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Genom föreliggande litteraturstudie har författarnas kunskap i palliativ vård i största allmänhet, och den existentiella dimensionen i synnerhet, fördjupats. Innan litteraturstudien gjordes, hade författarna en bild av att sjuksköterskor inom palliativ vård ofta samtalade om död och döende och att detta gav många svåra känslor. Utförandet av litteraturstudien har dock nyanserat denna bild, då många sjuksköterskors erfarenheter visade att deras liv blev mer meningsfulla och genuina. En större förståelse för att en sjuksköterska inte alltid kan lindra och bota, utan att närvaro, aktivt lyssnande och empati kan vara nog för att stödja patienter med existentiella frågor, har inhämtats. En större förståelse för den holistiska omvårdnaden har givits, där de fyra dimensionerna, fysiska, mentala, sociala och existentiella inte bara adderas, utan även interagerar.

Författarna kände en osäkerhet för att möta patienter i livets slutskede och de samtal som skulle kunna uppkomma. Med kunskapen från litteraturstudien har osäkerheten minskat och det var betryggande att inse att palliativa patienter kunde finna frid och lugn trots att det inte fanns något hopp om överlevnad. Trots att osäkerheten minskat, finns ytterligare kunskapsbehov. Författarna upplever att den teoretiska kunskapen kring hanterandet av existentiella frågor i palliativ vård har ökat, men att det finns ett behov för författarna att implementera den i

praktiken, i möten och samtal med patienter.

Föreliggande litteraturstudie sammanställer en del av den befintliga forskningen på sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av existentiella frågor inom palliativ vård.

Resultatet tyder på att det finns en brist i sjuksköterskors utbildning i palliativ vård avseende hela människan. Dessutom tycks sjuksköterskor sakna tid för reflektion och debriefing. Ytterligare undersökande av den existentiella dimensionen och dess påverkan på sjuksköterskan skulle kunna bidra till förbättringar i sjuksköterskeutbildningen avseende den holistiska omvårdnaden vid palliativ vård. Vidare skulle studerande av existentiella frågor hos patienter kunna bidra till större förståelse för patienters upplevelser, och därigenom en mer personcentrerad och holistisk omvårdnad.



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*Hemberg J, Bergdahl E, (2020) Dealing with ethical and existential issues at end of life through co-creation. Nursing Ethics, 27, 1012–1031.

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*Karlsson M, Kasén A, Wärnå-Furu C, (2017) Reflecting on one’s own death:

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*Keall R, Clayton J M, Butow P, (2014) How do Australian palliative care nurses address existential and spiritual concerns? Facilitators, barriers and strategies.

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23, 3197–3205.

Kjellström S (2017) Forskningsetik. I: Henricson, M (Red) Vetenskaplig teori och metod (Andra upplagan). Lund, Studentlitteratur.

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Socialstyrelsen, (2018) Palliativ vård – förtydligande och konkretisering av begrepp.

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SYFTE: att sammanställa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av existentiella frågor inom palliativ vård



1. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) Nurses+ (S1) 234 967

SÖKORD (fritext) nurs* (S2) 934 992

RESULTAT block 1 (S1 OR S2 = S3) 939 210


2. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) Palliative care (S4) 38 922

SÖKORD (Mh) Terminal care+ (S5)

68 905

SÖKORD (Mh) Hospice and palliative nursing (S6)


SÖKORD (fritext) palliative care (S7)

47 945

SÖKORD (fritext) terminal care (S8) 25 438

SÖKORD (fritext) end of life care (S9) 48 159

RESULTAT block 2 (S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 = S10) 80 980


3. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (fritext) existential* (S11) 208

RESULTAT block 3 (S11) 208



SYFTE: att sammanställa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av existentiella frågor inom palliativ vård



1. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) nurses (S1) 34 444

SÖKORD (fritext) nurs* (S2) 187 315

RESULTAT block 1 (S1 OR S2 = S3) 187 315


2. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) Hospice+ (S4) 3463

SÖKORD (Mh) Palliative care (S5)

15 278

SÖKORD (fritext) palliative care (S6)

21 236

SÖKORD (fritext) terminal care (S7)


SÖKORD (fritext) end of life care (S8) 13 988

RESULTAT block 2 (S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 = S9) 29 729


3. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) existential* (S10) 15 046

RESULTAT block 3 (S10) 15 046

5. Sökningar Antal träffar

Relevanta titlar

Lästa abstract

Lästa studier i fulltext

Valda studier till kvalitets- granskning

Valda studier till resultatet


1 AND 2 9023

(1 AND 2) AND 3


(1 AND 2 AND 3) + peer review

193 24 24 2 1 1




SYFTE: att sammanställa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av existentiella frågor inom palliativ vård



1. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) Nurses (S1) 93 629

SÖKORD (fritext) nurs* (S2) 1 039 339

RESULTAT block 1 (S1 OR S2 = S3) 1 039 339


2. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (Mh) Palliative care (S4) 58 622

SÖKORD (Mh) Terminal care (S5)

54 315

SÖKORD (Mh) Hospice care (S6)

7 192

SÖKORD (Mh) Hospice and palliative care nursing (S7)


SÖKORD (fritext) palliative care (S8) 89 779

SÖKORD (fritext) terminal care (S9) 64 598

SÖKORD (fritext) end of life care (S10) 94 037

RESULTAT block 2 (S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 = S11) 155 752


3. Sök med

OR mellan varje ord

SÖKORD (fritext) existential* (S12) 5961

RESULTAT block 3 (S12) 5961

5. Sökningar Antal träffar

Relevanta titlar

Lästa abstract

Lästa studier i fulltext

Valda studier till kvalitets- granskning

Valda studier till resultatet


1 AND 2 1578

(1 AND 2) AND 3

376 90 90 9 4 2




Author, year, country

Aim Participants Method Result Quality

Browall M, situations when caring for patients in end-of-life cancer care.”

n=83 Nurses

Part of a larger study with 102 participants. In this part of the big study, 83 nurses chose to participate.

All participants were female, and the ages were between 24 and 64, with a mean age of 45.6 and a median of 48.

Critical Incident Technique.

Examples of critical incidents written by nurses were analysed using qualitative content analysis: meaning units were identified, condensed, and labelled with a code. Inductive design.

The data analysis resulted in two main themes: Encounters with existential pain experiences and Encountering experiences of hope.

High with ethical and existential issues through co-creation at the end of life in palliative home care.”

n=12 Nurses

Eleven female and one male nurse.

The age of the participants were between 23 and 64 years.

The study was conducted using hermeneutical approach. Written interviews were analysed using thematic analysis method.

One main theme: “Deep co-creative relationships are needed to manage ethical and existential issues at the end of life”. Four sub themes were identified.

“To describe the meanings of generalist registered nurses’ experiences of caring for palliative care patients on general wards in hospitals.”

n=8 Nurses

All participants were female. Age of the participants was not stated in the study

Interviews with an open ended question and a narrative approach.

Interviews were transcribed verbatim, analysed and divided into meaning units and themes.

Analysis resulted in seven themes such as “Being grateful to be able to share in the end of another’s life”,

“Being touched by physical and existential meaning”, “To exist in time and place” and four more.



Author, year, country

Aim Participants Method Result Quality

Karlsson M, Kasén A, Wärnå-Furu C 2015


“To describe and gain a deeper understanding of nurses’ existential questions when caring for dying patients.”

Data were analysed using hermeneutic approach. It was read through, coded and interpreted in three levels.

The result of the analysis were divided into seven themes of which three were interpreted on an existential level: “Balancing between responsibility and guilt in relation to patients”, “Balancing between fear and courage in relation to being professional caregivers and human beings” and “Balancing between hope and despair…”

“To explore (from a variety of settings) Australian palliative care nurses’ perceptions of the

facilitators, barriers and strategies to provision of spiritual/ existential care to their patients.”


Nurses. 19 were female and one male.

The ages of the

The analysis resulted in themes such as “Nurse-patient relationship”, “Communication skills”, “Examples of questions palliative care nurses use to facilitate conversation” and also barriers and strategies.


“To describe the nurses’ reflections on existential issues in their communication with patients close to death.” were between 24 and 64 years old.

Five group reflection sessions á 90 min. These were recorded, transcribed and analysed using qualitative content analysis.

Data analysis resulted in three domains: the content, the process and the meaning of existential




Author, year, country

Aim Participants Method Result Quality

Tornøe K A,

“To describe the meaning of hospice nurses’ lived experience with alleviating dying patients’ spiritual and existential suffering.”

n=8 Nurses

First eight to show interest were included as participants. These were in the ages of 41 to 61 years. Genders of the participants are unknown.

Method used was qualitative phenomenological hermeneutical. Participants were interviewed individually with one open ended question. Data were interpreted in three steps: naïve reading, structural analysis and critical comprehension.

The analysis resulted in two themes: “Consolation” and and existential care for dying patients in a general hospital.”

n=6 Nurses

First six to register for the study were selected. They were between the ages of 37 and 61 years old. No declaration of number of female and male participants.

Group interviews with open ended questions.

These were audio recorded, transcribed, and later analysed using phenomenological hermeneutical method: data was divided into meaning units, then themes and subthemes.

The analysis resulted in three themes: “The elusive entanglement of suffering”,

“spiritual and existential care”

and “conveying consolation”.

Medium high


Author, year, country

Aim Participants Method Result Quality


“To better understand how palliative care nurses handle death proximity;

describe their subjective spiritual-existential experience; and explore the potential links between death

confrontation and spiritual-existential experience in nurses.”

n=11 Nurses

Ten nurses were female and one male.

The age span was from 39 to 55 years, with a mean age of 46,20.

Semi-structured interviews. Data analysed using an interpretative phenomenological method.

The result of the analysis was divided into sections: “Descriptive results:

Essential themes”, “Spiritual-existential experience” and “Caring attitudes”.


“To explore the existential process of becoming for nurses working closely with end-of-life and suffering patients.

The research questions are: How does working close to death affect nurses existentially? How do nurses experience opportunities for dealing with existential processes?”

Qualitative and explorative her- meneutic design based on four focus-group inter- views with experienced nurses (n22). Our aim was to develop insight into the nurses’ “existential life- changing experiences” through group discussions.

The focus-group interview provided access to nurses’ existential life-changing experiences. Through the interpretation process, four themes emerged: powerless witness to suffering, creating bonds of love, awakening existential questions, and seeking refuge and appreciation.


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