ytterligare om vad de kan göra mer individuellt för att minska stressen på arbetsplatsen och förbättra arbetsmiljön, bland annat i form av copingstraterieger. Vid djupdykning i arbetet blev det även tydligt att det saknas en hel del kvalitativ forskning inom just hur stress påverkar omvårdnadskvaliteten, vilket författarparet tycker är tråkigt. Då stress är ett vanligt fenomen i många länder och

sjuksköterskans primära arbetsuppgift är omvårdnaden, krävs ytterligare forskning för att kunna identifiera relationen och stärka det arbete som utförs.

En intressant synvinkel hade även varit att kombinera och jämföra patienternas och sjuksköterskors upplevelse kring stress och omvårdnad. Det hade även varit till en fördel att intervjua enbart sjuksköterskor som direkt kopplar stress till hur omvårdnadskvaliteten påverkas, för att utveckla författarparets egna

kunskapsbehov ännu mer. Förhoppningarna är att litteraturstudien ska kunna hjälpa främst sjuksköterskor, men även chefer och annan sjukvårdspersonal, att få en djupare förståelse i hur den upplevda stressen kan påverka patientens vård och omvårdnad.


* Studier inkluderade i resultatet

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perception of occupational stress and its influencing factors. A qualitative study. Iran J Nursing Midwifery Research, 5, 352-359

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* De Almeida Vicente A, Shadvar S, Lepage S, Rennick J E (2016) Experienced pediatric nurses’ perception of work-related stressors on general medical and surgical units: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 60, 216-224

Dewe P (1987) Identifying strategies nurses use to cope with work stress. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 12(4), 489-497

Dobnik M, Matjaz M, Skela-Savic B (2018) Work-Related Stress Factors in Nurses at Slovenian Hospitals - A Cross-sectional Study. Zdr Varstvo, 57(4), 192-200

* Eslami Akbar R, Elahi N, Mohammadi E, Fallahi Khoshknab M (2017) How do the nurses cope with job stress? A study with grounded theory approach. J Caring Science, 6(3), 199–211

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* Halpin Y, Terry L, Curzio J (2017) A longitudinal, mixed methods investigation of newly qualified nurses’ workplace stressors and stress experiences during transition. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, 2577-2586

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Liu C, Wang H, Zhou L, Xie Y, Yu Y, Sha H, Zhang X (2019) Sources and symptoms of stress among nurses in the first chinese anti-eboli medical team during the Sierra Leone aid mission: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 187-191.

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Tabell 3. Sökschema Cinahl


SÖKBLOCK 1- Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter S1 Nurses experienc* (19,053) S2 Nurses perception* (8,762) S3 Nurses view* (4,651) S4 Nurses attitude* (35,267) S5 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 (56,044) SÖKBLOCK 2- Kvalitativa studier S6 (MH "Qualitative Studies+") (155,918) S7 Focus group* (56,682) S8 Qualitative research* (22,153) S9 Qualitative stud* (140,826) S10 Qualitative method* (31,623) S11 Phenomenolog* (25,374) S12 Phenomenogra* (550) S13 Hermeneutic* (4,521) S14 Grounded theor* (20,556) S15 S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 (219,043) Sökblock 1+2 S16 S5 AND S15 (15,743) SÖKBLOCK 3- Omvårdnad S17 (MH “Nursing care+”) (296,469) S18 (MH “Patient care+”) (804,590) S19 Nursing care (110,449) S20 Patient care (282,142) S21 Quality of care (152,234) S22 Nursing error* (823) S23 S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 (1,169,281) Sökblock 1+2+3 S24 S16 AND S23 (11,032) SÖKBLOCK 4-

Arbetsrelaterad stress S25 TI Work-related stress* (346) S26 TI Job-related stress* (43) S27 TI Occupational stress* (797) S28 TI Job stress* (945) S29 AB Work-related stress* (1,095) S30 AB Job-related stress* (214) S31 AB Occupational stress* (1,572) S32 AB Job stress* (2,624) S33 S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 (5,542) Sökblock 1+2+3+4 S34 S24 AND S33 94 SUMMA MED BEGRÄNSNINGAR S34 med begränsningar 69

Tabell 4. Sökschema Pubmed


Sökblock 1 Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet #1 Nurses experience * 53 996 #2 Nurses perception 21,837 #3 Nurses attitude 68,589 #4 Nurses view* 14 142 #5 #1 OR #2 Or #3 OR #4 119 102 Sökblock 2

Omvårdnad #6 “Nursing Care” [MeSH] 136,752 #7 “Patient Care” [MeSH] 1,007,307

#8 Nursing Care 768,854 #9 Patient Care 1,635,225 #10 Quality of Care 7,336,656 #11 Nursing Errors 10,695 #12 #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 8 368 781 Sökblock1+2 #13 #5 AND #12 109 433 Sökblock 3

Kvalitativa studier #14 “Qualitative Research” [MeSH] 61,530

#15 “Focus Groups” [MeSH] 31,618 #16 Qualitative Research 191,217 #17 Focus Group* 128,677 #18 Qualitative stud* 236,298 #19 Grounded Theory 14,704 #20 Phenomenogra* 550 #21 Phenomenolog* 28,443 #22 Hermeneutic* 3,987 #23 #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 397,591 Sökblock 1+2+3 #24 #13 AND #23 24,523 Sökblock 4 Arbetsrelaterad stress #25 “Occupational Stress*” [Title/Abstract] 2,769 #26 “Work-related Stress*” [Title/Abstract] 1,815 #27 “Workplace Stress*” [Title/Abstract] 567 #28 “Job-related Stress*” [Title/Abstract] 289 #29 “Job Stress*” [Title/Abstract] 2,498 #30 #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 7,077 Sökblock1+2+3+4 #31 #24 AND #30 128 SUMMA MED

BEGRÄNSNINGAR #31 med begränsningar 109

Tabell 5. Sökschema PsycINFO

SÖKBLOCK SÖKNING PsycINFO 31/3-2021 ANTAL TRÄFFAR Sökblock 1 Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet S1 Nurses Experience* 20,255 S2 Nurses Perception* 9,306 S3 Nurses Attitude* 25,643 S4 Nurses View* 5,309 S5 1 OR 2 Or 3 OR 4 110,411 Sökblock 2 Kvalitativa studier S6 Focus Group* 124,241 S7 Qualitative Research 203,756 S8 Qualitative Stud* 315,424 S9 Phenomenolog* 47,456 S10 Phenomenogra* 662 S11 Hermeneutic* 7,883 S12 Grounded Theory 24,969 S13 MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE (“Qualitative Methods”) 16,851 S14 Qualitative Methods 61,307 S15 S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 441,009 Sökblock 1+2 S16 S5 AND 15 190,376 Sökblock 3

Omvårdnad S17 MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE (“Quality of Care) 13,725

S18 Nursing Care 90,873 S19 Patient Care 231,895 S20 Quality of Care 101,376 S21 Nursing error* 2,807 S22 S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 315,639 Sökblock 1+2+3 S23 S16 AND S23 9,873 Sökblock 4 Arbetsrelaterad stress S24 Ab(work-related stress*) 2,717 S25 Ab(job-related stress*) 881 S26 Ab(occupational stress*) 5,902 S27 Ab(job stress*) 11,281 S28 Ti(job stress*) 2,012 S29 Ti(work-related stress*) 403 S30 Ti(job-related stress*) 138 S31 Ti(occupational stress*) 1,545 S32 S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 17,573 Sökblock 1+2+3+4 S33 S23 AND S32 143 SUMMA MED

BEGRÄNSNINGAR S33 med begränsningar 114


Tabell 6. Schematisk översikt

Arbetsbelastning Hjälpmedel och utrustning Samverkan inom vården Sjuksköterskornas kompetens Arbetsledningen 1. Adib-Hajbaghery M, m.fl (2012) x x x x x 2. De Almeida Vicente A, m.fl(2016) x x x x x 3. Eslami Akbar R, m.fl (2017) x x x 4. Hall L & Kiesners D (2005) x x 5. Halpin Y, m.fl (2017) x x 6. Happell B, m.fl (2013) x x x x x 7. Karadzinska- Bislimovska J, m.fl (2013) x x 8. Nukpezah N.R, m.fl (2021) x x x x 9. Turk M, m.fl (2014) x x 10. Van Bogaert P, m.fl (2017) x x x x 11. Wadensten B, m.fl (2008) x x x x 12. Wazgar D Y (2019) x x

Examensarbete i omvårdnad Malmö universitet

61-90 hp Hälsa och samhälle

Sjuksköterskeprogrammet 205 06 Malmö

Juni 2021


Author, Title,

Country, Year

Aim Study Design Method Sample Result Study quality

Adib-Hajbaghery M, Khamechian M & Masoodi Alavi N. Nurses perception of occupational stress and its influencing factors. A qualitative study Iran, 2012 “The current qualitative research aimed to understand the nurses’ experiences and perceptions of job-related stress.” Qualitative research Data collection:

The main method of data collection was the open semi-structured interviews. Interview guide included a few open-ended questions to allow the participants express their detailed experiences and perceptions. The interviews were

recorded on a MP3 recorder. Data analysis:

The analysis of the data was performed by content analysis according to Krippendorff method.

The participants were 19 nurses with at least two years of

experience and no self-reported history of mental illness.

Three categories were emerged including ‘nurses’ perception from the job stress, “professional interest”, and “prioritizing career over family life”. The first category included the following subcategories of “being in constantly alarm situation,” “lack of experience”, “dignity and social status”, “lack of proper logistics”, “shortage of nurses”, “Irregularities in the organization,” “directors of nursing performance,” “undesirable relations among colleagues,” and “the

patients conditions all have effects on the nurses’ level of professional stress.

High quality This study was approved from the Ethics Committee of Kashan University of Medical Science. During the study, the confidentiality and freedom of the participants (to participate in research or leave it) was observed. They also gave written consents for recording the interviews.

Author, Title, Country, Year

Aim Study Design Method Sample Result Study quality

Ethics De Almeida Vicente A, Shadvar S, Lepage S & Rennick J E. Experienced pediatric nurses’ perception of work-related stressors on general medical and surgical units: A qualitative study Canada, (2016) “To explore experienced pediatric nurses’ perceptions of work-related stressors in medical and surgical units.” Qualitative descriptive design with semi-structured interviews. Data collection:

Each nurse participated in one interview lasting between 30 and 45 min in a private room at the hospital with the investigator who had obtained their consent. A semi-structured interview guide was used. Nurses’ non-verbal behavior and the interviewer's thoughts and reflections on the interviews were recorded as field notes. Data analysis:

Data were analyzed using the conventional approach to content analysis described by Hsieh and Shannon. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim following each interview, and transcripts and field notes were thoroughly reviewed independently and then together by all members of the study team to collectively inform understanding of the data.

Nurses recognized as experienced by the nursing leadership team as reflected by having been ‘in charge’ of the unit, or having trained junior staff, and who had been practicing full-time for three years or more on a general medical or surgical pediatric unit were eligible to participate. Purposive sampling was used, and nurses recruited until data saturation was reached (n = 12).

Nurses described a strong sense of responsibility for providing excellent patient care and identified stressor that negatively impacted their ability to do so. Stressors are reflected in three themes: (1) “The kids are getting sicker and sicker”: Difficulty ensuring excellent patient care to an increasingly vulnerable population, (2) Feeling powerless to provide quality care, and (3) Being a “Jack-of-all-trades”: Struggling with competing demands.

High quality

Ethical approval was obtained from the hospital Research Ethics Board. Prior to their interview, participants were informed that they could withdraw from the study at any time and end the interview at any time. They were also provided with sources of support available to them within the institution should they experience distress or have concerns they wished to address.

Author, Title, Country, Year

Aim Study Design Method Sample Result Study quality

Ethics Eslami Akbar R, Elahi N, Mohammadi E & Fallahi Khoshknab M

How do the nurses cope with job stress? A study with grounded theory approach. Iran, (2017)

”The present study was carried out with the aim of exploring the experiences of the nurses in order to reveal the original coping process of the nurses in the case of encountering occupational stress.” Grounded theory Data collection:

Was done with unstructured interviews and field notes were taken until data saturation. Data analysis:

Performed using the Strauss and Corbin 1998 constant comparative method. The interview and the notes were reviewed several times. Categorization of coding was carried out and though continuous comparison basic conceptions behind the data emerged.

The participants were 15 clinical nurses, 3 head nurses and one supervisor and they were chosen with a purposive sampling method with maximum variability. (data used only from clinical nurses)

The process of nurses coping with job stress included four main axis which were: Feeling stress in nursing work, situational coping, effect of personal and

environmental factors in coping with job stress and grey outcome of coping.

The nurses process of coping with job stress was “comprehensive effort to calm stress condition”.

Middle quality

This study was ethically approved but not much else was discussed related to the ethics throughout the study. They adopted a critical position in the whole process of research by having the interviews given and coded by expert instructors to enhance reliability. They also attempted to add to the dependency by combining the data collection methods and conducting interviews with nurse managers. They also sought to validate the study. There were no discussion related to the researchers prejudice.

Author, Title, Country, Year

Aim Study

Design Method Sample Result Study quality Ethics

Hall L M & Kiesners D. A narrative approach to understanding the nursing work enviorment in Canada Netherlands (2005)

“The intent was to provide an opportunity for nurses to speak out about work life issues; to obtain their

understanding of designated working life issues; to discover other areas of developing concern; and to listen to their recommendations for needed change—to acquire, in effect, a snapshot of a health care system in transformation from the perspective of the nurse.” Qualitative research using narrative interviews. Data collection:

Interviews were conducted with a sample of eight nurses from the study hospitals who had indicated willingness to discuss the work

environment of nurses with an interviewer.

Data analysis:

All of the interviews were transcribed verbatim, and the transcriptions checked to ensure accuracy. The data analysis was guided by a methodology for identifying and interpreting narratives.

The subjects were employed in either Medical or Surgical units in their respective institutions and

presented a wide range of nursing experience from 9 months to 40 years. Seven of the nurses interviewed were employed full-time, although most had worked part-time at one point or another in their careers. One currently worked part-time, a situation that suited her lifestyle. Six were Registered Nurses while one subject was a Registered Practical Nurse.

Issues which surfaced repeatedly in the interviews related to changing needs of hospitalized patients in today's health care system and the

associated workload, the widespread shortage of nurses, and the

imbalance this creates for nursing work.

High quality The study received approval from the university ethics review board as well as the ethics boards of all eight of the hospitals involved in the study.

Author, Title,

Country, Year Aim Study Design Method Sample Result Study quality Ethics

Halpin Y, Terry L M & Curzio J. A longitudinal, mixed methods investigation of newly qualified nurses’ workplace stressors and stress experiences during transition United Kingdom (2017) “To investigate transition in newly qualified nurses through an exploration of their stressors and stress experiences during their first 12 months post-qualifying. ” Longitudinal, explanatory sequential mixed methods, cohort study. Data collection: A questionnaire was

presented in the quantitative part of this study. The Qualitative part consisted of semi-structured, one-to-one interviews with the lead author and were transcribed verbatim.

Data analysis:

The resulting qualitative data were analyzed using the 6 stage ‘thematic analysis’ process.

(Quanititative data was not used in this study)

All adult field nursing students from 1 university in England were invited via their virtual learning environment to participate. Phase 4 was the qualitative interview phase in which a convenience sample of n = 14 Phase 3 responders participated. Recruitment to Phase 4 ceased at n = 14 participants as data saturation was achieved. (Participants in the qualitative phase were all newly qualified nurses)

3 themes were identified: ‘feeling responsible and terrified’, ‘it’s not the job, it’s the people you work with’ and

‘managing the work/workload’. The themes were then presented and

explained in which way they lead to the

participants stressors.

Middle quality

University ethics approval for the research was granted in January 2010. All participants were provided with a separate information sheet and consent form for the quantitative and qualitative phases and assured of anonymity. Participants were debriefed after their interview by the

interviewer to ensure their well-being.

Author, Title, Country, Year

Aim Study Design Method Sample Result Study quality

Ethics Happell B, Dwyer T, Reid-Searl K, Burke K.J, Caperchione C.M & Gaskin C.J. Nurses and stress: recognizing causes and seeking solutions Australia, (2013)

“To identify, from the perspectives of nurses, occupational stressors and ways in which they may be reduced.”

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